I'm starting this fic on a complete whim (my crippling need to write) and I have no idea where it's going. I have an idea of what I want and some scenes to write and a song to use and that is absolutely it. It's mostly for practice and to comfort myself in the off hours of my new job. I'm not sure how often I will update but I will do my best to not take a year. If you're interested in seeing this continue or have any questions/suggestions let me know in a review or PM and we'll see what we can create together.

1: Castle of Flames

Shadow stalked down the hall, trailing after the rest of his apparent friends. Plush, hand-woven carpet squished softly beneath his heavy shoes, despite their build for a lightweight use. Old-cut stained-glass windows cast fiery sunset light across the high stone walls, casting the silhouettes of the group against the rock. The castle was timeless, seeming to have been there forever, yet in such fine standing that it felt as if it was new. The very air around them crackled with the energy of old, sparking mystically. Shadow grunted deep in his throat and turned his gaze towards their destination.

The gothic arch of medium-toned, rough wood doors ahead of them creaked open, shuddering with the weight of age. They thundered against their backing unceremoniously, echoing down the hall. Firelight glared through the large doorway, warming the friends in its glow.

"Presenting the allies Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy the Hedgehog, Tails the Fox, Crea—" a guard began, but was cut off by a smooth, feminine voice.

"Yes, I know. I'm expecting them."

The guard cleared his throat embarrassedly, gesturing for the guests to approach the throne. They obliged happily, their smiles each growing larger in turn. Shadow rolled his eyes, the heat of the flames along the perimeter of the room causing him to perspire. Finally Sonic—who was leading the group—halted, Tails tripping on the carpet behind him slightly. Shadow followed their reverent stare up the heavily carved and gold-wrought platform, trailing along the detailed rugs until his crimson eyes stopped on a pair of rose-and-white saddled oxford shoes, trimmed with fur.

How garish, he thought.

"It's been so long; I've missed you all." The shoes parted from each other and stood, leaning forward on the top tier of the platform. Shadow looked up to meet the gold eyes of the owner. He breathed out evenly.

"Although… I don't remember meeting you." The lilac feline blinked her heavy lashes, smiling gently at him. She wore a deep purple tail coat and a gold collar, white, fur-trimmed gloves and white riding pants. Her tailed flicked curiously. She wasn't unattractive, but frankly Shadow didn't pay much mind to petty things like that. Could she take him in a fight? He was doubtful, although that was one less potential threat to worry about. She suddenly turned on her heel, addressing a rather shiny-looking hedgehog to the right of her throne; Shadow hadn't noticed him earlier and that made him rather wary.

"Silver, thank you for joining us!" Shadow huffed at her tone. Clearly there was something between these two. He studied the carpet at his feet and wished he had been allowed to stay home.

"Now that we're all here, we can retire to my rec room," she lowered her voice conspiratorially, "and I can drop this ridiculous high-and-mighty pretense." Sonic turned to Tails and winked and Amy repressed a squeal. Rouge, who had been uncomfortably respectful since their arrival to this distant plane of existence pinched Shadow's elbow suddenly, offering him a traditional reassuring smile and a verbal nudge.

"Come on, Shaddy-boy, social time is almost over. Just hold for another hour or two." She tugged him along and he followed at her heel like some dark hound of an ancient hell, glowering for being forced into this. They moved through a small door and a dim hallway before coming into a comfortably shadowy room, lit only with waxy chandeliers and furnished with hunter green chairs, a matching couch, dark, polished, wood furniture and a number of thick cushions tossed about haphazardly. The purple cat (who Shadow surmised was the Princess of this realm) sashayed forward before sitting gracefully on the couch in the center of the room. Suddenly, said composure seemed to visually shatter and she collapsed backwards, sinking into the thick back of the couch. She sighed and grinned up at the group.

"Well, go on! Sit down! It's just me, guys; I promise." The group released a collective exhale and dispersed among the furniture. Sonic threw himself onto an amethyst-colored bean bag chair and crossed one leg over the other, resting his head on his arms.

"What was with all that fancy-talk, Blaze?"

Shadow's ear twitched. So her name was Blaze. Good to know. The cat flipped her hand dismissively.

"If I don't act at least somewhat respectable in the throne room, Gardon gets very fussy with me and I end up having to traipse about the jungle for a day," she laughed a rather musical tone. She smiled around the room before stopping a questioning eye on Shadow.

"Oh yes! You; I don't know your name." She smiled again, pressing her gloved hands together, her gold eyes shimmering in the murky light. Shadow transferred his weight from one leg to the other, unresponsive. After a minute of awkward silence, Knuckles cleared his throat. A mouse dressed in a nice jacket appeared seemingly from nowhere; placing a tray that was nearly as big as he was on the table Knuckles leaned on. A silver teapot piped steam from its spout, a number of matching cups surrounding it. Knuckles took a cup and sipped quietly. Blaze flicked her eyes away from him and back to Shadow, who seemed to snap out of whatever reverie he was in. She smiled encouragingly once more and gestured at a seat next to her on the couch. Shadow raised an eyebrow.

