"That will be $100 for the powder." the dealer grinned, one of his greasy fingers flicking the ashes from his cigarette as he took the money from the boy's shaking hand. "Kid, this is some pretty strong shit, and I'm not gonna lie...I don't know if you can handle it."
Crane could feel the adrenaline rush through his system as he saw the man slowly remove the white substance from his pocket. This was a horrible idea. Jonathan had grabbed all the money he had in his savings underneath the floorboards of his room for this...and some from his grandmother's lockbox. He had been reading a book on drugs and behavior when he stumbled upon a very interesting drug, that Scarecrow immediately demanded him to get. Just imagine what we can do with this Johnny boy, we can bring Jeremy and his pigs to their knees.
" I can." Crane shrugged, slightly adjusting the crooked, wire frame of his glasses as he pulled the wad of cash from his pocket. The man counted the money, and lifted it to the light as if to inspect it further, sticking the cigarette back in his mouth the man sighed and quickly shoved the cash into his pocket.
"Ok, but don't blame me if you get a bad trip!" with a crooked grin, the man shoved the bag into Crane's hands and sauntered away. Now it's time for the fun part...
Crane cautiously approached the row of benches in the boy's locker room, a bag partially full of white powder clutched in his hands. He could spot the green water bottles on the benches, for the football team and began to shake in looked at the crystalline powder in his acid diethylamide. In high doses it could cause hallucinations, anxiety, and most importantly terror. It hadn't been easy, yet imagining Jeremy and his gorilla-like friends screaming in agony made his heart palpitate in excitement. Pour it in! Pour it in! Jonathan eagerly complied as his shakily twisted the caps of the water bottles. All of them were labeled in the jock's sloppy handwriting. He paused as he read Jeremy's name. Make sure you give him the most! Ooh this is way too easy! Crane poured small amounts of the powder into each of the football player's water, smiling as he saw the powder dissolve. Now all we have to do is wait…
* Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you- Nietzsche*
Lynda attempted to control her racing heart while being stuck in the elevator with Crane. The elevator groaned in protest as it dragged them down to unknown territory. She felt vulnerable as the doctor examined her, his lips quirked up in amusement. "Are you claustrophobic Lynda?" She glared at him as the doors opened. Her eyes widened as she stepped into the tiny lab, observing the large stainless steel cages, IV racks,old lab desk and the large restraint bed in the center of the poorly lit room. Clutching the walls, the hair on the back of her neck stood on edge as she felt the damp mold. Backing up, she gasped as she felt Crane's chest against her back.
"What kind of research do you do here?" her lips quivered as she faced him, noting his feral grin her eyes focused on the elevator doors. Noticing her eyes drifting, Jonathan promptly guided his subject toward the bed.
" This is my I analyze the human mind under high amounts of fear. Test subjects, you can imagine, are easy to find in a place such as Arkham. Yet to obtain a sane, healthy subject. Now that's rare indeed." Feeling her tense, he glided to the lab table and began to fill a hypodermic needle with toxin. Sensing Lynda beginning to run, he quickly shoved her against the bed, pinning her arms and legs down as she attempted to fight back.
"Get away from me!" Lynda thrashed, only pausing when she felt a prick and the cold rush of fluid inside of her neck. Tears pricked from the corner of her eyes as she could feel the rugged, leather restraints paralyze her. "What did you do to me?"
Jonathan smiled gently and placed a hand on her forehead, "The toxin is entering your system. I will be able to enter the darkest corners of your mind." His eyes darkened as he noticed her beginning to writhe against the restraints, "It's only a low concentration, and when you wake up this will be all but a horrible nightmare." Pulling his burlap mask over his head, euphoria and adrenaline pumped through his system. Forcing Lynda to meet his face he heard her gasp.
"This isn't happening. This is not happening…" Death was everywhere. Pestilence filled the air. Flies and mosquitos buzzing against her skin, the wails of the sick punctuated through the air. Closing her eyes she screamed slightly as she felt clammy hands pull her head up.
"Look at me." the demonic voice commanded. She slowly opened her eyes and began to scream. In her face a gaunt girl was smirking at her, her cold blue eyes contrasting against her feverish flesh, hair matted with sweat and brilliant flecks of crimson on her white dress. "Are you afraid?" The cries of anguish intensified as Lynda surveyed the room. Disease. Corpses strewn across the floors, flies and rats eating from their eye sockets. Others scratching at themselves, some with large pustules and others coughing uncontrollably until blood begins to come out of their desperate mouths.
Lynda shrieked, "This is not real!" Banging her head against the bed she began to once again fight against the restraints, hissing as the leather continued to rub against the raw flesh of her wrists. Realizing there was no chance of escape she began to sob slightly, "Disease...everywhere...it's not real."
Smiling, Crane stood up and filled a hypodermic needle with a sedative. "Don't worry, when you wake up this will all be just a nightmare." Finding the jugular his eyes darkened as he injected the liquid into her vein.
Sleep tight! Try not to gouge out your eyes tonight!
Author's Note: It's been WAY too long! Scarecrow threatened to gas me again so I am going to try and update as quickly as possible this time!