The Batcave

Notes: Prompt: The batcave haunted house au party at Jasons place for opening night! I'll bring the alcohol you bring the lingerie



Opening night is every bit as amazing as Tim anticipated it being. Nothing goes wrong as far as he can see, at least not in his area. He's practiced with Steph long enough that neither of them miss a single cue. Even When Steph has to run to another room to make an appearance every once in a while. People scream and cringe and run just like they're supposed to, and by the end of the night Tim feels elated and wrung out.

"Party at Jason's place!" Steph laughs in Tim's ears. Still ringing from the loud techno beat that's the soundtrack for the house. She looks every bit as manic as the character she plays even without the costume. "I'll bring the alcohol, you bring the lingerie!"

Tim bats away the cloth thrown at his head. Overlarge granny panties that are part of the set in the foul laundry room. His throat aches from overuse when he croaks out, "How?"

Tim lives and breathes Halloween, it's one of the few things in life he's willing to admit he's obsessed about. Even a life spent working in different haunts never gets him quiet prepared for opening night though. His whole body hurts from the constant running and play fighting with Steph. His throat is on fire from screaming and begging for help. His eyelids feel like there's sand behind them, and all he wants to do right now is collapse to sleep the day away.

The next night will be better, and the one after that even more so. Tim knows it won't be long before he gets back into practice, but opening night will always suck worst for him. He doesn't see where Steph, and Cass now, get all their energy from. The two of them had more active roles than Tim.

"Alcohol numbs the pain, Pretty Doll," a heavy arm gets draped over his shoulders and Tim winces a little under the weight Jason puts on him. Jason radiates heat despite the cooler air of the night, and Tim gets distracted by that for a bit. "Come on. You'll get your second wind on the drive over."

Tim's not one hundred percent sure he can drive at the moment. His feet feel like lead as he's dragged out to the parking lot. Fenced in for the employees. Groups of half dressed and mostly still made-up actors trudge along. Laughing and talking. Each with their own plans for the night.

"I don't think-" Tim starts then stops when Jason does. Tim shouldn't be so surprised that Jason rides a motorcycle. "How much of a cliche are you, exactly?"

Jason looks unfairly good sitting on it. The dark denim of his jeans stretching over his legs is almost too much for Tim's brain to process right now. The flirtatious grin Jason gives him doesn't help. "I own my cliche. Now get on Pretty Doll. I'm taking you for a ride."

Distantly, Tim can hear Steph catcalling, or maybe it's Cass. Tim's thankful he's still wearing the light but very concealing makeup of the Doll right now, because his ability to deal with Jason dropping horrible innuendos is pretty much non-existent at the moment. He's not too tired take the offer of the ride though. Steph would murder him for passing up that chance.

"Thanks, but I'm not that interested in rides under two minutes," Tim says just to hear Jason laugh as he revs the bike unnecessarily. He holds on tighter than needed when Jason peels out of the lot, and then closes his eyes because he's too tired to deal with anything else.

Jason shouts something on the short ride to his apartment, within walking distance really, but it's not until they're stopped that Tim actually hears it. "Hey, you alright?"

Tim's throat hurts, his body hurts, his head hurts, and he's tired. Also massively hungry. He'll be fine after today, but there's really no point in bringing any of that up to anyone. It'd just make them worry needlessly. Tim opens his eyes and leans back from Jason's back. There's a white smudge where he'd been resting his forehead against him.

"I was promised alcohol," Tim says and it's enough to wipe away the genuine worry that had been creeping into Jason's expression.

"Brown's got that," Jason promises and turns to lead Tim up into the quiet complex. Tim wonders how the other residents are going to take having an unknown number of haunt workers dropping in at 2 AM for a party. "Come on up and eat something. It'll make you feel better before the others get here. It's why I wanted you to ride with me."

"So you didn't want to see my lingerie?" Tim asks even as he feels grateful for the action. Food would help him level out.

Jason throws a wink and a grin over his shoulder as he stops at a door. "Pretty Doll, I'll always want that."

Tim laughs a little and follows the man in. He'll eat, maybe take a drink or two, and then pass out where ever he's sitting. Not too bad an end for the night.

