The fabric of my dress clung to my skin tightly as Vee pulled on the delicate ribbons that held the dress to my tiny frame.

I winced for the hundreth time as the corset became tighter and tighter...I was beginning to get a little light headed.

"Ah...Vee, too tight!" I managed breathlessly as she yanked again, then rolled her eyes at me in a show of playful annoyance.

"It fitted you just fine last week!" She exclaimed!

" I knew i shouldn't have let you have that last slice of cake at Enzo's"

I nodded my head and let out a shaky sigh, clutching my stomach as I struggled to get my breath back. I knew I should've just got my mom to help me. But then again, she wasn't a real fan of what I was doing. Or rather, who I was doing it with. Patch.

I knew that if I had stuck with the previous arrangements, Mom would have been fine, even helped me pick out my dress; but as soon as she had found out what-and who- it was for, she had given me the cold shoulder for the last month and a half.

I was going to Homecoming with Patch. He was standing in for Scott, who had been my previous date to this stupid thing, and was now waiting patiently downstairs for me in my living room, with my Mom glaring daggers at him. Despite myself, I still grew nervous as I walked cautiously on my new heels towards the stair case, Vee clutching my freshly manicured fingers

tightly. I felt overheated, but I was sure that was to do with the fact that I had just been forced into a dress a size to small. I went to wipe my forehead, but Vee yelped and slapped my hand away.

"You'll ruin your makeup!" She whispered loudly

"Leave it alone!"

I opened my mouth to complain, but then thought better of it when I caught her hawk like gaze, almost daring me to protest.

My stomach fluttered uncomfortably with butterflies. Patch had seen me in this dress before, in a dream, but this was real, and I couldn't wait for him to see me all 'dolled up' as Vee had put it. As we came to a halt she grasped my shoulders and stared me in the eyes.

"Your going to have a great night" Vee told me solemnly, " you've got a swanky new dress, killer heels and a hunky guy on your arm." she continued " ...and if you and your man decide to get up to any funny business, I'll cover for you. Just as long as you give me all the gory details first thing tomorrow!" She lowered her voice, leaning in close with a knowing smirk ruining her serious facade.

Vee tapped me on the nose, then spun around to bound down the stairs to fetch Patch.

I wiped my hands on my dress as they grew clammy, and I was starting to feel dizzy.

I needed my iron pills.

The so called butterflies were starting to feel like knives stabbing me from the inside out-I hadn't been feeling well the past week, but had brushed it off as unnecessary nerves for tonight, and maybe even a little guilt.

Because of scott.

He was meant to be here, and not I day went by I didn't wish he was. I imagined what my life would have been like if he hadn't died that day. Better, I guessed.


I heard a voice call out suddenly.

I gasped, startled out of my reverie and looked down to see Patch paused in the middle of the stair case, looking up at me in concern.

"Are you alright?"

I could see my mother stood behind Patch, and Vee looking at me wide eyed from the bottom of the stairs.

Letting out a shaky breath, I nodded. The world went kind of spinny as I moved my head, but I tried my best to ignore it.

"Yeah, just nervous I guess" I said, trying for the best smile I could muster. Patch seemed to relax a little, but I still saw something behind his eyes. Worry?

He moved up towards me, wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me slowly, and just long enough to make me go all melty inside. My smile was genuine as he murmured into my ear,

"Words can't describe how beautiful you look, Angel" I felt myself blushing, feeling like I could fly-but then the light headed ness was back, niggling at the back of my mind, ruining the moment.

My stomach still cramped painfully as Patch lead me slowly down the steps, looking back at me at regular intervals, with mixed emotions on his face; concern...and awe?

My Mom snapped photos of us, smiling at me in encouragement, and grimacing everytime she looked at Patch.

I could tell she was trying to accept that me and Patch were a package deal, and I could only hope soon enough he could come round freely, with out being the victim of my mothers dirty looks and snide comments.

"Mom..enough" I whined, as she snapped the hundreth photo, the white hot light blinding me momentarily.

