Wow so its been a while since I've updated. I have had the worst writer's block for the past few months.

So I've been struggling with this story. I know the basics of the storyline I've chosen but I have a few ideas that could either end this story early or keep it going on for a while. What do you guys think I should do?

Disclaimer: I do NOT OWN Diabolik Lovers

Anyway, here is a new chapter! WOOHOO! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I've actually had the ending of this chapter written for months and the journey getting to that part was awful and took months, but I hope you guys like it and I will go and start cooking up the next chapter!


Chapter V

Shu heard a small sob coming from the girl. He looked over to see the girl hunched over the piano, her body shaking as she cried. Even though she tried to muffle her sobs, he could hear her sniffling. Shu groaned as he turned his head the other way.

How annoying. Shu closed his eyes to ignore her.

Humans were annoying. Images of a boy holding out his hand flashed through his head.

Edgar, his only friend. His friend who had died in a fire years ago.

A human.

A sudden silence filled the room, snapping Shu out of his thoughts. Glancing over, he sat up when he realized that the room was empty. He glanced around to look for her. Finding the room bare except for him, he laid back down and closed his eyes.

"So tired."


Shivers ran down Tsubasa's body as she ran home. Her teeth chattered when the wind hit her already soaked body. She could feel the stares she was getting. Then again, she did look ridiculous. Soaked to the bone, her eyes red from crying and her lips quivering from trying to stop crying. She held back a sob as she continued her way home.

Fifteen minutes later, once she was inside her apartment, Tsubasa finally let out the sobs in her. She collapsed onto the ground and let out all of her frustration.

The anger, the despair, everything about it.

By the time she was done, exhaustion hit her. Tsubasa slowly stood up and glanced at the clock. She had a few hours before work. Dragging herself to the bathroom, she turned on the water and waited for the tub to fill up. Without bothering to take off her uniform, she stepped into the bath and let out a small sigh. Even a year after running away, she often wore her clothes in the bath. it was the only comfort she got during that time. Laying her head against the edge of the tub, she slowly closed her eyes, all the while a new melody running through her head.

A few hours later, Tsubasa jerked awake. She immediately noticed that the water had gone cold and that her hands were all pruny for being in the water for so long. Looking at the small clock on the counter, Tsubasa let out a deep breath before she stood up and walked out of the bath, grabbing a towel and some clothes, she walked back to the bathroom and entered the shower.

She needed to get ready for work.


When he entered the mansion, Shu sighed at the sight before him.

"Laito, be quiet," he stated to his younger half-brother who looked up at him. His hands never left the thighs of the sacrificial bride, a brunette this time who was looking at the two brothers with wide horrified eyes.

"Shu, want to join me?" the younger vampire spoke in a seductive voice before his hands slid over the girl's thighs causing her to squirm and try to get out of Laito's grasp.

"Laito! How dare you try to take my prey!" yelled Ayato, his green eyes narrowing at his brother as he approached. Behind him, Kanato followed, the lilac-haired vampire holding to his teddy bear tightly.

"Laito, don't hog her all for yourself," the quiet triplet spoke, his large violet eyes watching his brothers. The girl, Marie, something tried to scream before she was silenced by Laito covering her mouth. He leaned forward until his lips were right by the girl's ear.

"Don't worry, I won't let them have you, you're mine," he stated, his voice dropping with each word. Marie shivered under Laito's gaze.

"Laito, how many times do I have to tell you not to do stuff like that out here?" questioned a Reiji, his judgmental gaze on his brother before he looked around the room. His gaze landed on Shu before the black-haired vampire glared at his older brother before he looked at his other siblings.

"Dinner will be served soon, do NOT be late," he stated, his gaze locked on Shu before he walked away.

Shu watched as his siblings all grumbled before they walked towards the dining room. Once they were all gone, Shu glanced back at the red couch in the room. He wanted to sleep. But instead of walking towards the couch, he turned back around and walked out the mansion doors.


By the time got to the bar, she was feeling much better. She had come up with a new song during the ride. Excitement filled her as she thought of the music she would be playing tonight.

"Tsubasa, could you throw the trash out before we start? Kazuki forgot to take it out last night," Ai pleaded as Tsubasa walked into the bar while pulling her umbrella down. Tsubasa immediately noticed the trash bag by the back entrance while Kazuki shot Ai a dirty look before he looked over at Tsubasa with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry Tsubasa," to which the teenager smiled as she put down her bag in the locker room and grabbed the trash bags. She struggled to grab the heavy bags before she heaved it up and half dragged, half carried the bags towards the door. The two bartenders stopped what they were doing when they noticed how much Tsubasa was struggling before Ai rushed over to help.

