This is a work of fan fiction and not intended for sale, only thing that's mine are my OCs.

Summary: Is it possible for the Autobots to win the war? Starting from Mission City, this story is like a day-in-the-life, what happens, politics, relationships, friendships, and some romance all with the hope that maybe Cybertron and the AllSpark can be restored. No Slash. (This is not intended to be a fast-paced/action story.)

A/N: This is my first fiction and written for fun and enjoyment. If you must offer criticism do so to help improve the craft of writing or the story. Questions courteously asked will be answered, be patient as I cannot answer right away due to time commitments. Posting will be sporadic, but I will finish this.

The 'Verse: This is a mashup of G1/Prime through Bay Movies. Ex: Bay's bots expose critical connections, doesn't make survival sense so more G1 with a dash of Bay. Faces: are G1/Prime-like, not layered plates of metal. Bee is a G1 sized mini-bot, Jazz is not. Last A/N: this chapter contains info you probably already know but given the variety of different Transformers histories, I thought it would be necessary for the reader to have a historical framework within this story. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this.

An End in Sight

Chapter One –So, What Happens Now?

Mission City, after frantic calls from city and state officials, was placed on top of FEMA's list for disaster relief. Devastated, headlines later proclaimed, by the worst gas line explosion in the nation's history. To a select few within the United States government and those who witnessed the event, they knew the truth. Mission City had become the nexus of an interstellar war and a quest to control an ancient alien relic the AllSpark also called the Cube. Unfortunately for Earth, this would not be the end of such battles simply a postponement of hostilities as humans and aliens, friendly and not, retreated to heal their wounds or plot revenge.

As the dust settled military, civilian, and governmental forces descended like locust upon the crippled city. For those soldiers and Autobots who survived, they used this post-battle quiet to deal with the aftermath. Soldiers and aliens alike searched the rubble carefully for the missing, rendered aid to the injured, and carefully handled the dead while examining the rubble for unexploded ordnance and other alien technology.

In the remains of a café those who participated in the fighting, led by Captain William 'Wild Bill' Lennox, set up a make-shift triage and were taking care of the injured until ambulances and medical personnel arrived. Of the civilians seeking treatment were Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes. Unlike those who lived and worked in Mission City, Sam and Mikaela had been active combatants due to their friendship with the aliens called Autobots. In the café, soldiers and civilians alike suffered one thing in common, shock at the realization we were no longer alone and that these aliens had technology far beyond what Earth was incapable of defending itself against.

Sam stood next to the table where one of the soldiers was cleaning and bandaging Mikaela's wounds. He crossed his arms over his chest and wondered about the events that brought them both here as he absently scratched at a recently cleaned scrape on his arm. Who would've guessed an ancestor of his would accidentally discover Megatron, the leader of the alien Decepticons, frozen in a cavern in the Arctic Circle? Or when Captain Witwicky touched the frozen behemoth a system would activate that imprinted the location of an alien artifact onto his spectacles. Or that Sam, his descendant would post a picture of said imprinted glasses on EBay unaware that these alien visitors, searching for said artifact, would see the markings on them? Unless of course you happened to be part of a secret government agency called Sector 7 who knew all about the aliens. Heck, they even had one held frozen in stasis, the Decepticon leader Megatron. Sector 7 knew a great deal about these aliens, that they possessed a unique metallic biology which allowed them to transform into different shapes. Such as the car Sam purchased, an old beat up 1976 yellow Camaro who happened to be an Autobot scout named Bumblebee that had come to Earth hoping to find the artifact, the Cube. Sadly for Sam, the photograph's quality was inadequate for these aliens to retrieve the location. If it had, Bee would have done so and Sam would've been left blissfully ignorant of their presence. So Bee was forced to find Sam, before the Decepticons did, unfortunately involving him in their war.

Sam had never, even with his whimsical imagination, would've pictured what he'd become involved in. He knew that some his age had fantasies about going to other worlds or meeting aliens. Not him, he liked things simple, predictable and mostly involving girls. If he could, he would've gladly traded places but he was a Witwicky and he stuck by Bumblebee when another might've fled. Like it or not, he sighed, he did have his grandfather's adventurous spirit but even that at times didn't help. Now standing quietly surrounded by humans it was difficult fitting his mind around everything that happened. So he just shook his head and tried his best not to think about it. Instead he watched as the medic worked on Mikaela and simply took the opportunity to admire the beauty sitting before him. 'Go figure,' he thought, 'it would have to take an intergalactic incident to get a girl like that to look at me.'

Mikaela sensing his attention looked up and smiled, her nose crinkled a little when she noted the bemused expression on Sam's face and rolled her eyes. Sam was definitely a first for her as she preferred either 'bad boys' or 'jocks' and Sam was neither. He was more of the typical high school geek, timid, and very awkward. Today however changed her entire perspective of the slender youth. She swallowed and looked away as she remembered with a shiver of terror hearing Optimus order Sam to put the cube in his chest as Megatron approached. Instead Sam bravely turned from the injured Autobot leader and thrust the artifact up in the air as it poured itself into the wound in Megatron's chest, killing the huge Decepticon leader.

Despite all that had just happened, there he was looking at her with that same awkwardly bemused, brown-eyed puppy dog expression she associated with his 'geek-boy has a crush on me' look. The medic patted her arm, startling her for a moment as he indicated she should go so he could attend to another. With a nod she stood and the pair walked out of the café, its windows and door completely destroyed, as they carefully stepped around debris, broken glass, and personal effects left behind by those who'd long since fled to safety.

"Hey, let's see how Bumblebee's doing," Sam said as he clasped his hand in hers. Mikaela smiled tiredly and nodded. They looked around and finally spotted the Autobot in question, who was at that moment less than pleased and expressing it quite vocally. The yellow mech was on the ground struggling, his whines clearly reflecting his distraught state, as a larger bright neon green mech was holding him down shouting back at him. Neither Sam nor Mikaela needed further encouragement as they rushed to the smaller mech's side.

"Ratchet," Sam called out as they ran up, "what's wrong with Bee?"

Once Bumblebee saw Sam and Mikaela he instantly relaxed, as relief flowed through his system. He searched his data files and then played a recorded clip of movie dialog, "Wanted to make sure you're okay." Sam looked at his friend smiling as he placed a hand on Bee's huge forearm and patted it as one would in reassuring a child.

Bee rolled his optics in irritation at Sam's insistence of treated him like a sparkling. To be honest there were times he didn't always act his age around the boy but when it came to combat or protecting those he cared about he did so like the mature warrior he was. It was just a shame Sam didn't know Bee better but how could he? It was frustratingly impossible to have a deeper relationship with any human when he lacked a voice. True, he could play clips to speak but it took time and it certainly wasn't useful for heart-to-heart conversations because clips didn't convey the emotional content he needed to express. Like today, how much time would it have taken him to compile the necessary recordings to tell Sam the reason for his behavior? To tell Sam of the terror he felt because he had failed to protect Sam from his greatest nightmare Megatron. It was Megatron himself who'd taken away Bee's voice and almost his life and he was a skilled soldier. Sam? Was an inexperienced, bumbling teenager, a fragile human! Bumblebee sank to the pavement, his injuries finally taking their toll.

"Yeah, buddy, that's it, just relax," Sam said in reassuring tones as he looked into Bee's large blue optics, "of course we're okay."

"This idiot wouldn't let me work on him until he had a chance to double-check and make sure you weren't injured," Ratchet said as he lightly rapped Bumblebee's helm with his fist, "He was upset at being left with the tow-truck."

Bumblebee pushed himself up, his speaker giving off an angry whir and crackling sounds as he snarled on his comms: "How would you like your aft chained up to a stationary vehicle while everybody takes off? Besides Sam's not just my responsibility, he's my friend. Just 'cause Megatron's dead doesn't mean the rest are too!"

Sam watched the silent exchange in confusion, "Ratchet? Bee?"

Both mechs turned and looked at the youth slightly confused and then Ratchet's face bloomed into an 'ah ha' expression as he tapped his helm, "We can communicate to one another privately. Sparky here was in guardian mode trying to get to you…"


Sam regarded his alien friend quizzically, "Guardian mode?"

Ratchet ignored Sam's question as he interrupted Bumblebee's angry commed response, "Yeah you, Sparky! Did you happen to take a really good look at yourself? I didn't think so. Look at your legs!" Everyone looked down at what was left of the scout's lower limbs, one was completely gone and the other was torn mid-thigh. Sparks and trail of blue fluid leaked on the pavement in a trail showing how far the mech had crawled once he'd freed himself from the tow truck as Ratchet continued to bark at his charge. "What good are you as a guardian if you bleed out? Now settle down and let me patch you up. If not, you'll be spending quality time legless and alone inside of Prime's trailer until you let me patch you up."

Bumblebee gave a huff of frustration and looked at Sam and Mikaela as he played a clip, "See what I gotta work with here?"

Mikaela looking at the injuries and patted Bumblebee's thigh or at least what remained of it and responded sarcastically, "Yeah I do Bee and there isn't much here to work with. And I'm sorry I left you… I was rather… distracted."

Bee snorted and played a series of sound bytes, "That's okay... Mikaela,... I understand. But it's the... mech... with the... wrench... I get no respect... from."

Mikaela, used to dealing with male posturing decided to divert the conversation by lightly punching Bumblebee as she looked up at the medic, "Ratchet, I have some experience working on cars, is there anything I can do to help?" Sam looked up at the medic hopefully.

Ratchet nodded, "Well, actually yes. If you could search for his legs, anything really, while I work on the bleeding. Look for anything Cybertronian. He's missing too many system components so he won't be able transform into vehicle mode so he'll be stuck either being towed or riding in Prime's trailer."

"Sucks to be me," Bumblebee played as he fell back on the pavement with a groan.

"Sure thing," Sam said to Ratchet grateful to be of help and when he turned to his injured friend, his expression grew serious, "Be patient okay Bee? We don't want to lose any more of you." The group grew quiet as they acknowledged a Cybertronian body close by. Sam's unexpectedly mature words caught Bumblebee off guard. Looking at Jazz' torn body, he whined softly in agreement. Once Sam was reassured Bumblebee would stay put, he walked off with Mikaela to comb through the debris for parts.

Optimus Prime the Autobot leader stood further down the street making an imposing red and blue flamed sentinel should the Decepticons resume their attack on the city. He turned taking note of a hastily constructed military command center while another military vehicle was dispatched with troops and barricades. He continued to move down the street monitoring his sensors for energon readings. He turned after a few paces to check on Ratchet and Bumblebee when his optics drifted over to the body of his fallen friend Jazz. Jazz was Optimus's FIC (First in Command) and good friend who had been forced to go up against Megatron alone. With only four Autobots to defend against the Decepticon attack Jazz had been left with little choice as Optimus himself had been delayed by Bonecrusher. They were lucky they had only lost Jazz but that did little to comfort Optimus.

Prime's sensors interrupted his thoughts as they picked up the arrival of several vehicles and he turned away to walk over to get a better view of what to expect. He knew they weren't Decepticons the vehicles didn't give off any energon readings so he did not bother to activate his weapons. Normally while standing guard he would, but today however, he did not out of concern for the humans who were understandably skittish and distraught given what had just happened. The vehicles stopped near the command tent, some military, some unmarked, and one a limousine. The vehicles disgorged a uniquely dressed cadre of men and women who gathered for a moment outside the tent talking to one another while occasionally glancing at him before they headed inside.

Optimus sighed knowing deep within his spark what was to come and turned away, putting off the inevitable confrontation. He continued his scans for the enemy as he searched for the fallen or injured they may've missed.

Within the newly assembled command tent various agencies from the political to the military argued as they tried to assert authority over the situation. One Army general fed up with the politicking pushed his way out of the tent with a huff and strode down the street towards the Prime. Not to be outdone, the rest of the pack followed still arguing, towards the ancient warrior. Optimus hearing the hubbub turned and waited as he watched them approach. A movie clip played in his mind echoing his sentiments, 'And so it begins.'

With a soft vent of air he adjusted his posture as he shifted his processor from that of military commander and soldier to political leader. Although irritated at having to deal with politics now when there were still humans to look for, Optimus maintained an outward persona of calm patience. The odd assortment of leaders were apparently still trying to push themselves up on the precedence queue, as they approached the massive Prime determined to speak to him first.

Ironhide had just shifted some rubble to disarm an unexploded shell, when he looked up and noted the humans advancing upon the Prime. Ironhide turned and shouted to the men near him, "Cordon off this area, live munitions. I'll be right back." Once he received an acknowledgement, he activated his cannon and moved to intercept the humans, his quick appearance caused the crowd to stop, some paled in fear, and for a moment all talking ceased.

