He didn't know what to make of it when his father refused to speak to him openly at dinner. Kagami vaguely wondered if it had something to do with Aomine and Kuroko, and although he didn't want jump to conclusions, it was obvious that was the issue. His mother had brought up his relationship in passing, asking "how his boyfriends were doing." After catching that, his father made a face and seemed to be pondering over whether his anger and confusion was justified. His mother was surprised at herself for accidentally throwing Kagami under the bus.

Kagami supposed his father had every right to be mad at him. He hadn't exactly come out to them in the time he was in Japan, and he had only discussed his relationship over the phone with his mom. She was surprisingly jubilant towards the news to the point where she had begun smothering him with questions every chance she got.

As they sat at the dinner table, the awkward silence was only occasionally interrupted by his mother trying to keep the peace. The tension was tangible. "Dad..." Kagami decided that now was as good a time as ever to bring this up, "I never meant to keep it from you...I just never really found the right time to tell you." He looked down at his plate as he spoke.

"You...I can truthfully say I never saw this coming." His father set down his silverware and looked at his son. "And you say...you have two?"

"Uh, well you see-the thing is I..." He looked at his father who was staring at him patiently. "Yes."

"Are you seriously considering that something like this could work? It's preposterous!"

"Dad it's fine! I know them and I know it'll work. We didn't just decide something like this on a whim."

"And as unstable as teenage boys are you still believe that they think the same way? It would be best for you to find a nice girl to be with instead of these shenanigans-"

"Oh so now you care who I hang around. I don't want a girl, I love them!"

"You're just a child! One day you'll realize it's a waste of time and move on." They glared at each other before Kagami roughly cleared his plate and said goodnight to his parents.

"Taiga-" his mother called after him but he had already locked himself in the room they kept made for when he visited. "Well that was pleasant." She gave her husband a look before taking their plates as well.

"The boy is insane. If he had stayed with us his head would be right."

"It's just like you to look down on his decisions like that. We hardly ever see him since he lives in Japan." She made her way around the kitchen, busying herself with cleaning up. "Why can't you just be happy for him."

"It's not right!" He snapped but sighed slowly after a moment. "I could have come around if he had told me he was gay instead of hiding it. But juggling two people on top of that? We didn't raise him to be unfaithful-"

"I don't understand why it's such a big deal. And he's not juggling them, the three of them are together exclusively."

"...Well surely we taught him that polygamy is frowned upon by nearly all of society." He said this sternly but sarcastically.

"He's your son." She paused and looked him in the eyes before continuing. "You may not agree with his decisions but you still have to support him. And we have to be there for him if it doesn't work."

"...You're as sure of him as you've always been." He sighed and the conversation ended there.

Kagami had changed his clothes and flopped down on the bed. He should've known this would happen. He flipped open his phone and dialed Aomine. It was only eight here so it was already around noon in Japan. He picked up surprisingly quickly. "Yo, guess what."


"I'm in the fuuuuuture." Aomine lazily sang at him through the phone. He heard some noise in the background and he assumed Aomine was talking to someone. "When are you getting back, we miss you."

"I didn't think that was something you'd ever openly admit."

"Tetsu made me." Aomine and Kuroko were in fact hanging out at Kuroko's house. Aomine rolled around on the bed until he was comfortably on his stomach, an arm wrapped around one of Kuroko's legs. "I'm putting you on speaker."

"Kagami-kun, Aomine-kun misses you sooooo much."

"Shut up Tetsu! You miss him more." Kagami could hear his pout through the phone. He imagined the smug little smile on Kuroko's face. "Anyway what's up?" Kagami sighed for what felt like the millionth time since he'd left the dining room. When he didn't speak immediately, Aomine and Kuroko leaned in closer to the phone.

"My dad...I didn't tell him about us earlier and it kinda slipped. He doesn't seem to approve in the slightest." Kagami furrowed his brows and let his arm not holding the phone flop to the side.

"Tetsu you owe me five hundred yen." Kagami glared at his cell as if it would send Aomine his thoughts. He heard some muffled noises followed by a quiet "that's not fair Aomine-kun..." and continued.

"He says it's just a phase and that I should find a girl. First if all I don't know why a girl would be any better than a guy. And guys get along better anyways."

"Of course it wouldn't work with a girl. You like my dick too much."

