Hello everyone! I am so sorry that I have not updated in a long time but I am trying. I just got caught up in the real life. Sorry. Anyways here is chapter 10. Yeah!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C and B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cyborg and Bee


I looked over at my sleeping little angel that goes by the name of Bumble Bee and had the sudden urge to go and wake her up. After all my surprise just couldn't be kept anymore. I was too eager to wait till the morning. So after a little debate with himself, he took the chance and woke her up softly so she wouldn't be too angry with him for waking her up in the middle of the night.

" Hmm. What do you want Cy. I'm trying to sleep sweetheart." She mumbled while Cyborg kept on shaking her shoulders.

"Nope. I can't wait to give you my surprise." At the word surprise, she opened up one of her eyes.

"You have my attention. Don't waste it." She stated. Cyborg took her hand and looked her straight in the eye.

"Will you go on a proper date with me tomorrow?" he asked with innocent eyes. Bee couldn't help but blush at his question but none the less didn't hesitate to answer.

"Yes." And at this one word he felt such joy, that he literally jumped for joy. They both started laughing and since they were up, went down to the kitchen and made some breakfast for everyone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now I swear that the last chapter will come very soon. And it will be very long. I am working on my other two stories plus another story for another category. Thanks for being so patient with me. Peace out. SecretGirl7516!