Dark gold eyes glance around the forest as a big black wolf prowls through the forest, snow crunching underneath his giant paws. He stops halfway, and lifts his snout up to the sky, and sniffs. A faint, unknown scent of another wolf comes to him, and his hackles rise at the thought of another wolf in his territory. A low growl erupts from his throat, as he begins to follow the scent. He stops every now and again to re-check to see if he's still following the trail. When the scent trail gets stronger, he hears yelps and whines.

His eyes narrow at the sound. Is there a fight going on in his territory? No...that can't be. There seems to only be one wolf here. He crouches, and slinks forward, peering through the bushes. His eyes narrow further into slits as he sees a dark, skinny brown timber wolf chasing after squirrels up a tree. The tall, and lean wolf tries to climb the tree after it, whining slightly. The young wolf seems to be attempting at hunting...which he is failing miserably at.

The black alpha lets out a growl, making the timber wolf's ears snap up in alarm. The black wolf slowly walks out of his spot, and stands tall, lips pulled back into a snarl. The timber wolf's ears snap back against his head, and whines low in his throat, crouching down. Claws scratching against the snow, the black wolf asks, "What are you doing on my pack's territory, pup?"

The timber wolf whines louder. "I-I..." he begins.

"You what, pup?" the black wolf growls, stalking forward, and ending up towering over the younger male wolf.

"I...I was hunting," his whines, "I didn't know t-this was a pack's territory..."

The black wolf snorts. "Of course you didn't..." he pauses, and then leans down to sniff the wolf's fur. The timber wolf shrinks away, as the black wolf reels back. "You...do not have a pack's scent. Do you not belong to a pack, pup?"

The timber wolf pauses, before shaking his head. "N-no..." he bark, "I do not belong to a pack. I travel alone with my mother. We were just passing through."

The black wolf cocks his head back. "Why do you not belong to a pack?"

"My mother has a medical condition," the wolf responds, "She was forced out of the pack when I was a moon old. She could not hunt for big game animals for both of us, so we had to live off of birds and squirrels. Her condition slowly got worse and pretty soon she could not even hunt for herself. I am sorry we came into your territory."

When he heard the timber wolf's story, a pang of pity ran through the black wolf's chest. "Pup, how old are you?"

The timber wolf gave the black wolf a suspicious look. "Twenty-two years old in human age..."

The alpha gave a little woof of amazement. For a twenty-two year old, this wolf is as skinny as hell. The black hesitated for a moment, before saying, "What's your name, pup?"

The timber wolf hesitated for a moment as well. "Spencer...Spencer Reid," the wolf responds.

"Well, Spencer," the black wolf stretches. "My name is Aaron Hotchner, and I am the pack leader of the pack that owns this territory. If you and your mother have no place to go, my pack will gladly take you in."

The timber wolf, Spencer, backs up at what the alpha says. "You're joking...aren't you?"

Aaron scowls at Spencer. "Do I look like I'm joking, pup?" he asks the young wolf, even though he knows it's a serious question. Aaron has been asked that question every time someone has asked to join his pack, whether it was a beta like Derek or an Omega like Garcia, someone was asking him that question. "What shall it be, Spencer?"

Spencer contemplates his decision for a moment, before saying, "I accept." Aaron nods.

"Follow me," he says, and begins to pad away, when suddenly Spencer speaks up.

"Wait, we need to go get my mother," he says worriedly.

The black wolf stops, and looks at the skinnier male. "We'll go and get here later. But for now, we need to take you to camp so none of the other pack members mistake your scent for someone else. Now, come."

"Daddy!" Jack exclaims, running up to his father, as the black wolf changes into his human form. Bones and ligaments crack as he shifts. Aaron rolls his neck once he's fully changed back, and puts on his clothes that he left in a pile by the gate.

"Hey, buddy," he responds, as he picks his son up. He glances behind him to see Spencer already changed into his human form, and is as naked as a jaybird. He made a mental note to get Spencer and his mother clothes. Jack peers at Spencer, and whispers into his father's ear, asking who that is. "It's a new member of our pack, buddy," Aaron says gently, "His name is Spencer." Jack nods, before Aaron carries his son in through the gate to their home, with Spencer on his heels.

