AN: My apologies for such a long wait. I have failed miserably at getting my thoughts down into writing and real life keeps demanding attention.

This story is still un-beta-read until after the festive season. Hopefully I will have my angel back after that. All mistakes are mine.

I do not own any of Middle Earth its ownership and creation lie solely in the hands of J.R. . I am merely playing with them.

Recap: Bilbo Baggins of the Shire meets a group of dwarves that have been directed to his home by Gandalf. His first introduction is to Dwalin, upon hearing the dwarrow's story Bilbo swears he will help them to the end of the line, taking the three youngest immediately under his wing. The Company grow closer on their journey to Rivendell, with only Thorin Oakenshield still having issues with their burglar. Bilbo has gained a weapon after a run in with trolls and upon hearing Nori and Kili's stories demands to start training with Dwalin as soon as possible. At the same time he has managed to reveal to Elrond, Gandalf and Thorin he is anything but a simple hobbit he starts courting Dwalin. Fili and Bofur, have finally admitted they are One, while Kili and Ori make an adorable, if mischievous pair. Dori has let some of his shadier-self show through and the Company have adopted all three of Elrond's sons, both the elven twins and the human child. Finally Bilbo has realised he will need help keeping anyone safe and using his right as one of the religious leaders of the Shire calls upon both Mahal and Yavanna to hear his plea. The Company as a whole has become closer after Bilbo owned certain truths to them, Bilbo has passed out and Thorin has broken down. We left all our dwarrow and single hobbit sleeping, along with Estel and the elven twins.

Warnings: Emotions.

Warnings: Mentions of past violence.

Warnings: Bilbo's religion.

Warnings: Mentions of past blood and gore.

Chapter 60 – Between the Raindrops.

The dwarven clans had settled in the areas where they truly felt at home, but with the growing taint their homes began to suffer. The Blacklocks and Stonefoots were the first to feel the darkness, with no time to see the warnings they were almost extinguished, the darkness powerful enough to corrupt even their dwarven minds and bodies. Some escaped, living rough, desperate not to leave their homes they became hermits, the clans almost extinct. Next to suffer were the Ironfists and the Stiffbeards. The cold of their homelands made them a hardier type than most, but their stubbornness would be their fall. They refused to flee in the face of the enemies might and darkness took those who could not see reason, even as the wise fought to control it. The strongholds of Mt. Dolmed were next to succumber, and the revered meeting place of Gundabad drew the enemy's eyes. The clans of Longbeards, Firebeard and Broadbeams originally survived the onslaught better than their eastern kin, but fate was not kind the those who did not find safety in Midgardsmal or Khazad-dûm became known as the Petty-dwarves and were hunted like animals to the point of extinction by the elves.


Thorin was the first to awaken. His limbs felt heavy and his head ached, and yet he felt more at peace than he could place. Slowly he peered around the dawn lit room. He was surrounded by most of his company, his nephews were curled around him, the human child, Estel, curled between Bombur and Gloin, all three tucked under a blanket. Thorin cricked his neck and found himself smiling at the sight of the elven twins curled up by the dying embers of the fire. Huffing softly to himself the dwarven prince managed to disentangle himself from his nephews and draped a spare blanket over then. A check on the Ri family showed they were comfortable, the same with the Ur family and a lightly snoring Oìn. Tutting at the thin tunics the elves seemed to be sleeping in, he managed to source two more blankets.

Another glance round had Thorin jumping softly, Bilbo stood at the door to his room, eyes blinking sleepily up at Thorin and curls mused. He was, Thorin noticed unnaturally pale and seemed unsteady on his feet. The bandages were still wrapped snuggly around both his hands and in that second the king finally and truly destroyed any vestige of doubt over the smaller male from his mind. Stepping briskly over to the hobbit he caught a glimpse of Dwalin and Balin sleeping peacefully. Deciding Bilbo must have sunk out he extended an arm to escort the other to the kitchens.

It was slow going, neither of them being particularly steady, and yet they found a strange sort of comfort in the taking and giving of support. Kitchen reached, Thorin installed Bilbo at a kitchen stool and somehow managed to get a kettle full of water on the stove and the correct leaves into a tea pot. Blinking at the cold stove, the dwarven prince groaned and scratched his head as he tried to figure out how to light it. A soft huff drew his attention back to the hobbit and a smile graced his lips as he took in the offered tinder box, apparently there was something to be said for the softer side of life.

By the time the tea was brewed, and some bread and honey sourced the two were sitting in a relaxed silence. If Thorin noticed Bilbo was having trouble with the cups he didn't mention it, the same as if Bilbo noticed the dwarf's eyes were red rimed and his braids mused, he was silent on the matter.

They had managed to drink the full pot of tea between the two of them, before Bilbo broke the silence.

"So ..." he started hesitantly, "How does one go about apologising for making oneself ill because they have put others first?"

Thorin blinked, "huh?" he managed, thinking over the hobbit's words. "You might need to explain that one."

Bilbo sighed, "I managed to worry and scare most of the group because I fainted due to blood loss, low blood sugar and exhaustion, because I may have tried taking care of them all and forgot about myself."

Thorin swallowed, "Blood loss?" he gasped, "Fainted?"

Bilbo looked sheepish and held up his hands. "You know how I told you I was Càirneach for my peoples? Well I may have got a smidge protective and annoyed and used one of our banned rituals."

"You did what?" Thorin gasped, things suddenly making much more sense. "Wait you actually managed to summon Mahal? I need to sit down!"

