A.N.: Thank you so much for the reviews!

ATENTION: This will be my last regular chapter. The next chapter will be more in the future, then the same with the next few, so this is just a heads up. Oh and I messed up the spelling on someone's name last time so I'm having a re-shout out to Aremis12221!

Shout Outs:

Finding Adventures- Thank you so much! That made me feel really good!

fangirlfeels12- Thanks! I was just like let's get them together now.

Sora Loves Rain-Thank you!

The Kookie King- Haha, you're welcome!

MinecraftLuver- Yep! You'll find out how it started in this chapter.

7thseven- Thanks! I know I'm planning on getting them together soon. Probably this chapter!

Sonny James- Thanks! I know I thought it was going to be childish, but I was dragged along with my friends and I was surprised. It was actually good!

Mac2000- Thanks!

*Percy's P.O.V.*

I watched as Thalia smiled and said, "I knew it. I knew it."

I was surprised that she wasn't mad at us. I mean that was a pretty big secret and we hid it from her. Annabeth seemed as confused as me when she said, "How did you know?"

Thalia smirked at us and said, "Well, the sexual tension was getting a little higher and you two were sneaking off and lying to us, so we kind of figured it out."

Thalia and Nico then turned away from us and towards each other. "So I have to go to see stupid Ms. Dodd's again. Save me a seat?" Nico nodded and said, "Sure, babe." Then out of nowhere she pecked him on the lips and they both went their separate ways. I turned towards Annabeth and she turned towards me. Annabeth mumbled out exactly what I was thinking, "What the hell just happened?"

I just stared at Annabeth and said, "So um...I think we should talk to them."

She looked up from the ground and moved her finger away from her chin. Probably trying to figure this out. She nodded and said, "Okay, I'm gonna go to Thals and you go to Nico."

I nodded and started to walk away, but then I thought, wait I can kiss her in public now. I turned around to find her still rooted to the same spot, deep in thought. I walked towards her until I was in front of her. She looked up at me with scrunched eyebrows. I didn't say anything and cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. She kissed back right away standing onto her tippy toes, so she could firmly press her lips against mine. I pulled away after a few seconds and set her back on her feet. She smiled shyly at me and looked around at the people staring. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek before I headed off in the direction of Nico.

He was talking to Paul and was telling him that Thalia might be late. After he finished, I followed behind him until he got to the back of the room and sat down in one of the open seats. He didn't notice me at first until I sat down in front of him and stared. He jumped a little and clutched the seat. "Jeez Perce you scared me."

"Sorry, but I wanted to talk to you." I said.

"Okay? About what?" He asked like I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Really Nico?" I asked.

"Yep." He said back.

"Thalia and you?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah we're dating." He said with a smile and look that told me he was in la-la land.

"Well, why didn't you tell us?" I asked.

"Because you guys didn't tell us that you guys were, you guys wouldn't have noticed anyways." He said.

"What do you mean? Of course we would notice." I said.

"Really Perce? When do you pay attention to me you're too busy making googily eyes at Annabeth." He said with a smirk.

I scoffed and said, "I don't make googily eyes at Annabeth."

Nico chuckled and said, "Would you like me to refer to my phone? I get some good pics of you in class. It's quite funny when you make faces at Annabeth. I still have that one pic from the beginning of the year. Remember that face?" he asked starting to laugh.

I blushed and turned back around in my seat. The bell rang a minute later with Annabeth and Thalia barely coming into the room on time and they did not look happy with each other. Annabeth sat in front of me for some reason and Thalia sat next to Nico.

When Paul finally at the end of class let us loose to talk I moved up a row and sat next to Annabeth. I could tell she was mad because she wasn't talking and if you knew her then there's something wrong if she's not talking. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned to look at me with a face that seemed to say 'F*** off.', but it softened when she saw me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She shook her head lightly and said, "I'll tell you when I have more time to explain."

I was confused by that until the bell rang and I was now supposed to be headed off to my next class. I was about to get up to leave when a fuming Thalia walked past me almost pushing me over. I looked back at Nico and he said, "Um." he scratched the back of his head, "Do you know what's going on?"

"Nope, but their best friends. Hopefully they'll be good by the end of the day." I said.

Nico nodded and we headed to our lockers to get our stuff for the next class.


*One week later* *After school at Percy's house*

Boy, was I wrong about Annabeth and Thalia making up. It officially had been a week now that since they had talked. I tried to figure out what was wrong, but I couldn't. Annabeth wouldn't tell me and would just kiss me to make me shut up. We were doing a lot of that lately and each time Annabeth would come over, instead of studying we would end up making out and not getting much done.

