This is the start of the third story in the 'Going' series, following 'Going into the Unknown' and 'Going on Vacation!'. I hope you all enjoy, and thank you for taking your time to read this little fanfic.

Chapter 1: Happy Halloween!

Randy's POV

"Happy Halloween!"

"Happy Halloween" I mumble back as I make my way through the hall after changing into my in ring gear, mostly ignoring the old stagehand as I made my way to craft services. 'Happy Halloween' this and 'Happy Halloween' that is all I basically hear all throughout today. I get it! It's Halloween! Give me a damn break! It's just one day for Pete's sake!

"I swear I'm going to punch the next person in the face if they tell me 'Happy Halloween' to my face.

"Happy Halloween Randy!"

I turn around and instantly go for a punch, but my super strong, muscle head of a friend John Cena manages to move out the way before my fist could connect with his cheek.

"I'm an ally! I'm an ally! Don't punch my lights out!" exclaims the Cenation leader as he holds his hands out in self-defense, his face portraying how spooked he was at my sudden act.

"If you don't want me to punch your lights out, then don't say anything that involves the word Halloween." I tell him as I cross my arms. "I'm already tired of the damn phrase as it is."

"What's up man? You don't usually act like this on the spookiest day of the year." he tells me with a curious look etched across his face. "Actually, today is one of your favorites."

"I don't know man," I tell him with a small shrug. "For a while now, I've been getting this weird feeling that something is going to happen soon. I just don't know whether it's good or bad. It's just making me irritated, that's all."

"How long has this been happening?" he asks me as we start to walk to our usual haunt, craft services.

"Since I woke up this morning." I tell him blankly as we walk into the cafeteria; the whole place was littered with orange and black Halloween regalia, Superstars waiting idly for SmackDown to begin taping, and Divas dressed in various Halloween costumes to celebrate the night.

"Maybe that's just the spirit of Halloween finally getting on your nerves." John suggests as we take a seat at the table furthest from the entrance.

"Maybe," I say with a small shrug. "Now that I think about it . . . the feeling has been dying down throughout the day."

"See? Like I said, it must be the Halloween spirit . . . and now it's giving you a break." John tells me with that ever so cheeky grin. "So . . . what costume are you wearing to the Halloween party after Raw tonight?"

"I'm going to dress as one of my all-time favorite horror movie characters: the great Jason Voorhees." I tell him with a shrug as I watch as Sheamus and Wade walk into the room.

"Well . . . it's an improvement on the Ghostface costume you wore last year." John tells me with a shrug as he thinks my idea over. "By the way . . . was it real blood or fake blood on the knife you had with your costume?"

"Yeah . . . I'm never telling." I say with a smirk as Wade and Sheamus walk over to us. It was fake blood I used last year, but I decided that John didn't really need to know that. "What are you two going as for tonight's party?"

"I'm going to be a Celtic Warrior," Sheamus tells us with a grin as he pounds his chest. "It wouldn't be right if I didn't dress up like an actual one for once."

"And I'm going as one of the Queen's Guard." Wade tells us with a shrug as the two sit by us.

"You're going to be one of those guys wearing those big bushy black hats and red coats that usually wear a stoic mask on duty and practically don't say anything at all?" asks John as he raises an eyebrow. "Even when they're annoyed to the fullest?"

"Yep, that's basically it." answers the British werewolf as he crosses his arms.

"Well . . . at least we don't have to hear you speak for the rest of the night." says John as he and Sheamus start chuckling.

"Don't say anything Wade. You basically walked into that one." I tell him as I send him a knowing look.

"No I di-. . . Yeah, I did." Wade says in defeat, making John and Sheamus chuckle even harder. Wade was about to reprimand the two, but cuts himself short when he looks at the second entrance in the room. We all turn around to see his girlfriend and one of my childhood friends, Monica, walk in dressed as Catwoman; Halle Berry's Catwoman that is.

"I didn't know Halle Berry was filming 'Catwoman 2'!" says John with a smirk as he crosses his arms.

"She's not," says the six foot Diva as she walks over to us with a grin plastered on her face. "By the way . . . I need to thank Amanda for this costume."

