The Admiral had all the Marines guarding the base of Sparkswood Laboratories while everyone was putting the finishing touches on Brain Transmogrifier II. Using an element that Baine could only describe as "presidential privilege," he called the DC Hospital that Flint had visited last week to immediately obtain a copy of his MRI photos, despite it being 4:58 AM.

As the November sun started started to inch up to the horizon, every single Swallow Falls citizen, Thinkquanaut, and Foodimal gathered around outside the main entrance of Sparkswood with their finished invention: a royal-blue bike helmet modified with the same knobs, meters, and siren as the original Brain-Transmogrifier, but was now hooked up with green spiral wiring to a miniature "helmet" for the lump on Flint's head, which was made of a white ceramic cereal bowl with a miniature orange siren on top of it.

Flint sat in the center of the circle while an exhausted Sam Sparks, Tim Lockwood, and a few groggy Thinkquanauts adjusted the knobs while studying the MRI photo. Sam then placed two D batteries in the slot on the back of the main helmet, two AAA batteries for the back of the mini, and placed the helmet on his head with the greatest of care.

"Ok," Sam said with a yawn, "this-this should do it."

Then, Manny handed her, Tim, and the Thinkquanauts each a pair of pink rubber gloves. "You might want to put these on. The rubber will block any electrical charge from shocking you."

"Thanks, Manny." Sam answered. "Now just hold still, Flint."

The minute Sam had turned the knob to "On," small waves of electricity sparked and streamed across Flint's body, and the sirens and lights flashed again. Golden sunlight started to coat Big Rock Candy Mountain and the tallest treetops and landscapes on the island, slowly flowing from the top downward. Everyone watched with wide eyes as Flint sat there wincing in pain, groaning and grunting deep breaths through his nose like an angry bull. Sam hesitated at first, but then, making sure she had her gloves on, she gently held Flint's right hand, letting him squeeze it with pain.

After a moment or two of just watching him suffer, the transmogrification finally took effect, and the sunlight was now pouring on everyone in the entire group, especially on Flint. The bulge on his head slowly deflated out of existence; the veins shrunk back underneath his forehead; his red mismatched eyes had cooled to his baby-blue irises with same-sized pupils; the deep groan in his voice slowly cleared up to his original tone. Everybody's eyes grew wider with anticipation by the second as they saw the transformation unfold before them.

Finally, Flint held his normal-sized head up with his hands, trying to regain his bearings. "Uhhh...wh-wha...D-Dad? Sam?"

Sam stared anxiously at him at first, not budging an inch. "Yes, Flint, it's me, Sam. D-Do you remember anything about your transformation?"

Flint responded with a sleepy, beaming smile, and affectionate eyes full of tears. "Yeah...and I couldn't be happier to be an Aspie."

With a wide gasp, Sam squeezed Flint tight in her arms, kissing all over his face. "Oh, Flint, you're back!"

Tim joined in immediately afterward. "I thought I'd never see you again, son..."

Followed by Brent's bear hug. "FLINT! We really missed you, buddy!"

Then Earl, bawling like a baby. "It's enough to make a hundred men cry!"

Manny, with a calm, yet choked up voice. "Including this hombré."

Barb. "And at least a hundred apes."

Steve. "FLINT!"

Flint's eyes lit up and he snuggled his lab partner close. "Steve!"

All the citizens, Thinkquanauts, and Foodimals crowded around Flint and his friends, filling up the inventor with hugs and cheers of joy, and Flint thanked each and every one of them in return. President Baine, who was standing fifty feet from the crowd, watched with a humble, yet sincere smile and nod with contentment.

After a moment, everyone stopped and stared as the President made his way to the center of the group. "Good to have you back, Lockwood."

Flint's eyes went wide. "M-Mr President, I-I...I dunno what to say..."

Baine then got down on his knees, too. "I hope you can forgive me for the way I've treated you. I had good intentions, but I didn't handle them well at all, and it was my pressure on you that made you take such drastic measures."

"Me too, sir, but about you, and to a lesser extent about the pressure part."