Like right now Annabeth was under me on my bed. My shirt was already off and I had literally pulled Annabeth's shirt open. She was wearing a button up plaid shirt with some jeans today and she looked like a sexy cowgirl. I had been wanting to do that all day and was finally able to, but I hoped that I didn't pop off any of the buttons because Annabeth would probably get mad, but I didn't care at the moment because I was caught up in kissing her.

Annabeth's right hand was in my hair like usual running her hand threw it. The other hand was resting on my bicep holding onto it. My left hand was holding onto the back of her neck pushing her head up to mine while my other hand was lingering on her bare side. I came up for air for about the 20th time today and my mouth went right back down on hers. We were open mouthed kissing which had started last week when she was mad. I sort of felt like I was being used to calm her nerves, but it's not like I wasn't guilty for doing that too. I always felt better when I was with her, so when we kiss it was like no one else mattered and we forgot about our troubles.

My lips were swollen, that was for sure and I defiantly knew Annabeth's were by how red they were. I pulled up for air again and rested for a second. She opened her eyes and had this look where I just wanted to lock the door and kiss her senseless for forever. I rubbed up and down her side which pretty much told her that we should stop and maybe actually do our homework. She sighed and nodded knowing what I meant. I got off of her, grabbed my white shirt, and slipped it over my head. I looked over at Annabeth who was trying to button her shirt back up that surprisingly had all of the buttons on it. I turned away from her and stood looking at the door.

"What are you doing?" Annabeth asked from behind me.

"It pains me to watch you put your shirt back on." I said with a smile.

I felt something hard hit the back of my head and clutched it saying, "Ow!"

"What was that for?" I asked turning towards Annabeth.

"For you being a pervert." She said.

"That hurts, Wise girl." I said with a mock hurt face.

She snickered and grabbed my hand pulling her with me onto my bed. We just laid there for a moment looking up at the ceiling not doing anything. Annabeth curled up at my side and said, "I'm tired."

I pulled her close to me, so her head was resting on my chest and said, "Then just go to sleep."

She lifted herself up slightly so she was resting on her arm. "I didn't mean sleepy tired. I mean tired of fighting with Thalia."

"Oh, well, why don't you just make up with her." I said.

"It's not that simple Percy. I know I, well, we did some things, but she said stuff and I don't know. It's just hard being mad at her. She's one of the only people who makes it hard for me to hold a grudge on." She said with a sigh.

"I know I pretty much made up with Nico and he's cool, but I thought you two would have made up and it would have forgotten about this." I said.

"It's harder for us because she felt like I betrayed her and I just don't know what to do and I can never be alone with her without us yelling at each other." She said staring glumly at the bed.

"What if I talk to her?" I asked, "It might help."

"No don't. It will just make it harder for us." she sat up and sighed, "I need to figure this out."

She stood up and grabbed her backpack and said, "Let's study. We have a math test tomorrow."

I nodded and she got out our stuck starting with the quadratic equation stuff. It was a little confusing, but she helped me get through it and by 5:30 Annabeth was packing up her stuff to go home. "Try to remember the song for the equation, we'll go over it tomorrow in homeroom."

I nodded and led her to the door. She was about to leave when I remember that I have a football game tomorrow. "Wait, Annabeth, I almost forgot." I said pulling her back into the room.

She stopped and I walked over to my closet and pulled out my practice jersey, "Here, you can finally wear it...being my official girlfriend." I said blushing and scratching behind my neck nervously.

She smiled at me and took it from my hands. She leaned up kissed me lightly on the lips and said, "Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." I said goodnight back and closed the door after her.

*Annabeth's P.O.V.*

It was finally Friday again and it was officially one week and one day since I had last spoken to Thalia. It was hard because I had known her for so long and not being able to talk to her was weird and made me feel sad. Yeah, I still had Percy and sort of Nico, but Thalia was my best girl friend and I could always talk to her about girl stuff, stuff that I couldn't talk to Percy about.

School had just ended and I had to go to Percy's locker first because I didn't want to see Thalia. I had been doing that every day since last Thursday and it had become a habit and I knew that Percy and Nico knew what I was doing, but didn't say anything about it thinking that we were all of a sudden going to make up. Once one week went by, they realized that we weren't going to make up that easily and have been pushing me to apologies to her. I really wanted to get it through their thick heads that I wasn't going to apologies until she did. I was too proud to and I knew she was too.

I was waiting by Percy's locker with my stuff from Language Art's class. He was talking to Nico about some new video game and I waited while he put his stuff in his backpack and he said he would see Nico in an hour to get ready for their game. This was the game to get into the final 4 teams and I was so excited for them. Nico smiled and left heading towards the front door to Bianca's car. Speaking of Bianca, she had quite the show last week on Friday.