"Tsubasa just be careful, you want me to hold the door open for you?" the teenager shook her head.

"I can do this, besides, you guys need to prepare, the bar opens in 30 minutes!" she called out as she opened the back door. Once she threw the trash in the designated can, a small smile appeared on her face. Hearing thunder, Tsubasa looked up at the sky. The raining was not stopping and it looked like it was going to storm, badly. Adjusting the umbrella in her now free hand, she turned to walk back in when she paused at the sitting figure on the ground next to the door. Her eyes widened at the sight of familiar blonde hair and she rushed over and a small gasp escaped her lips as she realized that it was the boy from the music room.

Shu couldn't remember how long he had been sitting on the cold ground. He could feel the rain hitting his face, soaking his entire form when the rain stopped. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down around him. The rain had stopped, at least around him it had.

"Sakamaki-san?" Shu slowly looked up as he heard his name being called. He remained stoic when he saw the girl from earlier, staring at him with wide eyes. He remained silent when she looked around before she grabbed his arm. "Sakamaki-san, what are you doing out here! Its raining!" she yelled out as she dragged him inside and shut the door behind her.

Once inside, Tsubasa rushed towards the locker rooms. Grabbing the thing she needed, she ran back out towards where she left the blonde male to find him staring blankly at the piano from where he stood. Walking towards the back door, Tsubasa handed the towel to him, which he seemed to ignore. Tsubasa glanced from the towel in her hand to his wet hair when she heard one of the other bartenders calling for her.

Tsubasa looked over at Shu once more before she quietly draped the towel over Shu's head. His blue eyes looked at her for a second before he looked back over at the piano. Tsubasa followed his gaze towards the piano. She noticed how he seemed to see nothing but the piano.

"Sakamaki-san, you know how to play the piano?" she questioned only to get nothing from the male, as usual.

"Tsubasa, you're on in a few minutes! I've got your dress in your locker ready for you!" Ai yelled as she rushed over to the two. She halted at the sight of the soaked boy next to Tsubasa, the boy's blue eyes never leaving the piano. Tsubasa glanced at Ai and then at Shu.

"I'm going to get changed, could you make sure he gets warmed up please?" with that, Tsubasa rushed over to the changing room. Once she was gone, Ai glanced over at the boy and noticed how he hadn't even noticed that Tsubasa had left him. He was handsome, she had to give him that. He had ocean blue eyes that never left the piano. She hesitated to touch him as the boy emitted an aura of isolation or aloofness but she waved a hand in front of his face. The boy snapped out of his trance before he looked at Ai and noticed her for the first time. The older girl smiled at him before she led him to the corner of the counter, and had him sit.

"Wait here, I'm going to look for some clothes for you," she stated before she rushed over to the locker rooms.


"Tsubasa! Who is that!" Ai whisper yelled as soon as she entered the changing room. Tsubasa paused from changing in the the dark red dress for the night before she looked at Ai with a questioning look.


"That gorgeous teenager sitting at the counter! How do you know him!"

Tsubasa hesitated from answering before she finished changing and zipped up the side of the dress.

"He's a classmate," Tsubasa whispered, choosing not to say anything about how he always skipped class and how he was the 'owner' of the music room she frequented.

"Well, he's sitting at the corner of the bar, I'm actually looking for some of Kazuki's extra clothes," Ai opened her boyfriend's locker and rummaged around before she yelled in victory. Pulling out a large black hoodie, she held it up and inspected it. "This should work," she smiled before she looked over at Tsubasa who was done getting ready and was looking at the mirror.

Tsubasa stared at the mirror before her. The dark red dress Ai had provided for her fit her like a glove. She smiled at the high neck of the dress and she even liked the small triangle cut out on the upper chest, showing a little bit of cleavage. The hem stopped at her knees and the red heels went well with the dress. She head Ai squeal before she turned to the older girl.

"You look beautiful! I'm so glad this dress worked! I've been tampering with different styles because you told me you don't like the low necklines I've been giving you!" Tsubasa smiled at the bartender's antics before she turned to the mirror once more.

"This is by far the best one you've created, it's beautiful and I like the style," she smoothed the sides of the dress before she pulled her long brown hair back into a loose bun.

"Alright Tsubasa! Let's get the show started!"


