Summary: Lucy, the lone survivor of the Fairy Sphere on Tenroujima, was devastated with the loss and ran away to find answers. But she gets distracted by her goals, and ends up mentally beating herself, and others along the way, up. Torn between two men, and the pressure of her guild resting on her shoulders, will she make the right choices and save the ones closest to her?
A/N: Too early for another story? Well, too bad. XD I really like reading those 'Lucy Leaves' Clichés and all, but here should be a twist once in a while, so I thought of this up. Hope you like it!
It has almost been a year since I ran away from the guild to find answers. I need to bring them back; I am nothing without my family. But I found nothing. I didn't even know why I was the one alive and kicking.
Almost a Year Ago (No exact date)…
"You can't just give up on them!" I screamed with all of my breath.
"We have no choice, Lucy." Bisca tried to calm me down but with no avail.
"No choice?! They're my family!" I shouted before realizing what I said. The remaining members looked at me at my outburst, their eyes tired and sad.
"They're our family too, Lucy-nee…" Romeo stated, hugging his father's shirt as a few tears escaped his eyes.
I looked to each and every one of them, "Tell the council that it was me who trapped them there."
"L-Lucy…" Alzack began but trailed off, sensing the serious aura around me.
"Listen; just tell them that it was me who trapped those members there, I can use that as a reason to run and try to find answers across the country and you guys wouldn't have to be suspected."
"We can't do that!" Romeo exclaimed.
"He is right," Macao said, "There is no way we are abandoning a precious member now."
"Don't you see? You guys won't be abandoning me, you'll be helping me. You can't do anything in your position to find a way to help bring them back. But if you do this, I will at least have a chance. Please help me one last time, as a proud and powerful Fairy Tail mage." When I said that, everyone smiled sadly but agreed with nods.
I walked out of those doors for the last time. I will only return to bring my family back with me.
It has been 9 months; I have been running from the magic council for 7 of them before they gave up on me. I had the experience from running and hiding from my father, at least that was put under good use.
I never told my land lord about it, but I heard that she was keeping my apartment for me. When I found out, I was practically jumping with joy and relief as I never got the time to go and pack anything besides my keys and some personal belongings like my letters and whip.
I grew a little stronger, being able to summon 4 spirits at once and also able to use Urano Metria, but it had to be done with Gemini. It was great progress in my opinion.
However, I knew I am not strong enough for the spell I wanted to use. It was to call upon a spirit and summon it without something connecting to it, like a key. It was a hard spell and only experienced mages could use it. But it was harder for me because even though Mavis, the one I wanted to summon, was a spirit, she is not 100% of one either. I need to be able to summon her, even though there is no key for her. I need her to help me find the remaining members of Fairy Tail.
Now, I'm roaming the forests. I sensed a strong magical presence and decided to check it out, it reminded me of Gildarts and his overwhelming power, but this was 10 times more powerful. I found it harder to walk as I got closer.
After a bit for struggling, it felt like I passed a line somewhere and now all the downward pressure was gone. Something else was gone too, when I look up, I saw a palace made of marble and stone, beautiful yet lonely. I immediately knew that this was the source of all that magic.
The sheet of magic that was hiding it was what disappeared, I concluded. I took a daring step forward; nothing happened so I slowly took another and continued until I sped up with confidence. Soon I was at the front gates, they were made of a metal but was pure white like nothing could ever stain it. From here, I could even compare this palace to the mansion I used to live in and this would still be slightly bigger. I took in a breath as I gasped in surprise.
I pushed open the gates with both my hands and walked inside, confident. But when I heard footsteps and an opening door, I immediately hid in the bushes.
"Who's there?" I know that voice!
A/N: Sorry to end it here, but I kinda need you to help me decide on the pairing. The poll is on my profile, so if you want to see a certain pairing go vote there. You could also request one to me by PM-ing me.
Thanks for reading! Please review!