Ok, so I lied. I was really itching to post this chapter up, since it was technically part of Takuto's waking. Since I messed up however, I'll just have to expand it a little bit and make a separate chapter. Classes are coming to a close, but once Winter Break is here, I may be able to write more. Anyways, here's the 'accidental' next chapter of my story.

Once again, Full Moon wo Sagashite does not belong to me, but do we really have to write a disclaimer for every chapter?

Road to Recovery

By lightning-storm

Wakaoji- san cheered as Mitsuki bowed to the crowd and walked off the stage, hiding the excited trembling that she no doubt felt. Singing was her life, much like her father's and much like…Keiichi closed his eyes as he thought of his dear friend from Route L. If only Takuto could have been around to see this concert. He would have been so happy for the success of his hero's daughter, Keiichi knew.

The handsome doctor chuckled as he thought of one the last times Aoi had teased his young charge. He had been so happy about his wife's upcoming birth, and gave Takuto the honor of naming his child, who he had no doubt would be a girl. Takuto had unexpectedly come up with the most perfect name for the girl who now sang her heart out. Afterwards, Aoi would regularly tease the boy about marrying his daughter once she grew up to become a beautiful flower. This didn't last long, as one month later, Takuto stormed out of one of their concerts, refusing to sing for a week.

This little temper tantrum made everyone laugh and realize just how young their lead singer actually was. Funny thing was, after that time, the band became closer than ever and Takuto regularly fussed over Hazaki, eager to know about her health and any changes in the birthing cycle. Keiichi smiled slightly before slim arms wrapped around his back and squeezed him tightly, bringing him back to the present.

"Ah! I'm so happy for Mitsuki," a bright voice cut through his thoughts, "I knew she could do it!" Keiichi carefully pried the woman's arms off him and laughed.

"Yes," he managed to breathe out, "Much of it having to do with your unwavering support and enthusiasm Masami." There was a twinkling in his hazel eyes before a slight frown marred his handsome face, "But if you squeeze me any tighter, I might not be able to make it through the night."

"Kyaaahhh!" Masami cried, a look of horror in her green eyes, before quickly letting go of the man she cared for, "I'm so sorry! So sorry!"

Keiichi chuckled as she quickly turned away from him a bright flush on her pretty face. "Kawaii" he said sincerely, before turning her towards him and kissing the corner of her lips. "You always know how to make me smile."

If possible, his girlfriend turned an even brighter shade of red, and he smiled again, a warm and truly happy smile on his face. It had been so long since he had felt so content, not since he found out about Mitsuki's deadly tumor, and Takuto jumping off the hospital roof. Keiichi smiled sadly as he thought of what his best friend's daughter might lose, nonetheless if she didn't go through with it, she would likely die. Imagine his happiness when she proudly shouted that she would go through the operation, despite her love for singing. Masami looked at her lover worriedly, placing her hand on his forehead as she noted the sad look in his eyes.

"Keiichi?" she asked concerned, and he smiled warmly before assuring her that all would be fine, and placing a soft kiss on her rosy lips. In the middle of their loving embrace, Keiichi heard the phone in his left pocket go off and quickly pulled away, wondering who would be calling him. Startled, he looked at the call waiting. His eyes went wide as he realized that he had gotten 4 missed calls from the Emergency Room within the last 10 minutes. Just as he was about to return the call, his received another call from the department and picked it up, only to hear the screaming voice of Azruinzil Dinrosian, the head nurse when he was unavailable.

"Kira-San!" she cried, a sound of anxiety and anticipation in her voice, Wakaoji-San, froze, wondering if she had called to notify him of his old friend's death. "Kira-San…Awake." was all she managed to explain before Keiichi's eyes went wide.

"What?" He exclaimed in a strong voice, not quite believing what he had heard. "Awake?"

"Yes," the woman confirmed, "Takuto Kira-san has awakened." Not even daring to hope, Keiichi hung up his phone and watched his girlfriend as she ran around in excitement, guiding the VIP guests to her client's final goodbye party.

"Masami," he said once he finally managed to catch her arm in his hand. Sometimes he was amazed by her energy, "Something important came up at the hospital and I can't make the party," noticing the crestfallen look on her face, he apologized quickly before placing a quick kiss on her forehead and hurrying away.

