'Two Weeks Notice' meets 'Twilight Saga'

So this disclaimer is Writer/Director/Producer etc of 'Two Weeks Notice' owns that part of the story. Stephanie Meyer owns the characters.

I own nothing.

I wrote this before once again with other leads in the roles but I thought a Edward and Bella version would be fun as well. This back-story for them is different. But all that will come out during the story.

Lord knows why I'm doing this as I have no time currently, but meh! It will all get done at some point.


Chapter 1

Bella brushes her hair back and pulls it up into a messy bun. The pants that she has on cost her $ , they are grey, very comfortable house lounge pants. She would pay $80 bucks again and again. They are comfort and they are love. Walking to the kitchen in her small New Jersey apartment, it is all still new, living here…with little hope for a job…but great ambition, she pulls the phone book open.


"Hi yes, I would like to put in a delivery order?"



"What would you like?"

"I would like an order of mini spring rolls, chicken and broccoli and sweet and sour ribs"

She sits at her small kitchen table and makes a face as she opens the boxes. "Hello?"

"Hi honey, how are you?"

"Oh hi Mom"

"How is the job hunt going?"

"I am running low on money…that's how it is going" She laughs a bit. Years and years of school in environmental law and can she get the kind of job she wants? Nope! She would rather not work for some high paying cooperate sector making seven figures as that company she works for would most likely be an environment destroyer. "But I am hopeful, I am doing something tomorrow, but it is not a job per say"

"You could always come back here and find a job"

"Yes mother I know you would rather me in Forks, safe and sound"

"Well, is it too much to ask, you picked up and moved across the country. Not just across the country you picked New York of all places!" Renee shrikes into the phone.

"Renee pipe down"

Bella hears her father call out. She rolls her eyes. They have been married for a strong and solid 28 years.

"I am outside New York, New Jersey some may call it" She smiles chewing.

"What are you eating, are you eating enough?"

"Take out"


"You guessed it" Bella smiles.

"So who are you meeting with tomorrow?"

"Actually a senior citizen club" She smiles.

"And how will you help them?"

"Everyone need a good lawyer, environmental or not, but they are having some legal issues with the sea front property they are on and the well…front of the sea front" Bella makes a face and pulls a leg up on the chair. She rests her chin on her knee. "So I have done something to help them, buying some time" She isn't sure if it will make a difference but she got them the extra time to figure out something more she hopes for their sake.

"Are you doing freelance for them?"

"I am seeing what happens, everyone needs a helping hand"

"You are too good my girl"

She smiles and turns her head to the side resting her cheek on her knee now. "I have to go, thanks for calling, give dad my love"

"Okay honey, if you need anything, you"

"I know" Bella smiles, she is 28, asking her parents for money sort of stopped along time ago…so yeah.

Edward rolls over in bed and looks up. He is not sure if he is drunk still or not. Turning his head he looks at his date. 'Is she still drunk…too drunk to leave?'

"Wow" She rolls over and rests her hand on his brood chest, her fingers run in the hair spattered there. "That was amazing" She laughs pressing kisses there. "So good"

"Yeah, it was good, look I have a thing tomorrow"

She looks at him. "Are you asking me to leave?"

"I am saying I have a thing tomorrow, so"

"You" She stares at him, she has not even had 5 minutes to digest that wonderful finish. "Bastard"

He has heard it all before, and yet he still has someone to keep his bed warm when he needs to. So he is not to broken up over this one. "You can leave your number" He calls after her as she gets dressed quickly. He catches the death glare she gives him. "I know you will be looking forward to my call"

"In your dreams"

Edward places his hands behind his head and smiles at the ceiling. It really was good. "Thank you"

"Go to hell" She throws something and leaves.

When he hears his penthouse door slam he frowns reaching to pick up the thrown item. Resting his head back on the pillow he uses two hands to un-scrunch it. Laughing he looks at her card with her number on it.

Women love him; there is this charm about him, a bad ass hole-ish kind of charm. Women want to deny that they like that type, but in reality they crave it. And he knows how to use it.

Now it doesn't hurt that he is a 35 year old billionaire, with his own driver and helicopter, and billion dollar real estate Company (think Donald Trump better looking and younger), young and handsome…toot toot.

Edward walks in his sleep satin pants out on his New York City view balcony and looks at the lights. 'Beautiful' this view is what being in the city is all about.

