Chapter One: That Creep
Click. Click. Click. ... Darn!
Sakura Haruno, now 18, was currently on her new computer that she had just recently received on her birthday. Which was about five weeks ago. Today, she finally was able to set it up in her tiny bedroom, and she felt instant relief wash over her. No matter how tedious it really was when setting it up. She absolutely had no time whatsoever due to her vigorous training and time at the hospital to set it up except for today of course. This specific day was her day off and she wished to spend it relaxing while finally being able to use her new technological gift.
After all, most of her friends owned computers, and she so surely wished to chat with them.
Speaking of friends...Sasuke Uchiha had returned to the village two years ago. He had helped the Leaf Village end the war and everything seemed to be at peace now.
Everything was normal...
Well...almost appeared to be.
She pulled back her long pink locks, putting her hair up into a ponytail, and resumed to repeatedly click on the mouse. Of course the pinkette was losing her patience since the damn device was going SO slow and a groan had escaped her lips.
Thirty minutes later...
After patiently waiting for her computer to load, she successfully had managed to make herself an instant messenger account. In her settings, she made sure that she was only able to talk to people that were only located in her village, thinking that talking to strangers wouldn't be so pleasant. Her account name was: PinkWarrior.
*PinkWarrior has signed on*
Hello? Is...Is anyone there?
Unfortunately, she wasn't receiving any responses, even though it showed that one person was online but she didn't know how to see the exact username of the person, and disappointment set in as she frowned.
Sighing, she prepared herself to get up from her chair to only instead hear a tiny alarming but soothing sound originating from her computer, and she looked up at the computer screen to see that someone had replied to her message. Curiosity could be seen all over her face and the user's named appeared to be: ArtIsEB.
Sakura then twitched as soon as she saw his message. your skin pink or something?
The pink haired beauty repeatedly blinked her eyes in mere confusion and annoyance then swarmed her. She fully knew that he was referring to her username since it is PinkWarrior. Slightly ticked off, she squinted her eyes, feeling completely mocked by him, and she promptly typed back.
Excuse me? Well, haha. Very funny. No. It's just...
ArtIsEB quickly responded, What?
Sakura carefully processed her thoughts for a few moments and apprehensively bit her lip. She did not want to give away her hair color to a stranger, especially since she was the only person in the whole village who possesses pink hair, so whoever it was that was talking to her would instantly find out who she was if the pinkette revealed hair color to ArtIsEB. For all she knew he could be some old dude jacking off in the dark while petting a cat. She rather remain anonymous.
I'm waiting... He typed almost impatiently.
Sakura still couldn't think of what to say next and she continued to ponder.
...Your favorite color? He guessed.
She finally responded, Yeah, something like that.
Okay. Why don't you tell me the real reason? He urged.
Sakura flinched, feeling her cheeks heat up slightly at his reply, mortifed, and huffed as she promptly typed back in frustration.
Why do I have to tell YOU anything?! YOU CREEP! I don't even know you!
He calmly typed back, Well you were the one who talked to me first... Don't bore me now.
Another huff had escaped Sakura's lips and she immediately typed back, Don't flatter yourself. You were just the only one who was online and I was bored.
Oh really? He typed in total disbelief.
Yes, really. Was Sakura's quick response.
The pinkette then remembered that she adjusted her settings to only communicate with people in her village and she started to wonder if he actually lived in the Hidden Leaf Village and also wondered who he actually was. you live in the Hidden Leaf Village like me, right? She inquired with much caution.
Just moved here. Was his immediate retort.
She stared blankly at the computer screen as she felt somewhat surprised at what he just revealed and the pinkette tranquilly typed back, Oh. How are you settling in?
Eh, kind of weird. But I like the scenery. He replied uncertainly but attemtped to make his reply at least look casual.
Sakura then carefully looked over his username in total suspicion and curiosity overruled her.
Erm, okay... Hey, what does EB stand for? She asked.
He typed, Why does it matter?
I'm curious. Was the pink haired beauty's responce.
He sighed. It's not good to be too curious...
Geez, I was just asking. You freak! Just kidding. Haha. Sakura joked and laughed a bit.
He chuckled. I'll only spill if you spill, Pinkie.
Sakura felt her cheeks flush the same color as the inside of a watermelon at the abrupt nickname he gave her and also felt rather embarrassed as she typed back, W-What?! Quit it already with the pink thing, I'm not going to tell you! It's so uncalled for that it's ridiculous!
He placidly typed back, No it's not. You're just being unfair.
Geez, it's not even that important. Sakura replied with a scoff and then sighed.
It is to me. He stated.
Oh really? Sakura typed back in disbelief.
He smirked. Yeah. It's kind of amusing ;)
Her cheeks turned the exact color of strawberries once she finished reading his flirtatious words on the screen and she twitched.
...Okay. You're officially kind of creeping me out. Just tell me what EB means already.
He wittily typed back, Fine. But only because I'M the mature one.
Sakura laughed loudly in disbelief and briskly typed back, Excuse me!? I beg to differ!
ArtIsEB rolled his eyes and sighed. Whatever. It means "Eternal Beauty"
...How feminine... She remarked annoyed and then reluctantly asked,'re a girl or...?
...Do I seriously need to say it? I'm all dude. Was his dry response.
Sakura's eyes grew gigantically wide, utterly disturbed while shocked, and she frenetically typed back, NUDE!?
She then re-read his message again, identifying her mistake, and he really said "dude" instead of "nude" and the pink haired medic blushed in total embarrassment.
