Let me clarify that the reason why the pokemon speak English is because since everyone in this story is an anthropomorphic animal I made it so they could understand everything Pokemon are saying.

So anyway enjoy my very first Pokemon related story...

Pokémon: Best Wishes – Sonic Edition

Chapter 1: On the Road to Accumula Town and A Relentless Rival!

"Sonic." A young two tailed fox said softly as he poked a sleeping blue hedgehog. "Sonic." The fox repeated, but the hedgehog still didn't move. The fox sighed and walked up to a coffee table that stood in the middle of the room and picked up a toy ball that was painted, Red, white, and black in the middle. "Wake up Sonic!" He yelled as he throws the ball right into the hedgehog's face.

"Ouch!" The hedgehog yelled as he grabbed his face in pain. "What was that for Tails?!"

Tails sighed again. "Sonic, don't you remember what today is?" The Kitsune asked his friend.

"Uh, hmm…" Sonic thought for a second and shrugged his shoulders.

Tails shook his head in disappointment. "Today's the day we get our first Pokémon from Professor Juniper."

Sonic gasped in shock. "Oh that's right! I completely forgot!" Sonic quickly grabbed his belt and ran down stairs, through the living room and was about to leave the house when he was stopped by Tails.

"Sonic wait!" The Kitsune grabbed Sonic by the arm. "You almost forgot you're Bag." Tails said as he handed Sonic a blue Bag which the blue hedgehog took and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

After leaving the house they made their way through Nuvema Town till they found Professor Juniper's lab. "Geez about time we found this place!" Sonic cried in frustration.

"Sonic we were only looking for five minutes." Tails explained.

Sonic just looked at his friend for a moment and shook his head before they both walked inside. Once inside they spotted a familiar red echidna. "Huh? Hey look its Knuckles." Tails said in surprise. "I didn't know he was interested in Pokémon." Sonic Shrugged and walked up to the echidna.

"Hey Knuckles!" Sonic cried as they approached the red echidna.

Knuckles turned his head around in curiosity. "Oh, it's you two."

"Well that's a nice way to greet somebody." Sonic said and crossed his arms as they stood next to him.

"Ok, how about this!" Knuckles said as he grabbed Sonic's head and started to give him a playful noogie.

"Ow ow ow ow! Stop Knuckles! Stop!" Sonic pleaded in pain.

Knuckles finally left up and chuckled at the blue hedgehog's frizzled up fur.

After Sonic fixed his fur a Purple fox wearing a white lab coat walked into the room. "Oh! You three must be the new Pokémon trainers that are here for their first Pokémon correct."

"That's us!" Sonic said cheerfully.

"Excellent then let's begin." The Purple Fox said enthusiastically as she walked in front of them and stood next to a table that held three Poke balls. "First off let me introduce myself. My name is Professor Juniper, Pokémon researcher of the Unova region. Not only do I research Pokémon, I'm also the one responsible of giving new trainers their first Pokémon." The professor explained.

"Now let me introduce you to the Pokémon you'll be able to choose." Professor then walked over to the table and picked up the poke ball on the far left and threw it into the air. After a flash of light a small green snake like Pokémon appeared in front of them. "This Pokémon is called Snivy. Snivy isn't the strongest of the three Pokémon, but her speed more than makes up for it."

"You sold me at Speed." Sonic chuckled.

"You don't want to see the other two first?" Juniper asked in confusion.

"Well I'll stick around because me and Tails are gonna be traveling together, but I've already decided on Snivy." Sonic explained in which Juniper nodded in understanding.

"Ok then, here's Snivy's Poke ball." Juniper held out the poke ball which Sonic gladly took.

"Well Snivy I guess you and I are partners." Sonic said to the pokemon.

"Sure. Just make sure you don't hold me back." The Snivy responded boredly.

"Uh sure." Sonic then held out the poke ball and in a red flash of light Snivy returned to her poke ball.

"Well with that out of the way let us continue." Professor Juniper walked over and grabbed the middle poke ball and threw it in the air and in a flash of light a small pokemon that had different kinds of blue on his body, His head was white, his body was a slightly dark aqua blue, and his feet and tail was dark blue.

"Hi!" The Pokemon cried in delight.

"This Pokemon is called a Oshawott. Oshawott is a water type and is the most balanced of the three Pokemon which makes him great for beginners." The professor explained. "And they can also be quite eccentric."

"Please choose me! I don't want to be rejected again! Pleeeeeeese!" The Oshawott pleaded and held his hands or flippers together with sparkles in his eyes trying to make himself look cuter then he already was.