Bella showers in her tiny shower and applies her makeup in the tiny mirror. Heading into the bedroom which is most likely smaller than a jail cell she dresses in her best suit. A grey skirt with a white blouse…there are light and thin grey lines running down the shirt, almost like the thin grey thread has been woven into it. She looks herself over and smiles. "Go get them Bella"

Edward doesn't have time for this. "I don't have time for this" He looks around, Carrie Kent his right wing girl quit two days ago. She should be handling this. She is his voice; she does things like this for him. So he is out here himself plowing through the little people.

"Mr. Cullen if you please wait, our lawyer will be here soon"

"What is your lawyer going to do, I have bought this land and I will be developing on it" He needs people, he needs a person to do this, he has a lunch date…sex…in 20 minutes and he has to be here cause he has no person to be here in his place. "The conversation is over"

"We have been here for 50 years, people live here…"

"And you will still be here, just behind my building" He cuts the old man off.

"You rotten man!" An older woman shouts out.

Edward looks at her. Her words don't hurt him. He could care less, what he cares about is having this conversation done with, with or without a lawyer. A lawyer is pointless at this time.

"Please we wish you would reconsider, this is a community center for…"

"I know what this rotting building is, I do, and it will continue to rot. I'm not shutting you down, now if you continue to push me I may have to buy this building"


Edward glares at the older gentleman, the director of the community center. "Do you understand me?"

"I do, and it sounded like a threat" Bella says looking at this very tall man. "Hello you must be Harry Fellows?"

"Isabella Swan?" Harry almost seems to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Bella, yes, hello, I am sorry I'm late I got" She makes a funny face. "Lost"

"Right" Edward looks her over, unimpressed by her interruption. "Edward Cullen, your dealings I am guessing are with me, you are their lawyer?"

"Yes, I am Mr. Cullen. Now I have an injunction to put off this development for a few weeks until we can get a case" She hands him her signed files.


"I am sorry what are you unclear about, you are not building any time soon Sir"

"What, how come I never got these until now?" He scans over them quickly.

"They were sent off to a Ms. Kent, last week"

Edward curses under his breath. He has his construction machines there and all of these seniors picketing and now court documents. "Fuck" He whispers.

"Now" Bella smiles. "I think you need to move these machines, until you have been finalized by a court" She says as a matter of fact. "-because you are blocking these people's right to their ocean and ocean view"

Bella smiles and shakes Mr. Fellows' hand. "I am glad I could help, and get here in time" She grins nodding a bit.

"You are wonderful, I do hope you come back next week for the small fund raiser we are having"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything" She grins. Inside she feels so good about helping, just so good. Helping people creates such nice feelings; it is that feeling that doesn't just disappear with the good deed. It sticks around, filling you up with so much joy. People deserve their voices to be heard, when they can't afford to get their voices her, she will happily oblige to help them.

Bella pulls her bag on her shoulder and stands as she waits for the cab she called. Looking around she smiles brightly. It was a good morning she agrees.

"Mrs. Swan"

Bella turns around. "Ms" She corrects him.

"Of course" He mutters disinterested.

"Mr. Cullen what can I do for you?"

"You are not from around here?" He picks up on her 'getting lost' and out of place type look.

"No, I am not, is that what you wanted?" She looks at him.

"No" He scowls because she is actually like of being rude to him. "Nice work, sneaking that up on me"

"I did not, I assumed you already knew about the injunction and well you were just being a typical power-hungry man bringing you big machines to scare us little folk"

Edward looks at her with wide eyes. "Where do you get off?" He didn't know about the injunction, he brought his machines because he is ready to start building. She is making him like an ogre!

"Is there something you wish Mr. Cullen?"

"Come work for me"

Bella does everything she can not to laugh into this egotistical man's face. "Um, what?"

"Do you have a job, I guess you would" He mutters his brow creasing in a frown. He can tell she is smart and very witty, a great asset to his company.

"No" She answers flatly.

"Just like that?"

"Why would I work for you, I know nothing about you"

"You know a little, you must know something, you did have papers drawn up about me"

"Please they were certainly not" She had to look up due to his height. "-about you Mr. Cullen"

"Edward" He extends his hand. "We haven't really been formally introduced"

Bella looks from his face and to his extended hand, she doesn't take it. "It is nice to meet you"

"Well" He laughs. "Say it like you mean it"

"I can't"

"So no on the job offer" He stares at her, she is a tiny woman. He wrinkles his brow trying to guess her age…mid to late twenties. He is thinking late as she is a lawyer. Her hair is long, thick, brown, kind of boring though. Her clothing, boring. But maybe that is why she gets the job done.

