A/N: This is my first Fandomstuck fanfic so go easy on me, onegai ^~^ . I also ship Supernatural and Homestuck as redrom and blackrom.


I do NOT own anything. All rights go to their rightful owners.

Fandomstuck: SuperStuck with Fandomstuck Chapter 1

You are the HOMESTUCK FANDOM and you have no idea why you're lying on the FLOOR of your respiteblock, or room, as others call it. Oh, that's right. The uncanny doucheb– pardon, SUPERNATURAL FANDOM, has sprung SALT in your eyes once again.

Examine Room

Why are we even– We can always get back to this later. No? Okay. A number of HOMESTUCK POSTERS are scattered around your respiteblock's wall. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for HOROSCOPES AND QUADRANTS. You like to roleplay as other characters in your webcomic and you are VERY GOOD AT IT. Now, where were we?

You grunt as you wipe your eyes hastily with the dark-winged angel looming above you. You grunt upon discovering some of your grey body paint has been smudged away when wiping your eyes and has revealed that PEACHY human skin of yours. You start to tense and shiver but you held your ground for the sake of your moirail, the Hetalia Fandom, who happens to be right by your side when you go halfway on losing your cool. Simply saying you turn sober.

"Demon" Supernatural spat as he raises a foot and presses it onto your chest. You growl in annoyance and, in return, hold a grasp on his foot and try to lift it away. But sadly, you fail. You really want to get this guy back later on. Maybe even in his sleep so he won't know a thing. Or maybe somewhere with a huge crowd to embarrass him.

Examine Supernatural Fandom

You examine the fandom who refuses to let you up. He has brown hair and bangs swept to the side. He wears a coat with a lighter shade than his hair which nearly goes down below his knees.

His huge dark feathery wings are spread behind him. Inside, he wears a plain black shirt and jeans. You look back up and examine his eyes. A dark shade similar to those human beings. Looking closer, you can see how they glint with domination and bold defiance. Wait, why were you examining him again?

"For the GOGDAMN hundred MoThErFuCkInG millionth time, I'm a half-troll! NOT a D3M0N!" Even though you're saying these phrases, you can't help but notice the quirk in spelling out the words. Then you remember how all the trolls in your webcomic have different typing quirks. Mhmm. Can't forget that.

"Suuuure, demon. Unless you have anything that proves you aren't" The fandom narrows his eyes and focuses on you. You glare back and recall the differences of a troll and a demon when you watched that fandom's gogdamn show. Yes, you actually watched it. Why? You don't know. Maybe because you wanted to have proof to show that you are not a demon somewhere within the future when Supernatural comes in and bothers you again. Conveniently, it payed off no sooner than a day later.

Redeem Yourself

You grudgingly lift your hand and point at your eyes. "Do these look like FUCKING demon eyes to you? Last time I checked, my eyes are neither black, white, red nor yellow!" You yell at Supernatural who looks as if been struck by realization. You grin wide at the dumbstruck fandom and await for his reaction.

"Y-you watched my show?"

That wasn't the reaction you were expecting. You watch as Supernatural lifts his foot off you but keeps his eyes locked on yours. You feel uneasy being under his sight but the question has still been left unanswered. You gulp and try to push yourself up to a sitting position. "Yeah, so?" You answered, altogether raising your eyebrow at the fandom who, yet, hasn't made a move to show expression.

Before you could stand, you are roughly pushed back down onto your back on the ground with someone's grip on your hand. "Why would you watch it?! Are you planning to trick me into thinking you aren't a demon when you're actually one?" Ah, Supernatural has lost it. And so will you in about a minute or two if he doesn't get off you this instant. You growl and try to retract both your hands from the fandom but it was no use.

Supernatural hovered above you while having one leg on either side of you, or specifically saying straddling. He held one hand onto both of your wrists and locked them above your head. His face is contorted into look of anger and confusion as he stares at you from behind his dark coppery bangs. "What the hell was that for?!" You yell at his face. You struggle from underneath him but he refused to let you go.

"Heh. No answer at all, demon?" Supernatural being... Well, Supernatural himself. As annoying as it is, you can't help but grunt outwardly and roll your eyes at his stubborn attitude. I mean, who wouldn't be frustrated by this? You glare back at him and finally..

"I'm NOT a demon! And I actually W4TCH3D your showw because I had nothing else to do and pro8a8ly, I just had to make sure you don't lose your mind into thiinkiing I'm one of Them!" And there goes your weird quirks. Good thing no one can actually read others' self thoughts. Not thinking this through, you lift a leg up from below him and push on his stomach. "Now, get the EvErLiViNg FUCK off me!" You shout. You try to push him away with your foot but some invisible force is pulling a part of your strength away to.

"Don't even think about it" Supernatural's voice seemed to calm down than the tone he used seconds ago. Failing miserably, you give up and slide your leg from beside him. You do the same thing with the other one, having it bent on his left side, or right side, in your point of view. Thus, making the situation more awkward. If you didn't get what I said just now, allow me to rephrase it in a much more... Less complicated manner but nonetheless, a tad bit unpleasant.

Rephrase in a much more less complicated manner

You are now laying down with your hands locked on above your head. Your legs are spread wide due to Supernatural having both his legs below your frame, simply saying straddling over you not a minute ago. You were going to have a hard time sliding your leg back under him when his body is too close to yours so you simply put it beside his body and you do so with the other one to make sure it balanced out with the latter.

You didn't realize it until the look on Supernatural's face became slightly pale and had been covered with a light shade of red. You tilt your head in curiosity as to what he might be flustered about. "Awwww, look who's flustered" The edge of your lips begin to spread as a sly grin came upon your face. You are teasing Supernatural and it is entertaining you.

"Shut up! No I'm not!" He yells back at you. He closes his eyes and turns to look away. You snicker from below him and racked your think pan for more things to say. "Don't turn away now. C'mon, you looked so cute" You obviously meant that as a joke. But it came out more of a compliment than an insult to Supernatural's ears when you saw him bite his lip.

Rethinking the phrase you said, you realize it changed Supernatural's actions and he looked in some sort of pain. Or was he resisting? Hold on. Where did you get the idea of him being cute, anyways? Pfft. Like he never was. But the light blush on his cheeks makes you think otherwise.

Think Otherwise

What? What do you mean "think otherwise"? You can't simply change a character's thought by words, you know. You are now having second thoughts about Supernatural. What was this? Is this the so-called blackrom? Kismesissitude, was it? Your face enlightens in the rare feeling. The feeling of love and hate combined together. "Hey–"

"What're you guys up to? Fighting again?"

You were cut off when a certain raven-haired female fandom came knocking your door down. Not literally. She wore fake blue ears on a headband, a black shirt with her fandom's character in front, a red skirt, red shoes, white gloves on either hands, and blue lipstick plastered on her lips. She stops in her tracks when she saw the situation you were in. Her eyes widen before she apologizes and hurriedly leaves the room. "Shit..." Supernatural mutters a soft curse and you stare at the door for a moment.

You are Homestuck and you have no idea what your friends will think of you now. Will Sonic tell the others? You hope not.

A/N: Is it okay? I don't know if it is. If you guys like it, I can continue.