A/N Me: Hmm... it seems pretty quiet here... I wonder where everyone is? Oh well, guess I have to do it without them. Oh, about last chapter, I'm not sick anymore. I'm sorry that I haven't updated for so long. Too many reasons why I didn't.

I would like to thank sonicxamy09 for letting me use her Sonamy babies for this story. I also like to thank Lisa and I'm so glad you like the story, here's the next one! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic and his friends, SEGA does.

Now, to find them...

9 months later

Sonic's POV

Amy and I were off to bed from the last minute of shopping for baby supplies. She somehow hided the fact of what our kids sexes is and how many we're having, which was good because I want it to be a surprise. But when I looked at her, feeling her big belly snuggling my bare chest, I just had to wonder. Well, I found out soon enough. I was about to close my eyes, when I heard her screamed in pain.

"Oww! Oh no, my water's broke!"

"Amy, are you okay?" I asked, as I wake up full alert. I have no idea what she meant by 'my water's broke' but she sounded so serious. I received a dark glare from her as she replied,

"Of course I'm not okay, idiot! Take me to the hospital quickly!"

"You got it!"

I went full speed ahead to the nearest hospital with Amy in my arms. When I arrived, I shouted to the receptionist that this is an emergency and my wife is giving birth. She quickly called the nurses and I watch them put her on the stretches and wheel her into a room. I want to follow them in but the nurses told me to stay back and wait. Which I did and buried my head in my hands.


A few minutes later, I saw the doctor coming out of the room. I grabbed the front of his uniform,

"Doctor! Is my wife going to be okay? And what about my kids?"

"Slow down, sir. Mrs Rose's going to be fine and she needs you."

"Ok, Doc. By the way, It's Sonic."

After I let go of the doctor and follow him into the room, I rushed to Amy's side and held her hand. She was panting and from the look in her light green eyes, I can see, for the first time, fear.

"Sonic, help me."

"Amy, Amy, listen to me. You're going to be okay," She gave a push, and my hand starts to feel numb.

"Just breathe in and out, in and out." She did, and I sighed when her hand starts to relax in mine.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you."

A few hours later, I heard the sound of babies crying. I found out that we got 6 kids, 4 daughters and 2 sons. The doctor put three of them on the crib besides Amy, congratulated me by shaking my hand and left the room to give us some space.

Amy was holding our last child and with her free hand holds onto mine.

"Sonic, are you okay?" She asked with a concerned face.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I lied. 6 kids! I swear, I'm going to be a bad father.

Soon after the doctor left, the gang went inside.

"Aww, so cute!" I saw Silver grabbing Yumi.

"They sure are," Tails said, looking at her behind Silver. He then counts them and added "6 kids? Wow! Congrats, Sonic!" He grinned.

"Great job, man!" Knuckles said, punching my shoulder, playfully.

"Ow!" I rubbed my shoulder. "Uh thanks, Tails and thanks, Knuckles."

"What you're going to name them? Hey!" Blaze and Cream said simultaneously. They glared at each other and turn back to back. I chuckled.

"Well... Sonic hope you don't mind, the one that Knuckles had is Hayley, Silver had Yumi, Cream had Sydney, Sonic got Dash and Tammy, and I got Six."

"Six as the number 6?" Rouge said.

"Yep, he's the youngest of all."

"We gotta get going. Can we talk later?" I said as I already packed up the baby bag and grabbed all my daughters and sons from the gang. I was about to take off with Amy in tow, when Tails stopped me.

"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea, Sonic."

"Why not?" I sweat drops when I remembered the babies in my arms. "Oh yeah, oops."

"It's ok, you can go to my X Tornado. I upgraded it so there's more seats."

"Awesome, thanks lil bro!" Tails grinned.

"No problem."

Back at home

After taking care of all 6 babies, Amy and I can finally sleep in peace. I shouldn't have said that. As soon I heard the crying, I groaned. Man, parenting is hard work. I may have think that aloud when I opened my eyes and see another set of green eyes. They somehow glow at night. It seems I got mesmerized until I shook my head when Amy answered back with a smile.

"I agree," I smiled back and told her to go to bed while I take care of our hedgies. She yawns a, "Ok, Sonikku. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Amy." I lean in to kiss her forehead when crying gets louder and desperate. I sighed. "Alright, Daddy's coming."

A/N Sonic: That's the end of chapter 1! Well, in her dA gallery...

Me: Wha-? Sonic! There you are. I was looking for you. And stop messing with computer! Whatever he said to you guys, isn't true.

Sonic: I was only saying...

Me: Wait... *reads what he said* Oh, he's right. But... the story not over yet. There still more to go. Now, Sonic, where's the-

Amy: Send a review!

Cream: *cutely begs* Please...?