Optimus privately commed his Second and asked dryly: "Was that really necessary?"

:"Heh heh. They need to know, whatever comes at you has to go through me. Ah'm your bodyguard first and foremost."

:"So you keep reminding me. Funny, I don't recall ever having a say in the matter."

:"You didn't. You'd've only said no, so ah didn't bother."

:"It's a wonder they made me Prime when I can't even control my own command. Regardless, I'm glad you're here, old friend." The conversation in Cybertronian was as fast as the blink of a human eye. As the fear which made the humans pause began to dissipate and they resumed their argument regarding authority in the matter.

:"Look at 'em, some things don't change do they."

:"Sadly, no. How's Bumblebee?"

:"Better. Sam and Mikaela have recovered most of Bee's parts so Ratchet's having an easier time repairing him. He thinks the squirt'll be up and annoying us shortly."

:"That's good news. Ah, they've finally selected a leader."

:"Took 'em long enough."

:"Yes and that worries me. With so many political entities involved it will make for long and tiresome negotiations. I wonder how different things would go if I used your method of dealing with politicians," joked the Prime.

In response Ironhide grinned widely and winked at Optimus as he activated his cannon's energy system, the barrel whirred to life and began to glow bright orange. There were several gasps in reaction as Prime covered his mouth with a fist and made a noise similar to a cough to hide his laughter. Newly arriving soldiers having witnessed what they interpreted as a hostile act ran over with upraised weapons to defend the dignitaries.

Optimus regarded his Second as he responded dryly, "You do realize I wasn't suggesting you should help."

:"No? Awww. Anyway ah made a point so now they'll remember who they're dealing with and they'll respect you more, Prime."

:"Perhaps. But cycle down and make nice, remember we're stuck here."

:"Oh yeah, there is that." The black mech disengaged his weapon and transformed it back to his hand but before Optimus could speak Ironhide leaned over the humans, "My name's Ironhide. Ah'm Second in Command to Optimus Prime. He is the leader of our World and ah expect you to remember that and treat him accordingly. If not, you'll deal with me. Are we clear?"

:"Oh that's going to make things better," Optimus commented sourly.

Captain Lennox, upon hearing Ironhide's threatening words turned and noted the brass and suits with dismay rushed over to Optimus' side prepared to run interference or damage control. With Ironhide's more aggressive nature, he thought, probably both.

One medal encrusted general stepped forward and frowned, "Are you threatening us?! After what's happened here?"

Before either Ironhide or the General could continue arguing, Optimus stepped forward, "Please excuse my Second's reaction. Ironhide is not only my military commander but my bodyguard as well. It is his responsibility to protect me and he is, as you can see, not one to mince words or actions. I value his courage, loyalty, and honesty, as will you once you've had a chance to know him. We would not have been able to have defended this city from the Decepticons without valuable soldiers such as he." Optimus waited as he regarded each human to assess their reactions.

"As Ironhide said, I am Optimus Prime the military and political leader for the planet Cybertron and the Autobots. We have come to your world to help you defend it from the Decepticons. As you can see, by this small skirmish, your world is inadequately prepared to deal with their superior armament." Shouts of disagreement and anger arose from the group at the perceived insult to their military superiority. Optimus raised his servo and waited for them to finish.

"Please, no insult was intended. I merely point out facts, simply look at what a handful of Decepticons did to this city."

One man in a suit shouted, "And you!"

Optimus ignored the interruption, "We are here as friends and allies. Although both Autobots and Decepticons are Cybertronians we hold vastly different political and philosophical viewpoints. No different than the nations of your own world. Autobots view life with respect and we will honor your right of governance. This is your world not ours. The Decepticons do not see things in that light and never will. They view your world with an eye for conquest and make no mistake, they will never see you as peers only as impediments to obtaining what they want."

"There is much we need to discuss but as you can see," he waved a hand over the group before him, "there are far too many departments and only one of me. So I would like to request that your Secretary of Defense Keller act as a liaison. I realize this may bypass your organizational structure. But Secretary Keller has knowledge that places him in a better position to understand the severity of what must be dealt with. Until he arrives, we need to continue to search for survivors and unexploded ordnance. I thank you for your time." Optimus dipped his helm slightly, turned on his pede and walked away with Ironhide close behind.

The group of government agency bureaucrats, politicians, and military officials stood and gaped for a moment at the abrupt end of the meeting. Then they attempted to run after the Prime as Ironhide stopped and looked down at Lennox, "Captain, would you mind?"

Lennox looked up at Ironhide nodded and then called out to his men. Within moments his unit had materialized around the officials as he explained, "Sirs, please, this is for your protection. This area has not been cleared and we're still finding unexploded munitions. Please wait in the command tent until the area has been thoroughly searched. Thank you for your patience and understanding." Despite grumbles as to the inappropriate use of force or insubordination, personal safety won out and the officials returned, still arguing, to the tent. Not without a comment or two as a few of the higher ranking brass let Captain Lennox know that his disrespect to superior officers would be noted and his career would be in jeopardy for such actions.

As they walked away SMSgt Robert "Epps" Epps walked up to the Captain, "Hmmm, that went well."

"My career is so dead," Bill whined as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Epps patted him on the shoulder and smirked, "Better you than me."

"Oh, thanks for the backup buddy," Bill bumped the Air Force sergeant hard as he turned around, "Woops, sorry. Did that hurt? No?" Bill punched Epps as the two mock brawled their way down the street after the two giant mechanoids.

"Ironhide," Optimus called and waited for his friend to join him as he spoke via private comms: "continue to scan for any Cybertronian tech active or inactive and store it in my trailer along with Jazz. I want to minimize what the humans get of our technology."

:"On it." The black Cybertronian quickly returned to the ordinance he'd found earlier to try to disable the shell.

Optimus turned and walked back over to Ratchet and knelt beside him as the medic continued to work on Bumblebee, "How's Bumblebee doing?"

Bumblebee chirped and added via comms: "Good to go sir!" Sam and Mikaela waved to the Prime while they sat on the curb watching the medic work.

"Going well, actually, Sam and Mikaela were able to find most of Bumblebee's parts. I just need to do a few minor adjustments and test out the repairs. If they hold, he should be able to transform on his own without you having to cart his aft around."

Optimus blinked for a moment at the medic but chose to ignore the comment and said instead, "Good work, Ratchet." Optimus turned to Sam and Mikaela and apologized, "It was not my intent to involve either of you beyond retrieving the glasses. I'm sorry for placing you both in danger."

Sam interrupted, "Optimus, how would you know about Sector 7 and that the Decepticons would get involved and screw things up? What matters now that is that Megatron is dead and it's over right?"

Optimus vented softly and looked away for a moment to collect his thoughts. Should he be honest or prevaricate? He opted for honesty, "No, Sam, I should have been better prepared and anticipated the Decepticon presence as well as some sort of human security measures like Sector 7. As to Megatron, yes he is gone. Unfortunately that doesn't mean this conflict over. I have no idea what his command will do once they learn of his death and the loss of the Cube. For now, it's best we remain cautious."

"As in letting Bumblebee continue to guard us," Sam asked hopefully.

"Yes, as soon as he's able." Optimus smiled at Bumblebee as the young mech tried to get up. Ratchet pushed the scout back down on the ground grumbling that he wasn't finished yet.

"As soon as Bee's ready, Mikaela and I'd really like to go home. I need to know if Sector 7 released my mom and dad and I'm sure both our parents are worried about us." Sam asked as he stood and walked over to Bumblebee to place a restraining hand on a large yellow pauldron.

"Yes, as soon as Ratchet permits. However, I can't guarantee he'll be able to stay unless your government grants us permission. Things are heating up politically and I'm not sure what's going to happen. We are as you say 'uninvited guests.' There is always the possibility they may ask us to leave."

"What? You're kidding right? They wouldn't be stupid enough to ask you guys to go with the Decepticons still here. Right?" Sam trailed off uncertainly as he leaned unconsciously on Bumblebee.

Bumblebee opened his comms: "Prime, I will not leave them unprotected!" And then he reached over and placed a servo on Sam's back and played a few snippets, "Don't worry… I'll watch your back."

Sam nodded, "I know that. I'm just worried about what my government will do."

Optimus sighed, "Sam, I will do what I can but I must honor the laws and wishes of your people. Be patient, I've asked for Secretary Keller to act as our liaison, he understands better than most what is at stake. If you will excuse me, I need to assist Ironhide in clearing the area." The Prime rose to his feet and walked in the opposite direction of Ironhide. As he walked, he reached out and summoned his trailer. Once that task was complete he activated his scanner and started the search.


In the temporary command center debate raged on, only this time it was over access to the communications system. During the battle the Decepticons had destroyed local cell towers so with modern cellular communication systems down they were unable to reach their various departments for further direction. Added to the chaos was the arrival of the town mayor along with various civil authorities, police, fire, and medical teams. However, with gentle nudges the mayor managed to get everyone coordinated into a semi-cohesive disaster relief system while trying to keep the alien 'first contact' information on a 'need to know' basis as some of the incoming rescue teams were unaware of the reason for the destruction.

It didn't take long for Secretary Keller to reach Mission City once he 'borrowed' a car from Sector 7. It was difficult getting his vehicle through blockaded areas and damaged streets but once he arrived, like Optimus, he was swarmed with various officials and bombarded with questions. When he had enough he waved them off to make a call to the President using the recently set up military communications equipment. Once that was done and permission given for him to act as temporary liaison, Secretary Keller ordered everyone to remain where they were as he went off to search for the alien leader.

With a sigh of relief, he left the tent unattended and stopped when he realized he had no idea who the leader was. The Defense Secretary scanned the area and spotted an officer he thought he remembered and waved him over, "You there! Weren't you were in Sector 7 and left with that yellow alien car?"

"Yes I was sir. I'm Captain Lennox." The Captain promptly stood at attention and saluted him.

Secretary Keller nodded, "Thank you son. Would you do me a favor, I need to talk to the leader of the Autobots, can you point out which one of them he is?"

"That would be Optimus Prime… and he's over there," Lennox turned and pointed to Optimus who'd covered a great deal of ground in his search.

"I see," Keller frowned for a moment noting the distance and then smiled at the Captain as he pointed to his loafers, "I know you already have duties, but would you mind chasing him down? I'm not exactly dressed for running after a giant robot."

"Sure, no problem sir," Lennox grinned and saluted the elderly gentleman. Then he set off at a run, the weapon slung over his shoulder bounced on his back. It didn't take long for the young officer to reach the Prime as the mech had stopped to examine a piece of hardware.

"Optimus," Lennox panted for a few moments, "Secretary Keller is here and would like to speak with you."

"Ah, good. Which one is he," Optimus stood and looked back at the milling humans around the command tent.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to him," Lennox spun and took off as Optimus headed back.

As he followed Lennox, Optimus paused for a moment to speak with Ratchet, "Ratchet, when my trailer arrives would you store Jazz and any Cybertronian material in the hold. Ironhide's looking for more. Also, double-check any munitions he's found and disable them if they're still potentially active, I rather not have my trailer blow up on me." Optimus added with a smile as he patted the medic on the shoulder and then walked over to the waiting men.

Ratchet turned back to Bumblebee, "Okay, I think that should do it. I want you to stand and let me know if you get any system errors or pain. No heroics, you hear me? Once you're on the road I won't be able to come rescue you."

"You got it Chief," Bumblebee played a clip from "Get Smart" and slowly rose to his pedes monitoring his HUD. Flexing a bit he turned and walked around, he looked at Ratchet and nodded his helm.

"Good. Alright, transform, same thing as before," Ratchet said as he watched Bumblebee perform the maneuver transforming smoothly into a slightly dusty and banged up yellow Camaro. He revved his engine, rolled forward and back and then he quickly transformed back into his bi-pedal form nodding.

"Wrist," ordered the medic and when Bumblebee whined he added warningly, "Bee…" The scout held out his arm with a recorded groan as Ratchet extracted a lead from his wrist and inserted it into a port in the younger bot's wrist. Ratchet ran several system diagnostics humming thoughtfully as he read the data. Bee tapped his pede impatiently and rolled his eyes at Sam who simply shook his head at the scout's antics.

In a matter of moments the medic removed the lead, "Everything looks good. Go, get going, there's no sense in waiting for the political end to straighten out. If things fall apart we'll comm you." Bumblebee nodded in agreement as he quickly transformed into his vehicle mode and opened his doors.

"Wait," Sam said, "lemme just let Lennox know we're going and tell him thanks, okay?" Bumblebee beeped in agreement as Sam turned and reached for Mikaela's hand. The pair ran over to where the Captain was standing after having just left Secretary Keller and Optimus to their discussions. Surrounded by his unit they were resting, patiently waiting for command to send a vehicle to retrieve them. He looked up and smiled when he saw Sam and Mikaela coming over.