"Well there are three of us and only three Pokémon so one of us will choose you." Knuckles explained which caused Oshawott to jump up and down in joy. "Just don't expect me to choose a runt like you."

Oshawott then turned all white and fell on his back in shock. "Knuckles that was uncalled for!" Sonic cried angrily.

Tails nodded. "Yeah that was mean!"

Knuckles turned to them and held up his hand in defence. "Hey it's true!"

Tails glared at Knuckles and went over to comfort Oshawott. Tails picked the now crying Pokémon up and held him in his arms. "Don't worry Oshawott, Knuckles does that to everyone. I don't think you're a runt."

Oshawott's crying started to soften as Tails continued to comfort the Sea Otter Pokemon. "Well I guess we know who Tails has chosen!" Sonic smiled at the fox.

Professor Juniper nodded happily and handed Tails Oshawott's poke ball. Who was now happily sitting on Tails' shoulder.

"I guess there is only one choice left." Knuckles said to himself.

"And finally the third and final Pokémon." Professor Juniper grabbed the third Poke ball and threw it into the air and after a flash of light a small pig like Pokémon appeared.

"Hello!" The Pokémon greeted happily.

"This Pokémon is called a Tepig a fire type. Tepig is the strongest and the most durable of the three. Tepig's are very determined Pokémon.

"Strength, Durability, Determination. My kind of Pokémon!" Knuckles smirked as Professor Juniper handed him his Pokémon.

"Now before you go you'll need to take these." Professor Juniper said as she held out three small rectangular devices.

"Cool Pokédex's!" Tails cried as they each took a Pokédex.

"Make sure not to lose them, because not only do you need them to enter the Unova League, but they also serve as your Identity and proof that you're a trainer."

"Got yea." Sonic said as he put Pokédex in a side pocket on his bag.

Later outside the lab…

"Hey Knuckles, you should come with us." Sonic suggested.

Knuckles turned to the two, but turned back after a moment. "Nah, I'd rather travel on my own." Knuckles then started to head to the towns entrance. "But thanks anyway."

After Knuckles was out of view Sonic turned back the fox and shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well I tried."

"Sonic can we have lunch before we leave? I'm starving." Tails asked the hedgehog as his stomach started to growl.

"Oh yeah. I forgot we skipped breakfast." Sonic chuckled for a second. "Ok chilli dogs are on me!" After that Sonic and Tails headed to the closest chilli dog stand.

Much later after leaving town…

Sonic yawned as they traversed through route 1 on their way to Accumula Town. "We haven't seen a single Pokémon since we left Nuvema Town." Sonic sighed boredly. "Tails whens the next town?"

Tails was studying the Town map and found their current position. "We'll it says here on the map the nearest Town is, Accumula Town and we're about half way there." Tails Explained without taking his eyes off the map.

"Uh Tails." Sonic said trying to get his attention.

"Wha- oomph!" Was all Tails could say before he fell backwards.

"Hey, why don't you watch were you're going!" A Red and Black hedgehog cried angrily at the fox.

Tails stood back up and bowed. "I'm so sorry mister, I didn't see you!"

The hedgehog just scoffed at his apology. "Tails are you alright?" Sonic asked the fox cautiously.

"Maybe you should keep an eye on your friend more carefully." The black hedgehog glared at Sonic which caused Sonic to glare back.

"Hey he's just a kid whose mind just wander's a bit. So lay off him!" Sonic cried angrily.

"You looking to start something?" The hedgehog asked as he reached for one of his Poké balls.

"Sure! If I'll get you off of Tails' back!" Sonic pronounced as he drew out Snivy's Poké ball.

"Fine then we'll settle this with a battle, Servine go!" The hedgehog cried as he threw a pokéball onto the field.

After a flash of light a taller version on Snivy Appeared on the field. "Who's my next victim?" The Pokémon asked sinisterly.

"Who's that Pokémon?" Sonic asked himself as he pulls out his Pokédex.

'Servine, the Grass Snake Pokémon and the evolved form of Snivy. It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift movements befuddle its foes. They avoid attacks by sinking into the shadows of think foliage. They retaliate with masterful whipping techniques. When it gets dirty, its leaves can't be used in photosynthesis, so it keeps itself clean.' The Pokédex explained.

"The evolved form of Snivy huh?" Sonic muttered to himself. "Well we'll see just how much of a difference evolving makes, Go Snivy!" Sonic threw his poke ball onto the field and Snivy appeared.

