It was his birthday. He wouldn't have remembered but she gave him a gift that morning. It was sticking through his bedroom window. She had made it herself and was very proud of it, it was a bust of his father that she carved out of rock.

He smile a very youthful smiled and climbed out of bed. It was an amazing feat for a 125 year old. He was a dragon rider and so immortal, baring accident, attack or disease. He had lived in this castle for over 100 years, since he built it with the help of the Eldunari, the elves who came with him and Saphira. They worked for over a year to construct the basic building and outer walls as they wanted it big enough for Saphira for many years to come. It was a simple but very functional structure with rooms for all the elves and Eragon, a massive dragon hall with one side open to the world, a huge hall for the Eldunari to sit and think and commune. They even built some side chambers so a few of the Eldunari can be separate and then work on specific questions our paths of thought.

Today was the day he normally reserved for talking with Arya, queen of the elves. Eragon had setup magic mirrors for each of the rulers in Alagasia so they could talk if need be. They didn't always spend much time talking but sometimes it would take many hours to work out an issue or discuss a problem. Eragon talked the longest these days with Orik, his dwarven king and adopted brother, and Arya.

He still loved Arya and missed seeing her. She had flown out to visit him twice after the castle was built. They both were very happy when together and sad to be separated again. Their talks each week were often long as they tried to push a full weeks events into the short time they had. They talked of their feelings for each other at times and Eragon still professed his love each time she asked. She always told him that she respected and admired him but she could never admit that she loved him as she was not able to allow herself to open up in that way yet.

He also had a mirror to his family. They still lived in the hall Roran had built. He had only one of the his three nieces and nephews alive, his oldest niece, Ismira as one of the second dragon eggs Eragon had sent back chose her to be her rider. She was the first human to be chosen after Murtag as a dragon rider and is now helping to train other riders. Eragon had spoken with her every week and some times twice a week since she could talk. She made a point to visit him every year now often on or near his birthday.

He bathed, dressed, ate breakfast, then made sure he looked as good as possible and headed to the mirror that would allow him to talk to Arya. The thought of speaking with her made him both excited and melancholy at the same time. It only hurt him to have to say goodbye but he did it every week as was his duty. He had a responsibility to make sure that all of the rulers of his homeland had the power and wisdom of the dragons available if they needed it.

As he sat there thinking about what he would say to Arya when he saw her face the mirror came to life and an older but very distinguished elf came into view, Lord Dathedr. Eragon sat stunned for just a second before he replied after being greeted formally and in the ancient language then proceeded with their conversation.

"Dathedr-vodhr. I am sorry for my surprise but I expected to see Arya. I hope she is well and just taking care of her duties."

"She is well and is working on something of great personal importance to her. She has asked the council to serve in her capacity while she completes her task. You may see me for many weeks to come, until she is finished." Lord Dathedr then proceeded to tell Eragon about the happenings in the Elven nation as well as all they knew about the other four kingdoms. He was thorough but quick and a no advice or help was needed . They finished their meeting and the mirror went blank.

"That is odd that she didn't tell you about this project." Saphira said to him, in their private connection. "It must be something very personal or she didn't want to trouble you with it for some reason."

They both continued discussing it as Eragon headed out to the main courtyard to keep up his weapons training with the elves. He had become proficient in every weapon of the kingdoms but still his sword, Brisingr, was the weapon he was best with. He often asked two of the elves to spar with him as well as one or two of the oldest rider's dragon's Eldunari to attack his mind. Saphira sometimes would join the mental attacks too if she though he wasn't being pushed enough. These session lasted nearly an hour each time and then Eragon and the Eldunari would attempt to break Saphira's mental defenses for a time. Then Eragorn would often fly with Saphira and just spend time being with her.

When they landed Saphira headed east to just look for something to eat and Eragon took a dip in the cool stream nearby to wash off the sweat and dirt from his morning's activities. He had planned to ask some of the Eldunari a few more questions about magic and some of the things that the riders had tried and learned in the past, once he had a good lunch.

The Eldunari were kept in a room at the top of the castle with windows everywhere. Almost all of them were back in their right minds after their treatment by Galbatorix thanks to the elves, the Eldunari that hadn't been captured by Galbatorix, and Eragon and Saphira. It had taken many years but they were mostly back to normal.

Eragon had gone up to talk with some of the older dragons that had been bonded with riders just before the betrayer had killed the Dragon Riders. He was asking them about some of the more intricate applications of magic with regards to healing people. He wanted to help teach the new dragon riders how to be healers and servants, not just the police and judges of the land. He knew that healing was more difficult than harming.