Warm rays of sun bathe Emma's body with a glowing light. Regina lies still, mesmerized, a feeling of contentment aching through her limbs. When was the last time? Ever? Had she ever felt like this? Had she ever felt such ease?

She allows her eyes to close, to simply breathe, grateful for this single moment, even if it the only one she ever has. She rolls slowly over, tucking herself here and there, up against Emma's strong, naked back. She nuzzles into the lush blond hair and marvels at the way her body tingles with gratitude at every point of connection to a woman of whom she'd once been only and completely terrified.

She tracks her hand as it moves, rich olive against Emma's porcelain, spreading tenderly over the broad back, the shoulders… of the savior. Over the last few hours, and again now, Regina is startled by her own gentleness. She had, for so long, reserved kindness, care, for Henry, only for Henry—until this woman came along. She shuddered at the distasteful memory of her own hardness, her constant inflexibility, and her hand stills its mapping of lovely new territory as she falls into old memories.

Emma's body before her shifts, one hand wrapping around and clasping Regina's, pulling her flush against a warm back.

Regina gratefully leaves behind the paths her mind was veering, from the past she'd yet to forgive herself, for this much more pleasant reality.

Giving over to her desire, Regina brings two full lips to Emma's collarbone and lets them nibble. Emma smells, tastes, of oranges, and sleep, and sex, and Regina's head swims and she presses her breasts into that back, her hips, her center, canting forward, yearning for contact.

"Mmmmmm…" Emma's hand moves again, this time cupping Regina's ass and pressing her closer. Closer.

Already, Regina feels her breath quickening, her need for Emma growing faster than sense. She wants to be afraid of this, is sure she should be, but for once, she isn't. She grinds against Emma's backside, and then harder, creating more friction, more contact against her mound, and she moans a long, low sound, blissful, in control not at all.

"Regina…" Emma groans as Regina moves behind her, breathes in her ear. "Oh, fuck me…"

Regina presses again, and shifts Emma's pliant body directly underneath her own, until she is lying fully along Emma's back and legs. She grips Emma's hands and draws their arms up to rest at the top of the bed.

Regina begins to ride Emma's ass, which flexes beneath her, urging her on, sending her higher, higher. She gathers both of Emma's hands in one, freeing her own to travel first to Emma's jaw, which she turns a touch closer to her own lips, reaching out a tongue to tap, then whispers in a blushing ear.

"I love you."

Emma trembles and groans again as Regina keeps grinding into her and her hand keeps traveling, whispering along her side and working its way between her legs.

Regina feels the uncertainty in Emma's body as she worries at opening herself, giving herself over to eager fingers, or continuing to give Regina whatever she needs.

"I need… to touch you again."

Emma spreads her legs apart with a shake of her head and a deep moan. Lifting herself from the bed, she manages to keep her hard ass in contact with Regina even as the brunette's hand slides forward and long fingers find her.

"Oh, God." Emma cries out in relief as Regina moves over, between wet lips, teasing her open still more.

Regina feels nearly breathless, her desire to love Emma, to make her come, and come, and come, overtaking every thought. Her fingers are met with impossible softness, covered completely with Emma's essence. A wave of joy sweeps through her at what Emma's body is saying with perfect clarity.

"Darling…" She says with awe, "You are sopping wet."

And Regina lets two fingers slide in and in again and Emma shudders. Regina begins a torturously slow pace, inside, pulling out, filling, retreating.

"Oh! You…" The blonde's voice is muffled in the pillows, but more than loud enough. "All you."

"Me?" Regina asks quietly and Emma's nod is desperate.

Regina pushes herself up, away from atop Emma's body. She wants this woman to know everything, hopes she won't overwhelm her, but Regina has to, finally, believe.

Arousal has stretched her dark nipples taut and she moves, only close enough to Emma's skin to let the hard, sensitive points drag slowly up her back, draw down, again and again. The sensation, a languid, roguish tease, and it pulls at Regina's center and she feels herself dripping.

