
Gotta sort out the patrols for today, Moonfire, Sunfire, Dawnshadow, Iceshadow going on a border patrol

I frowned. I hate border patrol. I narrowed my eyes at the grey tabby tom I was looking at. How about you send them hunting instead, They are the best hunters, after all. Send Spottedrose, Ambergaze, Greyflower and Brokensong on the border patrol

Stonefeather blinked, then called out the names.

" Spottedrose, Ambergaze, Greyflower and Brokensong will go on a border patrol. Toadfur, Crookedtail, Hollyfrost, Flowerpaw and Featherpaw will go on another. Moonfire, take Sunfire, Dawnshadow, Iceshadow and Silver on a hunting patrol."

I smiled. How easy was that? I thought-spoke to Iceshadow, my sister.

Fine. I'll get Thornstar on the patrol!

shot back Iceshadow, turning towards the brown tabby tom. She narrowed her eyes, and Thornstar nodded slightly, walking up to Stonefeather.

"I'm going with Moonfire's patrol if you don't mind Stonefeather." he said.

"Sure." Stonefeather replied.

Silver purred, twining her tail with Thornstars as he walked over. Gently licking his mates ear, Thornstar turned to me. "Shall we go?"

I nodded, narrowing my eyes at Iceshadow, who smiled. See? she mocked, eyes playful.

She was always better than me at convincing.

We headed out, my eyes trained for any prey around me. I spotted a squirrel. It was nice and plump, but to high up to reach, so I tagged it for later. We reached the Cloud-Toucher, a huge maple tree where CloudClan apprentices practice climbing.

"Okay goys, let's split up. Team hunting?"

The group nodded.

"Okay, Thornstar, who's your partner?

"Can I have Silver?" he asked, smiling slightly.

"Okay. Sunfire and Dawnshadow will go together."

The pair nodded.

"And Iceshadow and I will go together!"

Everyone nodded and we went our separate ways. I went in the direction of the squirrel and, once reaching it, choked it until it fell to the ground, unconsious. I walked over, hitting it with a killing blow. Iceshadow looked dissapproving.

"You shouldn't be using your power to hunt Moonfire!" I glared at Iceshadow, as her blue eyes darkened. Finally, I broke the stare-off.

"Let's keep moving!" I said sharply, noddig at a rabbit further away. I climbed a tree, leaping to the one at the edge of the rabbit's clearing.

Three, Two, One!

I exclaimed, dropping down in front of it. It turned tailand ran. Straight into Iceshadow. She caught it in both front paws and killed it with a swift bite to the neck.

We hunted like this for until sundown, when we returned, jaws laden with prey. Placing most of it down, I picked up a mouse and ate it, then heading into the warriors den and going to sleep.

Moonhigh: Third person

Moonfire was awoken by a screaming from outside the den. Immediately sending a message to Iceshadow to wake up, she flew out of the den. Vaguely she heard the words "SnakeClan are attacking" as she saw the army of cats streaming into the camp. She threw herself at one, holding on as tightly as she could to its form, clawing constantly. The cat rolled over, crushing the silver she-cat underneath his greater tom turned clawing her belly as Moonfire flailed.

Finally, she went limp, defeated. The tom yowled in victory, and Moonfire shot upwards, putting herself back in control. she clawed the toms stomach, coating her paws in crimson.

SnakeClan was a constant threat. They wren't clan cats. They were rogues, hiding at the edge of the clan's territory, stealing prey. They didn't follow the code, and were ordered (by the warrior code, no less) to be killed on sight.

Moonfire continued clawing until his yowling was quelled and he went limp. Throwing The limp corpse behind her, she threw herself at another, this time sinking her claws into his stomach and gripping the cats throat.

Like a patrol of senior warriors she cut down the attackers, coating herself in blood. Behind her, bodies began to pile up, a new one added as another cat shot at her. She was so caught up in the attack she barely noticed her sister's yowl.

"Moonfire!" She called, and the silver tabby flew at the black tom. she slashed her claws down the toms flank, spraying her with more blood. The tom snarled, turning towards her. Moonfire kicked off a tree growing nearby, shooting under the tom, claws outstreached. The tom stiffenned, collasping right after Moonfire got out.

She stood up, still coated in blood, and ran to her sister.

"Ice... Iceshadow?" she said, searchning desperately for her sister's soul, but the area was empty. She felt a tail land around her shoulders. She turned and saw Roseleaf, the medicine cat.

"Moonfire, she's gone." Roseleaf said, eyes sad.

"No! NO! She's not dead! She can't be!"

"Moonfire..." Roseleaf mewed. The elders stepped towards Iceshadow, herbs in hand

"No! Get away from her!" Moonfire yowled, clawing at the cats. she stood over Iceshadow, daring anyone to try and take her away.

"Iceshadow died protecting the ones she loved." Thornstar said, trying to calm the grief-striken Moonfire.

"So did Softstar! and look where that got her!" Moonfire yowled at Thronstar. "She was abandoned! And so was Iceshadow!"

"Moonfire, we did NOT Abandon your sister!"

"Really Thornstar? When you were sleeping in that cosy den of yours, did you even THINK that we were being attacked by SnakeClan?" Moonfire spat, eyeing Thornstars sleep-ruffled fur. "You killed her! You killed my sister!"

"I-I-I did not kill Iceshadow!" Thornstar said, eyes panicked.

"You ignored her. That's the same thing." She snarled, looking away.

"And YOU!" she growled at the forming crowd. Her eyes turned a dark purple colour and the cats around her began to glow. "You slept through all this! I saved all your lives and I don't get a word of thanks?" Her eyes darkened and many cats gave of yowls of shock as the fur around their paws began to glow violet, the same colour as her eyes. "You deserve to die." Finally, then the glow reached their hearts, they collasped, their normal colours returning to their fur.

But when they opened their eyes.

"No..." murmured Thornstar as he took in his clan, with their glowing violet eyes. They swarmed on him and Roseleaf, killing them quickly.

Smiling to herself, she emptied the life energy, souls of cats that will never make it to StarClan into her sister. SnakeClan and CloudClan flowed into her fur, reviving her.

"W-Wha?" Iceshadow asked as she took in the scene around her. Puppets, eyes glowing purple. The mangled bodies of her leader and Medicine cat. Her own body, the scar across her throat already healing.

"Oh no. Moonfire! What did you do?" She asked eyes wide

"I-I saved you. I brought you back!"

"No-No, Moonfire. You destroyed a clan. To save one cat. You aren't my sister. You're a monster. And you made me a monster. Moonfire, I shoudn't be here! Do you knnow who I met? Moonfire, I met Flowershadow! I met mother. And you ripped me back down here with the souls of innocent cats.


"Moonfire, go. Before I destroy this clan once and for all." Iceshadow looked away, tears in her eyes.

"But-But-Bout... Iceshadow!"

"Just go!"

Shocked, Moonfire ran. At the edge of the territory, she stopped, building a rough den and changing her name to Moon.

A/N So...Yeah. Anyways, the reason I wrote this is, quite honestly, I have a poll, on my profile, and maybe, please, could you check it out? It would mean a lot. Thanks and goodbye.