Baine chuckled politely, then stood up and addressed the crowd around him. "Now, I can see that you're all exhausted, so I'll postpone the big speech and award ceremony to tomorrow, and make sure all innocent names have been cleared for the press and police department back in DC. In the meantime, you should get plenty of rest. Everybody here has done this country proud."

The tired, yet overjoyed crowd cheered before their leader.

Flint tucked Sam into his own bed with an affectionate smile on his face. She more than deserved a rest after how hard she'd worked all. He then carefully crept out on tip toe, closed the door, and zipped back to his work desk, where a blank blue print lay rolled out on the top.

"I'll never be able to thank you enough, Sam," he whispered to himself, grabbing his white pencil, "but I really hope this comes close to repaying you."

With a smile on his face, he excitedly scribbled away...


The next day, a crowd of three dozen reporters sat anxiously in the grassy field enclosed in the Rose Garden, while the President of the United States stood at his podium up front. Flint and the gang sat about ten feet from Baine's left in individual chairs, dressed in their black tuxedos and red gowns.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present...Professor Edward Greggory, head of the National Science Foundation!"

Baine stepped aside to welcome a middle-aged male with bifocals, a short grey beard and mustache, and a navy-blue tuxedo to the podium. After a brief bow to the President, he smiled at the clapping audience before him.

"Thank you very much, Mr. President. Each year, we at the National Science Foundation present the Alan T. Waterman Award to a young researcher in science or engineering whose extraordinary talents and creativity have been recognized by the Federal Government as a profound inspiration and influence across the nation. However, this recipient will not only be honored for his contributions to science, but also for his extraordinary, recent acts of heroism, courage, and integrity during several occasions over the past year when our country was in dire peril. Without further adieu, I give you, this year's honored award winner...Flint Lockwood!"

Sam and the others all stood up roaring with applause as Flint nervously approached the podium. Back in Swallow Falls, Joe Towne and a crowd of other citizens were watching the press conference on the Remote-Control Television, and they, too, burst out cheering and clapping. Many of the press also applauded, but at least half of the reporters had taken more than six dozen pictures in the span of 10 seconds. Professor Greggory shook Flint's hand, and gave him a 5-inch golden medal with a man's portrait engraved on it, and the words "Alan T. Waterman Award" arching over the head.

Flint then cleared his throat, took a deep breath, and spoke as clearly and calmly as possible to the audience watching anxiously before him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. President, National Science Foundation, I couldn't be more honored to receive such a prestigious award after years of striving to make strong breakthroughs in the name of science. Even more so, however, I couldn't be more grateful for the friends and family who've lead me to my success. Without them, my life as an inventor, or even as a man, would not be nearly as gratifying or meaningful as it is today, let alone worthy of any recognition whatsoever. In fact, in light of recent events, I wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for their courage, integrity, and devotion to each other, even when it seemed all hope was lost. With all that being said, I have given my previous ambitions to expand Sparkswood Laboratories a great deal of reconsideration, and have decided to, instead, use the grant from my award to give the brilliant minds in Sparkswood, and the kind-hearted souls in Swallow Falls, just as much of a chance to shine in this country, if not more so."

Sam and the others were now practically on the edge of their seats as Flint continued.

"The facilities that were once owned by Live Corp will become branches of Sparkswood Laboratories, run by the former Thinkquanauts who have fully redeemed themselves from aiding Chester V in his sinister plans. They've all worked to the bone to save my life from certain destruction, and now deserve a second chance to contribute their talents to science."

Back in the main lab of Sparkswood, Flintly and the other Thinkquanauts were watching Flint's press conference on YouTube from the giant computer monitors, cheering and hugging each other at hearing Flint's inspiring words.

Flintly sniffed back a tear. "You're the best, mate."