"What the fuck?" I ask in surprise as I raise an eyebrow. "This was originally Amanda's costume?"

"Yep," answers the dark skinned female. "I couldn't find a suitable costume I really liked, so I went over to Amanda to ask for costume ideas. When I reached your room, I saw this box from a costume shop with Amanda's name on it and I figured she wouldn't mind it missing for a few hours."

"So . . . you're basically saying you stole your sister's costume from right under her nose?" Sheamus asks, threatening to break into a laugh once again.

"Yeah . . . basically." mutters Monica as awkwardly scratches the back of her neck. "But don't I look good in it?"

"Monica . . . not only did you rob your sister of the costume she bought, you robbed me of the opportunity to see your sister dressed as Catwoman!" I say in mock hurt as I put a palm to my chest.

"I bet she doesn't even miss it." says Monica with a sheepish smirk, her blue eyes shining through her mask.

"So that's wear my Catwoman costume went."

Monica's face becomes that of absolute terror as we all turn around to see her older sister, known as Ms. K.O, the Anaconda, and my soul mate, Amanda, standing by the doorway, dressed as a female version of Freddy Krueger. Her face was set into that of a scowl as she slowly walked toward us; that spiked glove on her right hand looking very deadly right now.

"Oh . . . hey twin!" exclaims Monica in nervous surprise as she slowly takes a step back. "I see you found yourself another costume. Might I say, black and red stripes and frizzy hair really suit you!"

"Uh huh," mumbled Amanda as the elder twin stopped by our table. Standing side by side, Amanda and Monica were identical as identical twins could be. Both had the same blue eyes, same dark skin, same pointy noses, and same body type, slender and toned with a hint of an hourglass showing. The main differences between the two was that Amanda was a full two inches taller than the six foot tall Monica, Monica's hair was shorter than Amanda's (thanks to a dare she completed on our last vacation), and Amanda was a psychic/elemental hybrid while Monica was a psychic/shapeshifter hybrid. "Are you really that desperate for a costume?"

"What can I say? . . . This costume was calling my name." says Monica with a shrug. "Now if you excuse me, I have to reclaim a whip from a certain Fox. I hope she's not beating Kofi too bad with it . . . Oh my."

And with that, Monica kissed a still silent Wade on the cheek and walked out the room, gaining a few other stares from some of the other male wrestlers. When they turned to us, they instantly turned away as soon as they saw Wade's cold stare sending daggers at them.

"Irritated much laddie?" asks Sheamus as he turns to his fellow European export.

"Oh be quiet," mumbles Wade, his tone definitely telling the rest of us that he was done talking about the subject. "Getting to a different topic . . . when is SmackDown supposed to begin taping?"

"As soon as Ted and Sandow are finished with the dark match." I tell him with a small sigh. "Wait a sec . . . John, you're not even scheduled to appear on SmackDown tonight! What are you still doing here?"

"Nikki; she said she had to give me something tonight before SmackDown began taping. Now that I think about it . . . I haven't seen her or Brie at all since we got here. I wonder where they are." says John as a contemplative look came across his face. All of a sudden, a pair of hands with sharp, knife shaped claws appeared out of nowhere on either side of John's head. As soon as John caught sight of them, he instantly yelped and jumped out of his seat, pounding his fist into the table so hard that he punched a hole through it.

"HA HA HA HA! Happy Halloween babe!" exclaims Nikki as she appears from thin air, dressed in a devil costume; the claws still on her hands.

"Not cool Nikki! Not cool!" exclaims John as we all laugh our asses off as he pulls his hand from out the table. "Damn that invisibility power of yours!"

"You got to use what you got to get ahead babe! I figured Halloween wouldn't be right without a good scaring. Don't blame me for your bad habit of being scared so easily." says Nikki as she places her hands on her hips.

"I don't scare easily." says John, but as soon as he turns around to come face to with a devil mask. "AAAHH! WHAT THE HELL!" he exclaims as the devil mask comes off to reveal Nikki's sister Brie behind it, also dressed in a devil costume that was identical to Nikki's own.

"Oh wow Nikki! You're right! John does scare easily." says Brie with a chuckle as she crosses her arms.

