Please remember that these stories are totally different, I mean what happened in the last chapter will have nothing to do with this chapter. Sorry this was almost last minute and not really descriptive, I'll try to do better next time. Oh! I always forget this, Disclaimer: I own nothing of the characters. Anyway on with it!

Artemis' pov:

Me'ggan hummed in the kitchen while preparing cookies for Halloween even if it was almost a month away, Conner watched the static on the T.V, Robin was who knows where, Kaldur was reading a book in Atlantian, Wally was late, and I lazily laid on the couch. It was relief when Black Canary called them for training. "Even though Wally isn't here yet we'll still start." Just then the computer announced the arrival of the missing member.

"Sorry I'm late guys, I got held up at school." Wally's face showed some pain and his breaths were hard. That didn't matter he was still Wally.

"When are you not late?" I rolled my eyes and he gave me a playful glare.

"When are you not up-tight?" He teased. I punched his shoulder and he fell. Everyone was shocked and Wally tried to pick himself up "I-I'm fine." He insisted. Conner walked over and picked up the red head. Black Canary instructed him to be put in the med bay and excused us for the day. Robin instantly pulled up his wrist computer.

"What happened?" Kaldur asked me.

"I don't know I didn't hit him any harder than usual." I started to get defensive. Kaldur gave a small nod and talked the Black Canary. Me'ggan floated over to Robin and gasped at the screen. I walked over and peered at the screen. It showed Wally getting beat up by some people outside his school. Wally didn't do anything, he just curled up in a ball. The Wally we know who would come to class an hour late, make jokes at the worst time, the one who got his butt kicked at videogames wasn't the boy on the screen. Robin turned it off and looked at us.

"We're going to do something." Robin never looked more dangerous.

Wally's pov:

I told them I had a bad run in, with a wall, 17 times. Artemis laughed making me blush, but they bought it and I was excused for today. My next problem was getting home, I could tell my parents I wasn't paying attention and Superboy got me. But my real problem was between my house and the zeta tube was Mike, the guy at school who keeps beating me. The only way to avoid him is to go at six, but it's only four. I slumped down on the fire escape and decided to wait it out. My injuries took a lot of my energy, the best I could do was to not move.

Robin's pov:

I was worried for Wally. He's my best friend and didn't tell me about him being bullied. So I started by researching his schedule and the guy who beat him up the best time was after school. If I told Wally we had a mission after school he'll rush and they might not get to him until the street where the action can start. I reviewed my plan with the team and we had to wait until tomorrow.

General pov:

Sunny Central City was like a fantasy, green grass, blue sky, and a perfect school in front of the team. With a half-hearted excuse from Megan and Conner, and a sprint from Artemis and Robin, they met up with Kaldur who didn't have school (lucky duck) at Central City. The bell rang around the court yard and it took a moment for the students to come out, excited for the weekend. It wasn't that hard to spot their speedster friend who was speed walking with the occasional nervous glance behind his shoulder. The team slowly went onto a building that Robin estimated the bully would catch up to Wally. The team silently awaited the arrival of their teammate and watched the big brown haired bully Mike, as Robin has told them, push the freckled faced teenager on the ground. They watched for a little until Mike threw the first punch that Wally blocked with his arms. The ledge Conner was using to support him crumbled beneath his hands. Megan took a deep breath before shifting into a transparent demon ghost and floating out of sight. Artemis struck a fire hydrant nearby that exploded and Kaldur made it rain over the two civilians. He added in some electricity to give it a haunting theme. Robin hacked into the City's power grid and turned off the lamps surrounding the two. Megan finally emerged and hovered over two the high scholars.

"You!" Conner shouted instead of Megan. "You killed my family!" His gravelly voice shouted. Lightning flashed at the 'ghost's' feet. Mike and Wally both froze, the water successfully plastering their clothes to the muscular figure. The two were shaking in fear. "Don't lay a mark on anyone else!" Conner changed from a rocky voice to a deep demonic one in a second. First her face dripped down until it submerged her body in a liquid cloak. Then the rest of her figure seemed to drop to the ground. Megan became a puddle with eyes

"Leave me alone!" Mike screamed as he ran back in the direction of the school very unmanly like. Wally also ran off as fast as his civilian form can to the zeta tubes with the echo of a scream following him.

"Now we need to clean up." Robin groaned before jamming the Central City zeta tubes. It only took a second to evaporate the puddles and replace the fire hydrant, and then the team used the tubes to go back to the mountain where they laid lazily on the couch. Wally came in through the front door in a blur and stood in front of the team with a scared look. His face slowly changed into sincere joy.

"I know that was you." He almost whispered. Megan couldn't keep up the act, she leaped onto the new arrival and cried into his shoulder.

"Y-you sh-shouldn't be bullied." The green Martian sobbed. Wally patted her back while the rest of the team joined into a group hug.

"It's okay, and thanks for everything." A tear escaped his closed eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kaldur asked. "We are your friends."

"It's not a big deal, a lot of people get bullied." Wally replied once the group broke.

"It's a big deal when it affects the team." Artemis horribly tried to keep up the 'I don't care about you act'. Robin elbowed her midriff that was in fact covered. "Fine, I meant to say it's a big deal no matter what. If you were hurt enough you can die on a mission." Artemis' hands clutched onto her brown jacket for her life.

"Okay, I'll tell you guys how things turn out on Monday. So how about ice cream, I'll buy!" Wally laughed and quickly changed while the team went out the front door.