"As for me? Well, I'm not one to go into details about my personal life to the public, but I will need some time to recuperate from my injuries, and undergo proper social skills training in light of my recent Asperger Syndrome diagnosis. I need to be better prepared to face the world outside Swallow Falls if I hope to be on good terms with everyone in it. However, if there's anything I want everybody to take from my experience, it's that I do not consider myself mentally deficient with my Asperger Syndrome. Quite the contrary, I've believed long before my diagnosis that you should embrace the traits that make you unique, that what makes you different can make you a strong influence in the world if you put your talents to the right use."

Flint glanced at Sam and the others with an affectionate smile. "It just took me a while to realize that you never need to be afraid of what lies ahead if you've got good friends and a loving family to guide you."

He then turned back to the press. "And I will continue to do what I've always worked for my whole life: to use my love of science and inventing to make the world a better place for everyone."

The reporters stood up, taking dozens more pictures and filling the Rose Garden with applause. Sam and the others stood up and cheered from behind while all the Foodimals, Swallow Falls citizens, and Thinkquanauts cheered back home.

Later that afternoon, Tim, Earl, and Brent helped load everyone's luggage into their rented Studebaker. Sam was walking out the lobby with Flint, carrying their backpacks.

"So you wrote that whole speech in one day?"

"Well, all night, too. I had to come up with the right words to say how wonderful you guys have been to me. Oh, speaking of which, erm...could I talk to you in private for a minute?"


Flint yanked Sam aside into the courtyard behind the hotel, in front of a row of frost-covered rose bushes. He turned his head to make sure there was nobody around, and then, took a deep breath, got down on one knee.

"Sam Sparks...would you do me the honor of being my wife?"

Flint pulled out a tiny white box that had the Sparkswood logo on the front of the lid. When he opened it in his hands, Sam's entire face lit up. Inside was a royal-blue ring decorated with Flint's signature, white jagged-line pattern, with a small diamond glistening on top.

Without another word, Sam threw herself down on Flint, hugging him tight and filling his face up with more kisses.

She then cuddled him close, resting her head on his chest. "Of course, I will, Flint Lockwood."

Flint hugged her and kissed her head in return. "I know I said I could never thank you enough for everything you've done for me, but inviting you into my family was the best thing I could think of to repay you. 'Cause now, we'll always be together, not just when we work."

"...I don't think I could've asked for anything more."

The two blew their cheeks up again for another tender hug and kiss.


Soon, the bride and groom were kissing again at a church altar, having just completed their ceremonies. Manny stood a marble podium, wearing a black preacher's robe. Sam was dressed in a white gown and veil, holding a bouquet of roses, while Flint wore a white tuxedo with a rose corsage. Tim, Earl, and Steve stood at the pews, clapping and cheering for the newly weds. Barb and Brent stood to Manny's right, with Barb dressed as the "flower ape," and Brent as the "chicken ring bearer." Barb wore a white dress with a colored flower crown while Brent wore his chicken suit with a black tuxedo jacket and top hat, holding a purple pillow with his left arm so he could use both hands to clap. The rest of the pews were filled with Foodimals dressed in their own formal attire, such as little top hats, bow ties, dresses and flowered hats. Giants like the Cheespider and Tacodile stood in the back, drying their olive and sesame seed eyes with tiny handkerchiefs.

Later that day, as the sun was starting to set, Flint and Sam were standing on the deck of a majestic cruise, smiling and waving at the thousands of spectators who were happily tossing confetti and rice from the docks. As the grains of rice flew into the air, they popped their beady black eyes and stick-figure arms open, and used tiny parachutes to land safely on the deck. They then activated a small projector on the edge of the cruise's stern to reveal a light-blue hologram of a sign with words written in dark-blue digital font, "Just Married."

As the ship descended down the Atlantic, and the audience cheered and waved goodbye, the young couple shared another kiss, and Steve pushed the button of a white Celebrationator, which, instead of paint, shot pink confetti, and heart-shaped fireworks overhead.



"Exceptional human beings must be given exceptional educational treatment, treatment which takes into account their special difficulties. Further, we can show that despite abnormality, human beings can fulfill their social role within the community, especially if they find understanding, love and guidance." ~Hans Asperger

The End