Hello! I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long, I haven't really been that into writing but I'm back! This is the very last chapter, other than short ones maybe after this. This is the end *holds breath dramatically and sings Skyfall* I really hope you enjoy it, I got a little teary but that could just be me being soppy ad emotionally attached. Thanks again for sticking with this if you have, it's gone from truly awful to what I hope is marginally less awful. Please let me know what you think and thanks again :)

The shop keeper hid a small smile, her heart warmed by the sight of the two giddy teenage girls, who seemed not to have a care in the world.

It was finally time for the Christmas dance. Tessa and Sophie got ready together, their giggles filling the whole house and causing the aunts to laugh, sharing small smiles and sweet memories of when they were young. When Tessa and Sophie came out of the room they looked flawless. Tessa's hair was up, showing off her slender neck, her pale blue dress brought out the blue in her grey eyes and showed off the porcelainity of her skin. Sophie's hair was down and her hair tumbled in an elegant cascade of curls down her back. When the Aunts saw them their eyes filled with tears.

"You look beautiful." They breathed. "So grown up."

"Hey Tessie," Nate said softly, his arm snaking around her neck in a brotherly hug.

"Hi?" Tessa replied, astonished by his gentleness.

"I broke up with Jessie," He muttered "I'm not sure we were good for each other. I'm sorry for my attitude recently, you've been great." He went to ruffle her head affectionately but stopped in his tracks, mournfully glaring at her fancy hair do.

"Oh come here you big lug!" Tessa threw her arms around his neck, momentarily forgetting about her meticulous hair and make-up. "I would never give up on you." She smiled gently, hair eyes slightly glassy.

"I'm glad." He grinned, his voice oddly hoarse. "I love you Tessie."

"Love you too Nate."

A knock on the door brought the knots in Tessa's chest up to her throat.

"They're here." Sophie squeaked, rushing towards the door.

"Don't worry." Tessa's aunt said, pulling her glossed lips out from between her teeth. "Everything will be fine, If you keep bighting your lip you'll ruin your lipgloss."

"I'm sure that'll be ruined anyway." Her other aunt retorted cheekily, earing herself a sharp hit in the stomach.

Tessa grinned and turned away from them, her breath catching as she caught sight of her favourite boy in the doorway.

"Hey," he breathed, his voice soft. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks... you look…"

"Handsome? Stunning? Jaw-droppingly irresistible?" He grinned as he heard her aunts chuckle in the kitchen.

"Amazing." Tessa breathed.

"Well thank you my lady, your carriage awaits." He bowed, giving Tessa time to admire the shock of dark hair and the way his features stood out in his structured suit. His eyes were shockingly blue against the dark colours, as they were the day they met.

He linked his arm with her and lead her down the drive, her jaw dropping when she saw a car in place of the usual motorbike.

"Oh, what? That?" He laughed. "That's not mine." He pulled her around it where her gaze found the soft curves of his bike.

"Good. I wouldn't expect anything less of you."

He turned to her, catching her off guard with his vulnerability.

"I was wondering if we could please go see Jem first? If that's alright? I just can't imagine a night like this without him." His voice caught in his throat, his deep eyes staring at her like a bottomless sea.

"Of course we can." She stood up on her tippy-toes and pecked him on the cheek, using his hands to balance herself. He pulled his hand up to her mouth, gently kissing it, his tears leaking onto her soft skin.

"Thank you." He whispered, pulling her close for a long hug.

Soon they were on the bike, Tessa's skirt hiked up around her thighs, as they speed along the motorway, hightailing it to the hospital. They ran through the hospital doors, skipping and singing as they appeared in his room.

"Hi guys." He smiled from his bed, his eyes bright even if is skin wasn't.

"Hello Jemmy-boy." They sang.

"Boy, are you really that excited for the dance?" He laughed.

"Nope, we're excited to see you!" Tessa told him, her smile lighting the whole room.

"You guys look fantastic."

"Enough about us! How are you?" Will asked, sitting on the bed next to him.