"You didn't offer anything"

"Would an offer maybe change your mind?" But her face is flawless. She skin is bare and very clean looking.


"Well then what would be the point, better I just ask"

"And you did, and I said no, and that is that"

"That could be that, but I don't think it is" He leers at her.

Bella makes a face at him. "Do you want me to file a complaint against you?"

"For what?" He hears his machine moving off of the property he owns, let's not forget that, he still owns that waterfront, and still intends to build on it. He does. He just needs to let this injunction ride out so he can get to doing what he does best. Making money.

"I don't know but I am sure you will say something which would give me just cause to complain against you"

Edward laughs. His laugh is thick and hearty, deep and sexy.

Bella is slightly stunned; she didn't think he even had any real emotion. And she is getting that from the little she knows about him. Blinking a few times. "Why do you want me to work for you?"

"Do you want a ride home?"


"Well is a cab coming?" He looks around.


"So you want to just talk about this here, we could talk about it while I take you home"

"Here is fine, I am not saying yes, because it would really, no matter how much I need a job, go against everything I believe in"

"What, everything you believe in would be gone working for me, well I guess you don't believe that strongly if you think working for me would have such an influence over it"

"Oh stop talking circles around me, I know men like you, okay"

"Oh do tell Ms. Swan"

Bullying rich men. He is so typical; she rolls her eyes on the inside. "Are you going to tell me why you want my services?"

"Well clearly I don't have a go to person anymore, which showed from the loss of Mrs. Kent"

"Gee I wonder why" Bella says rolling her eyes, this time for him to see.

Edward smiles. "Me too, I was sure she really liked me" He says thoughtfully. "So anyway I need one, and you are very so smart, and there is some sass in you too" He winks at her.

Bella looks at him. She is not so much shy as she is reserved. But when working she is really another person. It is like a superhero cape. Work is it for her. Socially as far as personal things she is just a homebody, and to herself. Which is fine she is not at all handicapped because of it.

"I could use someone like you working next to me"

"I don't know" Bella mutters. She just can't in good conscious. "I am working for these wonderful people, who you are trying to take their home away" She frowns, feeling very softly personal now.

Edward stares at her, the top of her head because she is sort of not looking up at him; she is looking forward in the center of his chest now. "Well" He really doesn't know what to say to that. "I am not taking their home away; I am just blocking their view a bit.

Lifting her head she looks at him.

"Is it going to be a conflict on interested, I wouldn't ask you to not do whatever pointless thing you are trying to do for them"

"See you just lost me at pointless" She can't bare him, work for him, she shutters at the thought. Two minutes of conversation is enough to drive her to drink a bottle of Jack.

"Okay, okay calm down"

"Don't tell me to calm down, who do you think you are?" She growls at him. "You approached me"

"You are very right" Edward stares at her. She is so fiery she would do wonders for him in meetings. Kind of a kick ass type woman. He likes it.

"I usually am"

He laughs a bit and loves it. "Okay, how about, are you sure the cab is coming?"

"It is coming" Bella looks behind her a bit biting her lower lip, a bit worried.

"I could, drop you were you need to go, my car is over there" He points causing her attention to turn.

Bella looks at the very, very nice sleek black car with a driver in full uniform standing outside. "Of course it is" She laughs. "Of course"

"We could talk more about you coming to work for me"

"I don't" She looks at him and shakes her head. "I just don't think I can"

"I could make it worth your wild" He has always loved a good deal.

Arching her eyebrows she looks at him. "What?"

"Don't get out the restraining order just yet, I didn't mean it like that"

"You know I should hope not Mr. Cullen, but I wouldn't put it past you"

"So you have found information on me?"

"You may need to stop flattering yourself that would be my first piece of advice to you, if I were working for you"

Edward grins at her; the charm he has in there mixed with the other stuff is coming out. "You maybe right, but when something is present to be flattered…I can't help that"

Her eyes go to his green ones which are pulling no punches as they look at her.

"Let me drive you"

Bella looks behind her again and still sees no cab, only his very nice car waiting for him.

"We will talk about maybes"

Bella looks back to his face. "Okay, I am not making any promises, my entirely loyalty is for this place"

"I am just asking for your skills with efficiencies"

She purses her lips together. "Alright, we will talk about it"

"Very good"

Bella smiles at the driver who opens the door for her to slip in the back.

He shuts it and looks to his boss. "I gave the cabby a 50 to forget she called for one"

"Thank you" Edward smiles, before walking around the car to get him for himself.

So what do we think?