The Morning or Fate

Shirou had just woken up from having the worst dream he had ever got, or so he thought. The first thing he did when he woke up he decided to look around his house. The first door he opened he saw a girl, or what he remembered as his servant.

It finally hit him, it wasn't a dream. He walked over and decided to wake him up, slowly lifting up his blanket he noticed three things. One a small gash near a rip in the t-shirt, two it was just a t-shirt, three a slight bulge near his chest. "Aaaa," Kirto yawned and opened his eyes.

Last night Kirito felt hot, so he being a guy just took off his armor and layers of shirts. Though remembering his situation with Archer last night left on his t-shirt. It had hurt like hell but it made him feel much better. Then trying to forget everything he fell asleep, remembering all of his old adventures.

Kirito stared at the situation, Shirou had lift up his blankets and it didn't look good. The first thing he did was what any embarrassed female would have done, scream. "KYAAAAAAA!" Shirou immediately retreated and ran out the door and shut it sitting down. Five minutes past. Then finally a response, "Shirou we need to talk." Slowly the door behind him opened. Shirou led them to his kitchen table and then they sat staring at each other.

"Well, basically what happened was you're a really, really bad magus." Shirou was just staring, "how"? Kirito was slow on his response, "I don't know, but lets make ground rules. From now on knock." Shirou merely shook his head. Ding! Ding! Ding!

Shirou got up and immediately walked to his front door and opened it. Taiga jumped through him and went to the kitchen where she was expecting a breakfast and a quiet Sakura following her. Shirou ran right fast as he could to stop them, but his efforts where in vain. "Who in the hell are you?!" Kirito was scared to death, timidly responding he said. "I I'm Shirou's friend, I was wondering if I could live and go to school with him since my parents are deceased."

Taiga stopped yelling and turned to Shirou. "Is this true?" Shirou just nodded as fast as he could repeatedly making his head a blur. Remembering this used to be an orphanage she wavered slightly. "Ok then, but still I can't allow two teenaged kids to be in the same house." Kirito scared face was slowly turning to a sad face, one that look like you could cry. Taiga wavered again. Kirito the responded "Ok I I'm sorry for all the trouble." He visibly had tears, slowly walking out the house.

She broke. "Wait! You can stay, but I'll be observing you for one night." Kirito wiped the tears on his face and showed a smile. "Thank you." Taiga lost her apatite after that sob fest, so she turned to Shirou. "Shirou, get ready for school. I'll be dropping by at eight. You can bring her for a short tour of the school, but after the first bell she goes home or exploring a bit. Got it." Shirou shook his head furiously again.

Kirito walked up to her and hugged her then she left with Sakura after saying good bye. "Wow, just wow. You're an amazing actor." Kirito shook his head. "I really did lose my parents, and it's easy to cry if you had sad experiences." Shirou decided to just lay off the topic and went to school in his usual clothing and Kirito in a new black shirt and jeans from who knows where and went to school. At school the tour was simple and the day had been simple. Then nearing the end Kirito and Shirou was confronted by Tousaka.