"I feel great thanks." A song came on the radio, the gentle violin making Jem smile. Tessa and Will simultaneously bowed to Jem, who was propped up on a million pillows.

"May we have this dance?"

"You may." He smiled graciously, pulling himself slowly out of bed. The three of them wrapped their arms around each other as they waltzed slowly in spirals around the room. Thankfully the song wasn't long and soon Jem was back in the safety of his bed, his face slightly flushed but his breathing normal.

"We'll be back in a few hours okay?" Will said.

"I'll be waiting." Jem smiled with a tip of his head. "Enjoy yourself kids."

They pulled up at the school parking lot, enjoying one chaste kiss before heading inside. They walked up the snow ridden path, Tessa's shoes slipping on the cold, causing her to grad onto Will.

Slowly they walked together into the big hall, it was decorated with fairy lights and streamers, casting the room in a wintery glow. Will pulled her close and started dancing softly to the music, their gentle sway calming her nerves and loosening her muscles. Soon faster music came on and they were joined by Gideon and Sophie, dancing in immature groups. Jumping and singing and screaming and skipping. They were having such fun. Sophie grabbed Tessa's hands and pulled her to the toilets.

"Gideon booked us a hotel!" Sophie squealed. "I mean, I'm nervous, I'm not sure I'm ready but-"

"Sophie," Tessa interjected. "I'm sure Gid won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

"You're right, he's so sweet. I love him Tessa, I really do." Her hand slapped over her mouth as she collapsed into giggles.

"You do?" Tessa asked, Sophie nodded from behind her hands, her eyes still wide at her confession.

"That's great!" Tessa squeaked, jumping with joy with her friend, the pair of them acting like small school girls.

"I'm so glad you moved here." Sophie said.

"Me too, Soph, me too."

They walked out the bathroom arm in arm, shimmying to the music and laughing with every person they could.

Tessa covered Will's eyes with her hands as she reached their table.

"Guess who?"

"Let me guess, Hilary Clinton? Michelle Obama? Katniss Everdeen?" He laughed, the vibrations sending shivers down Tessa's spine.

"Nope, it's me silly." She laughed as she plopped herself down on his lap, taking his face in her hands. "I love you, William Herondale. I love you with all my big American mushy heart."

"I love you, Tessa Gray, with all my being. I will love you for my whole life and if there's a life after that I'll love you then too."

"Oh Will." Tessa said, tears reaching her eyes. "I wish I had your way with words. Your conversations are so magical, each time you speak I fall in love with you more and more, if that's even possible."

He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head in the crook of her neck.

"I love you." He whispered into the soft skin.

"I love you too."

They sat like that for a while, when they finally parted they never separated, their hands were conjoined the whole night.

"Right folks, last dance before the ceremony." A speaker announced.

"What's the ceremony?" Tessa asked.

"They crown dance king and queen, Jessie usually wins." He smiled ruefully.

"Let's dance." Tessa pulled him up to dance, wrapping herself into him, her face against his chest, they swayed for a few minutes when Tessa felt a sudden vibration on her face.

"What's that?" she asked, her brows furrowed together.

"My phone." Will muttered, his hand reaching for his pocket. "It's the hospital, Charlotte said to come quick. It's Jem." He choked out, his eyes filling with tears.

They ran from the room in a rush, pushing anyone in their way, within seconds they were flying away, the familiar vroom of the bike becoming unnerving as Tessa felt detached from everything, her heart suspended in the strong grip of fear. The bike wobbled as the went up the road, Will's chest bouncing in strong jerks as he sobbed. Within minutes they were there, Will brusquely pulled them off the bike, and they ran. They ran through the hospital with none of their earlier sense of glee, tears streamed down their faces as they sprinted to the ward that seemed like their second home.

"Doctor! What's going on?" Will demanded, his voice weak and jagged.

"There's nothing we can do, I'm so sorry Will. I can't do anything anymore. I didn't ever want to have to say this." The doctor turned away. "Please say your goodbyes." She ducked her head and sprinted away, her hand held to her mouth.