"Hey guys! How's Bumblebee doing?"

Sam smiled, "He's good to go. Speaking of, we're going to ditch this place and head for home. Our folks are probably going to ground us for life for this."

"Uh, I'm not sure leaving is such a good idea. They'll want to debrief you and then there's paperwork… You know what? You guys did some amazing stuff out there, just go. They know where you live right? Just don't find any more Decepticons on the way, okay?" Lennox gave both of them a hug, surprising them. The remaining soldiers stood and made their farewells as hands were shook. Bumblebee rolled up and honked his horn as he opened his doors. Sam and Mikaela quickly got in and waved as Bee impatiently slammed the doors shut.

A bright canary yellow Camaro is not a subtle vehicle and neither was the bot who had selected that form as his mode, except when he wanted to be. And as Bumblebee's rumbling engine indicated, this was not one of those times. Overjoyed with his recovery, coupled with post-battle energy and that of the excitement of two teens inside him eager to go home, Bumblebee's energy was too much to be contained. So, with a shrug of his axles, he didn't. He revved his engine several times, making military and civilians pause in their activities to watch as the muscle car floored it. His tires squealed as they fought for traction on the pavement leaving in his wake a plume of smoke and black streaks as he accelerated down the street blowing past blockades, angry soldiers and police.

Optimus, who was in the middle of negotiations paused and sighed as he watched his youngest race down the street. He reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his optics for a moment as Secretary Keller chuckled, "One of yours?"

"Yes," the Prime responded dryly and then continued, "he's my scout Bumblebee. The humans with him are…"

"That Witwicky boy right? And, I don't recall the girl's name." The grey haired gentleman watched frowning as the retreating form of the Camaro weaved past barricades and yelling military.

"Mikaela Banes," Optimus added helpfully, "Secretary Keller, I have authorized Bumblebee to act as a guardian for Sam. He's taking them home, I hope this doesn't present too much of a problem?"

"I see," the older gentleman sighed, "they're teenagers aren't they."

"Yes." Optimus vented slightly as he lowered his hand from his face to regard the Secretary of Defense.

"This just keeps getting better and better," Secretary Keller sighed shaking his head resignedly. "Optimus, do you mind if I sit down, this is going to take some time." He looked around only to discover that the only seating was in the command tent with far too many eager individuals waiting for him to return. He groaned and muttered, "I'm getting too old for this."

Optimus chuckled in understanding, "Agreed. If I may?" Before obtaining a response Optimus quickly initiated his transformation sequence, the act causing the milling humanity to pause and stare, as the Secretary stepped back. Thus far, few had seen Optimus' alternate mode. Once he'd completed transformation he opened the door to his cab, "Please."

John closed his mouth after he realized he'd been gaping then stared at the robot turned semi and gulped. With a deep intake of breath he stepped up using the running board and hanging onto the door carefully he entered the passenger side of the cab and sat down.

"I hope this will do," Optimus commented through the speakers making John start both from the voice and the passenger door shutting.

"Uh, yes, I guess it will. Although I must admit this has to be the oddest place to hold negotiations I have ever attended."

Optimus chuckled in sympathy, "Given the situation, however, would it not be better here than sitting inside that tent?"

"Well, I certainly feel safer in here than with them," John laughed. "Let's get to business shall we?"

"Thank you for your trust. To business then," Optimus agreed.

As the pair discussed politics a semi, the exact duplicate of Optimus with a large silver trailer in tow, pushed past the blockades and pulled up to where Ratchet was standing. Few noticed the semi-truck dissolve leaving only the silver trailer. Ratchet didn't even wait for the hologram to fade as he quickly opened the rear doors to start loading the pile of bits Ironhide and Optimus had already located. As Ironhide continued his search, Ratchet placed and organized the items in the trailer, being sure to keep Jazz' body close to the front. Roller, Optimus' mini-drone, touched Jazz' body and whined. Ratchet leaned over and placed a servo on its head comfortingly, "I know, Roller, we're all gonna miss him."

Secretary Keller crossed his legs and leaned back into the seat, "Optimus, if what you say is true it is essential we maintain an alliance with you, but we will have to tread carefully. Many nations will view this arrangement as an aggressive act on my government's part especially with your advanced weaponry." The older gentleman rubbed his chin and hummed thoughtfully before continuing, "perhaps a multi-national task force to work with you might ease tensions… Are you sure about sharing your technology?"

"Quite sure. Humanity," Optimus pointed out, "is already teetering on the brink of nuclear war. Anything we provide to the United States of a tactical nature could push other nations into possible retaliation for fear these weapons would be used on them, is that not a concern?"

"Of course. However, as Secretary of Defense it is my responsibility to ensure the defense of my nation not theirs. But, you are correct, it would be extremely provocative. Just be aware that there are those within my government who will present challenges in this regard."

"All I can ask is that you do what you can."

"I will Optimus. In the meantime, let's move you and your team to Nellis Air Force Base until we've decided on a more permanent location. I'd like to keep your presence here on a need to know basis and I'll contact you… How will I contact you?" John muttered, "I'll figure something out. In the meantime, I'll be meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to work out a basic military alliance structure. Optimus, would you prepare a brief speech for me to send to the United Nations as we discussed? I think that will pave the way with our Secretary of State and ease any tensions other world powers may have should this come to light. That's all I can think of at the moment, I'd better start the ball rolling, thank you Optimus for your help and cooperation."

"It is a pleasure John," Optimus opened his cab door and waited until the Secretary was at a safe distance before he activated his transformation protocols. Once his bi-pedal form had completed assembling he nodded to the Secretary and headed off to the trailer.


The Secretary of Defense walked up to the tent and met with the mayor to discuss coordination between the civil and military authorities. Once that was finished he walked into the tent to address the rest of the occupants, "Here's how things are going to play out. As of now, the Autobots fall under my jurisdiction. Any and all alien technology retrieved are to be taken to Nellis Air Force Base for storage until a separate site is arranged. No," he frowned at a suit who surged forward, "no one and I stress no one, will have access to anything until procedures are put into place and that will start with the President, Congress, and the JCS, not with you."

"Next. You," he pointed at one of the suits, "take care of the media, make up whatever story you can and keep them out of this city until the Autobots have left."

He turned to another, "You, I want you to work with the mayor to take care of the injured."

John surveyed the crowd and gave each person present a steely glare, "Let me repeat this again, just so there aren't any mistakes. If any of you or your people find anything alien you will ship it to Nellis. If I learn any technology was improperly appropriated firing will be the least of your worries. Are we clear?" He waited, again staring down each individual to make sure he had their full attention, "good."

"General, I want vehicles and security here now to escort those soldiers to base for some food and rest, the Autobots will follow. Alright, now that that's out of the way, I want all of you to clear this tent, I need to make some calls and I can't hear myself think with all the shouting."

As the Secretary sat at the communications table he sighed knowing he'd just made more enemies today. As he waited for the line to the President to go through, he knew with confidence that whatever they thought they could do to him was nothing compared to what the Decepticons would do to Earth.

With surprising efficiency, government and military officials quickly undertook the task of cleaning up, sanitizing, and evacuating anything alien. Military cordons continued to contain reporters, while temporary housing was provided for surviving residents until the area was deemed safe to return to. Ambulances blared past as the injured were taken to local hospitals for treatment.


It didn't take long for Bumblebee to reach I215 and as he rolled onto the highway he poured on the speed with the encouragement of Sam.

"I still can't believe what just happened," Sam said as he ran his thumb over the symbol on the center of Bee's steering wheel.

"I know," Mikaela said as she flipped down the visor to look at her reflection and frowned. "We're a mess, do you think there's someplace we could stop and shower up? If my dad sees me like this he's going to freak out."

"That's the least of my worries," Sam said as he looked at his reflection in the rearview mirror. "I don't even know what Sector 7 did with my parents."

"Hey," Mikaela said, "Bee, do you think we could stop at a mall or something. Buy some clean clothes and maybe find a place to shower?"

"Why now?" Sam said as he reached over and grabbed Mikaela's hand with his and then noted how dirty they were, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thing is, I don't have a whole lotta money."

Bumblebee activated an internal display using the windshield, startling the occupants for a moment until he added text to the readouts displayed, "Not to worry. I'll do some hacking and get us a little cash, it's the least we can do."

"Isn't that kinda like stealing?" Sam said sternly crossing his arms over his chest.

Text played across the screen, "Fine. I'll access your father's account at an ATM and you can withdraw money there. You can explain things to your dad later."

"Works for me," Sam said with a smile.

Instead of heading towards down-town, Bee took the S. Eastern Avenue exit and headed towards a shopping center. Once they located an ATM and withdrew cash, they drove over to the WalMart and purchased relatively inexpensive clothing and necessities. To save money, they washed up in the WalMart bathrooms as best they could and changed clothing. As soon as they'd picked up food and beverages for the trip they dashed back to the grumbling Camaro in the parking lot.

Seemed someone had bumped Bee with their shopping cart and he was rather annoyed at that, and the fact that the temperature was climbing and the spot they'd parked in lacked shade. Not that there any parking spot that had any, but Bee was just tired of sitting.

Fed, relatively clean, and happily housed within Bumblebee's thankfully air conditioned interior, the trio made their way to the I15 and headed away from Hoover Dam, Section 7, Mission City, and hopefully any remaining Decepticons. It didn't take long for the comfortable interior and exhaustion to take ahold of the teens and soon they were fast asleep.

Bumblebee ran a scan on his occupants to make sure they were okay and once he was satisfied, settled down to paying attention to the road.


Later that afternoon an unusual train of military vehicles drove through the Nellis Air Force Base's I Street gate. At first it did not provoke any unusual regard by the base's law enforcement until a flame painted semi, a neon-green emergency Hummer, and a large black Topkick, drove through tucked in between more canvass-covered military transports. As they drove down past huge hangars which separated the road from the flightline they were joined by additional military police and led to a secured hangar.

The Peterbuilt smoothly reversed its massive trailer into the hanger and was immediately joined by the two remaining non-military vehicles. Once all were tucked inside the giant hangar doors slid shut securing its contents from prying eyes as the small contingent of military security police formed a perimeter around the exterior. The Nellis flight line soon returned to its normal operations with practiced efficiency.

While different government agencies within the United States continued to battle over territory, security, and technology, those within the hangar transformed. Optimus, Ratchet and Ironhide moved about the hangar to examine their surroundings before they sat down to wait and deal with post battle injuries.

Ratchet completed his cursory examinations he looked at Optimus, "I know Bumblebee really likes Sam but are you sure it's a good idea to split us up?"

Optimus sighed, "As much as I'd prefer he stay with us, I think the Decepticons will try to regroup. Sam and Mikaela's direct contact with the AllSpark will give them a slight signature for a short time and I'm concerned the Decepticons might make them a target."

Optimus flexed his arm noting some damage to the limb as he continued, "Megatron may be dead but as long as Starscream, Shockwave, and Soundwave are still active and unaccounted for, I'm afraid we'll still be at war. The question is whether or not they feel Earth is worthy of their attention. If they do not, letting Bee stay should be fine."

Ironhide stood and activated his scanners checking for energon readings. It was standard procedure so no one took undue note of his behavior. When the scan was complete he sat down and muttered, "Clear."

Ratchet frowned, "So we stay until you're certain Decepticon command is going to leave Earth alone?"

"Yes, that's if the humans allow us to remain." Optimus retracted his battle mask and rubbed his face knocking off bits of dust that had lodged under the mask.

Ironhide snorted, "Without a ship we can't exactly leave now can we?"

"Well, there is that," Optimus said with a slight grin.

Ratchet crossed his arms over his chassis, "Prime you cagey bot, you stranded us here intentionally didn't you."

Optimus shrugged noncommittally, "Ratchet, as I recall, you have been recommending I get some rest."

"The next time you decide to actually follow my orders, let me make the arrangements… And the guest list," growled Ratchet. Ironhide and Optimus chuckled softly as Ratchet sighed, "Alright enough of a break. Med checks, Prime you're up first."

Optimus narrowed his optics, "Is this your way of getting even?" Ratchet held out his hand for Optimus' wrist and smiled as he shrugged noncommittally imitating Optimus's earlier answer. Ironhide snorted with laughter and promptly stopped when Ratchet quipped, "I wouldn't laugh, you're next." The hangar rang with the laughter of accumulated years of friendship and teasing.


