SO, so, so!

Thing is... As I've mentioned before, I'm discontinuing The Inheritance Project. HOWEVER...!

Recently I've gotten into KHR again and been thinking about this story a lot. About all the things I want to change, and all the new idea's I've had. I'm not going to continue with this story, but I am going to rewrite the whole thing from the beginning! (This train wreck is over a hundred pages long! It's a very daunting task. But Imma do it! Do it with my dying will!)

There will be many changes to characters and plot. I've written a bunch of notes, and I actually, more or less, have a plan this time round. (I had no plans before, and kept having new ideas and changing my mind about things, which is probably why it never really went anywhere.) I also have plans to add cover art to each chapter, which is a thing you can do on Ao3. The version with art is up on Ao3 if you want to see that one (link in my profile, lemme know if it works or not).

Cielo has been renamed Giulio (because his name kinda makes me cringe, why did I name him that?), and Masamune has also been renamed Yoshitaka, and he's also had some major changes to his back story and personality. I'm also removing Aigis entirely. I barely remember what his purpose in the story was supposed to be, and honestly, I don't know what to do with him. It's still more or less the same story, but better (at least, I think it's better). I haven't made much progress with, you know, actually writing it out, but the first chapter is up on Ao3, and I'm planning on cross-posting it here soon.

The title of the new version is "Prelude to Inheritance".

I'd like to know what you think of the new version so far. And what did you like and/or not like about the old version? Opinions on the new names? All that jazz.

Love, NyanNyan-suru