"I know. Now come on! Let's go scare your fiancé!" says Nikki with a devilish grin, pun intended. Brie and Nikki quickly scamper over to the exit, going invisible as they did. By the time they walked through the exit, their bodies were completely gone.

"I just had to date someone who can go invisible on a whim." says John with a small sigh as he looks around the room, scowling when he noticed a few guys still snickering at him.

"Hey! You chose to date her! You should have known for a fact that once you date one of the Bellas, you are going to have to live with their invisible antics." I tell him with a small shrug as I pull Amanda onto my lap, the smell of citrus hitting me like a summer breeze.

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for a twin." says John as he outstretches his hand.

You and me both. I think to myself as I watch as John walks out the room, waving goodbye as he walked through the door.

Heard that. I look up to see Amanda smirking at me, obviously hinting that she heard my thoughts.

"Amanda, are the other girls dressed yet?" asks Sheamus, pulling us out of our small mental conversation.

"Yep; Kelly Kelly is dressed as a German milk maid, Kaitlyn is dressed as Rogue from 'X-Men', Lita also went the X-Men route and is dressed as Jean Grey, Alicia is dressed as an actual fox, no surprise there, and Layla is dressed as a belly dancer." answers Amanda as she lists them with her fingers.

"I see . . . if you excuse me, I have a dancer to find." says Sheamus with a serious expression on his face. He jumped out his chair and rushed out the room, leaving us alone with Wade.

"So Wade, you ready for the international tour coming up?" asks Amanda as she turns to the werewolf with a questionable look in her eye.

"Of course I am; it'll be great to be back in England, even if it is for a few shows," answers Wade as we notice Director Barry give him a signal to come over. "Now if you excuse me, I have a match to get to."

The Brit quickly makes his exit, leaving Amanda and me to ourselves, which I currently wouldn't have any other way.

"You want to go somewhere private until my match starts?" I whisper in her ear as I rub small circles around her flat stomach, completely bare thanks to the small top she wore. "I got . . . like a good ten minutes to kill before my match with Del Rio."

"And what, my dear Viper, do you have in mind?" she asks me with a small smirk as she raises an eyebrow. I let a small smirk grace my lips as I jump out of my chair, holding on to Amanda bridal style the entire time. She shoots me a surprised look, but I don't pay that much attention to it as I take us to my locker room in less than five seconds flat; the perks of being a vampire.

Amanda's POV

"You really love using that speed of yours," I tell him as he walks us into the room and close the door with a kick of his leg. "Don't you ever get tired of it?"

"Why should I get tired of something I was born with?" he asks me with a grin as he takes a seat on the leather couch, me resting snuggly on his bare lap. "It's like asking you if you ever get tired of using your psychic powers!"

"Touché," I concede with a small sigh as I cross my arms. "So, where is your costume for the party tonight anyway?"

"If you're so curious, why don't you look in my duffel bag to find out?" he asks as he nods his head to said bag lying on a nearby bench. Knowing he was setting me up for a trap, I decide to play his little game. I move off his lap and walk over to the duffel bag, opening it to see that all that was inside was his street clothes, a few spare pieces of wrestling gear, and a few of his bathroom necessities.

"Are you going to the party as Average Joe?" I ask with a small scowl as I come to face to face with him wearing a banged up hockey mask. "Oh . . . hello Jason."

All Randy does is let out a low intimidating grunt as he lifts up a very intimidating machete in his right hand, but I still manage to hold my ground. They don't call me the Anaconda for nothing.

"Do you really think that's going to work against me bub? I kill people in their dreams for a living!" I tell him as I flick his mask with my spiked hand. Randy's instant reaction is to grab my right hand and bring me closer to his body, his eyes boring into mine through his hockey mask, the hint of playfulness within them. "Now what are you going to do, huh?"

He responded to my question by slapping my ass with his machete, which I couldn't help but yelp at. Randy's Jason Voorhees act finally crumbles as he lets out a small chuckle. I pull off his mask to reveal his chuckling face, which instantly stops laughing as soon as he sees the scowl on mine.

"You done?" I ask a little annoyed as I cross my arms.