Emma is utterly undone, a squirming, yearning mess beneath her. Regina drops back down and husks out,

"Turn over."


Emma flips carefully onto her back, moving one leg up and over Regina who still has two fingers deep inside.

She lets herself fall, spellbound into the rich, dark gaze above her, finally invited to search those vulnerable, aching eyes for as long as she has always wanted.

Regina moves on her, in her, again and again, never breaking eye contact and it is intense and nearly overpowering and it is everything, everything, everything.

Emma feels the sudden loss of those fingers and tries to move back to them once more. To use her now freed hands to redirect them back, but Regina shakes her head.

"Wait." She says with a playfully, devious grin.

She bends to spread Emma before her once again. Emma burns to have Regina taste her, to feel the thick tongue, those lips, take her like she did hours ago. Instead, Regina pulls her fingers free, but keeps her hand poised above Emma's center. She seems ready to move slowly back up. Emma peers lower and sees that Regina holds her own breast in her other hand, and she is eyeing Emma, and her slick, wetness, and then Regina is dragging her hard nipple through soaked lips, pulling Emma wide, and drawing a nipple over her clit, and back, and Emma nearly shoots off the bed, and the guttural moan that falls from Regina's throat is nearly enough to bring Emma over.

Then, Regina does it again, painting her other breast, pressing lush flesh deep between swollen, saturated lips.

Emma is dizzy with want and when Regina meets her eyes again, she sees it all clearly, for Emma cannot, will not, hide it. Crawling higher, Regina straddles Emma, the fullness of her body, glistening and stunning before her. Emma rocks up, with tongue and hand and she licks and sucks at the offering and in her ear, the perfectly indecent rasp of Regina's breathy passion promises her undoing.

Worshipping Regina's breasts with her mouth, Emma grabs at slender hips, bringing her hard thigh between the brunette's legs, and moving them both with purpose.

Regina brings Emma's mouth up to her own, and they kiss and kiss and kiss.


The fact that Emma is utterly spent, done in, brings a smile to Regina's face, for she'd never really managed to get the persistent sheriff to shut up before.

She lies quietly, content. Again. Miraculously. And then she rests her hand gently upon her own stomach.

She feels the difference, the quickening. Her breasts, always very sensitive, but now… oh, yes, something else entirely.

She remembers the moment before. Before the disaster that had for so long defined her life. The moment when life had sparked in her once before… and in spite of all else, in spite of its beginnings, Regina knew that the child could give her purpose, a reason for living that wretched existence of falsehood, of royal facade.

But that new life was not meant to be. Over before it began and Regina had mourned the loss with all her being—perhaps, truly, with all that she had left.

Until now. Until Emma.

Now, it was all changed. The very construct of Regina Mills. The very person her mother and Rumplestiltskin had created. The very notion of what it was to be powerful enough to take a heart… it was all changed now in Regina's head. It was all new, for it was now defined not by hate, but by love.

"Emma, my darling, wake up."

"What's…? What!" Emma startles awake, no doubt imagining some dreadful fate has befallen them once more.

Instead, Regina fixes her with a slow, happy smile and Emma melts back into the bed. She gazes at Regina with the most ridiculous puppy-dog grin.


"Hi." Regina answers with a wide smile. She chews her lip a moment, and starts, "I want you to know something. Are you sitting down?"

Emma quirks at that, confused by the fact that they are lying side by side. "Did you just make a joke?"

"Ready?" Regina challenges.

"Lay it on me." Emma answers with relentless bravado.

The Queen takes the hand of the Savior and places it on her stomach. She smiles softly, raises one eyebrow and waits.

Emma's eyes grow wide. Wider. Then they are radiant, happy. She looks ready to spring from the bed and dance with glee.

"Really?" Emma asks, disbelief and happiness warring for final position on her goofy, perfect face.

Regina nods as tears… happy tears, fall.

Emma leans up and kisses Regina with everything she's got. And,

the girl has a lot

As Emma settles down, she finally breathes deeply, leans in, says,


And kisses Regina's stomach reverently.