Please read this before reading the short chapter. I have something very important to say

Hello my lovely readers, lets play a game that I like to call: Stare-at-the-story-in-confusion-only-for-realization-to-hit-that-it's-the-story-that-should-have-been-updated-EONS-ago-thus-we-must-KILL-the-author!

Yes I know many of you might be saying "Finally!" while others might be saying "Huh, I completely forgot that this story existed." Im sorry though to tell you however that I still have writers block.


There is a main reason for this. As I was in high school, somehow somewhere I developed an eating disorder. Bulimia nervosa to be exact. For 2 years I battled this Mia bi*** (apologies to those whose name is Mia), I would binge eat like crazy and force myself to throw up 2 - 4 times a day. I still remember the pain and exhaustion after that, lying down on the bathroom floor breathing heavily.

Due to this disorder I was so fixated on my weight and appearance that all my love for writing, drawing and having an overall imagination was thrown out the door

Luckily however, while it took a LONG time, I have managed to recover well. I no longer force myself to barf and my metabolism and immune system are finally back to normal.

However, I still binge eat like crazy, so much that many times I am so full that I am curled up in pain at night, fearing that my stomach might explode.

Lately I have done lots of research and have come to a decision to help get my horrible eating habits in check again and properly get my life back and be able to fully enjoy food again.

On August 22nd 2018 I'm going to start a 14 day water fast (with a possibility of making it longer). Now I know this might sound completely crazy but it actually isn't. There are lots of health benefits fasting can provide with. And there are lots of studies that speak well of it, as well as multiple youtubers who have tried it out with positive outcomes. In my case I figured this would for one, help remove all of the toxins from my body, help me practice drinking more as I drink far too little, and help me focus on what's happening around me and not food. At the end of the fast, I will slowly reintroduce food and then move into intermediate fasting to have a scheduled time for when I eat. Hopefully in the near future I will not have the need to stuff myself and have new and improved self control.

However, I truly feel that I need help and support while I go through this mission. While I was writing and updating chapters back in the day I truly felt happy and connected to all of you who read and commented on my stories. While they are soooo lame (As the author I can say this heuheu) I really enjoyed updating to see what responses I would get from all the different strangers who happily supported me. This really touched me and it would mean the world to me If I could continue having your support until I fully get back in track 3

Thus I have decided to open a new Instagram account where I plan on updating my progress everyday!

The Instagram name is Ceci Long Legs with caption: "Let's grow stronger for each day"

Thank you for taking your time reading my story. Now I have never been a person to take without giving, so here is a chapter I have written for you all 3

Enjoy 3

Jetfire and Jetstorm grinned as they looked over the training field Jazz and Sentinel Prime had set out for them. There were all types of exercises lined up for them, including Decepticon holograms for them to defeat.

Sentinel lifted his oversized chin with a huff. Servos behind his back, he huffed at the excited grins on his soldiers faces.

"Now you two numnogs. My soldiers need to be ready and alert for every little situation. And lately you two have been rather lazy! Mostly due to an obnoxious little small fry…" the last part was grumbled to himself quietly.

"What?" His blue and orange soldiers perk up.

"Nothing!" the Prime boomed. "Take your positions and get ready to beat your previous record!"

"Sir yes sir!" They saluted, and stared forward. Ready to face whatever had been put out for them.

"Ready…" Sentinel, began, "GO!"

And with that the twins were all but gone in a puff of smoke that was left behind as they raced down the obstacle course.

The Prime nodded approvingly at their enthusiasm.

"Did you get to install anything new?" He questioned the ninja standing silently beside him.

Jazz grinned at the question.

"I sure did!"

"Will it be any effective in improving my soldiers focus and skills?"

"Oh I sure think it will Prime. In fact, something tells me that this will be their hardest obstacle yet!"

"Oh? Enlighten me." Sentinel raised an optic ridge curiously.

"Let's just say this obstacle will test their concentration to the task at hand."

"I would like to see you try with this new idea of yours. For I will have you know that these are two VERY well trained bots who were trained by the best of the best! And I mean yours truly!" At this he grinned proudly.

"Actually, Prime. The majority of their training was done by me…" Jazz awkwardly corrected.

"Well I taught them the more important things later!" Sentinel flustered, trying to seem confident in his words. "Whatever...So when will this obstacle come in to "challenge" my bots?"

Jazz rolled his optics, only to smirk right after at the reminder of his recent upgrade to the twins' training.

"It should be coming in very soon." at that he sent a commlink to said obstacle.

::You ready?::

::I..I guess. But I still don't see how this will help them improve their training…::

::Just do as we practised and you'll do fine::


Jetfire and Jetstorm grinned as they were close to the finish line. All that was left was a climbing obstacle and they would beat their previous record.

"We are good yes?" Jetfire grinned.

"We beat each record every time!" Jetstorm grinned back.

"Almost there!" they cheered, already celebrating.

Suddenly, the color purple catches their attention in the corner of their optics. They widen like saucers when they see a bashful skyfall wearing a more revealing chest and crotch armor. She smiles sweetly and brings up two pom poms and proceeds to do a little dance.

"Go Jetfire, go Jetstorm! You can do it! Because I'm your biggest fan!"

"Wh-What is she doing?!" Sentinel gaped, not believing what he was seeing. He had clearly told her not to interfere with their training.

"She is their new obstacle." Jazz grinned cheekily.

"M-Miss Skyfall?" Jetfire and Jetstorm mumble, both carrying goofy grins, neither of them removing their optics from her as she continued to dance and cheer. However little did they know that neither had slowed down, and they were both closing in on the wall that they were supposed to climb as the last obstacle.


The twins starred up at the sky in a daze. Both seeing purple pom poms circle their vision repeatedly.

"OH MY GOODNESS! JETFIRE! JETSTORM! ARE YOU TWO OKAY?" Skyfall cried, horrified that they had just run at full speed into the wall.

"Obstacle, successful." Jazz Grinned.

"What were you two thinking?! How could you let such a ridiculous situation remove your attention from your mission?!"

I hope you enjoyed this filler 3 And if you didn't read the introduction authors not please do 3 Thanks!