Shu noticed how the bar quickly filled up with men and women dressed in dresses and suits, all of them flaunting their wealth. He glanced around to notice that most of the people there were of the upper class and even saw some politicians sitting with glasses of whiskey or scotch in their hands. A black hoodie was placed on the counter next to him and Shu looked over at the older girl from before also placing a steaming mug before him.

"That's all I could find, it's better than wearing your soaked clothes," and she pointed to the back, "You can change in the changing room,"

Shu glanced from her to the hoodie before he just ignored the girl's words and moved his gaze to the piano. Ai hesitated at the boy's lack of interest of getting dry or the blatant way he ignored her. Tsubasa had warned her about him. Apparently, the boy was really unsocial. Taking a deep breath, Ai walked behind the counter and helped Kazuki start mixing and pouring drinks.


As Tsubasa approached the piano, she smiled as she could feel her fingers twitching with excitement. She glanced back at the bar to see Shu's gaze on the piano and subsequently her as she approached. Taking a deep breath, she sat down and readied herself. She waited for the noise around her to quiet down before the spotlight was placed on her. She opened her eyes and placed her hands on the keys she was so familiar with.

Time to play her story.

Shu's eyes never left her as she played. As Beethoven's Fur Elise filled the bar, he could see her body moving with the music again, just like it had when she was practicing in the music room at school. He could see her smiling and enjoying herself as she let the music guide her instead just playing the music. Shu closed his eyes and let his mind wander off, the music lulling him to sleep once more.

Once her set ended, Tsubasa smiled as she slowly took her hands off the keys before she was bombarded with applause. Standing up, she curtsied at the crowd before she spotlight on her died away allowing the people around to start talking and drinking once again. Stepping off the platform, Tsubasa made her way to her corner of the bar before she engulfed in a hug from Ai.

"Tsubasa! That was the best set yet!" Ai yelled before she was bonked on the head by Kazuki who glared at her while wiping a glass clean.

"Ai, let go of the poor girl," he stated before he smiled at Tsubasa. "Good set tonight."

"Thank you, I'm glad everyone liked it,"

"You played more originals than anything else," all three jumped at the new voice. They all turned to see Shu look over at Tsubasa with blue orbs locking on her.

"Yeah, I did," Shu stared at her for a few more moments before he stood up and walked out the door without another word. Once he was gone, silence fell upon the three before Ai jumped up and clapped.

"Oh yeah! Tsubasa, we're getting vocalist!"

"We're going to get a vocalist here?" Tsubasa questioned to which Ai nodded her head furiously before she started to explain again.

"The demand for live music has gotten bigger since we got you a year ago and we thought it would be a good idea if we get someone to sing. We're going to hold auditions in a few weeks, can you play any non-classical songs? I mean from what I know, you only play classical, but we were thinking of maybe jazz or blues? Could you try?" and Tsubasa smiled at her before she glanced over at the piano.

"I guess I can try. I can't make any promises though,"

Ai only smiled at the teenager's response.


Two weeks later after Ai's request, Tsubasa regretted ever saying yes. After Ai had asked her to try other styles, the next day, she had gone to the bookstore and other music stores and bought numerous books full of sheet music for jazz, contemporary, and basically any style of music that wasn't classical.

"I don't know what to do," she whispered to herself over and over as she stared at the keyboard keys and the sheet music before her. Now, week slater, she still had no clue what she was doing. She had practiced numerous times, getting the notes and the tempo, but by the look on Ai and Kazuki's face when she played for them, it lacked something.

Tsubasa blinked a few times before she raised her hands and placed them on the keys of the keyboard once more. Taking a deep breath, she started to play. She smiled as she got past the few measure with no problems before it all started going to hell. Her fingers hit the wrong keys, the tempo was off, and after a few more attempts, she raised her hands off the keys and let out a frustrated noise. She needed to practice on a real piano, not a keyboard. Glancing at the time, Tsubasa silently cursed before she ran around getting ready for school.


"You're not sleeping," Tsubasa stated when she walked into the music room and noticed Shu not sleeping in his usual place in the room. The blonde vampire looked up from the music book he was reading to see Tsubasa staring at him. He simply looked down at his book, silence filling the room once more. A small sigh escaped the brunette's lips before she quickly placed her bag on the ground. Carefully, she removed the blue gold fabre egg from the bag and placed it next to her on the piano.