While Ratchet worked on Optimus, and the teens were halfway to Tranquility, the Secretary of Defense worked diligently as well. From the temporary camp in Mission City he contacted different governmental sectors to mediate and work towards a consensus. Although many considered him old and outdated, he was a seasoned veteran of both politics and military arenas. Through years of service he had acquired a vast network of allies in both civilian and military sectors which he now brought into play. With a skillful hand, he encouraged those within the Senate to form a secret alliance with the Autobots, which despite reservations was approved of by the President. At the same time he coordinated with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to assemble a tentative task force and base to relocate the giant mechanical beings. Security agencies were combing Hoover Dam, Sector 7, and Mission City for any remaining alien technology. As to Sector 7, any technology and information was to be collected and stored at Nellis until an appropriate agency would be chosen to manage the materials properly. Sector 7's non-essential personnel were to be debriefed and terminated. Secretary Keller wanted no more secrets and no more surprises, least of all from a rogue agency thinking it was above the law.

There were calls within the government eager for the recovered technology to begin reverse engineering for future military use. And despite attempts to keep the alien threat secret from other world powers, information leaked. Secretary Keller's foresight in having Optimus Prime prepare a statement was fortuitous and that statement was sent immediately to the United Nations. Many nations were in an uproar, as expected, over the potential use by the United States of these aliens and their technology to threaten global stability and maintain power. Threats of broken treaties, war, as well as global catastrophe were being hurled about and needed to be quelled. Secretary Keller disconnected a call from one agitated senator as his aides bombarded him with the latest intelligence. He raised his hand silencing them and sighed as he swiped his phone's screen, "I better warn the wife, I won't be home for a few weeks…. I'm getting too old for this…."


In the closed hangar as Ratchet's skilled servos worked on Optimus's shoulder, Ironhide leaned against the side of the hangar and asked, "Optimus, do you think they'll ask us ta leave? Ah mean given our firepower, it would be a tactical mistake if they did, but sometimes governments don't always do the smart thing." There were wry chuckles from the three soldiers as they recalled their own government sourly.

"I cannot predict what they will do. It is their world and their right to govern as they see fit. But I also don't plan to leave them to the Decepticons. Let's wait and see what they do, and then plan from there." Silence reigned again within the hangar interspersed with the sounds of Ratchet's work, each being lost themselves in their own thoughts.

One of the side doors in the hangar opened and a small unit of security personnel walked in, some with weapons raised. One separated from the group and approached holding up a phone. He asked loudly, unable to control a slight tremor who Optimus was. Optimus raised his hand as the airman walked up to the red and blue flamed being holding a small device.

"Secretary Keller wishes to speak with you sir," the airman explained as he placed the tiny device on Optimus's massive digit and looked up puzzled as to how the phone call would work given the size differences.

"Don't worry, I can take it from here," Optimus said to the airman who stepped back to wait near the exit with the rest of his squad. Optimus regarded the device and within moments was able to hack the signal. When the connection was established the conversation went quickly as Optimus listened with relief that the government was willing to work with the Autobots. Secretary Keller informed them that they would be allowed to stay and additional approval was given for Bumblebee to act as Sam's guardian.

Secretary Keller mentioned he would arrive shortly to advise him personally and to prepare the Autobots for transfer to a different more secure location. Once the call was complete Optimus closed the signal and then held his servo out for the airman to retrieve the phone. Once the device was recovered the small squad exited the building leaving them alone again. As soon as the door closed Optimus relayed the news to his curious staff.

Growing uncomfortable with the tight quarters Ironhide opened the hangar doors. Although the base security didn't seem to feel this was a good idea, they weren't exactly going to argue. One airman picked up his radio and advised his superiors of the change thinking it was better to pass the buck and let the higher ups make the call. Command thought the matter over and decided they were in no position to argue with three beings that happened to be 30 plus foot tall armed robots and let the doors remain open.

A breeze blew into the hangar which stirred the light powdering of sand and dust on the smooth floor into tiny whirlwinds as Optimus adjusted his position. He placed a scarred and battered arm on his upraised knee, stretched out his other leg for balance and then looked out of the open hangar doors as Ratchet continued to examine and repair him.

As Ratchet worked, Optimus reviewed his decision to allow Bumblebee to leave. Although what he told Ratchet was true, he wasn't entirely certain separating his team was a wise move. He chuckled to himself sourly. To question decisions wasn't a new process for the Prime but he made a point not share his concerns with Ratchet or Ironhide. Why burden them with his insecurity?

A military vehicle drove past the hangar with security personnel, an airman after seeing the leviathans within gaped in amazement before the vehicle passed beyond eyesight. Optimus chuckled, amused at the comical expression. His limited experience with the organics of this world had not prepared him for the human variable when he marooned his unit planet-side. At the time his biggest concern was finding the Cube and keeping it away from the Decepticons without alerting the indigenous population.

Since then he learned that humans were a deeply emotional race, no different than his own. So he encouraged Bumblebee's friendship with Sam and allowed him to return to California. Optimus felt these relationships were important but wasn't entirely sure why and he couldn't deny a pull from his spark that suggested there was more here he needed to consider. But what was it? Considering the question, Optimus centered himself and reached out to the Matrix housed within his chassis hoping for some sort of illuminating advice. As always, he received nothing of use but the memories of those who came before him. Yet again the wisdom of Primus and his cherished guidance remained elusive and he wondered yet again if this was a sign of his unworthiness.

As Prime, it was his responsibility to protect his people, he failed. His elevation to Prime was intended to stop the unrest, it didn't. Nor did it stop outright rebellion, war, devastation of his world, and the loss of more lives than he could count. Logically, he knew it would not have mattered who had been selected, there was nothing that would have stopped the chain of events that led to war. It bothered him, nonetheless.

He fidgeted for a moment unused to the lack of data bombardment he received from being the center of Autobot command. Prior to his departure for Earth, Optimus intentionally transferred that command to Prowl. Although he feared many would view this move an admission of defeat or worse an act of cowardice. His intention was to keep his location secret. Otherwise, the Decepticons would immediately place Earth, an inhabited and vulnerable world, and potentially the Cube's location, as their primary target. The Autobots were in good hands with Prowl until he could rejoin them.

Optimus shifted slightly as Ratchet tugged on a portion of his shoulder armor in discomfort. To distract his processor, he allowed himself to indulge in memories of the events that led him to this point in his life.

He had emerged from the Well of AllSparks as Orion Pax. Because of his form, he was assigned as a data clerk within one of the middle-castes as were those who were created like him on Cybertron. All who emerged from the Well were placed within frames and sorted by type into a structured order, a caste to live, work and eventually die in. Caste was a fixed existence and movement was not allowed because, as they were taught, it was what Primus ordained. So said the law created by the Council, the caste was to promote equality and fairness.

Cybertron was ruled by a select group of twelve elders, the Council, who wrote laws and maintained order. The only office higher, some said, was that of the office of the Prime. The Prime was 'the' Guardian of Cybertron and not an elected individual but was selected by the Matrix of Leadership, an ancient device given to their people by their creator Primus, to insure his people would be protected both civilly and militarily.

Over time the Council had drifted from the ideals of Primus and lacking restraint from the Primes, had grown corrupt. Many were frustrated that the Primes seemed to serve the Council by ignoring their actions or were complicit themselves. Those who questioned the Council's caste law were prevented from doing anything against it as, by consensus, if the law had been improper the Prime via the guidance from the Matrix would've stopped its institution. Since the Primes did not it must mean the law, therefore, was correct and proper. But despite the law's best intentions of creating equality it did more. Over time it created stagnation, dissatisfaction, sorrow, servitude of classes, and death with no opportunity for growth, change, creativity, even love faded away.

For Orion, the work of a data clerk was a quiet one with long hours focused solely on viewing and sorting data. He hardly ever interacted with his peers, happily going about his duties and quietly keeping his inquisitive nature to himself. Like most Cybertronians, he was distantly aware of the disparity between the castes but since his caste led a comfortable existence he never felt the sting of suffering under a harsher career or that of enslavement. He knew the higher castes considered themselves like 'nobility' and enjoyed wealth and privilege. Such classes were catered to by a mini-bot slave caste that was told their only purpose was to serve the higher castes. Other low castes were forced to perform dangerous tasks in harsh environments who frequently lost their lives, unnamed and unremembered.

As a data reviewer he was only to analyzed the data sent to his station and immediately route it to the appropriate department. Following up or seeking further information was a task belonged to other castes. In a never-ending cycle he moved data mindlessly, the information rarely provoking his interest. Until rumors of unrest filtered through his station. He filed them as he did the others but at the end of his shift he would find his spark disturbed by these rumors. If the caste was approved by Primus why was there dissatisfaction? Would not the Prime protect his people if the law was harmful?

It was the data recordings of a mech named Megatronus, later renamed Megatron, who changed Orion's fate. Megatronus, like many of his mining caste was forced to watch friends fall in death, casually dismissed by those above as 'acceptable losses.' Pushed beyond endurance Megatron escaped the mines by way of the underground gladiatorial pits. He had once told Orion that he had been determined that if Primus felt he should die, he would do so by his choice. He never expected to survive but he did. Each success in the pits found him growing in popularity with the very same nobles who had casually treated his caste as replaceable.

Megatronus's growing popularity provided him a venue to express his views. At the end of every aired match, he voiced his discontent and frustration that the Council and The Prime would allow the suffering of their people to continue. His sentiments gained him a fierce and loyal following. He knew once the Council decided he was a threat they would eliminate him. But, instead of being cautious he again put his life on the line by calling out to those who felt as he did to stand and rise up. His words, some said, inspired the rebels who named themselves 'Decepticons.' While others claimed it was Megatronus himself who organized the terrorists. Orion was never able to learn the truth, either way discontent turned these 'Decepticons' to action.

It was a normal work day for Orion as he logged data until he'd caught part of one of Megatronus's earlier speeches and out of curiosity actually listened to it before filing it. Megatronus had managed to express in words the disquiet he himself had been feeling and the spark that had flickered within him grew brighter. After his shift, Orion sat in his small living quarters again thinking about their world and wondering whether this was the life Primus intended for all his creations. And if it wasn't, what was? Tired of his late night musings he decided to take the next step. He worked at the Iacon Hall of Records, the largest vault of recorded history and wisdom of their race, so why not use it? Since there was no prohibition the Hall was open to all Cybertronians so he used his free time to search the Hall for answers. Each evening after his shift he would retire to musty stacks or ancient recordings to study anything he could find on their history and origins while he used his work day to search for Megatronus's next speech.

To question was frowned upon because it was considered wrong-thinking and Orion by his nature strove to do what was right. But Megatronus had also brought up a valid point in his speeches. Drones worked without question and since he was not a drone did he not have the right to challenge those who would treat him as such? That statement had Orion regarding the bots around him as he watched them perform their duties in a drone-like manner when they weren't. Was not the ability to question an indication of sentience which was why drones were not considered sentient? As such, didn't sentient beings have rights?

Orion's questions grew. Was that how their world had always been? What was more important one's frame or one's spark? Was it better for him and Cybertron to stay and mindlessly perform tasks or to follow his spark? While Orion researched these questions he was unaware that he was being observed.

An ancient bot by the name of Alpha Trion had noted these changes within Orion. As Orion continued with his research it was Alpha Trion who enabled the data he was seeking to be found or that his unusually inquisitive activities were carefully removed from the records. All Orion knew was that when he stumbled over ancient records that told him of their origins and government, the one Primus intended, he had been stunned.

Orion's processor spun with the knowledge that the 13 Primes were not tall tales but real living beings. Through their leadership they led Cybertron into the Golden Age. A Golden Age of achievement where their civilization had thousands of space bridges, an extensive space fleet including titanic city ships, and scientific achievements that would today be considered mystical. He learned that under the guidance and wisdom of the 13 Primes their world shone with wealth and prosperity. With shock, after each text he reviewed he noticed two important facts missing. There was no mention of a Council and no caste law. His studies brought him to one conclusion, Cybertronians had been sparked with the desire to choose their own destiny.

Orion research revealed another puzzle, what unknown event had transitioned their world from a Prime-centric government to Council and Prime controlled one? It seemed that once the Council had assumed a leadership role in their world's government corruption eventually crept in. Despite these questions, he knew the information he had discovered should not be kept to himself.

Armed with this knowledge and naiveté he reached out to Megatronus and broke the caste laws by meeting illegally with him. Their shared common ground based on the desire to be free and ruled by an honest government bloomed as their meetings, at first private, turned public. Orion joined Megatronus and publicly spoke alongside him. Was he a useful tool for Megatronus to gain approval and acknowledgment from the higher castes? He never knew for sure, but what he did know was that once Megatronus included him, the higher castes started to listen.