It was after last period and I was headed outside to Bianca's car. I didn't have another ride, so Bianca was taking me and she put Nico in between me and Thalia, so we wouldn't fight. Percy was staying back with Mr. Blofis because he had to take a test and then Mr. Blofis would take him home. I was currently walking through rows of cars trying to get to Bianca's near the back. I was almost there, but I stopped when I heard her talking to someone. I moved closer, but hid by a car so she wouldn't see me. It was Luke. He was standing in front of her moving his arms around and Bianca was leaning against her jeep trying to figure out what he was saying.

"I just don't understand you." Luke said.

"What do you mean? You're the one that's confusing." Bianca said looking like she was starting to get mad.

"How well do you even know that guy?" Luke asked.

Bianca looked totally confused now, "What guy?"

"The new kid. The one who I saw give you a $20,000 bracelet this morning." Luke said crossing his arms. "You just met him, what? Yesterday, B? And now he's giving you a $20,000 bracelet. I think he wants something from you-"

Bianca cut him off with her hand over his mouth and said, "Yes, I just met Austin, but the bracelet was mine. I left it at his father's restaurant, when I was there with him yesterday, at the mall."

She took her hand off his mouth and he said, "Oh."

She smiled timidly and said, "Yeah oh."

Luke continued on anyways, after the end of that."But, you just met him. How are you already going on a date with him? I think that's a little fast for just meeting him and I-"

Bianca cut him off with her hand again, she rolled her eyes and said, "Well, what about you?" He looked confused and she took her hand off his mouth, "You go out with girls, you just meet and I never say anything." Bianca said finishing crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, it's different for girls, for you." He said.

"I just don't understand why you care." Bianca said.

"Well, you are my friend and I-I..um...I-" He started to say, but couldn't finish.

Bianca sighed and looked down. She turned around and started to walk towards her car, "I'll see you...um...around." she said stopping for a moment before leaving him standing there as she started the car.

End of Flashback

Bianca and Luke have been really awkward since then. I see them in the halls and I feel so bad because neither of them will admit that they like each other. On Friday, last week, Luke looked like he was going to punch Austin at lunch. Bianca had sat at her regular seat next to Luke, but they didn't talk much like before. Austin had come over to their table and I watched like it was a soap opera.

Percy snapped me out of my thoughts with him shutting his locker. He took my books from my hands and we started towards my locker. I unlocked it when we got there and took my books from Percy's hands and said, "Thank you."

He smiled and took my hand after I slug my backpack over my shoulders. We walked out of the school together and down to Starbucks.

It had become our usual routine to go there before a game and do homework. Percy ordered for me and I got us a booth in the back. Percy came back a few minutes later with my usual hot chocolate and his blueberry scone and iced caramel macchiato.

"Aren't you cold enough?" I asked Percy while gesturing to his drink.

He smiled and said, "What? They're good."

I laughed and pulled my backpack onto the table. We started our homework from today and drank our drinks. I watched as Percy ate his blueberry scone, in two bites. I raised an eyebrow at him and he blushed while he was swallowing the food. He smiled after and I just shook my head and continued with my homework. I finished an hour later and so did Percy, with my help with math. We headed back to the school next and we walked to the boys locker room.

"So do I get a good luck kiss?" Percy asked with a smile.

I nodded, leaned up, and kissed him. I pulled away a few seconds later and said, "Good luck."

He smiled and turned around to go into the boys locker room.

"Hey Annabeth!" I heard someone yell from down the hall.

It was Travis and Conner. They were running down the hall towards me. "Hey guys. What's up?" I asked.

"Mr. Blofis wants you in his room. Something about a project?" Conner said.

"Oh yeah, the reading one. He's here right now?" I asked.

Travis and Conner nodded. "He's here for the game."

"Okay, thanks guys." I said. They smiled and nodded before going into the locker room. I walked down to the 9th grade hall, making a detour saying "Hi." to Silena and telling her good luck for cheering. She laughed and said thanks and that she'd see me later. I smiled as I made my way to Mr. Blofis' classroom and walked in. I shut the door behind me and turned to see Thalia. She looked up surprised to see me, but I quickly turned around to try and get out, but the door was locked.

"I already tried that." I heard Thalia say from behind me.

I huffed and put my bag down on a desk and sat in the chair. I didn't look at Thalia and she didn't look at me. We sat like that for a few minutes.

"We don't hear any talking!" I heard someone yell from outside the door.

I scrambled out of my seat and so did Thalia. We ran to the door and I looked out the door window. Jason. Jason was standing out there with his friend Piper. Thalia saw him and said, "Jason I swear to god you better open this door."

