Just a story i came up with on the spot Which im not entirely sure where its going yet... but i will do soon ^^So here's the first chapter.
It's been 5 months, 6 days and 12 hours since I asked one of the most popular girl out at college. Not that I was counting or anything. Astrid is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I've always had a crush on her since I started college a year ago. When I asked her out and she actually said yes I couldn't believe my luck. Her friends right away disapproved of me.
I think it was because I'm not as muscerly as their boyfriends and probably not as attractive as them as well as not being athletic. Since there all in the sports side of the college and I'm in the design technology side. In other words I'm a dork and Astrid and her friends are too cool for me. But apparently Astrid thought differently.
So why since she said yes to going out with me didn't I feel as happy as I thought I would? I always imagined going out with Astrid would be the best time of my life! But in honesty it wasn't as exciting. When we first kissed I thought I would pop but there was no spark. Well not for me there wasn't, I'm guessing there was something there for Astrid because she never questioned it and now she wanted to move on to the next step.
After the first two weeks of us getting together she wanted us to go all the way, but I managed to delay that saying it was too soon. I think it was more her friends wanting us to do it more than anything. Every time we would have lunch together Ruffnut and Some others would sarcastically come out with remarks like...
"Oh Hiccup, have you planted the seed yet?"
"So bought the ring yet since your obviously into sex after marriage"
"You look happy this morning did you finally get laid or is that trapped wind"
Anyway so tonight I went to Astrids house for our usual film night, I made note that her parents car wasnt in the drive meaning they've gone out like usual. I let myself in the back door which was usually kept unlock.
"Astrid?" I called out entering the kitchen making her aware of my arrival.
"Up here Hiccup!" She shouted from upstairs.
I removed my shoes and made my way up to her room. Her bedroom door was slightly pulled to and I pushed it open. "So what film we watching ton-" I was quickly cut off from the unexpected sight of my girlfriend standing completely naked in front of me. I spun myself around so I wasn't facing her.
"A.. Astrid I'm s.. So so sorry! I didn't realise y... you.." I felt her hand slip into mine but I didn't turn her way.
"Hiccup it's alright. I wanted to surprise you"
"Well you sure did that" I coughed to clear my throat.
"Hiccup Im ready" she lead me over to her bed still holding my hand. I kept my head looking away from her not having the balls to actually look.
She sat me on the bed and let go of my hand. "Hiccup look at me" she said standing before me.
I shook my head but she took her hands to my face and turned my head so it faced hers. But I had my eyes tightly closed.
"Hiccup!" She growled and I could tell she was getting annoyed so my eyes flicked open. I could feel my palms starting to sweat as I clenched my fists together in nerves. My hands to started to shake and I could feel a lump form in my throat. I couldn't do this. I couldn't do this!
"Hiccup, relax" she smiled and stroked my cheek. She had such a beautiful body, one to die for. She was slim and had amazing curves at the same time. Her breasts where big but not to big, just about right.
Astrid took my hands and placed them on her waist. "I'm ready" she whispered again.
"Wh... What if your parents come back!" I bit my lip.
"They will be a couple of hours they've gone to the movies" she said starting to nibble my neck and removing my green shirt. "Lift your arms up" she commanded and I obliged so she could remove it.
"A.. Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked trying to look anywhere but at her body.
"Hiccup, we've been together 5 months, its time. Plus people will start talking if we don't soon" she said throwing my shirt to the floor.
"Th...they shouldn't matter. We should do it when we a. Are both ready not when they are!" I said but she didnt listen.
"Shhh" she put a finger to my lips before getting on top of me and laying me down on her bed. She started to undo my jeans making me tense slightly.
"M.. Maybe we should turn the lights off?" I stuttered.
Astrid nodded, smiling and got up to turn the lights off. Once they where off I felt some what better because now I could only see her outline and not her features. I don't know why but I couldn't handle to see her exposed like that.
She returned and I felt her get back on top of me pulling my jeans off and throwing them to the floor. As she sat herself on me and began to kiss down my neck again I just layed there staring at the ceiling. Is this what sex was suppose to be like? I know we haven't gone all the way yet but from what I've read on the Internet its suppose to intense and exciting.
This just... Didn't feel right. And wasn't something suppose to be... I don't know standing up down there? Because my little joey wasn't presenting any signs. Astrids hand wondered down my chest and her fingers began to slide into my boxers.
From then I bolted right up, a bit to quick since our heads ended up colliding into a big bash.
"HICCUP!" She snarled holding her head with her hand removing herself from me to sit on her bed.
"I.. I'm sorry!" I yelped ignoring the pain of my own head and jumping up from the bed and pulling my jeans back on as quick as I could.
"Hiccup what are you doing?!"
"I'm sorry" I repeated finding my shirt and throwing it on inside out. "I... I can't!" I ran for her bedroom door but stop before exiting it as she called me.
"Hiccup, walk out of that door and we are threw!"
I then took a deep breath in and out. Before walking out the room and running down the stairs.
"HICCUP!" She yelled. But I didn't stop I put my shoes on and ran out the door and out of her drive. I then from there just kept running to where ever my feet lead me.
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