The movement took a greater hold on the populace, punctuated by small acts of violence, which forced the Council to take action. The Council knew that to move against Megatronus now might provoke open rebellion. So they gathered to plot a way out, to minimize Megatronus and curb the discontent he fomented. Megatronus's low caste origins helped but the Council knew they needed to halt the increasing upper caste interest as well. Instead of jailing Megatronus for speaking out, they decided to summon him to a public hearing to allow him the opportunity to state his case openly. The Council believed doing so would show them as benevolent leaders concerned for their people and subsequently focusing anger away from them. It would also give them an opportunity to control the message and show that a low caste bot was simply not intelligent enough to argue against the well-reasoned, sincere, and capable Council. As to Orion Pax, he too would be allowed to speak because the Council knew he was not known for being either eloquent or outgoing. They believed it would be easy to intimidate and humiliate him and in doing so prove the weakness of his case.

The Council made it an open public forum, the broadcast was the most widely viewed program recorded in all of Cybertron's history. News commentators wondered if the Council would put them to death for speaking treason by arguing against their laws. Would the Council be swayed and end the caste law? All of Cybertron watched intently as that fateful meeting unfolded, no one was truly prepared for what happened, least of all Orion.

When the Council summoned Megatronus to speak he had mounted the dais as a gladiator, with confidence and power. He spoke openly about the corruption of the Council and the complicity of the Primes for failing to correct it. He spoke graphically and with passion how the Council consigned thousands of the lower castes to death in dangerous jobs, unnamed and never mourned. While other castes were forced into a life-time of servitude to 'noble' masters that sometimes harmed them merely for amusement, with no hope of freedom. And love? Only the upper castes were allowed to select partners to share their spark, the rest were forced to sparkmate within their caste and only by permission of the state. Megatronus was so inflamed he ended his speech demanding the right as a Cybertronian to be made Prime and put things right. He argued Cybertron would not survive if the Council was allowed to continue. He threatened ominously that there would be outright rebellion and war unless they made him Prime.

When Megatronus stepped off the dais, the Council had to call a halt to the proceedings as the chambers below erupted with roars of support and calls to make Megatronus Prime. In the deafening chaos, the Council knew it was necessary to call a recess. They claimed they needed the time to consider Megatronus's words. In reality, they used the delay to let tempers cool as they let their supporters fill the lower chambers to whisper Council-centric words, subtly trying to change the tone by manipulation and guile.

The Council retired to their private suite using the time to discuss their options. They knew Sentinel was growing tired of leading and would eventually need to step down, he had even requested so himself. They also knew Megatronus was definitely not a bot they could control. Many candidates were considered that day but the Council was unable to reach an agreement. When news reached the Council that the chambers below had quieted, they decided to return to hear Pax's speech and were determined to recess afterwards to continue their debate.

Optimus remembered mounting the dais with trepidation and embarrassment. At first he answered the Council's questions nervously, but as the questioning went on he grew calm as he rationally explained his reasoning. The conviction and honesty of his beliefs stilled his fears as well as the rumblings within the chamber as those within began to listen. Unexpected courage flowed through his frame giving him more confidence and as he relaxed his voice, deep to begin with, grew in volume and carried throughout the hall.

He spoke of what he had learned from his research and with reverence reminded them of their noble origins. Of a time when their direction was given to them by Primus, led by the 13 Primes, when there was no Council and no caste. He spoke sorrowfully as to what the caste had taken away from their people. Like a storyteller of old Orion spoke of the vastness of space they had once explored and colonized on ships they built. Of scientific achievements that would be considered mystical today. With dolor he pointed out how they had lost their way, not even able to build the ships that took their civilization to the stars. He bemoaned the fact that they could not even repair space bridges let alone create them. He reminded them that it was by those bridges they had once been connected with other worlds and their own colonies. He told them they had once been giants amongst the races, but now? He paused as his words echoed within the chambers. He ended his speech encouragingly saying they could be so again if they were allowed the freedom to do so.

No one expected such eloquence from a data clerk, least of all the Council, as the public chambers erupted into cheers and agreement. Megatronus knew at that moment Orion's words had cost him the office of Prime. The Council watched noting the crowd's clear approval of Orion and turned to one another. Silently they agreed, the bot was young and idealistic but they felt they could easily manipulate him, control him.

When Orion stepped down stunned, he remembered with a smile, he hadn't expected that kind of reaction at all. He accepted complements from those bots that swarmed around him, as well as acknowledged the shouts echoing throughout the chamber numbly. When the Council rose to speak, he froze prepared for sentencing and termination.

"We have called this meeting today to hear the words of Megatronus and Orion Pax who have publicly questioned our leadership as well as the Caste Law. These actions are seditious and merit severe punishment. But, we are also sensitive to the needs of our people and since this has touched your sparks we wished to give them the opportunity to speak for themselves."

"We have listened carefully to your words Megatronus and Orion Pax, and we have decided that your motives were genuine and intended no harm. Therefore no charges will be brought against you," the chamber erupted into cheers, "however, we remind you that in future there are appropriate procedures in place to submit grievances. Today we have acted with lenience, the next time we will not. If you continue to speak out, you will face the full weight of the law and its punishment in that regard."

"Megatronus, you have called for a new Prime and we agree. Sentinel Prime has served Cybertron and this Council well and has personally asked respite from such long and honorable service. Today we have decided to grant both requests and will select a new Prime…" The council chamber erupted again with voices shouting for Megatronus while others for Orion.

"Primus dictated we select from amongst us one to take on the heavy burden and responsibility of Prime, to join with those who served before as Primes to lead Cybertron with wisdom and honor… Orion Pax, rise and assume the mantle of responsibility and join with your brother Sentinel as Optimus our next Prime."

The decision caused a greater reaction than the Council expected as the ancient halls shook with the roars of many voices, some in anger and others in agreement. Optimus recalled with a small chuckle that he simply froze, if there hadn't been a crush of bots surrounding him he would have collapsed to the floor his processor glitching.

As the public chambers erupted, Megatronus and his supporters tried to capture Orion and gain access to the Council chambers above. While vigilant Autobot guards both Elite and regulars, including a bot named Ironhide, moved to surround the new Prime and hustle him to the upper levels and safety. No one would have predicted this one decision would commit their world into an ageless civil war, least of all Optimus.

The terrorists calling themselves Decepticons rose up in anger and increased their activities. They saw Orion's elevation as a continuation of the status quo. Their attacks increased both in quantity and intensity as they struck cities all over the planet. Despite Optimus's attempts to revoke the Caste law, he was consistently restricted by the Council and Sentinel Prime. He tried to speak with Megatronus to explain that he had not changed on his position but Megatronus, now referring to himself as Megatron wouldn't listen. Nothing Optimus did made a difference. As far as those who rebelled were concerned the office of Prime was so thoroughly tainted nothing could have changed the course of the rebellion, the lower castes had been pushed over the edge.

The Council was forced into seclusion in fear of retaliation. Sentinel Prime took Optimus under his wing and he placed him in a grueling training program which included military arts, government, and law, while subtly trying to correct Optimus's perceptions. The Decepticons grew in strength and power as small acts of terrorism turned into outright war. Fear gripped the civilian population as the casualties mounted which started the subtle evacuation of Cybertron, first by those with the financial resources to leave or who already possessed space-faring vessels.

Then the Decepticons moved in earnest against the government by capturing two of the Council. Sentinel and Optimus tried to rescue them but sadly in a public forum the Decepticons led by Megatron, executed them for treason against the Cybertronian people. The Council's reaction was shocking. Instead of standing firm, they claimed that the only way to protect their government from these 'criminals' would be to leave Cybertron. They placed Cybertron under martial law with Sentinel and Optimus Prime in temporary command until it was safe for them to return. Reports showed footage from the space port near Iacon, overwhelmed with crowds of civilians trying to force their way aboard the last of the city-ships Metroplex, commandeered by the Council as it readied to leave. The ports closed with finality as the last of the large ships blasted its way off Cybertron and into deep space.

Cybertron was once again under the rule of the Primes but it was not enough to stop the war.

Their world was now split into three factions, the Autobots under the direction of the Primes, the Decepticons under the leadership of Megatron, and the neutrals hopeful the war would end soon without forcing them to choose sides. Instead of a quick end, the war dragged on. Demands on energy grew but Cybertron's energon reserves did not. Energon dwindled from use or was tainted by death and destruction. Cybertron was dying, its population was starving or dying, trillions dwindled to billions and then fewer still.

For the Primes it was nothing but one long continuous defeat as city after city fell under Decepticon control until only the cities of Tyger Pax and Iacon remained. The Well of AllSparks was still under Autobot control, but their forces were struggling to defend three fronts with failing resources and limited personnel. Their inevitable defeat drew even closer.

The Autobots needed something, anything to help aid their cause. Sentinel advised Optimus he believed he was close to a breakthrough in understanding space bridge technology. If he did, they could use that technology to evacuate the Autobot forces from Cybertron. But to do that Sentinel would need to focus solely on his project and in a small informal setting passed the Matrix of Leadership to Optimus. Optimus truly had no personal desire to command their forces but he too admitted the chance to evacuate their people was the greater priority.

As Sentinel passed the Matrix to Optimus, he placed the device within his chassis while the crowd waited in silence to see if the ancient artifact would reject him as Prime. The Matrix, as all Cybertronians knew from sparkling-hood on up, would reject unworthy candidates. No one knew for certain how as there was no recorded rejection to date. So with the Matrix housed within his chassis Optimus, like those watching, waited for some sort of acknowledgement or rejection, anything. When nothing happened Sentinel formally announced his retirement and seclusion naming Optimus a true Prime.

For those who served with Optimus, he was their unquestioned leader, a true Prime. Optimus however felt like a fraud. He had expected more from the Matrix than access to the memories of the Primes before him. Despite frequent appeals to Primus via the Matrix for aid to stop the war and save their people he received nothing. No help, no guidance, no advice, nothing but memories and even those were incomplete, where were the memories and thoughts of the 13?

Truly left alone to lead their people, Optimus did the best he could. There was one boon for Cybertron's newest Prime, he was finally free to put into place the changes both sides had desired without the Council or Sentinel to stop him. It didn't matter, the distrust too deep and with the Autobots close to losing the war the Decepticons had no incentive to end hostilities.

Then Tyger Pax fell. It was a greater defeat for the Prime not just from the perspective of leadership but as a mentor and guardian. Early on in the war he'd rescued a youngling named Bumblebee who had survived attacks on the youth sector. With no guardians to care for the young, Optimus adopted the mini-bot and raised him with his command unit as best he could. He tried to protect Bumblebee from the ravages of war, vainly hoping that it would be over soon so the little yellow mech would never have to experience the horror of it all.

The war did not end and Bumblebee was forced to grow to maturity as he learned combat, eager to prove himself as a warrior. He advanced quickly and enlisted as an Autobot scout when rumors of a Decepticon push to take Tyger Pax reached command. He volunteered to join other scouts to gather intelligence and despite Optimus' objections was accepted. Bumblebee was an excellent scout, but few were a match for Soundwave.

The mini-bot was captured and later brutalized by Megatron himself and left for dead. Bumblebee's body was recovered with Ratchet as the attending medic who was able to repair the young bot's body but wasn't able to fix his vocal processor. In the interim Ratchet created an attachment which hid the youth's scarred face and acted as a speaker housing to play recorded sounds when he needed to speak. Ratchet was convinced when he had enough time he could eventually repair Bee's voice box, if they survived that is.

Tyger Pax's fall left many brave Autobots dead or critically injured and would've been a total loss if intelligence hadn't discovered Megatron's plans to capture the Well and his final push to overwhelm Iacon. Optimus struggled to keep hope and spirits alive within his troops in vain until Sentinel Prime reappeared claiming he'd rediscovered space bridge technology. With a single-minded purpose they refocused their remaining resources into the production of enough devices to create one space bridge as they repaired ships for the evacuation.

Sentinel's plan was simple, when the space bridge was complete he and a small squad of Autobots would flee the planet and set up the bridge for the rest of their forces to escape. Optimus would stay behind with the remaining Autobot forces to prevent the Decepticons from overwhelming the space port for Sentinel's ship, the Ark, to escape.

As expected, the Decepticons discovered the vessel when it roared away from the space port. Optimus watched it rise higher into space as they struggled to keep the Decepticons from destroying the ship. Decepticon Seekers were excellent fliers and their missiles were deadly, Optimus watched in horror as the Ark reached space only to be destroyed by a Seeker missile.