"I swear if I were there I'd beat the shit outta you." Kagami laughed as he said this, his mood raising a bit.

"Kagami-kun, don't worry too much. If you can't convince your father then I'm sure your mother can." Kuroko assured him.

"Yeah she loves us." Aomine said blatantly. "She hasn't even met us and I feel like she's our mom too." At this point Kagami could imagine Kuroko cutely nodding in agreement at everything he said. He really missed them right now.

"At least I'll be back in a few days. I hate to leave them when I don't see them a lot but, you know."

"Don't stress it babe, you still got us." He could hear Aomine's grin. "And they're your parents, it's not like they don't love you."

"Yeah..." Kagami heard a knock at his door. "Come in." His father peeked in through the doorway before opening it fully and stepping in. Kagami sat up. "Hey, I gotta go."

"Ok, we'll call you tomorrow. Love you." Aomine finished and Kuroko interjected before he could hang up.

"Bye Kagami-kun, I love you!"

"Love you too, bye." He cringed a little at the fact that his dad heard that last part but hung up smoothly anyways.

They looked at each other for a moment until his father sighed. "Taiga...look-"

"It's fine, dad, I don't expect you to just turn over and accept what I'm doing. I know it's weird but it makes me happy." Kagami settled on that.

"...Son, I'm glad you understand. I can't say this is something I'll ever get used to. If this is for real I'll deal with it. I just want you to know I'm trying. So give me a break." He scratched the back of his head and nodded at Kagami. Kagami stared back a little in disbelief at the fact that his stubborn father would approach him like this. "So when I meet them I expect them to act like civilized men. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole..." He made a gesture mimicking what Kagami recognized as the universal hand signal for being gay.

"Really dad?"

"Sorry!" He held his arms up in defense and put his stern father demeanor back up. "Um, good talk. Good night Taiga."

"Night dad." He closed the door behind him and Kagami let out a sigh of relief. He knows it could've been way worse.

The next few days were filled with some awkwardness that came along with avoiding the subject of Kagami's relationship. Until he was on better terms with his father about it, it would be tough going back to how it was. But they weren't fighting, and that's all Kagami could ask for. The day he left he knew he would miss them but he was excited to get back to a familiar routine, and especially to see Kuroko and Aomine. They were waiting at the gate when he got off of the plane. Kagami wore a bright smile to match the ones already planted on his boyfriends' faces from the anticipation of his arrival. Kuroko started to jog towards him as soon as they saw each other and Aomine swiftly came up behind the smaller boy to lift and carry him over to Kagami. They laughed loudly on their short journey and Kagami met them halfway, Kuroko being thrust into his arms by Aomine. Kagami hugged him close as he wrapped his legs and arms around the redhead to support himself. They shared a few short kisses before he set Kuroko down and pulled Aomine into his grasp and did the same.

"Thank God that flight's over. It was way too long." Kagami yawned. They headed to the baggage claim and then to Kagami's apartment. No doubt it had been lived in as if he had never left even when Kagami wasn't there.

"I feel like I should let you sleep but I'm so hungry!" Aomine hummed as he wrapped himself around Kagami once they were in the door.

"Do I look like I'm going to cook for you?" Aomine smirked.

"Well...I wasn't thinking along the lines of actual food if you know what I mean." He brushed his lips along the back of Kagami's neck. "Tetsu and I were so lonely in your bed..."

"How can you be lonely if you're together?!" Kagami growled out. He looked down to see Kuroko staring up at them. "You couldn't tame this beast without me here?"

"Believe me Kagami-kun, I tried. He's insatiable." He spoke in that blank way that he always did when he was being serious.

"Come on, Aomine's got it bad for you Taiga." Aomine referred to himself as he pushed Kagami towards the bedroom.

"Nope, if you want it you can do the work because I'll be sleeping." Aomine pouted and slumped against him. Kagami smiled. It was good to be home, wrapped up in the familiar scent and touch of the ones he loved with all of his life. They knew that through everything they did together, everyone they faced, and every obstacle they overcame, having each other was completely worth it all. They would never stop loving one another and they couldn't be brought down by anything, because home was simply wherever they were when they were together.

A/N: Sappy ending amirite? Whatevs. For once in my life I accomplished something! Go me. I tried to make it meaningful but I always end up with funny little things in there!