They walked into the room together, hand in hand. Greeted morbidly by the ring of family surrounding the boy.

"Hello Jemmy-boy." Will whispered, staring down at his dying friend.

"Hello Will." He managed a weak smile, coughing blood as he covered his mouth with his hand. "I'm so sorry."

"Why are you sorry? This isn't your fault. Dammit- it isn't your time. You're so young- It's so unfair-Please don't leave me." He choked back his tears, burying his head into his friends chest.

"Please don't cry Will. You've always been so strong. Please stay strong. Stay strong for me."

"Tessa," He smiled at her. "Could you do me a favour?"

"Anything my love." She sobbed.

"Turn on the radio please." She turned on the radio and the same tune from that evening came on, the haunting tune filling the room and covering Charlotte and Jessamine's sobs. She walked closer to the bed, grabbing his hand and kissing him on the forehead.

"Please don't cry for me. I love you all so much. I don't want you in pain. That was never my intention- of course dying wasn't my intention either-"he managed a weak laugh. "My life has been so wonderful and I want to thank you all, for it would be nothing without you."

"Oh Jem," Charlotte sighed. "I wish you didn't have to go, we all love you too much to let go. Please stay." She grabbed onto Henry's jacket for support when she collapsed into silent tears.

"I can't stay-"

"You have to stay." Jessie said vehemently. "Don't you see, we don't want you to leave."

"I don't want to leave either. Please live ling happy lives without me." His voice went quiet and his jaw went slack, his last breath escaping him.

"Don't you see?" Will yelled. "I can't be happy without you!" He kicked the bed. "I need you. I can't live without you. You've always been there. Come back!" He grabbed Jem's body. "Come back!" He wailed.

Tessa leant forward and grabbed his body, pulling him into her. He collapsed onto the floor and she collapsed with him, their bodies heaving and screaming as they cried out their energy. Will fell asleep in her arms, they dragged him out at five in the morning, he was still weeping and calling for his friend.

They stumbled home late, falling onto furniture and sleeping like babies. They woke up after twelve, bleary eyed and teary.

"He didn't deserve to die." Will muttered. "He didn't deserve to have his life taken away so fast."

"I know." Tessa murmered, nursing a cup of tea in her hands to warm her frozen soul.

They walked upstairs hand in hand, staring apprehensively at the door into Jem's room. Their eyes popped as they opened the door, noticing the two sparkling crowns sat on Jem's bed. With a blue evelope.

Dear Will and Tessa,

I'm assuming if you are reading this then it's after the Christmas formal, and my death. I'm so sorry I left you both, I couldn't bear to see you both so sad. I know you don't care about these crowns but I put you up for vote, and you won.

I didn't want to leave you, I'm sure you know that, I never wanted to have to say goodbye.

Will, you were always there for me, always. I can't imagine a better companion and hopefully one day we'll meet again, I whatever afterlife that may exist. I hope so.

Just know that I love you both so much, that I love all of you so much more than you know. I knew I would die, I just didn't know when, it was harder for you to accept.

Love you lots,


P.S. expect to hear from me soon

P.P.S I don't mean my ghost I mean more letters

P.P.P.S I would like you to wear your crowns non-stop for the next month, no buts, you can't refuse the wish of a dying(dead) boy can you? Now that is just cruel. William, I'm sure you look fantastic in it, Tessa you'll be stunning too.

They had tears of laughter and joy running down their cheeks when they finished reading. And sure enough when they got to their own rooms, two blue envelopes were waiting for them.

Four days later they had the funeral, and the will. Each of his loved ones were given a personal item and, sure enough, it was accompanied by a lovely blue letter.

Thank you so so much for reading! If you want me to write the letters Jem sent then let me know in the comments! Thanks again for sticking with this amazingly crap story, I've had more favourites, followers, view and reviews than I ever expected. Particular thanks to CatchTheFinnick for sticking with me this whole time(forever) she's fantastic and you should read her fanfic, it's wayyyyyyy better than mine.

Please feel free to check out my other fics, I love you all, goodbye :)

P.S. Please comment what you think :)