Ever since the night she found him outside the bar, the two had fallen into a routine of some sort. She would come in and he would be sleeping, well most of the time. She would play the piano for a few minutes to hours depending on the situation. He would remain asleep or he would wake up and silently listen to her. Whenever she started to play, he would point out small things she should change or whether or not the piece was good or not. She was comfortable around him and by the way he didn't say anything or complain, he tolerated her. His indifference made the bullying she had to bear from the other students tolerable. Due to the fact that she missed so much class, she was now a target from the teachers but they couldn't do anything as long as her grades were in the top range. It was times like those that she inwardly thanked those years of tutoring she had received while she lived in the mansion..

Sitting on the bench, she pulled out a the music sheets for song she needed to practice. They were going to start auditions for the vocalist in a few days and she was still struggling. No matter how many times she practiced, she always struggled. As she began to play, she prepared herself for the approaching section she had the most trouble with. As she got closer and closer, she took a few deep breaths before her fingers fumbled, making her miss a note and the beat. She let out a small sigh as she went back to play the eight measures again. She needed to have this part down before she went to the bar today. After three attempted tries, she stopped and stared at the music before her. Why couldn't she get this part right?

"Your tempo is off," Tsubasa snapped up, her hand slipping to hit a wrong note. Both Shu and Tsubasa flinched at the sharp note that filed the silence. After the note died down, Tsubasa turned towards Shu who had closed his eyes again.

"What did you say again?" The blonde stretched on the couch to get comfortable before he opened his mouth.

"Your tempo is too fast, slow it down at the last part, its because you're going to fast that you're messing up and not getting the mood," Tsubasa looked back at the paper before her. He was right. She was going way too fast. She jotted down the notes to slow down the pace on the sheet music before her. Once she had run over reading the music once more, she nodded her head to see why she was messing up so much. Starting from the beginning, she counted the adjustments she had to make. She needed to keep the slower beat, to not speed up, especially on the easier parts. She tensed up as she approached the eight measure she hated. She reminded herself to keep the temp, to not speed up. She repeated the words over and over in her head as she kept playing before she realized that she had finished the song. Silence filled the room before jumped up with a large smile.


"You're being too loud," Shu stated although a small smile appeared on his face at her success. Tsubasa quickly apologized before she turned back to the music with a content smile on her face. She was ready. In her haste to gather the music sheets, she failed to notice the edge of the paper on her finger. A small gasp escaped her lips as she felt the stinging pain on her finger. Dropping the paper, Tsubasa pulled her index closer and she winced at the sight of the blood starting to show from the paper cut she had gotten. But before she could place her finger in her mouth to stop the bleeding, someone grabbed her hand and jerked her around. Tsubasa's eyes widened when she saw Shu staring at her hand with an unreadable expression before a small smile formed on his face.

"I knew your blood smelled nice, I wonder how it tastes like," he whispered out as he pulled her hand close to his lips before he licked the cut on her hand tasting her blood for the first time. Tsubasa's eyes widened at his actions as his words stared to decode in her head.

Blood? Smelled nice? What?

All sorts of questions ran around in her head when she noticed how Shu had released her hand and pulled her close by the back of her neck until his nose was in the crook of her neck. Shu slowly inhaled the scent of the blood running through her veins and smiled at the delicious smell.

"Your blood tastes good," he rasped out and Tsubasa let out a shriek before she pushed him back. Shu faltered back from the sudden shift in gravity before he stared down at Tsuabsa, his blue eyes locking with a wide, frightened pair of green eyes. As he took a step towards her, she took two steps back until her back hit the wall. Realizing that she was trapped, Tsubasa looked up and froze. He was standing before her, his ocean blue eyes full of hunger, staring down at her.

"Sakamaki-san?" she whispered but Shu grabbed her arm and turned her around. As she opened her mouth to scream, a large hand covered it before a sound could escape.

"Be quiet," he whispered in her ear and Tsubasa's eyes widened when she felt something sharp pierce her neck.

'What!?' She tried to scream only for her voice to be muffles by the hand covering her mouth.

"Be quiet," she heard the whisper of his voice in her ear again before he bit down on her neck and started to suck her blood. A pained whimper escaped her lips as she struggled only to be caged in like an animal by his arms. Her eyes widened as she felt him drinking her blood while small moans escaped his lips.

Shu's eyes widened as he drank her blood. It was, divine. Better than any of the sacrificial brides' blood he had in the past. His grip on her tightened, his eyes closing as he continued to drink her blood.

As he drank her blood, her struggling decreased. She could feel her body to start going numb while she felt lightheaded. Her vision started to blacken with small colorful dots appearing at the corner of her vision. She could feel her body starting to slump and her conscious going to mush before everything went black.

So? What did you guys think?

I hope to have a new chapter up soon, but I make no promises. Thank you for reading!