AN: First story here. Yes, I know it's a bit rough, and short for a first chapter but I promise it will get better and the next chapter will be a lot longer. I'm just throwing this out for fun and hopefully I can get some feedback. So please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor am I making money from this story. I do own the plot in this story though.

I hate living in a military family. All we ever do is move. I don't even bother making friends anymore.

"Sakura, move your arm, I'm rolling up the window." Mebuki, my mother, said breaking me out of my train of thought. I moved my arm so she could roll up the window and soon the wind stopped blowing my hair around. I sighed, oh yeah! I was talking about something right? Oh yeah, friends.

My dad, Kizashi, is an active member in the military, and is often rude or stricter than he needs to be, but I know he means well. I've spent time in America, Germany, and Italy, but now, we're moving to Japan. I don't even care anymore. Of course, it's always exciting to visit somewhere new. I've spent time learning some Japanese, enough to make a conversation, but nothing in depth. No point in learning a full language when you're only going to be in the country for a year or two. At least, that's how I view things. I never really bothered to make friends, so I was always the loner. Not that it bothered me, but I do feel lonely at times. I'm still human, without social interaction, we'd all pay a trip to the funny farm. I do remember being really good friends with a girl back in the States. Well, at least I think. That's a shame…I can't even remember her name anymore.

I stop my train of thoughts and begin to look out the window, the trees are beginning to grow further and further apart as we near the city. What was this town again? I don't know, something I guess I didn't bother learning. Maybe it's Tokyo, another crowded city like New York. I miss New York; it's where I was born, so maybe I could give this city a chance.

The buildings eventually come into view and, my oh my, quite a city it is. The traffic on the highway we are on eventually begins to slow down. Yep, just like a city. The look of smog covers it quite a bit, shielding the towers in what looks like the city's own personal clouds. The smell of gas and other city smells begin to drift into my senses. It may be weird, but I like the acrid smells, makes me think of Brooklyn, New York. Traffic is jammed here about half a mile out of the city, but whatever delays the bothers of moving boxes. Seems like we're gonna be here a while anyways, so I go ahead and pull out my phone and start browsing for some entertaining game on the App Store.

"Sakura, you better not be buying anything on your phone." My mom says, even though I never buy anything anyways. I like the free games. "I'm not. I'm just downloading a free game to play until we get to our apartment."

Now I know what you're thinking, "Oh my God, an apartment?!" No, this apartment we have is like a house almost. It's got 3 bedrooms, including master, 2 and a half bathrooms, a living room, and a full sized kitchen. Military pretty much takes care of its high ranking soldiers and their families, even though the government doesn't. After scrolling through the games section, and not seeing a game I like, I begin to visualize how the apartment is going to look. I only know what it's like because my mom told me before we started packing things up in our old home.

When she broke the news that we were moving again, I'll be honest, I got a little upset. I was beginning to like Sicily. The aged buildings, the culture, and the language itself were all fun. I was beginning to get the hang of Italian too. Hey, it's not easy to learn multiple languages in just a couple years. Although, I knew for a while we were going to move to Japan, I just didn't think it was so soon. We had only been in Italy for a year, but I was getting Japanese lessons from my dad just in case. Preferably, if someone knew English, I was all over that in a heart-beat. When I speak a new language, I always feel like I'm gonna mispronounce something and look like an idiot. Oh! That reminds me of a funny stor-

"Sakura, honey, we're here." My dad said, now being the third time I've been broken out of my thoughts. I looked at the apartment complex, and I must say, not too shabby. The outside building was fairly new, about 6 stories in height, and, from what my mom says, is close to the academy I'll be going to. I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out of the car with my parents to walk inside the building. My dad was in his uniform and when the clerk at the counter saw him, he immediately smiled. "Hello, Haruno-san," the man greeted politely. I wasn't paying too much attention though; I was busy looking at the atmosphere in the building. It was very clean and well kept, the smell itself was expensive. You could practically see your reflection in the marble floors and counter tops. There was a little koi pond in the center of the lobby, giving it a little of a calming feel. While my dad was busy talking to the clerk, I was making my way over to the pond to look at the fish. Just as I made it over there, my dad called me to go with him and mom to the car to start getting some boxes. I guess I'll look at it another time.