Oh wait. My bad. I read it wrong. Sorry... She pathetically apologized and her sweat dropped.
Moving on... I'm very serious about my art. He sternly proclaimed.
Oh are you? She asked almost mockingly and raised an eyebrow.
Yes. Most people don't appreciate it now a days. Such a shame and waste. He nonchalantly typed and sighed once again.
I agree... Though, I'm always so busy with training and my hospital work to actually admire the hidden beauty that surrounds me. The pinkette honestly typed and then she jokingly added, Wow...that was deep. Do I get a cookie?
No. So I'm assuming you're a ninja? He asked and Sakura thought it was rather difficult to determine his current expression and feelings but she shrugged it off.
She couldn't help but smile a little as she eagerly typed back to him, Yup. I'm a medic ninja but I know how to fight too. What about you?
It took him about five minutes to respond.
He then finally responded, ...I guess you can say that I'm considered as one. I can sure put up a hell of a fight and my skills and intellect are rather potent, oozing with almost no flaws.
Oh really? Me too. Well, I wouldn't say flawless, but I am pretty brutal on the battlefield. Sakura haughtily informed with a tiny giggle and she confidently clenched her right fist.
'Sheesh. This guy is kind of full of himself but he's alright, I guess...' She bashfully thought as she cutely stuck out her tongue for a second and her sweat dropped once again.
A mischievous smirk gradually formed across his lips. Good to know. I bet your skills would never compete with mine though. Heh.
Venomously, her blood began boil, and Inner Sakura temporarily took over the pinkette for a moment. CHA! YOU BASTARD! I COULD PULVERIZE YOU ANY DAY! CHA!
Don't make such statements when you don't even know who I am. Was his clever reply.
Oh, shut up! ...You're not a pedo-bear, right? She asked while twitching.
Oh yeah. I'm TOTALLY one. *Sarcasm* He answered, rolling his eyes, and he shook his head as he suppressed a sigh.
Sakura laughed. What's sarcasm? *Smirk*
ArtIsEB intently pondered for a moment before replying. You're very... ... Hm.
What is it? Spill! Sakura insisted eagerly, her body trembling with exciment as happiness surged through her, and she felt oddly hyper for some reason.
You're a chick, right? He asked with much caution.
Sakura rolled her eyes at his dumb question. Duh.
Hm, okay. Just as I thought. So how old are you? He questioned somewhat curious.
It took about two minutes for the pinkette to respond since she was kind of reluctant at telling a stranger her age but she braced herself anyways. 18... You? And... You BETTER NOT be a CREEP!
Uh... Okay. I'm around 18, I guess. ... Eh, yeah, I look around 18. He awkwardly replied.
Bewildered, Sakura's eyes grew enormously wide, and she typed back, How do you NOT know?
He typed, Let's just say I'm starting a new beginning and I've never felt so human in my entire life. I mean alive...
Freaked out, Sakura took a deep breath as she then exhaled, and the pink haired ninja calmed down a bit. Why do I have a feeling I'm talking to some sort of psychopath?
He chuckled and replied with a witty assumption, You must be confused with yourself.
The pinkette's eyes grew outrageosuly wide in disbelief and she twitched, tremendosuly flustered. W-WHAT?! If anything, YOU'RE the ONE who IS the PSYCHOPATH! NOT ME! CREEP!
Heh. Your usage of emphasis is quite impressive. ;) He playfully remarked.
Sakura's cheeks were now a vivid pink, pinker than her own hair, and she groaned.
Oh shut up. You creep. -.-
She then realized what time it was and the pink haired medic gasped and mentally slapped herself.
Hey, I got to go. I forgot that I have to meet with my team today to discuss things. Groan. She typed, feeling somewhat annoyed that she had to go because she was actually enjoying her conversation with this guy, and she held back a sigh.
He smirked. Okay. You better message me later if you know what's good for you ;)
A tiny smile was forming across her lips as she silently laughed, feeling her cheeks become the same color as a bunch of cherries, and the pinkette briskly typed back, You creep. We'll see what happens. Later for now. (:
*PinkWarrior has signed off*
A half hour later, Sakura was at the Training Grounds with her team. Team 7. Naruto, Sasuke, and her of course. I suppose Kakashi counts as well.
Their sensei was informing them on their future missions that were just going to be utterly brutal and Sakura was in a continuous daze as she stared directly at this tree. Although she was in a daze, a smile appeared across her lips the entire time, and she felt the blood rush to her cheeks.
Kakashi noticed her odd behavior and remarked, "Sakura, it's not like you to not pay attention like this."
No response. She just continued to stare at that damn tree in a daze, that smile plastered onto her face, and she felt her cheeks heat up even more.
Her two other male teammates had noticed as well and Naruto turned to Sasuke in concern. "What's wrong with Sakura-chan?"
Sasuke intently stared at her, ignoring the blond's question, and he raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
Author Note: Sorry if this is somewhat bad, I just finished typing this really late, it's almost two in the morning, and I feel as if I'm about to collapse. Eh, anyways... I got inspired to type this because I was texting my friend and she made me hyper so yeah xD haha. Thank you so much for reading and please review (: I'll update when I can.
EDIT: Hello! This is the edited version of this story! It got delted because I used the script format, which was forbidden, so I re-wrote this to not be in script format. Hopefully I did a decent job but I'm content with it (: I hope you all like it! I'm going to be posting my chapters for this like lighting because I have them all saved and I shall post all 56 and then continue on with this story when I'm finally done re-writing! xD Haha. Well, thanks so much for reading, and please review if you wish! Thank you!:3