With the space bridge gone as well as his mentor, Optimus pulled back the remaining Autobot forces within Iacon and around the Well. In an effort to further demoralize the Autobots, Megatron broadcasted his final warning, surrender before Iacon falls when it does he would take no prisoners. Megatron redirected forces to surround Iacon in preparation to take the city itself. Except Jazz's covert operatives discovered the move was a ruse. Megatron's true objective was capturing the AllSpark as he intended to force-create a larger army. It sickened Optimus. After all those speeches Megatron had made decrying what the Council had done to their people Megatron was about to do the same thing, to enslave innocent sparks and force them to his will. Optimus had no choice he would not let Megatron have the Cube.

The Autobots feverishly continued to repair ships and when one was ready troops were loaded and launched. Wheeljack and his science teams created chaff munitions and heat missiles as deterrents to Seeker weaponry which allowed many to escape. While the evacuation progressed Optimus and a small unit joined the forces guarding the Well. As the two armies battled, those within the vault watched with heavy sparks as Optimus launched the Cube into space. With nothing left to guard, Optimus ordered a retreat and as his forces pulled back from the Well. He remembered hearing a great roar of fury as Megatron's form blasted off after the AllSpark. Megatron's actions threw his forces into momentary disarray which bought Optimus time to allow the remaining Autobot forces to escape. As Optimus boarded the final ship, he remembered looking at what had become of his home. Cybertron was now a brutally destroyed and dying world, in part by his own hand in participating in the war and his failure to stop Megatron.

With Autobot's ships scattered to the stars and what was left of the Cybertronian population few in number, it seemed mad to continue. As leader of their world he was concerned about the survival of their race, but as leader of the Autobots it was his responsibility to protect those who served under him from the Decepticons. He bemoaned the fact that there was no apparent way to help the Decepticons see reason.

The corrupt government and caste they had fought against were gone. The Autobots were now acting within the laws established pre-Council and had been so for centuries. Why were they still fighting? If the pre-Council law was not what the Decepticons wanted then what sort of government did they intend to replace it with? A dictatorship led by the strong over the weak? Megatron, in a rare communique between the leaders told Optimus that if he were so concerned about their people's survival, then he should surrender and surrender now and help him find the Cube.

On Earth, in one amazing act of bravery a youth accomplished what Optimus and millions of Cybertronians had failed to do, he had destroyed Megatron using the power of the rediscovered Cube. With the leader of the Decepticons dead, Starscream the Decepticon SIC in hiding, and no information as to the location of the rest of Megatron's command staff Soundwave or Shockwave, was the war over? Was Earth was safe?

Although Optimus was not a pessimist by nature, millennia of war had taught him one thing when dealing with Megatron, be prepared for the unexpected. Given the nature of Megatron's command it was unlikely his termination would cease hostilities, therefore it was unlikely the war was over. As to Earth its energy resources would be what the Decepticons needed so he doubted they would abandon it.

Should the Decepticons decide on a military strike against Earth, he and his 3 comrades would not be able to repel them. Optimus acknowledged a change in tactics was needed. It was time to reassemble his scattered forces and order them to join him here on Earth. But, would the humans allow it? Would he be able to make them understand that the Autobots were doing this to defend their world not take it over? What if they refused? Would he be willing to go against their wishes to protect them? He could not abandon them to die but what could he do while still retaining the principles of being an Autobot?

Last, there was the loss of the Cube itself, it was the only object which was able to perpetuate their race. What was the point of fighting now, a faster way into extinction? Why wouldn't the Matrix help him? What should he do?

Optimus closed his optics and lowered his helm and said a quick prayer not only for his people but for the wisdom to guide them. When he finished he opened his optics and ran a servo down his leg absently noting the various nicks and scratches of war on his ancient frame. He looked up and watched as twilight cast the mountain range before him into deep browns and oranges while the sky shifted into shades of deep purple.

He shrugged his massive shoulders to ease stiffness and immediately earned a few choice comments from Ratchet that made the leader chuckle. This, of course, annoyed the medic even more earning the Prime a smack on the helm, "Will you quit moving? You're going to make me solder your helm to your shoulder," the medic growled as he continued to make repairs.

Optimus grinned at the medic and then moved back into position while the roar of several jet engines echoed loudly within the hangar. Soon a series of small Seeker-shaped aircraft taxied by, the natural shape of the mountains made the sounds of their passing roar and echo as they launched into the sky. An example of a nation's might, Ironhide snorted disdainfully knowing Earth's tiny planes were no match for the power and agility of Cybertronian Seekers and he would be right.

Optimus sighed when he realized he was, as Jazz would often remind him, spinning his mental wheels going nowhere fast. Jazz was more than a special operations tactician to Optimus, he was a good and loyal friend. Together with Prowl, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Bumblebee, they were the backbone of the Autobot command team. Unlike Prowl, his more serious counterpart, Jazz was able to soften the burden of centuries of loss with noisy joviality and an endless bombardment of music, all with the intent to keep the troops' morale uplifted especially Prime's. It was usually Jazz or Bumblebee whose energy and spirit could pull Optimus out of his occasional melancholy musings. Optimus always wondered how Jazz and Bumblebee managed to maintain such high spirits and optimism despite years of war.

Ironhide, stationed near the hangar doors sat and cleaned his weapons keeping guard, he would occasionally look up as jets rolled past and on down the runway. Optimus grunted in pain at a particularly rough tug at his shoulder as Ratchet attempted to reach under his armor.

"Easy there Ratchet, are you trying to rip off my arm?" Optimus chuckled dryly.

"Me? Why? You practically let the Decepticons do that for you," Ratchet snorted as he shifted his servo into another tool and then proceeded to continue with his work. Optimus looked away thinking that that was the end of the conversation when Ratchet stopped to shift his hand again, "besides I wouldn't have to if you'd be more careful." Ratchet frowned at Optimus' expression and shrugged as he began to solder a connection.

Optimus decided to joke back, "Hey, you think taking on Megatron is easy?" When he realized what he was saying as he stared at his trailer. 'Jazz,' he thought sadly, 'I really wish you were still here, old friend.' Jazz gone, any hope of restoring Cybertron and the perpetuation of their species gone. Optimus had returned full circle back to his greatest disappointment, himself, the last Prime. He had completely and utterly failed and wondered not for the first time and mostly likely not the last, that if Sentinel had stayed and he had gone with the Ark, would things have gone differently?

He felt a sharp strike to his helm and turned to stare at Ratchet in surprise, "What was that for?!"

"I've been around you long enough to know where your thoughts are going," groused the medical officer. "You did the best you could with what was dealt you. So stop wallowing."

"I wasn't wallowing," Optimus retorted, trying not to sound defensive.

Ratchet's brows rose as he waved a tool in front of the Prime's face threateningly, "You were. You know you're a terrible liar. Did you honestly think Jazz was the only 'bot around here who could read your moods? Just because I know how to fix your injuries doesn't mean I don't know how to recognize what's going on in your processor."

Ratchet leaned over to make sure Prime was looking at him directly, "I didn't have to while Jazz was around. Now I do. So let me remind you, I'm overworked just keeping you on line, if I have to play psychiatrist be warned, I'm not going to be gentle." Ratchet lightly tapped the Prime's helm again with his fist to get his attention and then winked.

The sound of approaching vehicles caused Ironhide to rise to his pedes positioning himself protectively over Optimus' seated frame as he reset his cannons, "Incoming."

"They're expected and they're friendlies Ironhide, stand down. Ratchet, would you hold off on repairs?"

Ratchet nodded replacing the armor shoulder plate and secured it. They both stood up as Ironhide transformed his cannons back into his arms as he muttered and stepped back to join Optimus. The Prime rose to his pedes as three vehicles drove into the hangar.

The first car pulled aside as several men in black suits quickly disembarked and deployed to the hangar doors while the next car, carrying the Secretary of Defense John Keller and his aid, pulled to a stop in front of the trio of standing aliens. The last car, similar to the first, pulled over to the other side of the Secretary's limousine and deployed as well.

Ironhide twitched uncomfortably as these armed humans arrayed themselves around the hangar, he looked at Optimus silently to urge him to approve his prior readiness. Optimus shook his head earning him a grunt of disapproval from Ironhide, but the mech obeyed.

Several of the security detail regarded the mechanized leviathans warily, having never seen them before and were clearly nervous, except for Secretary Keller. When he caught a nervous look he would smile and nod to show confidence and authority which reassured his men.

'Still,' Secretary Keller mused to himself as he controlled his own fears, 'they are quite amazing and frightening, it's a good thing I've spent years dealing with politicians, helps me keep up a good game-face.' The secretary hadn't been selected by the President as Secretary of Defense for being meek or easily intimidated. As such, Secretary Keller took a moment to quickly scan the Autobots before him.

John had already met Optimus and Bumblebee, and in discussions with Captain Lennox assumed the imposing black robot that stood guard was no doubt Ironhide, the Prime's SIC. The bright green robot with medical markings was undoubtedly the medic, Ratchet. Keller smiled inwardly as said medic merely crossed his arms and snorted softly as he waited with barely controlled patience. It was curious to the secretary that they still retained their Earth mode armor. John found it distracting to look at living beings that were comprised of automobile parts as he recognized a review mirror, a license plate, or a windshield wiper.

Secretary Keller walked up to Optimus, "I know you prefer direct talk Optimus, so I'll get straight to the point. Many in our government see you as nothing more than giant weapons, not to be trusted. The damage and destruction of life and property at Hoover Dam and Mission City are glaring examples of what your people can do to our planet." Ironhide grunted behind Optimus who raised his hand to caution Ironhide.

"Please continue, John."

"There are also many who see you as a tactical advantage, leverage to be used to maintain global superiority and keep the more troubling nations at bay." Secretary Keller shifted his posture, clearly used to moving about but refrained himself from pacing as he spoke, "The United Nations has relayed concern to our government that any affiliation you have with any power will create global instability. We sent your message to the United Nation's Security Council and your intentions not to share your technology has mollified things for the moment. However, the President has asked me to express his personal disappointment that you are unwilling to share your technology," Secretary Keller raised his hand to forestall Optimus' repeated insistence as to why that cannot be the case.

"Despite that, the President is currently meeting with the U.N. G-10 Security Council to finalize arrangements for a multi-national task force to work in cooperation with you and your three remaining Autobots to deal with the Decepticon threat."

"We hope this U.N. approved military agency will bypass any international bureaucratic delays in crossing borders to deal with any Decepticon incursions. The financial burden for this special unit is great and given you don't have any technology to trade, the United States is willing to 'foot the bill.' We hope other nations will join in. In the meantime, the President has asked me if you would reconsider and perhaps offer peaceful technology for us to off-set funding."

Optimus leaned back slightly, "I understand, please assure the President I will consider his request and if there is anything we possess of a benign nature, we will provide it in trade. In that light, it must also be made clear that any nation which cannot afford to assist will still be protected from the Decepticons."

Ironhide vented a huge sigh and muttered 'politics,' rolling his eyes and sauntered to the hangar entrance. His imposing presence caused several within the Secretary's car caravan to flinch. Not unnoticed and ever eager to exert dominance, Ironhide reactivated a cannon as he walked that caused one or two humans to jump back in fear as they raised their weapons in response. Optimus closed his optics for a moment in annoyance as his friend's face bloomed into a huge smile. Secretary Keller watched the scene and looked to Optimus and nodded in mutual understanding as the Prime sent a private comm to his SIC, 'Ironhide….'

When the black mech reached the entrance he turned and saluted his Prime, his cannon transforming back into his hand. Unfortunately he wasn't able to completely wipe the smirk off his face.

The Secretary turned to regard the Prime once more, "As we've previously discussed, your command will be allowed access to any nation threatened by Decepticons. The human military team tentatively being assigned with you will be referred to as NEST based on our soon to be formalized "Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty." We are working on using existing bases as well as building new installations on each continent to aid in deployment to any affected areas, given your lack of flight capability. The United States will be sending you a list of candidates as well as other nations. I have appointed General Glenn Moreshower, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the United States to work with you and NEST directly. He will act as a military liaison and buffer with our government."

"However," John added, "there is one request the President has refused. He insists the 'shard' be held by our forces as a proof of your cooperation."

Optimus frowned at this unexpected request, "John, the Shard is what remains of our heritage, an ancient artifact of great cultural significance as it held the power of life for my people and that includes the Decepticons. I will need to consider this request." Secretary Keller nodded as Optimus stood and paced deeper into the hangar.

Ratchet joined the Prime to voice his concerns in Cybertronian, "If the Decepticons learn a piece of the AllSpark exists, there's nothing humanity has that can protect it."

"I know," Optimus responded in kind, the mixture of noises and sounds echoed in the hangar. Although they talked softly, the concrete flooring coupled with the metallic hangar walls caused the sounds to reverberate making the humans present twinge in discomfort. Optimus stared at the ceiling of the hangar and carefully weighed options. Then he closed his optics and reached out to the Matrix, a habit he maintained despite the consistent lack of results, and with a shake of his helm he returned to the elderly human and knelt.