"Please, sit," she almost whispered, "so I can get to know you better." A cold chill began to spread throughout Shadow's core; something was making him terribly uncomfortable. His eyes darted around the room at the familiar faces. Rouge straightened up out of the chair she was sitting in and glared at him, widening her eyes and twitching her head in the direction of the princess. Shadow sighed softly before trudging forward and sinking stiffly beside the cat. Their knees touched minutely. He sat pin-straight and set his hands forward on his legs. He observed the room, gauging the situation. Tails and Cream (with Cheese) sat on some cushions, an enormous chess board between them. They giggled and chatted quietly. Sonic was resting on his bean bag chair with his eyes closed, tapping a foot. Amy huddled near, staring wistfully at him. Knuckles and Rouge sat across the dark wood table, sipping tea and discussing the quality of emeralds. The shiny hedgehog from earlier—Silver—leaned against a draped wall, acting as though he was watching the goings-on of the room, but Shadow caught his eyes resting on the princess a few times. Suddenly, the hedgehog's yellow eyes locked with Shadow's and something passed between them.

Curiosity, wonder, a testosterone-laden challenge.


"I'm very pleased to meet any friend of Sonic's," Blaze's voice drew Shadow's attention once more, "My name is Blaze the Cat. Who might you be?" Shadow blinked at her.

"My name is Shadow; Shadow the Hedgehog."

"Charmed," the princess grinned and extended a hand; Shadow took it gingerly. He felt soft, slender fingers beneath the gloves. Her pulse thrummed against his fingertips. His senses seemed to heighten and adrenaline burst from his nerve center.

Something was wrong, and it wasn't just his antisocial self. There was an enemy nearby. His eyes shot around the room again: that Silver was staring at him unwaveringly. His yellow eyes burned. Shadow shivered and turned to Blaze.

"Likewise. " The room throbbed with the joyful chorus: a group of friends enjoying one another's company in a comfortable room, warm and filled with cheer.

"What am I even doing here…?" Shadow muttered bitterly before he could bite his tongue. The princess' grasp grew taut suddenly.

"Is something the matter?" Her large eyes were suddenly worried. He shook his head in an attempt to reassure her.

"I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, but it's no big deal," he said dismissively. She shook her head, releasing her hand and lifting it to rest on his shoulder. Shadow felt they were uncomfortably close. What was protocol in telling a royal figure to bugger off?

"You're here because you're friends with Sonic the Hedgehog, an ally of mine. I understand what it's like to not want to socialize; I've been there myself. In fact," Blaze smiled gently, "I'm still like that, or I would have this lot over more often." She chuckled and Shadow nodded blankly.

Okay, so she was antisocial too. Big deal.

Then, the atmosphere broke.

Someone yelled, "Assassin!" The couch Shadow was sitting on flew backward. A vase and end table fell together, the vase shattering. Cushions flew and the sound of heavy chairs being shoved aside echoed off the rich walls. Gasps. A small yelp of fear and a pair of grunts.

Shadow opened his eyes. Silver had a knee pressed into his stomach and a large hand wrapped around his throat. The grey hedgehog was panting, his intense eyes glowing aqua. Shadow peered around. Blaze was off to the side, sitting on the ground and rubbing her head while looking at Silver in question.

"What on earth, Silver?"

"I don't trust this one; I sensed his muscles and demeanor… I think he means you harm, Princess."

Rouge stomped over and shoved the younger hedgehog over with her boot.

"I don't know who you think you are, Silver, but Shadow is no assassin. He's a trained agent of GUN and it's his job to be ready for anything. Letting your little crush on Blaze get to you? Didn't Knuckles talk to you about responsibility?" Her voice trembled towards the end, telling of her other recent thoughts, but she kept her foot firm against Silver's chest. Silver frowned indignantly.

"I…I was just acting on honest judgment…" Shadow glanced towards the princess. She sighed and drew her knees to her chest, staring at the floor.


The hedgehog turned his head to her, hurt building in his eyes. He studied her for a moment before turning to look at Shadow.

"My apologies…Shadow."

Shadow sat up and looked at Rouge intently. Her shoulders slumped as she nodded.

"Sonic, Shadow and I are going to head out to the castle grounds for a bit. Let us know when time's up, all right?" Sonic gave a grunt of assent, still lounging on his bean bag. Rouge finally removed her foot from Silver and leaned over to give Shadow a hand before leading him away. Before they left Shadow glanced over his shoulder at the huddled form of the lilac princess. She glanced at him briefly and he felt as if those gold eyes would be burned in his mind for quite some time.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything involving the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.