"If you're really serious about this then I'll be the referee." Tails claimed. "This will be a one on one battle between Sonic's Snivy and… uh."

"My Name is Shadow." The red hedgehog explained.

"Uh ok, against Shadow's Servine. The match is over when one of either trainer Pokémon is unable to battle. Begin!" Tails cried as he begun the match.

"Snivy use tackle!" Sonic cried.

Snivy did as she was told and ran towards Shadows Servine. "Servine dodge and use wrap!" Shadow commanded which Servine obeyed. Servine dodged to the side faster than Sonic's eyes could see.

Snivy stopped and looked at her surroundings for Servine, but could not find him. "Where did he go-" Snivy was cut off when Servine Ran up behind her and pulled her into a wrap using his tail.

"Snivy!" Sonic cried. 'Darn! I don't even know any of Snivy's moves! I have to think of something quick!' Sonic thought to himself.

"Sonic! Use the Pokédex to scan Snivy's moves!" Tails explained.

'Oh that's right! I remember that Tails told me about that option before.' Sonic thought as he quickly took out his Pokédex.

'Snivy's moves include: Tackle, Leer, Vine Wipe, and Attract.' The Pokédex explained.

'Hey that it!' Sonic told himself. "Snivy use attract on Servine!"

Snivy smiled and winked which caused pink hearts to fly around Servine who was looking pretty nervous.

Shadow grunted. "Servine abort quickly!" Servine did as he was told and quickly dodged the attract, but let go of Snivy in the process. "That was sloppy Servine." Shadow commented.

"Good job Snivy! Now use vine wipe!" Sonic instructed. Vines started to extend from Snivy's Shoulders and extended towards Servine.

"Servine Counter with leaf blade!" Shadow ordered. Servine's tail started to glow and when the vines were close enough Servine jumped into the vines and counter everyone of them. "Ok Servine, use Leaf Storm!" Suddenly a storm of razor sharp Leaf's surrounded Snivy.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" Snivy Cried in pain.

"Snivy!" Sonic cried as the leaf storm ended.

Tails stared in horror at the sight before him. "S-snivy is u-unable to b-bat-" Tails started.

"N-no!" Everyone turned to stare at the little grass Pokemon who was struggling to stand. "I-i can still f-fight!"

"Snivy." Sonic whispered.

"Snivy, stand down." Servine warned. "I don't want to hurt you any more then I already have, but I will if I must."

"Do your worst." Snivy Challenged.

Servine grunted. "Suit yourself."

"Servine finished it with Leaf Blade" Shadow ordered.

Servine charged his Leaf Blade again and charge towards the weakened Snivy. "Sonic! Call Snivy back!" Tails Pleaded, but Sonic just stood there.

'I've got to do something, but I can't get myself to move.'

"Sonic!" Tails cried one last time and finally Sonic snapped out of his trance.

"Snivy!" Sonic cried one last time.

"Ember!" A voice cried. And then the ground in front of Servine caught fire and stopped him in his tracks.

"Where did that come from?" Sonic asked himself.

Then suddenly a familiar Tepig ran in front of Snivy. "Nice work Tepig."

Sonic and Tails turned to the source of the command to find their friend Knuckles approaching them. " Knuckles." Sonic whispered.

"If you want to avoid a major beating then leave now." Knuckles warned Shadow who stared at knuckles for a minute and then called back Servine to his Pokeball.

"Fine. This battle is over anyway." Shadow proclaimed and went on his way.

The three of them continued to stare in the direction Shadow had disappeared in until Knuckles spoke up. "Who was that guy?"

Sonic just shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

Knuckles sighed and held out a pokeball. "Ok Tepig Good work." Knuckles complimented his pokemon as it returned to it's pokeball, but at the same time Snivy fell to the fall and into unconsciousness.

"Snivy!" Sonic and Tails cried in unison as the ran to Snivy's side.

"Hang in there Snivy. We'll get you to a Pokemon Centre." Sonic proclaimed.

"But Sonic we're still a long ways from Accumula Town." Tails reminded the hedgehog.

"Then we better get moving shouldn't we?" Knuckles suggested which Sonic agree to and reached for her Pokeball, but Knuckles stopped him. "Don't risk putting her in her Pokeball, it could make her condition worse." Sonic reluctantly agree and the three of them started running in the direction of Accumula Town.

And so our heroes make their way to towards Accumula Town with hopes of helping Sonic's Snivy, and who is this mysterious Shadow really? You'll have to come back next time to find out.