"Secretary Keller, I will honor this request only because I believe the Decepticons think the AllSpark is destroyed. Give your President this warning. Should the Decepticons learn a piece of the AllSpark exists, your military has no defensive technology advanced enough defend yourselves from them. If your President is willing to accept that risk and responsibility for the loss of human life as a result, then as a show of cooperation I accept, with great misgivings."

"Understood. I will relay this discussion to the President. In the meantime, we've set up primary NEST headquarters on an island called Diego Garcia. A cargo plane will be arriving shortly to take you and your men there. You'll have ample opportunity to meet with the candidates and make selections as well as outline the supplies needed for your own personal needs as well as that for NEST."

Ratchet stepped up, "Would those requests include equipment?"

"Depends on what you ask for. Prepare your request and we'll go from there," answered the secretary as he nodded to the medic. Then he returned his regard to the Prime, "Optimus Prime, the President accepts your request for Bumblebee to remain as a guardian to Sam Witwicky and his family. Because they are United States citizens we will also maintain security for the family. This will be done covertly so the family will be unaware of the extra security."

The Secretary paused and placed a hand on the bent knee and spoke softly, "Optimus, I wish to personally convey to you and your team my sorrow at the loss of your compatriot Jazz."

"Thank you Secretary Keller," responded Optimus surprised at the comment and lowered his head in gratitude, "and to you and your Country for the loss of your men and women." Secretary Keller nodded his thanks and stepped back which allowed Optimus to stand. Optimus' deep voice filled the hangar indicating a close to their meeting, "Please tender our thanks to your President and to the United Nations for allowing us to remain and assist you in defending your planet from the Decepticons."

Secretary Keller stepped back and nodded, "I wish I could stay until the transport arrives, but I'm needed back in Washington for further discussions with the President, as well as briefing the different Senatorial Committees, something I'm definitely not looking forward to. Please enjoy your trip and thank you for aiding us," he said with a tired smile.

Optimus smiled, "I bid you a safe journey, John."

Secretary Keller waved as he returned to his vehicle. Within moments the security detail swiftly boarded and sped out of the hangar leaving the three Autobots standing alone in the empty hangar lost in their own thoughts about the coming days.

Optimus canted his head as his audios picked up the drone of a large aircraft and then turned to Ratchet, "When we arrive at Diego Garcia, I'd like you to setup communications and computer systems, in secret of course."

"Of course," concurred Ratchet as the pair joined Ironhide at the front of the hangar to watch the arrival of an Air Force cargo plane. Several military vehicles rolled to a stop in front of the open hangar discharging soldiers who had recently served with the Autobots in Mission City.

Once the aircraft completed landing it rolled to a stop near the secured hangar and lowered its loading ramp. Several Air Force personnel strode down the ramp as Captain Lennox exited one of the newly arrived military vehicles and met them mid-way. A brief discussion was had with Lennox making gestures and nods, then the group split, the pilots to a rest area and Lennox towards the bots.

"Hey!" He shouted and waved as he walked closer, "looks like we're going to be tagging along with you guys to Diego Garcia. We've been selected as NEST candidates. But before we go we'll be making a small diversion to California for a brief stop-over before we head over to our assignment."

"Captain Lennox, I'm glad to hear you'll be part of this joint operation." Optimus walked closer and then knelt to make it easier to speak with the officer, "I'm curious, why are we stopping in… California and not proceeding directly to Diego Garcia?"

"Most of us who are going with you are from California. The JCS has authorized a two week leave for us to visit with family and add additional gear before transferring. I thought, since it'll be near Bumblebee and Sam, you wouldn't mind delaying the trip. JCS agreed. Was I wrong? Did you want to go straight to Diego Garcia?"

Optimus smiled, "You and your men deserve the time to rest and visit with family and as long as we're near a base and can mobilize should the Decepticons attack, I see no reason why we can't take advantage and rest as well."

"Great! I'll call Sam and let him know to expect you guys. It's going to take some time to load you three on the plane, as well as fuel and equipment. Oh and we'll need to load you in your vehicle… selves so we can strap you down. It's a weight and balance thing for the aircraft, a big deal to these pilots. Alright?"

"If that will make transporting us easier just let us know when you're ready."

"Okay, be right back," the captain said as he turned and dashed over to the building the pilots had entered. As he left the men who were candidates to join NEST unloaded their gear from the truck and piled them up by the hangar door. Optimus and the other bots sat down to talk as arrangements were made.

While the men and bots waited for the aircraft to be readied for flight, time stretched into an hour of inactivity. Instead of complaining at the delay they gratefully accepted the quiet and rested. Some sat and talked, others played cards or made phone calls, a few braved the pilots lounge for food, and a some simply stretched out on the still warm pavement using their jackets as pillows to sleep. It was Las Vegas after all and the cement in places was still very hot from the sun. They all knew through experience things could go from dull to frenetic instantaneously, so moments like these were quickly taken advantage of.

Ironhide watched the men as he sat down near the entry of the hangar and spoke in Cybertronian, "Hey Prime."

"Yes?" Both noted a change in some of the men, clearly discomfited by the language. Since they were allies, Optimus quickly switched to English, "Yes Ironhide?"

"Not so different from us are they," he said softly as he shifted his arm transforming it to his cannon as he pulled a tool from subspace to make some minor repairs.

Sergeant Epps was one of the men taking the opportunity to sleep when he pulled his arm away from his face, "Are you kidding? I'm not a 30 foot tall giant armored robot!"

"That's not what ah meant, although it would be helpful if you were," Ironhide responded as he gently pushed the barrel of his cannon into Epps' ribs. "Ah meant how all of you are behaving right now. We do the same after a battle, do you understand?"

"You mean nothing?" Epps frowned as he rubbed his face and looked at the men around him tiredly.

"What you're doing is not nothing," Optimus pointed out, "you are resting, talking, allowing yourselves a moment of peace before the next battle."

Ratchet walked over and pushed Ironhide's servo aside grumbling softly, "Lemme see that." Ironhide complied with a sigh and held out his weapon for the medic to repair.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Hey, I don't see Bumblebee around is he okay?"

Ratchet nodded, "He's fine, he's taking Sam and Mikaela home."

"In that respect, we're not alike. None of us can get our legs back like that," Epps said bitterly.

"Then we will train you to make sure that doesn't happen," Ironhide said as Ratchet waved at him to test the repairs. Ironhide shifted his arm and then activated his cannon causing several of the humans to start in surprise at the sound.

"See that you do," Epps said as he lowered himself back to the concrete, "my wife'd kill me if I came back missing a limb, she'd insist I did it on purpose to get out of doing chores."

"Why would your wife think that," Ironhide asked puzzled as he deactivated his cannon and transformed his arm back.

"It's a joke Ironhide," Epps said. "My wife's run ragged raising four kids alone while I'm off doing this. The minute I get home she's nice enough to let me get a good night's sleep and then in the morning hits me with a list of 'honey do's. If I was injured, I wouldn't be able to do the chores so she'd say it was an excuse to get out of doing them. Make sense?"

"No, not really," Ironhide said with a sigh, "Honey do's? A wife, is that like a bonded mate?"

"A what?" Epps said as he stood up to stretch as the other airmen and army soldiers stopped their various activities to listen into the conversation.

Optimus nodded, "Yes, I believe it's similar."

"Oh. Well, Chromia did tease me now and then," Ironhide said as he looked off to the mountains and thought about the blue femme. Captain Lennox stepped out of the pilot's lounge and headed over to the waiting unit.

"Chromia, she's your wife," Epps asked.

"Yes." Ironhide stood abruptly, nodded and walked back into the hangar. Lennox and Epps stared at each other as they digested the information and his reaction.

Optimus noting their response added, "They have been parted for a very long time." The men nodded and drifted off as the humans assembled thought about their own spouses and girlfriends.

Ratchet walked into the hangar and when he saw Ironhide leaning against Prime's trailer, joined him, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," he answered with weary patience, "and ah can still feel her, if that's what you're askin'. It's not much, but it's something."

Ratchet nodded, "It's something." The pair stood in the hangar in silence as they again waited to board the aircraft.

20 minutes later the pilots exited the lounge as the fuel trucks departed from the aircraft. With military precision both men and Cybertronians, in vehicle mode, queued up to the craft. It took time for everyone to load, especially Prime and his trailer, but once all were secure the aircraft engaged its engines and waited for permission from the tower. With slow ponderous effort, the giant aircraft lifted itself off the runway and into the evening sky, banking towards California.

The flight was not long and with clearance approved the C-17 Globemaster gracefully landed at Edwards Air Force Base. Once the craft had all its cargo disembarked, a special hangar was set aside for the Autobots as the humans made their way to temporary quarters to rest and make arrangements to visit their families.

Colonel Lennox walked up to the three bots as they settled in for the night, "Hey uh, Optimus. I was wondering if I could ask one of you for a favor?" Optimus nodded encouragingly so the officer continued, "My wife has the car and I thought it would be nice to surprise her. Instead of renting a vehicle I was wondering if one of you might drive me home?"

Optimus regarded his companions noting Ratchet's emphatic shake and then at Ironhide, "Of the three of us I believe Ironhide would be the least conspicuous. Ironhide?"

"Ah don't mind, it'd be nice to just drive around, clear my processor. Sure Colonel, ah'll drive ya home. Just get me in the mornin' when you're ready to leave."

Bill grinned widely, "Thanks, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. She's going to be so surprised, I can't wait! See you in the morning!" The hangar echoed the human's bootsteps as he exited the hangar leaving the three Autobots to settle down for the night to recharge, exhausted. Normally Optimus would set a watch but decided not to, simply setting his system to a light recharge and activated his energon warning sensors. He was relatively certain Megatron's recent defeat would keep the Decepticons off-kilter enough that they could rest in safety tonight.


The next morning, Lennox arrived bouncing as he carried his luggage with him chatting merrily. In a blink, Ironhide and Lennox were speeding out of the hangar leaving Optimus and Ratchet alone. Optimus activated his comms to contact Bumblebee and informed him of their change in plans. Bumblebee greeted the news with eagerness as they made arrangements to meet later that evening as Sam and Mikaela were still resting from their adventures. Once the conversation ended, silence again descended on the hangar. Ratchet chose to take the opportunity to fall back into recharge while Optimus considered their situation.

If the Decepticons came in force, all he had to stand against them were four Autobots and humanity. Recalling Epp's comments about humans not being as easily repaired as bots brought home the fragile nature of humanity and their limited combat technology. They were fierce fighters but they lacked the necessary armor to protect themselves from Decepticon shells and laser weapons. Then there were the comments from Epps and Lennox about their wives which had him thinking about how much he missed Elita. Truth be told, he was tired of going against greater Decepticon forces with the barest minimum of troops and having to watch them fall. The Decepticons didn't hold back and if they knew Megatron was here, dead or not, they would come. Optimus rubbed his chin as he weighed options.

Optimus rose quietly so he would not disturb Ratchet and headed out of the hangar to find one of their human associates to arrange a telephonic meeting with the JCS. Once that was accomplished a meeting was arranged for Optimus to discuss his concerns with the JCS. He held nothing back, told them bluntly of the size disparity between forces and the vulnerabilities of protecting such a large planet with only four Autobots. He expressed his concerns for the men and women forced into combat and the amount of lives lost because they were inadequately prepared. He stressed his concerns for the safety of their people and their world and whether or not he and his three Autobots would be enough to defend it. So he put forth his request, would the JCS allow him to call for more forces to aid in defending against the Decepticons?

Initially the JCS planned to disapprove but Optimus' approach and manner made the difference. Optimus did not intimidate nor threaten he simply discussed his reasoning in a manner that suggested it was in direct proportion to the threat and not the move of a politically ambitious leader. General Moreshower was convinced that had the JCS said no, Optimus would have accepted without argument. In the short telephone conversation the JCS was left with the impression that the alien leader's purposes were genuine. Optimus' response validated their reasoning when the Autobot leader, clearly expecting the JCS to refuse, had to have them confirm their approval. Once he realized permission had been granted he thanked them with sincere gratitude.

When he returned to the hangar, Ratchet was out of recharge working on his own systems so Optimus relayed the discussion. Both Autobots sat and mulled over the ramifications this request would bring and if the JCS fully realized that in doing so they were making Earth center stage in the Cybertronian war.

Hours passed as Optimus helped Ratchet make repairs until it was time to leave to meet up with Bumblebee in Tranquility. Optimus and Ratchet drove off the air force base and enjoyed a peaceful drive as they looked forward to meet up with their comrades. There would be plenty of time to weigh actions later, when they returned.