Jason laughed, "Or what Thalia, you'll hit me?"

Thalia growled beside me and I decided to talk, "Jason please. I'll do anything. I'll clean your room or do your homework."

He sighed and looked like he was contemplating my plead, but Piper hit his arm and said, "Remember what they said. We can't let them out until they makeup."

"Wait, what? Who said that?" Thalia asked.

"No one." Jason said.

"So, you're keeping us in her against our will. That's like kidnapping." I said to them trying to scare them.

"No it's not. It is only until you two makeup." Jason said with his arms crossed.

I sighed and said, "Well, I'm not apologizing until she does."

"Well, I'm not until she does either." Thalia said next to me.

"You guys are just being childish. What happened to before? You two were inseparable, you did everything together, told each other everything." Jason said.

"Yeah what happened, Annabeth?" Thalia said looking at me.

"Well you didn't tell me about you and Nico." I said trying to defend myself.

"Because you didn't tell me about you and Percy!" Thalia said throwing her hands in the air.

"We didn't tell anyone because we didn't know if it was some weird hormonal thing or actually real. I didn't want to hurt you Thalia." I said.

Thalia looked at me with hurt in her eyes, "I just thought we were best friends...that you trusted me."

I felt tears in my eyes, "I do trust you Thalia. You remember I told you every time we kissed until a week ago when we secretly made it official. I just didn't want to make it seem stupid if we ended up breaking up or whatever. I wanted to tell you Thalia, so bad, but I promised Percy. It was my first real relationship, with Percy no less, I wanted to tell you." I said.

She smiled at me slightly and nodded, "Just don't ever do that again, please tell me next time or whenever."

I smiled at her and wiped my eyes from the threatening tears that were going to fall, "God, I'm so sensitive."

Thalia laughed and said, "Don't cry, I'm going to cry too."

I laughed and hugged her. I heard the door opened and a click of the camera. I turned to see Jason with his phone out texting and smiling, "Percy and Nico are going to love this."

"Percy?" I asked getting mad.

"Nico?" I heard Thalia growl out.

Jason smiled and looked up, "Yeah, they- I-I mean no, no. They didn't do anything."

I looked at Thalia and we both went over and grabbed our bags. I slung my backpack over my shoulders. We walked together down the hall smiling deviously and talking about what we would do to get them back. We knew the game was starting soon, so we would have to wait. I smiled at Bianca when I saw her sitting down with Austin at the top of the bleachers. She waved us over and we sat down next to her.

Bianca poked Austin and he looked over at us, "Austin, you remember Annabeth and Thalia, right? From the mall."

Austin's eyes lit up with recognition, "Oh, yeah. Hey, guys. It's nice to officially meet you, I guess."

I smiled and we watched as the game started. The whole game Austin was yelling and booing and we all thought it was quiet funny when another guy from the other team yelled at him to shut up because he looked like he was ready to start a fight. I laughed as we all had to hold him down. By half time the score was tied 17-17. Austin said he'd go on a food run and we all thanked him and told him what we wanted. Once he was gone we pestered Bianca wit questions.

"Are you dating him?" Thalia asked.

"What? No." Bianca said.

"Why not he's cute." I said.

"He's gay, guys." Bianca said.

We all stared at her dumbfounded. "What?" Me and Thalia said at the same time.

"Yep. He told me after I made it straight we were just friends, he laughed and told me he was gay." Bianca said with a smile.

"Oh." Thalia said. "What about Luke?"

Bianca's smile fell and look out toward the field where the guys were getting off the field and to the locker rooms. She sighed and said, "I don't know. He's confusing me. He says that I can't date Austin because I just met him and that for me it was different, yet he goes out and dates a girl he just meets."

"Doesn't he know Austin is gay?" I asked.

"No, Austin hasn't exactly announced it to the world, but he will soon." Bianca said.

We all sighed again, god guys were weird. Austin came back a minute later holding 4 hamburgers and 4 bottles of water. We ate our burgers as we watched the half time show. It was cool to watch as the band came out and do their routine.

I watched as the band finished and the football teams came back out. Both teams went to their own benches and then brought out their next players. The game started up again a couple minutes later.