Bilbo let out a watery chuckle, "Thorin, you are sitting down. And yes, apparently I was incensed enough and loud enough in doing so to get mum and dad to check up on me."

"Sweet … merciful…Oh my!"

"Yes, well you can imagine my reaction when it actually worked can't you!"

Thorin took a deep breath, "You called, and they…came?"

Bilbo sighed again, "No I screamed and bled, and threw the biggest temper tantrum you can imagine, along with all the ritual stuff I used." He looked Thorin in the eye, "I doubt I would be able to do it again."

"I don't want you doing it again!" Thorin snapped, forcing himself to take a deep breath. "You have become so much to these dwarves, that it would kill them to lose you in such a manner. I can't help but be thankful you did, but Master Baggins! Bilbo! We cannot lose you! You are one of us! And we take care of our own. If you bleed we bleed. If you are hurt, we are hurt. We will laugh with you, cry with you. Rejoice with you, mourn with you. We will fight along side you, and lay down arms to save you. You are Khazad-meri. You are utz!"

"Thorin…" Bilbo's voice broke and he flung his arms around the dwarf's broad shoulders. When Dori entered the kitchen half a bell later he found them sitting on the floor Thorin sobbing apologies into Bilbo's curls as a tearful, but baffled hobbit tried to sooth him.


Several bells later, when emotions had finally run their course, (several times as each dwarf broke down when it was explained to them, young Estel happy his new friends seemed to be healing and the elven twins because it meant there was still hope in the darkness) Bilbo was lying in his room listening to the quiet conversations flowing from the common area. He was still a little unsteady on his feet, and he knew he wouldn't be able to even think of holding a blade for several more days, yet he was more confident in his ability to hold to the promises he had made his dwarves.

His eyes lighted upon a flash of green leather caught his eye and he started up right. He still hadn't given Dwalin his courting gift. Slipping to the door he peered out into the firelit common area. Dwalin was almost centre stage, with Balin and Thorin seated either side of him. Filì and Kilì were leaning over the shoulders of the prince and advisor. The Ris and Urs were seated on cushions on the floor, creating almost a walk way. The elven twins, with Estel between them were standing behind the Urs, while Oìn and Gloìn were behind the Ri's. Bilbo smirked and stepped back into his room.

A quick glance in the mirror had him frowning, and he set about putting himself to right. Pulling on the best set of clothing he had with him, he left the collar of his shirt open and settled the tiger's eye bead in the hollow of his throat, before running a comb carefully through his hair. He peered critically at himself, his Baggins relatives would have a fit, but he was proposing to a dwarf. A smile slid onto his face as he imagined a life with Dwalin, a life with his dwarf family and he stepped confidently from his room, courting gift tucked under his arm and barely a wobble in his step.

His entrance was noticed only when he reached the nearest Ur, he shifted the parcel that was balanced carefully on his bandaged hands and stepped forwards eyes locked on Dwalin. The dwarves seemed to realise immediately that was something was happening and the young princes both clapped a hand to Dwalin's shoulder, halting the warrior's conversation. Bilbo smiled widely as grey eyes locked on him, and a gentle flush showed behind a beard. He reached his beloved and dropped to one knee, offering up the courting gift in silence.

Elladan and Elrohir's eyes widened as they looked upon the scene. Estel dancing happily on his toes. Dwalin swallowed as he carefully took the leather wrapped gift from Bilbo's hands. His heart was beating an unknown rhythm and he felt jittery. Bilbo had made him something, probably while they were here, and all Dwalin had gifted him was an already formed bead. It was Thorin's nudge that brought him back and he gently unwrapped the courting gift, letting the soft material flow from where he held it.

Dwalin swallowed again as he took in the beautiful piece of clothing he held. He couldn't remember ever owning something that so much work had gone into, something that was solely his colours, and a marvellous combination of dwarven and hobbitish styles. He stuttered with the buttons, smiling widely down at Bilbo. Balin took pity on his brother and helped him on with the waistcoat, buttoning it up gently, even as he admired the craftmanship.

Estel's joyous whoop broke the spell and the dwarves all clambered to get a closer look at Dwalin's gifted waistcoat, even as Thorin helped Bilbo to his feet and pushed him into Dwalin's arms. All propriety was thrown aside as Dwalin drew his hobbit closer and kissed him deeply.

Thorin finally managed to stand back and observe those who were dear to him, of those living he was missing only his sister to make this truly home. He closed his eyes as relieved tears threatened to spill. A gnarled hand settled on his shoulder and he heard the wizard's voice.

"I see before me a dwarf who needs no crown or jewel to be king, and if the ancient laws allowed it I would crown you so Mountain or no my old friend."

Thorin spun, one tear escaping despite his efforts.

Gandalf smiled softly, "I did not answer your worries before as I did not know how to put my thoughts into words. Believe me though Thorin, no darkness can hold sway over you as long as you hold true to your heart." The wizard gestured and Thorin turned to see the collection of dwarves, elves, hobbits and humans smiling widely at him. As he met Gandalf's eye he was once again swept up in a group hug. Even as he leaned back against an elven stomach, another's slender arm wrapped around his shoulder and a human child hanging from his neck, Thorin thought the wizard could well be right.



Khuzdul – English

Midgardsmal – Iron Hills.

Khazad-dûm – Dwarrowdelf.

Khazad-Meri – Dwarf-friend.

Utz – Ours.

Hobbitish – English

Càirneach – Druid/priest.