Ironhide's drive to Lennox's home was silent at first as he wove his way through city traffic following occasional directions from the human. Bill had to admit it was hard not to take control of the vehicle and instead watched rather disconcerted as the steering wheel moved by itself. Since they were high enough above most of the cars on the road Bill simply placed a hand in his lap while he drummed his fingers on the seat.

"What's botherin' ya," Ironhide said in response to the tapping.

"What? Nothing," Bill responded unaware that his nervous twiddling was being felt by his ride.

Ironhide hummed to indicate he disbelieved his companion's response, "That tapping you're doing is starting to irritate me, ya know."

"My what?" Bill looked down and paused looking at his fingers in surprise, "Oh, I guess I… you felt that huh? Man that must feel weird having someone sitting inside of you like this."

"Yes and no," Ironhide answered, "there are smaller Cybertronians who've ridden inside me from time to time, although they didn't fidget as much as you do."

Bill chuckled, "Yeah, bad habit I know. Just wait until I start tapping my feet."

Ironhide responded dryly, "How about we say you don't, alright?"

"And where's the fun in that? Boy Ironhide you're a crusty old robot aren't you," Bill said as he crossed his arms over his chest to keep from fidgeting and stretched out his legs taking care not to touch the pedals.

"Crusty? Oh, well ah guess ah do need some time in the washracks," Ironhide said as he slowed to a stop at a light.

William burst out laughing, "You need to brush up on human colloquialisms, I meant you're grumpy."

"Oh, ah see, you're messing with me" Ironhide's voice dropped warningly as the seatbelt across Bill's chest tightened, "Haven't they told you it's the old ones you gotta watch out for?"

"Okay, okay, sorry," Bill gasped as he pulled at the seat belt and then heaved a sigh of relief when it eased. "No teasing the giant robot, got it."

"Oh, now ah didn't say you couldn't tease me," Ironhide responded his voice coming over the speakers had a definite smirk to them, "ah like a joke or prank as much as the next bot, just expect appropriate retaliation, is all ah'm sayin'."

Bill shook his head, "I'll keep that in mind. So, you guys joke and prank too huh?"

"Not often. The younger ones mostly, to let off some steam. Though most know not to mess with me, ah tend to be rather, exacting in my revenge." Ironhide chuckled evilly.

"Ooohkay," Bill said, "let's talk about something else then. How long have you been an Autobot?"

"Long time, before Optimus became Prime. Ah wasn't exactly inta fightin' but had knack for weapons that just led me into the regulars. Came up in the ranks and ah managed to get noticed by Sentinel Prime. Was assigned as one of his bodyguards, he was Prime before Optimus, before the war. Ah was there the day they selected Optimus and ah liked the metal of that bot, so ah assigned myself as his bodyguard. Wasn't a big deal to Sentinel as he had plenty, but it sure made an impact on Optimus. Talk about a green cadet, optics as big as grenades when they made him Prime."

"Optimus, really? I've seen him fight and he's no slouch, well, neither are you for that matter. But… well, I just can't imagine it."

"Optimus wasn't a fighter, not like me at first but ah took him under my wing and trained him. Became good friends, can't ask for a better mech to watch your back than Prime."

Bill couldn't help but notice the respect and warmth in the mech's words, "You all have been fighting together for a long time, I gather."

"You could say that," Ironhide snorted, "give or take a millennia or two."

Bill whistled, "Long time."

"Yep." The pair drove along in silence as the traffic moved and stopped as the traffic lights commanded. With a few more directions they started to edge their way out of the city.

"Oh, uh, my wife has no idea about you guys and we're supposed to keep you secret. So keep it low-key. She's already freaked out enough since the news led her to believe I was dead. Again, I want to thank you for driving me out there to surprise her, it means a great deal to me."

"Ah understand, have a mate myself. What's yer wife's name?"

"Sarah and we've got a baby girl, Annabelle," he said a pleased but wistful smile bloomed across his face, "she was born while I was away. This will be the first time I've seen her face to face."


"Uh, you know…," Bill paused uncomfortably, "do you know anything about how humans… have babies?"

"Nope," Ironhide responded helpfully. Bill rubbed his face and head making his hair spike up untidily as he groaned.

"Never thought I'd have to explain the birds and the bees to an ancient robot," Bill muttered to himself.

"I may be ancient, but I can still kick your aft."

"Yeah, not helping here," Bill frowned. "Okay, human 101. Male and females get together and they uh, well they…"


Bill scowled as he heard the tone, clearly Ironhide was laughing at him, "If you know already then I don't need to tell you."

"Ah'm just helpin'."

"Well stop, this is embarrassing enough as it is."

"Why?" Bill stopped his mouth open as he blinked at the response.

"Well… well, humans are a bit… well private about their intimate relations."

"Ahhh, ah gotcha. Yer like Prime, he gets all quiet about his femme, until ah add a little high grade to the mix. That mech certainly opens up with a few cubes in his tank."


"Females, ah think you call 'em, right? Mikaela's a femme, Sam's a mech. Make sense now?"

"Ooohkay," Bill drew out the word as he tried to think of what to say in response as his mind whirled, "you bots have sex?"

"Sex? Wait, Bee said the web was quite informative, give me a bit," Ironhide said and the cabin was filled with silence and then Ironhide started to chuckle, "Well, not exactly but close enough without goin' inta details."

"I did not need to know that," Bill muttered under his breath, "ANYway, Sarah's my wife and she and I, well, she and I created Annabelle."

"How'd ya do that? You got places that make organic protoforms to put the spark in?"

"Uh what?"

"Nevah mind, just keep talkin," Ironhide said impatiently.

"The baby grows inside of the woman and when it's fully mature, it comes out… please don't ask for details."

"The femme makes the sparkling's body inside o' hers," Ironhide muttered as he searched, "ya know there's quite a lot of pictures on your web. Ah didn't realize bein' organic was so… messy."


"Yep, messy."

"Can't argue with that. So how do you make babies?"

"Well look at that, we're here Bill," Ironhide smirked as he pulled up a dirt driveway to a small home.

"Timing's everything isn't it?" Bill responded dryly.

"Sure is, so, you gonna show me this sparkling you and yer wife created?"

"You sure you wanna see a messy organic baby?"

"Ah may be 'crusty' but ah love sparklings, helped raise Bumblebee."

"You did? Sounds like stories for another time. Just pull up to the garage and wait there," Bill said as Ironhide rolled to a stop and then he jumped out of the truck. As soon as his feet hit the ground, Bill's excitement increased his speed as he suddenly found himself at the front door. He knocked and waited impatiently, bouncing on his heels as he heard a woman's voice shout, "Be right there!"

Bill stepped back as the screen door opened to a beautiful woman holding an infant to her chest. The looks on their faces melted into tears as they rushed at each other, arms wrapping around the other tightly. The only thing stopping their embrace was a whimper from Annabelle who was being slightly squished between two emotional parents.

Once Bill heard the whimper he swooped down and grabbed the small child in his arms and lifted her up in the air cooing nonsensical noises as he spun about. When he caught a glimpse of the black Topkick he stopped mid-twirl to grab his wife and drag her over to the truck.

"Sarah, Annabelle, I'd like you to meet my truck Ironhide. Ironhide, I'd like you to meet my beautiful wife Sarah and my beautiful daughter Annabelle. Annabelle, don't drool on the truck, he doesn't like it," Bill burst out with laughter as his wife regarded him with concern.

"Nice truck honey. Now let's get inside, dinner's waiting and Annabelle's up past her bedtime," Sarah said as she scooped her baby from her husband's arms. "Don't forget your gear, no doubt you've brought home loads of dirty laundry for me to do before you have to go back and I'd like to get started on it tonight."

Bill leaned against Ironhide's fender as she walked back into the house with a sigh, "Aren't they the most beautiful women you've ever seen?"

"Yep. Just as beautiful as my Chromia and certainly worth fighting for," Ironhide said enjoying the company. "Don't forget yer bags, don't particularly feel like smelling of stinky human laundry."

"Oh, yeah," Bill said startled out of his thoughts as he dashed around to retrieve his bags. He walked up to the porch and dropped the bags and then returned to the Topkick, "Don't forget to pick me up, alright."

Sarah stepped out the door again with her child in her arms. The look on her face was priceless as she looked rather comically at her husband thinking it was rather funny Will had not only named a truck but was still talking to it. She sighed having grown rather used to his whimsical nature, he hadn't been nicknamed "Wild Bill" for nothing after all.

Frankly, as far as Sarah was concerned she would happily put up with his humor as long as he came back home to her. As Sarah and Annabelle walked back into the house carrying one of Bill's bags, Lennox tapped on Ironhide's hood reminding him again not to forget to pick him up. Ironhide left the family feeling a lightness of spark he hadn't felt in some time. When the family turned to go back inside Ironhide started his engine and reversed in the driveway so he wouldn't have to head down the drive backwards.

Once his was aligned properly he pulled away and caught sight of Sarah, punching Will in the arm from his rearview and laughed thinking immediately of Chromia. It was something she would do to him for scaring her. He mused that Sarah was no doubt threatening the male she'd do worse next time he pulled a stunt like that. Ironhide chuckled remembering similar moments with his beloved Chromia as he rolled down the drive. He'd have to remember asking Bill if that's what happened as he drove along the road.

"Bill?" Sarah said warily as she closed the door as the Topkick drove down the road, "Your truck's leaving."

"Oh, one of the guys from base is taking him back for some work, he'll be back to pick me up when my leave is up," Bill said as he dropped the last bag in the laundry room and then headed to the kitchen sink to wash.

"You took time to introduce me to the truck but not to one of the men you work with?" Sarah said with a frown as she buckled Annabelle into a high-chair.

"Uh, well… ooohhh chili, you made chili. Man I've missed your chili," he muttered as he grabbed a bowl and started to ladle a generous amount. Annabelle started to cry forcing Sarah to sit down and put a bottle in her hands and some finger treats on the tray. Bill smiled as he sat down and began to spoon cheese and onions on top of his chili.

"Not too many onions Bill," Sarah smirked and then winked which made Bill pause, spoon mid-way to his opened mouth. He grinned and then proceeded to shove the contents of the bowl as quickly into his mouth as he could chew.

"Easy there hun, there's no reason to hurry," Sarah laughed as she took the empty bottle from Annabelle and then picked her up out of the chair to burp her.

"Sure is, I've only got two weeks and I plan to make every minute count," he said as he scraped the bowl with his finger and thrust it in his mouth.

She rolled her eyes and turned the baby away from his father, "Don't you dare pick up your father's table manners, you hear me?" She frowned at her husband as she carried her daughter away.

As the Lennox family settled in for the night, Ironhide drove to meet his own 'family' as he went to regroup with the rest of the team in Tranquility. As the sun dropped lower in the sky, the Autobots met on a hilltop overlooking the town and parked to watch the beauty of the sunset as well as enjoy quiet companionship.

Bumblebee twitched with a combination of discomfort and intrigue as Sam and Mikaela lounged on his hood kissing. The human's activities earned Bumblebee a few commed teases of a rather risqué nature from Ironhide. Optimus and Ratchet chose to ignore the exchange and continued to watch as the sun drifted lower. Making his decision Optimus transformed into his bi-pedal form to look up at the sky as the stars slowly appeared.

Ratchet watched as the leader paced, "Still trying to decide?"

"Bringing Earth into our conflict is troubling Ratchet, they are so young and ill-equipped. But to ignore the fact that the Decepticons are here and not prepare them would be a mistake. The Joint Chiefs and General Moreshower agree. As long as the Decepticons know of Earth's existence it's only a matter of time before they discover Earth's resources and they will, and they will come in force…"

"Sounds like you've made your decision then."

"It appears so," Optimus said as he paused to gather his thoughts, then he opened his long range comm., "With the AllSpark gone…"

A/N: Answers to potential questions:

Q1: How Optimus became Prime was liberally taken from TP and maybe the books (haven't read them in a while).

Q2: Location for Tranquility: Can't find anywhere that gives a specific location, so I chose Palmdale, near LA, sort of.

Q3: Will Optimus be emo all the time? No. But he is a multi-faceted being and as such would feel deeply.

Q4: The Matrix was a conundrum, so my tweak is that Optimus believes he holds the true Matrix of Leadership, a nod to G1, which will blend with the Bay verse later on.

Q5: Why is Ironhide speaking oddly? Ironhide's original voice was done by Peter Cullen with a sort of southern drawl that I absolutely adored but I also enjoyed the voice from the Bay movie. I enjoyed both representations of the character (except for looks, I preferred G1 over the Bay look). So, if you prefer the Bay voice, read the story with that in mind.