"Wait!" she cried, chasing after him, but by the time she had turned the corner, her boyfriend was long gone. Part of her wondered what was so urgent, as her beloved Keiichi hardly acted so excited as that moment. However, all thoughts were pushed back as she turned to see a crestfallen look on the face of her young protégée, thick brown hair in place of the blonde locks she had gotten so used too.

"Mitsuki!" she cried, and she felt her heart stop as she noted the haunted look in the young idol's eyes. Masami hurried towards her, concern written all over her face, as her dear client slumped brokenly, staring at the sky above her. "Mistuki, You were amazing!" she spoke enthusiastically, hoping to get a smile from her young client's face, but instead of the reaction she was hoping for, Masami frowned as the girl she had come to love as her own daughter slumped even further back into the bench. Not for the first time had she noted this reaction in her, and Masami felt her heart reach out to the girl before she sat down beside her, pulling Mitsuki into a light embrace.

"What is it?" Masami asked, and Mitsuki shook her head in denial, "Nothing," she squeaked out, "Absolutely nothing."

"I don't believe that one bit." Masami said gently as she brushed a strand of Mitsuki's hair out of her face and placed her hand under the young girl's chin, urging the young girl to turn towards her. "It's okay Mitsuki," she whispered lovingly, "You can tell me."

And Mitsuki felt tears threaten to fall down her face before a cool wind blew above. Breaking her from her dark thoughts, Mitsuki looked up to see her pink haired friend being held securely by a golden haired, yellow eyed beau, tears streaming readily out of her pretty red eyes. "Takuto," she whispered, "Why did you have to disappear?"

The unusual blonde frowned darkly, a sorrowful look in his strange eyes. Irritated, yet sad, Izumi quickly pulled the woman closer, burying his face in her rosy locks.

"Takuto," Mitsuki whispered to the air, a sad and serene look on her face, "Are you really gone?"

Masami looked the young beauty, a startled look in her eyes, before Mitsuki wrapped her arms around her manager, sobs racking her slight form.

~Wakaoji- Sensei~

Wakaoji-Sensei threw on his white overcoat and rushed to room 205, the room that That Takuto had been locked in a deep coma until this very day, or so his nurses said. He was briefly reminded of that one time he had sworn he had seen the young man running down the hallways of the studio, only to find himself wrong when he went to check.

"What's this about Takuto awakening?" he shouted, practically ripping down the protective curtains as he had done so. The other patient had long since been moved to another room of the hospital. The head nurse put her finger to her lips in efforts to quiet the excited doctor and pointed to said patient. Wakaoji-Sensei briskly walked over to his old friend's bed and put his hand on the young man's arm. For an instant the young man's arm seemed to jerk, and the doctor looked into his face, searching for any reactions to prove this wasn't a fluke. When there was none, he looked at the nurse sternly.

"When did he wake?" the doctor asked curiously. When the woman stepped back he looked at her suspiciously, "Are you certain it wasn't a minor fluke."

He knew that coma patients sometimes woke momentarily out of shock, but then they often fell back to their pre-awakening status. The nurse rubbed the point on her wrist in which Takuto Kira had grabbed no more then an hour ago.

"At Approximately 22:40 hours," she whispered quietly. Curious, the doctor let his eyes wander to where the nurse seemed to be cradling her wrist so carefully.

"What happened?" he asked before removing his hand from Takuto's wrist and gently tapping her finger with his own. At his encouragement, the woman slowly removed her fingers from her wrist exposing a finger shaped bruise.

"Takuto Kira-San," the nurse spoke quietly, and Wakaoji- Sensei's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Where are his records?" He spoke breathlessly, and taking one last look at his younger friend, he quickly followed the nurse that led him to the hardware in which Takuto's vital signs had been measured for the past two years. He would have to call Masami and tell her not to wait up.

~To Be Continued~

And voila, one more chapter completed. It's fairly long though, so maybe it's a good thing I separated the chapter and expanded it a bit. Thanks. Oh and Takuto actually woke up right after Mitsuki left the concert hall, but it took a while for him to actually move. :-p I hope switching between Dr. Wakaoji's first and last name isn't too confusing. I figured it was appropriate for the situation, though I have questions about the honorifics. It's been a long time since I studied Japanese, and even than it was just the first and second part. Hehe. Now please, R&R!