Dang you guys. I'm pretty sure this fanfic doesn't deserve 70 favorites! Twenty max or fifteen. But 70?! I am without words.


"Guys did you see the hallways?!"

"Yeah there were cuts and broken stuff everywhere!"

"I wonder what happened."

"Was there like some wild animal let loose in our school?"

"Doubt it. The cuts seemed too neat to be an animal."

All of them turned to me this time on the grass floor with them, expecting some sort of reply of confusion and thought about the situation like what they were doing. I looked between all of them, taking a deep breath and shrugged. Well yeah I know what happened since I was technically a part of it but they didn't need to know. At least they shouldn't. Not that I even felt like talking anyway. A few hours of this dead arm is starting to get to me.

Bonnie observed my annoyed-ish expression curiously even though I'm sure I did very well in hiding it. "Finn what's wrong?"

Drat. Nothing gets past Bonnie. I shook my head, "Nothing much. I'm just tired of not being able to use my arm."

She still had more questions. "What happened to your arm?"

I sighed, "Well Mar-"

"Got it!" Marceline appeared out of nowhere, breathing heavily as she swung her acquired ax-bass down onto the marble bench and stuck it there. "Finally!" She wiped her forehead, turning back to the group and putting her hands on her hips. "What?" They were all staring at her and the ax with wide eyes. Marceline looked around wondering who or what they were even looking at.

They continued staring at the deadly instrument stuck into the bench, seeing that it was a kind of weapon that could have destroyed the hallways.

Marceline followed their eyes to the bass. "Oh this?" She yanked it out of the bench like it was nothing. "Yeah it's an ax-bass. A half-ax and half-bass hybrid." Marceline twirled it around in her hand before sticking it back into the bench. "I got it stolen from me and just got it back right now."

"Y-You were the one slashing the halls?" They all asked together.

Marceline stared back with confusion and then laughed, "What? No. Though I can see how you would mistake me for it. –Anyway! I see that you are all here again?"

They nodded.

"Cool." Marceline sat down on the other spot of the bench beside her ax. Everybody returning to conversations and starting new ones, deciding that it'd be the best idea to ignore the weapon/instrument in school.

I didn't even notice Bonnie studying my limp arm until now. "Uh… What are you doing…?" I awkwardly leaned away, feeling my face flush a bit. Darn it emotions. I thought I was over her. I'm sure I am and maybe it's just because she's so close to me… and she smells like bubblegum.

Darn it Finn! I mentally slapped myself. Stop!

Bonnie had a look of serious on her face, testing my nerves or whatever and seeing if I could feel anything. When I didn't react when she began pinching me that's when she grew even more suspicious, finding out that my arm was outrageously numbed. "Finn what happened to your arm?" She asked again.

I pointed my thumb over to Marceline, "Ask her."

Marceline turned from one conversation to ours having had the feeling she was being directed at. She waved her fingers and smiled. "Ask me what?"

"What happened to my arm?"

"Oh. I punched you." Marceline gave the answer without even having to think about it or hesitate to feel bad, going back to another conversation.

Bonnie was glaring daggers at her, probably not appreciating that she had punched me. "Excuse me?"

I held my good hand up to calm her down. "Woah! Bonnie it's fine. I wasn't paying attention and Marceline brought me back by punching me but she did it a bit too hard."

Bonnie took a deep breath, calming down hearing a better version of the story. "Fine. But I still don't like that you have to deal with this." She gently stroked my arm.

Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. You're too close Bonnie. Stop. But I kinda like it… No! Stop! I sweat-dropped but kept my own calm like nothing else was bothering me. "Yeah I don't either. Believe me." I looked away to attempt to stop my blush from growing even bigger as she continued caressing my arm. I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for myself that I can't feel it. Dang you dead arm.

Oh glob. She's leaning on me. What is she doing?! I don't even think she notices!

I listened to Bonnie talk with everybody else who was luckily too busy to pay attention to us as she subconsciously clung onto me and patted my arm. Or at least… I thought all of them weren't paying attention to us.

I just barely caught Marceline staring over here before turning away and going back to the conversation. Weird. I watched her, waiting to see if she was going to turn back. Only her eyes looked back and she gave me a stare that I couldn't exactly read before looking away again.

What was even weirder was that I seemed to be getting even more flustered from her seeing us like this. I even forgot Bonnie was there leaning next to me when Marceline looked this way. Shaking my head, beginning I was maybe thinking things over a bit too much, I tried to ignore both girls for the rest of lunch.

Now there would have been a time-lapse to the end of lunch since I expected to actually ignore them, but really… I just can't. This is insanely awkward.

Flare looked this way once since I haven't been talking, thankfully not giving the look Marceline had given me. She gave a silent laugh at me.