"I'm done," he tells me with a small nod of his head. "Now, can you do me a favor and oil up my back for me?"

"Why should I after you're little chuckle fit just now hmm?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm running low on time, we have to get to the ring in a few minutes, and I promise to never laugh at you again . . . well for the rest of this week."

"Well . . . it's a start," I mumble as I take off my spiked glove. "Where's the baby oil?"

"In my duffel bag." he tells me bluntly as he nods to the large bag. I quickly take the bottle out and pour some of the substance onto my hand as Randy takes off his shirt. He sits down on the bench next to his bag, his back facing me, giving me prime viewing of his well sculpted backside.

"I can handle the rest. I just need you to cover my back and that's it okay?" he reminds me as he puts some oil on his hand.

"Fine by me." I say with a small sigh as I start rubbing along his upper back.

"And if you want . . . you can give me a massage while you're at it." he tells me with a small shrug as he begins to rub the oil on his legs.

"Yeah . . . don't push your luck." I say bluntly as I rub the oil onto the back of his shoulders. I eventually find the Viper rubdown quite enjoyable to say the least. I actually started tracing the contours of Randy's chiseled back as I administered a second dose of baby oil onto the lower half. It was almost calming, to say the least, and I actually would have lost track of time if it weren't for the swift knocking sounds coming from the door.


"We'll be there Barry!" calls Randy, swiftly getting up from his seat. He grabs two towels from a nearby stool and chucks one my way. "Let's get moving, babe."

"Alright, let's not keep the WWE Universe waiting." I say with a sigh as I quickly get the oil of my hands, succeeding in getting most of it off.

"Aw, is someone disappointed that she couldn't continue to rub my back?" asks Randy with a smirk as he walks over to the doorway, throwing me my glove along the way. "The offer to give me that massage I suggested still stands, you know?"

"Oh be quiet!" I say with a wave of my hand. "We have a match to get too!"

Normal POV

The Viper and the Anaconda walked out Randy's locker room and through backstage to the curtain area to see Alberto Del Rio already in the ring, ready and waiting for Randy.

"How long do you think he's been waiting for you?" asked Amanda as Randy's theme song began to blare through the arena speakers.

"Who knows?" replied Randy as he stretched his arms out. "Let's not keep the Mexican Aristocrat waiting."

The two walked through the curtain area to wild applause from the Des Moines crowd, which very muck irked Del Rio. As Lillian made the formal announcement of their arrival, Randy walked down the ramp with Amanda one step behind him. Most of the men that lined the barricade shouted out catcalls Amanda's way. Randy chose to ignore them, choosing instead to keep his icy mask in place as he entered the ring and did his signature pose on the second turnbuckle. The referee called for the bell and the match was officially underway.

"Looking good Ms. K.O!" exclaimed a male fan dressed in a Sheamus t-shirt who was only a few people down from where Amanda stood by the side of the ring. Amanda ignored him, along with all other male cat callers, staying in character as she watched as Randy dropkicked Del Rio out the ring.

Randy soon rolled out the ring after Del Rio, who managed to sidestep out the way, pushing Randy face first into the announce table.

"That's not good." mumbled Amanda as she scratched her right temple with her ungloved hand. 'Del Rio can be a wily one."


"Wait . . . what the?" asked the Diva as she quickly looked around the area with her eyes, but all she saw was just crazed fans, an excited announce team, some wary WWE staff members, and Randy and Alberto exchanging shots right in front of them. "Is there someone there?"

Coming, coming

"That's definitely . . . telepathic . . . and creepy." mumbled the psychic as she sidestepped out the way before Del Rio could barrel right into her. Randy shot her a quick apologetic look before returning his gaze to Del Rio, who was already scrambling into the ring. "Who could that weird voice belong to?"

Amanda scanned the area close to the ring, but she couldn't spot anything out of the ordinary besides the fact that a few of the fans were dressed in Halloween costumes. Letting out a small grunt in annoyance, Amanda looked up to check the upper levels of the arena to see if she can spot anything off, but she still came up empty. The sudden elevated roar of the crowd made Amanda turn to the ring just in time to see Randy go in for three count; coming out as the victor.