"Derek and David are fighting again," Jack says, as they begin to hear loud growls and snarls. Aaron sighs. Perfect, just perfect. He glances back at Spencer to see said wolf looking quite alarmed. Slowly the noise gets louder, and louder, until they're in the clearing in front of the house. A dark brown wolf, and a black wolf with gray hairs sticking out from his fur are wrestling in the clearing, as a group of other watch worriedly from the porch, none of them are making a move to stop this.

A fairly slim girl with long blonde hair spots Aaron first, and leaps over the porch railing, and darts over to the group of three. "JJ," Aaron begins, "What's going on?"

"Derek and David couldn't agree on something again," she says with a sigh. "Both Jason and Will tried to stop them but it didn't work."

Aaron passes Jack off to JJ. "I'll handle this," he says, before shedding his clothes quickly, and turning back into his wolf form. Spencer stands there awkwardly as JJ realizes he's here. She gives him a polite smile, and is the first to speak.

"I'm Jennifer Jareau, but please call me JJ. I'm assuming you're here to join the pack?" she says. Spencer nods, as he watches Aaron dart forward, grabbing the dark brown wolf's scruff in between his teeth, a loud growl coming from the brown wolf. Aaron tosses him away from the black and gray wolf, sending the brown wolf skirting across the ground. The dark brown wolf scrambles up, hackles raised, and teeth bared at his alpha.

"Take a walk, Derek. Do not come back to the house until you have calmed down," Aaron speaks. Even in his human form, Spencer understood everything clear as day. The black and gray wolf-obviously David-shifts back to his human form, and a man with short black hair rushes forward to his fallen pack mate, and hands him a long sleeved shirt and jeans. David changes into them quickly, as Derek sends a growl at Aaron, before padding off.

Aaron's fur lies flat against his pack, and he changes back, before running over to David. "You okay?" he asks his packmate. David nods. "Good."

"You know, Aaron," David says stiffly, "I could have handled it myself."

"You so sure about that?" the black haired man that gave David the clothes says. "Because to me it looks like you were getting your ass kicked."

David lightly glares at the man. "Shut it, Jason," the dark haired man says, shoving the other in a loving fashion. The man, Jason, just grins at him.

Aaron rolls his eyes at the two. "Alright you two, enough. I have an announcement to make."

"What? That you think Emily is really hot and that you wanna steal her away from Alex?" a man with shaggy brown hair jokes. A young woman with black hair sends her a glare, and an older woman with dark brown colored hair smacks him in the back of the head.

"That's not funny, Will," the young woman chides lightly.

"Sorry, Emily," the man, Will, apologizes to the young woman. Then he glances at the other black haired woman, "Sorry, Alex."

"Apology not accepted," the woman, Alex, says. The young woman-Emily-walks over to Alex, and sends her a reassuring smile. Alex sends a weak smile back. "Anyways, Aaron, continue."

"Thank you," Aaron says easily, with a practiced smile. JJ tugs Spencer over to the group with a reassuring smile. Spencer hesitates.

"He's probably introducing you," she says, "You need to be over here." The timber wolf pauses, then nods, and follows the blonde haired woman.

"We have a new member to the pack," the pack alpha says, and motions to Spencer. The whole pack turns their gaze to the new member. Spencer gulps, and ducks his head. "His name is Spencer Reid, and his mother will also be joining us soon." The group nods. "Spencer, this is Will and Jennifer, and their son, Henry." Aaron speaks, nodding JJ, Will, and a small brown haired little boy, presumably Henry. "This is David Rossi and Jason Gideon," he says, nodding to said people. David sends Spencer's a nod of acknowledgment, and Jason just sends a reassuring smile.

"You probably know Alex and Emily," he nods to the pair. The two sends a nod to him. "You already saw Derek, and this is Garcia," he nods to said woman, with blonde hair. She smiles widely at Spencer.

"Hello!" she says excitedly.

Spencer smiles weakly back. "Hi..." he murmurs.

Aaron turns back to the group, and says, "Spencer and I are going to head back, and retrieve his mother. I want you all to stay here." After all of them nod, Aaron turns to Spencer. "Let's go," he says, before turning and leaping into the air, changing quickly into his wolf form. The timber wolf almost wanted to stare in awe at what he just saw, but then he quickly snapped out of it. He mumbles a quick yes sir, and changed back in a very ungraceful manner. Aaron raises his head to look at his pack, "We will be back soon," before turning, and running towards the gates, with Spencer on his heels.

They exit the gates, and Aaron makes sure the gate is shut, before he follows the way they came, back to the clearing where he found Spencer.