Could I have any worse luck? Here I am with the heaviest box and our apartment is on the very top floor. When we walked into the building, people were giving me strange looks seeing a 5-foot-nothing carrying a box bigger than her. I guess that I have pink hair didn't really help much either, but nobody said anything the first time I walked into the building. My dad walked passed me with two boxes and he chuckled at the pitiful sight. Here I am, on the verge of being crushed by a box, and he's laughing. After a few more steps (miles), we made it to the elevator and I set the box down breathing like a fat kid running up stairs. My mom looked at me concerned, "Sakura, are you okay?" After a moment of catching my breath I looked at her with a glare that had no effect, "What did you put in the box? Bricks?!" My mom laughed, "No, just the kitchen supplies. Pots, pans, silverware, dishes," I cut her off right there, "So you decided to give me the heaviest box? For amusement?" I didn't get much of a response after that, only laughter. Maybe it was a sign to start working out more.

The elevator doors opened and we all stepped in with our boxes, almost leaving no room in the elevator. I began to feel claustrophobic. My dad reached over and bumped the 6th floor button on the elevator with the edge of his box. I decided to set down my box and relax for a minute. My mom looked over at my dad with a bit of a gleam in her eyes. "Don't you think this is nice? A new home, new people, new culture." My dad looked at her, and he had a little bit of sadness in his eyes. "I guess so. I just wish we could finally settle down somewhere. Maybe we will be able to relax here for a while." At that, I smiled. I couldn't help but agree, it would be nice to relax somewhere for a bit and make friends for once.

The soft ding of the elevator caught all of our attention. With a sigh, I picked up the box and waited for the doors to open. We walked down the walkway and found our apartment with ease. My dad set down his box to open the door while I looked around over the railing that didn't have much of a view. It was only six stories tall and barely saw anything with a huge skyscraper in the way of anything. I mentally sighed and walked in the apartment when dad finally got it open. I set down the box gently, didn't want to break the dishes….yet. I gaped when I looked around. It was a very nice apartment indeed. It was fully furnished, minus the television, white carpet and navy blue walls with black furniture to give it a modern look. I mentally groaned at the sight of the white carpet that was going to be a pain to keep clean. My dad set down my boxes for my room; I didn't have much stuff since we move a lot anyways. "Go ahead and pick your room and set it up." He told me while he began to unpack the kitchen stuff.

I picked up my boxes, which were pretty light even though I did have a fair amount of clothes, and walked down the hallway. There were two bedrooms on the left side, and one at the very end on the right. There was a half-bathroom in the middle of the right side for guests. The bedroom at the very end was the master bedroom. The last one on the left was a small bedroom, most likely going to be for guests, so I chose the first bedroom on the left. I walked in and saw the queen size bed against the back wall. "Wow, thanks US Army." I said happily, I never had a bed bigger than a twin before. There was a wooden dresser on the right side of the bed, it was very expensive and looked very heavy. The closet was to the right of me, it was small, but big enough to put all my clothes inside. The bathroom was to the left of the closet and was decent in size. Although to my disappointment, the bathroom had just a walk-in shower. No bathtub, which was my second favorite thing in the world. What? I like to take baths. It allows me relax after a long day.

I walked back over to my boxes to begin unpacking all of my clothes and hand them up in the closet. All my socks, undergarments, and pajamas went into the dresser beside the bed. I looked at the bed briefly. It had a navy blue cover which looked to blend in with the walls, and looked super comfortable. I decided to test it out and laid down on the top of the bed, it was like lying on a cloud. Her own room, bathroom, and a bed that felt like it was made for gods what more could a 17 year old girl need?