"You're winner: Randy Ortonnnnn!" exclaimed Lillian as Randy did his signature pose in the turnbuckle. Randy turned around to see Amanda scanning the box seats of the arena with a suspicious look in her eye. He rolled out the ring and walked over to her as her back was turned; tapping on her shoulder to get her full attention.

"Is something wrong?" asked the Viper as the two walked up the ramp.

"It's just . . . it's nothing." mumbled Amanda as she crossed her arms. Randy wasn't going to let it go so easy.

"What's wrong 'Manda," asked Randy as the two walked backstage. "I noticed how you were acting at ringside. Something was distracting you, and I guess it wasn't all the catcalls you were getting."

"Well . . . I don't know what to make of it," mumbled Amanda with a shrug. "One second I was watching your match and then the next second, I'm distracted by this mental voice saying 'Coming, coming'. The voice said it three times and poof, it disappeared just like that, like it never existed."

"Maybe it's the spirit of Halloween getting to you." answered Randy as he nudged her in the arm with his elbow.

"Maybe . . . and now it sounds like John is getting to you. Really? Spirit of Halloween?" asked Amanda as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Well . . . there is a spirit of Christmas." countered Randy as the two turned a corner. "And speaking of Christmas . . ."

"I don't want to think about Christmas until after we get through Halloween and Thanksgiving first," said Amanda as she raised a hand to Randy's face. "Besides, you know how my family gets when it comes to Christmas, let alone Halloween."

"Yeah . . . I have witnessed a lot of Evans' Christmas celebrations to get the gist of it," said Randy with a sigh as the two turned a second corner. "But you won't have to worry about it this year!"

"What do you mean by that?" asked Amanda as she turned to the Viper with a deadpan look in her eyes.

"You haven't heard about it from your mother yet?" asked Randy as he raised an eyebrow. "Our mothers decided to make the holidays interesting this year by combining our family celebrations."

"What . . . the . . . hell?" asked Amanda, enunciating each word with shock apparent on her face. Are you basically telling me that the Evans and the Ortons are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving AND Christmas together this year?"

"Basically," said Randy with a smirk as the two stopped walking. "From what I learned from my mother, our two families are going to feast together for Thanksgiving and party together for Christmas."

"So many Christmas gifts, so little time." mumbled Amanda as she looked up at the ceiling. "Do you even know how many of your family members are coming?"

"It'll probably be me, my parents, my siblings, Sam, Alanna, and Josh," answered Randy with a shrug. "And you?"

"Most likely Monica, myself and my parents." mumbled Amanda as the two began walking again.

"What about your older brother Mason? Isn't he going to show up?" asked Randy as he raised an eyebrow.

"He hasn't shown up for either Christmas or Thanksgiving in four years Randy. It's most likely he'll make it five," said Amanda as a scowl graced her face. "He's spotty. One moment he'll show up at my parents' doorstep and the next moment, he's gone. This is what basically happens when your older sibling works as a supernatural detective for a living."

"Your brother means well," assured Randy as he wrapped an arm around his mate. "You should be proud of him. Just be glad he's practically a no show because he helps people for a living and not for some bad reason like drugs or gambling."

"You make a good point Randy." said Amanda as the two stopped right in front of his locker room. "I'll see you a little later. Lita wants the girls to do a group photo before the party begins."

"I'll see you in a few then." said Randy as he leaned over to peck Amanda's cheek. He let Amanda go and quickly smacked her ass as she took a step forward.

"I will get you for that Voorhees!" said Amanda as she pointed to him with a gloved finger before walking down the hall.

"I'll be waiting Krueger!" Randy called after her before she disappeared around a corner. Randy placed a hand on his room's doorknob, before suddenly stopping. He let out a small gasp as he felt an overwhelmingly weird feeling come over him. It washed over him at a quick pace, hitting him like a ton of bricks before suddenly disappearing completely from his body. Randy turned to look around to see if anyone noticed him suddenly freeze in place, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that he was the only one in the hallway.

"Wow, the spirit of Halloween really is getting to me." mumbled Randy as he shook himself to loosen up before opening his door and going inside his room.

If only it was that simple.

What's going to happen next? Read to find out! Please review!