Moving on

By: MysticFantasy



Disclaimer: (I own no part of this movie or the characters in it.)



"Stark, please tell me why you've dragged all of us to your lab." Colonel Chester Phillips demanded.

"Believe me, you'll understand when we get to the med room." Howard Stark declared excitedly as he led the small group down the hall.

Following at his heels were Colonel Phillips, Tim Dugan, James Montgomery Falsworth, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita, Jacques Fernier and a now married and six month pregnant Peggy Carter Flynn.

"Can we at least know why we are here?" Falsworth asked.

"It concerns what happened to our beloved super soldier captain three years ago." Howard answered. This right away brought up memories for everyone.

Three years ago, the war ended and the fall of Hydra had occured. All in thanks to Captain Steven Grant Rogers who sacrificed himself by going down with the large Hydra plane.

For three years, the country has mourned the death of the soldier who helped turn the war around and save the lives of countless people.

Howard Stark himself had been leading a team to try to locate the spot where the Hydra plane crashed and hasn't been able to find anything yet.

"We found him." Howard declared as they came to a large window.

The small group gathered in front of the window and what they saw both shocked and surprised them.

A team of four scientists and doctors were huddled around a figure that was slowly thawing out from what was most likely his icy tomb. Large pieces of the ice had been chipped away or fallen off on their own and were now on the floor slowly melting.

Since most of the ice had been removed, the group was able to see the pale and frozen face of Steve Rogers.

Peggy tried to keep herself from crying at the sight of the man she loved. A hand went down to lightly rub her round stomach. A child she and her husband are waiting for. A child that she wished she could have had with Steve had he returned.

Only one year and a half after the war ended, she began to try to heal her heart. She began dating a man who was also serving in the military. A man named Gilbert Flynn. He had understood her pain and together they became serious enough that they wanted to marry and have a child.

Both agreed that if the child was a boy, he would named after the super soldier who saved the world.

"Where was he?" Phillips asked softly as he gazed at the sight of the soldier who had proved him wrong in so many things.

"In the Arctic Circle." Howard answered. "That's why it was so hard to find him all this time. The climate there is so harsh. Plane was almost completely buried when we found it."

"How long until he's fully thawed out?" the colonel asked.

"Maybe two hours." Howard answered.

"I'll have preperations made for a proper funeral."

"That won't be nessessary, sir." Howard stated, causing everyone to look at him.

"Why is that?" Falsworth asked.

"Because he's not dead." Howard answered.