"Help" I mouthed over to her. "This is weird"

"I can tell"


Flare opened her mouth to reply back, but closed it as she thought of something else. "Ask Marceline" She looked away, not bothering to look back anymore as she decided to keep the rest of the group distracted by more conversation topics.

I sighed, turning to Marceline on the marble bench. "Marceline." I whispered, silent enough that I doubted Bonnie who was right beside me to have heard me. Then again, I doubt Marceline would have heard me since she was even farther.

But Marceline gave a tiny twitch with her ear and gave me her attention. "What?" She whispered back.

"Woah you heard me?!"

"You're loud."

"I barely heard myself! Wow."

Marceline smirked, "So what do you want?"

I was about to tell her, until Bonnie subconsciously moved closer while giving giggle to somebody's joke. In other words, I was debating whether or not I need to be saved from this 'problem'. I thought about it for a few minutes actually, having completely froze in thought for that long. "… Never mind…" I spoke.

Marceline shrugged, turning back to everyone else.

At least be weirded out by this situation! Or get mad! Or do something at least!

Wait what?

Did I just…?

Yep. I did. Shoot.

I groaned, lowering my head to hide the complete red on my face. I really just thought that didn't I? Some crazy, weird part of me wanted Marceline to be jealous. What is wrong with me?! I don't even like her! …In that way! …Yeah!

"Finn?" Bonnie caught my unease. "What's wrong?" She asked for the- how many times again? But seriously, I actually like how she worries about me. Only then did she realize how close she had gotten to me, having her own flush of pink and immediately scooting away. "Oh. Um… Sorry…" She apologized.

I shook my head. "It's… fine… I didn't even notice either!" I lied to maybe make her feel better about this.

She gave a shy nod and a smile that I could stare at for hours. –Wait…

I slapped myself upside the head in a way that I was sure nobody saw me. Ah well… At least that's over with and I can calm down now. As much as it was pretty nice and comforting…


That's the last class bell.

Marceline was casually leaning on her chair, listening to whatever Mr. Petrikov had to teach. More about the Mushroom War. Even I was paying attention without having to force myself to. There were things like survivors having to scavenge through destroyed buildings for the least bit of food they could get.

Normally we'd both try to do our best to listen then eventually giving up and quietly talking to each other. But the Mushroom War seemed to be the most fascinating and intriguing to us two. I swear if Mr. Petrikov just gave us a test on it all right now then we'd pass it with an easy A.

"And now a test to see if any of you guys have listened the past couple of days." Mr. Petrikov held up a stack of papers.


Marceline and I gave each other a quick glace followed by a smirk each as we got ready.

"Whoever gets the higher grade wins?" She suggested.

"Deal." I agreed.


"So how did you get your ax-bass back?"

We were walking home.

Marceline shrugged, "After running in circles for another hour I got even more annoyed and stopped in my tracks to run the opposite direction. He thought I was still following behind but he was wrong."

I sighed, "It took you that long to figure out to do that…?"

She ignored me. "Then I got it back, the lunch bell rang and yeah."

"Where'd he go?"

"I don't know. He walked the opposite way after I took the bass back."

I thought about it, wondering where Hunson would have gone off to after that. I don't think he would have gone back to work. What was he trying to do in the first place again? Oh yeah. "Have you been bothered by your fan group ever since?"

Marceline paused, "Not really actually." She sounded a bit disbelieving. "But I'm sure they're going to show up tomorrow."

We both stopped hearing muffled cries of help. Turning to one of the trees still in the school perimeters since we haven't walked that far yet, there Marceline's fanboys were, tied to the trunk of the tree with a handkerchief in each of their mouths. And even stripped to their underwear to add the humiliation. "Uh…" We blinked.

Marceline shrugged it off and continued walking, "I don't even want to know."

I followed after her, "Yeah me neither."

Thanks to The Nephilim King Michael for the Bonnie takes care of Finn's arm kinda!

Reply Time!:

Power Taco: Haha! That's a brilliant idea! Sadly no as much as I would actually end it like that. But I'm following a kind of plot thing that I've planned for in the end at the very beginning.

Robotic Samurai: Thanks! Yeah I love writing Hunson's scenes in this story!

The Nephilim King Michael: Thanks for the idea dude! xD

kazuo-sempai: Aha! Thanks!

He23t: Hunson has always gone bonkers!

Roberto: Thank you!

Guest: Thanks!

Charmanderfan: I think we all would xD

sonicthehedgehog240: *Shrugs* I have no idea

SomeonewithAfro: Hello again! :D Yeah the dead arm actually is a reference to Finn losing his arm xD Thanks!

See ya later!