Hey guys I really am sorry about the delay! I never thought this story would become quite popular! But I'm back with an update and I'll try my best to keep doing so! I also apologise if this is crap quality as its my first chapter in a while so I need to get back into it!

Also just curious, what do you guys think of me adding Elsa and Anna to the story? I wouldn't give Elsa powers though! Let me know through a review or message me!


(Ill try and make it longer next time)


On my drive to college I couldn't help control this massive grin on my face as well as my outburst of blasting out tunes and singing along. I'm not usually a morning person but today was different, I felt free and no one could ruin my mood.

All night me and Jack had been exchanging conversations again, although this time it was done by texting and not by Facebook messenger, which felt a bit more personal. I pulled into the college car park turning down the volume of the radio. No sign yet of Tasha's car, which meant no Jack either. Which was normal as I like to get in college earlier than the others to return library books and what not.

Yes I know I still have a library pass, not everyone has a kindle they can poof books up on. To be honest I prefer holding a book and flicking through pages instead of staring at a screen.

Once I returned and exchanged some library books I headed up to registration. To my surprise everyone was already there. I must have taken longer than I realized. I opened the door to see Jack sitting in my seat and all the others shooting dagger looks at him.

"Hey, Hic" Jack waved over to me with a huge grin.

"H..hey…" I stuttered walking over, now having everyone's eyes focused on me. "Your in m.. my seat" I said putting the new library books on the desk.

"I was saving it for you so no one else would sit next to me" He smiled and scooted over to the chair beside mine closest to the window.

"W.. well thanks" I said. By now Astrid and the others managed to divert their attention away from us.

"So Im guessing you went to the library first before here, as usually your already here. Although I must say I was a bit disappointed not seeing your face as I walked in the room" Jack leant his hand on his fist smiling.

I could feel myself going red. "W..well I had to get the bo.. books back. They where late enough already"

Just then the door of the class slammed open. "Now, now settle down children" Dr Bunnymund grumbled holding a cup of coffee in one hand and books in the other.

Dr Bunnymund registered us and then dismissed us to our classes. Jack followed me to every morning class like a little lost puppy. Not once did he go check on Tasha and the others. Jack even carried my books for me, which made me feel really awkward as I heard a mutter from Tasha saying I'm taking advantage of the new kid.

Soon enough it was lunchtime and boy was I starving! Once our teacher had us finish from a text box we was free to go. Jack and me ended up finishing at the same time.

"So… Im guessing you go off to lunch with Tasha and that huh?" I asked.

Jack grinned, oh no that's never good. "Are you trying to ask me out to lunch Hic?"

I shook my head repeatedly. "No-no- no. I.. its just that I just was wondering… what you planned to do.." I said twiddling with my thumbs for no reason at all.

Jack shook his head. "Well if it's alright with you, I was hoping to catch some lunch with you. I'll catch up with that lot this afternoon" He shrugged.

"Well… I was going to go see my friend…" Before I could finish my sentence, Jack butted in.

Jack turned his head looking me directly in the eyes. "A.. friend?" He said smiling but a quiver on his lips.

"Erm… yes. Well kind of a friend, I volunteer at an animal shelter and in my lunch break I walk a dog named toothless" I watch Jacks shoulders shrug down and he breaths out a heavy sigh, fixing a straight normal smile on his lips.

"Oh Hic why didn't you say so! Sounds like fun let go!" He jumped out of his seat, grabbing my shirt and dragging me along to follow, causing me to blush slightly. As we got out the door he stopped letting go of my shirt. "Sorry but you better lead the way"

I rolled my eyes smiling and lead the way to the animal shelter. It was only a ten-minute walk from the college, so not far. We walked in the back gate leading us to all the dog cages outside. I think Jack got a bit nervous when we entered the shelter, as soon as we walked in the dogs went wild by barking and I think that startled Jack as he jumped and took my shadows place.

I stopped outside Toothless cage where the big fluffy bear came bounding up hammering his paws on the door. "Hey buddy!" I grinned. Jack kept behind me when Toothless let out a roar of a bark.

"I didn't even need to see who it was when I heard that rare bark" Tooth appeared holidng up Toothless lead,smiling. "Hey Hiccup. Oh you've brought a friend today" She smiled and held out her hand to Jack. "Im Tooth, nice to meet you.. erm?"

"Jack" Jack said shaking her hand. "Jack Frost, that's quite an unusal name you have there"

Tooth retrieved her hand back. "It's a nick name, long story" She said smiling. I opened the door for Toothless who came bounding out jumping on me and slobbering all over my face.

"Down boy" I laughed pushing him down.

"So whats with his name then?" Jack asked and I lifted up Toothless lips which showed no teeth present. "Oh wow" He said.

"So boys, two cheese toasties today?" Tooth said and I just stuck up my thumb.

"How did you know that was my favourite?" Jack grinned. "Sounds good to me, thanks" Tooth nodded and returned to the animal shelter building.

We began to walk Toothless, Toothless didn't really take any interest in Jack, he might as well not have been with us. But I'd rather that than an over protective Toothless with Jack. "So what's your guys story?" Jack asked.

"Mine and Toothless?" I shrugged. "Well I found Toothless about a year ago in the forest. He was abandoned, cold and hungry. His previous owner left Toothless to defend himself, that was after he pulled all his teeth out" I gritted my teeth as I spoke, disgusted how someone can be so cruel to an animal. From the corner of my eye I could see Jacks fist clench, he obviously agreed with me.

"Anyway, I bought him home and my greedy father said I couldn't keep him. So I took him to the animal shelter where I met Tooth. She said I could volunteer so I could keep seeing him" I sighed and when we reached a field I allowed Toothless off the lead to run about. "His been up for adoption but no ones come forward yet. In a way I'm happy, but that makes me selfish"

Jack shook his head. "No it doesn't, it just means you care" I smiled at the gesture but shook it off, as I didn't want Jack to think I'm an emotional mess.

After our cheese toasties, which according to Jack was the best cheese toasties in the world and demands Tooth to make him all the time, we returned to college. We both went our separate ways as our afternoon lessons are different. Mine being engineering and his being sport science.