She rolled her eyes and leaned past Patch to kiss me on the cheek.

I smirked as I saw Vees eyes snap open impossibly wide with annoyance, then stuck my tongue out at her. She pulled a funny face back at me, and I giggled, almost hysterically. My mom and Patch looked at me, puzzled as I shook my head at Vee, then turned to leave. As I stepped out the door, I teetered again dizzily on my heels and almost crashed into the bushes outside my house. I grabbed onto the porch rail, breathing heavily. I felt so sick, I just wanted to crawl into bed and die.

Patch came out about a minute after me-just long enough to compose myself-with a sexy smile on his face.

I smoothed my dress down almost self consciously, as he took my hand and lead me out onto the street.

"Your mom told me not to try anything with you tonight" he spoke slowly.

I looked up at him, and saw his mouth twitch, holding back a low chuckle. Little did my Mom know, me and Patch had expressed our love for eachother months ago, after the war.

I smiled fondly at the memory, and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, then rubbed away the lipstick stain there softly with my thumb.

"Are you gonna listen to her?" I replied, biting my lip, awaiting his answer. I was feeling sick, but not THAT sick!

He simply looked at me, with his smouldering black eyes. The slight chill in the air had nothing to do with the shiver that spread from my toes all the way to the tips of my ears.

With Vee and my Mom looking on from the top of the porch, I turned and waved, plastering a huge fake smile on my face.

As we rounded the holly bushes that surrounded the property, I noticed the sleek, black, positively gleaming limo that looked so out of place on my rundown drive way.

Suddenly, a wave of vertigo hit me, and I fell into Patch, almost throwing both of us to the ground.

He caught me quickly and held on tight to the underneath of my arms, holding me against him.


If I opened my mouth, I though I'd throw up, so I just shook my head and closed my eyes.

I leaned my clammy forehead against his chest as he stroked my hair softly.

I was so relieved we were out of my Mom and Vees sight. If they had seen me, they would have surely made a big deal out of this! Patch murmered sweet sounds into my ear and rocked me gently until I felt well enough to speak.

"I'm fine, I swear. I just felt a little nauseous... I'm okay; really."

He sighed, obviously not believing my outright lie.

"Nora...Angel, that wasn't 'a little' nauseous, you almost fainted. Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, or am I going to have to get your Mother?" His voice was saturated with concern, and as I looked up, his eyes were alight with worry.

Patch wrapped his arms around me as I rested mine on his shoulders, letting him support me, I leaned into him and groaned. Ugh. I couldn't let him get my Mom. She would think he'd done something to me.


Just as I opened my mouth to answer, the door of the Limo opened and a man stepped out, glaring at Patch and Me.

"Are you gonna get in or what? I'm not sticking round this neighbourhood all night ya' know! I've got bigger and better people than two teenage time wasters to cart around town!" He ranted, furiously, gesturing violently towards his Limo.

Patch glared daggers at the guy, looked at me, then walked me to the car, folding me inside.

He sat down next to me just as the Driver slammed his door and pulled out onto Hawthorne Lane. I leaned my head on Patch's shoulder, and sighed, hiding my face in his tuxedo jacket. I felt so sick, I hadn't noticed his appearance until now, and boy did he look hot! The tuxedo flattered his chiselled chest and rock hard abs, and he had two buttons undone at the top of his shirt. I 'mmm'd' in appreciation, and he looked down at me, still worried.

I opened my mouth the continue what I was about the say before the Driver somewhat rudely interrupted, when Patch put a finger on my lips, halting my speech.

"We'll talk when.." He looked mean fully towards the glass screen separating the two compartments of the cab, and then back at me "...when we have more privacy" he said, kissing my nose, and raising his hand to rest it on my clammy cheek. I nodded almost imperceptibley and I closed my eyes, trying to will away the ugly waves of vertigo that hit relentlessly every time the car jostled, and despite myself, I let the blissful tug of sleep pull me away from the buttery leather seats, the too tight dress,and the uncomfortable shoes.

I could feel the dream pulling me under, and I welcomed it.