I watched the game cheering with Bianca, was winding down, Thalia, and Austin. As the game was winding down, we were winning. If we won this we would be able to get into the final four. If we won the first two games, without losing, then we would go to the championship game, played at the Giants stadium. It was finally one minute left and we were still winning, we were ahead by one touchdown plus a field goal. We were all standing up waiting for the clock to run out. We watched as the other team had the ball and were trying to do everything that they could to get another touchdown. It was now 5 seconds left and the other team was 20 yards from the touchdown zone. They got the ball and were running down the right sideline. It was the last play of the game with 0 seconds left on the board. They were just 2 yards from the end zone when out of nowhere Luke came full force at the running back and sent him over the sideline. I gasped jumping up and down. We won and we were going to the final four. The guys were on the field huddling together and hugging. It was funny how people got onto the field because you're usually not allowed on the field, but everyone was running towards the players and yelling. I ran down with Thalia, Bianca, and Austin. I ran right over to Percy who engulfed me in his arms. He swung me around and I laughed my head off. He set me down and said, "So you and Thalia are good?"

I hit his arm, "Yeah, thanks to you. I can't believe that you locked us in a room together."

Percy grinned sheepishly and said, "We it worked. Didn't it?"

"Yeah. I guess it did." I said.

"So, do I get a kiss for being an amazingly awesome boyfriend?" Percy asked.

I laughed and locked my arms around his neck and said, "You're such an idiot."

Percy smirked and put his hands on my waist and said, "But, I'm your idiot right?"

I rolled my eyes at him, but smiled. He then leaned down and kissed me. It was a short sweet kiss that made me wanting more, but of course Thalia had to butt in and say, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I did not agree to PDA everywhere."

I sighed and turned towards Thalia with my arms still in place around Percy. "Where do you expect us to do it?" I asked.

"You know I would prefer a place where I'm not, but I'm scared now that if we leave you two alone, someone's gonna get handsy."

"Thalia!" I yelled at her, my face turning red.

"What? We all know it's gonna happen." She said shrugging.

Percy laughed and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and then we turned so he could put his arm around me. Percy bent down and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to go and change. I'll meet you back out here." I nodded and smiled at him. He kissed my cheek before taking off back to the locker rooms. I saw Nico kiss Thalia goodbye and I looked at her with a smile.

She smiled back and shrugged at me. I smiled and we walked over to the cars. Bianca was there waiting with Austin. They were talking and finished up when we got there.

"Are the guys getting changed?" Bianca asked.

We nodded and she smiled. I saw her smile fade when she looked behind us. I turned to see Luke standing there. He looked really nice, he had a button up blue shirt on with some khaki pants and black shoes. His hair was combed nicely and he had a flower in his hand. I looked back at Bianca and she glanced around until Luke came up near us. "B, can I talk to you?" She looked up at him and finally walked with his behind us.

*Bianca's P.O.V.*

(I had to. :))

"B, can I talk to you?" Luke asked me. I looked up at him and decided to follow him. We walked over to the start of the bleachers where no one was.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked annoyed at him.

"I know you're mad at me, but hear me out." he said his blue eyes pleading with me.

"Okay, you have about 5 minutes." I said.

He nodded and began to talk, "I'm sorry about last week. I was way out of line." I nodded and he continued, "It's just I'm protective of you, I've known you since we were little and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Is this about Austin?" I asked.

Luke scratched the back of his head and nodded. "You just met him, B. I know I was out of line accusing you before, but I didn't know that it was your bracelet and-"

"Luke, you don't have to worry about Austin, we're just friends and besides he's gay." I said.

Luke looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Oh."

"Now that, that's cleared away. Can you tell me something?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

"Tell me what the real reason is that you don't want me going out with someone else and none of that we've been friends forever crap." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Luke looked down and around, he couldn't do it, couldn't say it.

I sighed and look down, I scoffed at the ground and said, "I think I'm gonna go. I guess I'll see you around school."

I turned on my heal and started to walk away.

"I'm in love with you, Bianca." I heard him say.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "You-your...what?" I asked flabbergasted.

Luke stepped forward and then paused. He decided against his previous actions and walked straight up to me. He put his hand forward and touched my cheek. I looked up into his eyes and he said, "I'm in love with you, B. I have been since 9th grade. I realized it last year and I've been trying to be better than before when I would date girls and dump them. I used to be a douche. A huge one, really, but I tried to change, so hopefully one day I could be good enough for you because you deserve the best of the best, B. I want to be that for you, if you allow me to be. So I leave you a question. Will you let me try and be the man you deserve?"

I already had tears falling from my eyes. No one had ever been that sweet or honest with me and that that came from Luke made it all the better. I started to nod at him and he smiled wiping my tears off my face.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked now holding my face with both his hands. I nodded again and his lips found mine. I kissed him back as he kissed me sweetly and slow. His lips were soft and welcoming. I felt like I was having a little taste of heaven. I had been kissed before, but it was always this fast paste thing, but with Luke it felt as though I had all the time in the world. We kissed for what seemed like forever and then he slowly broke away with a smile on his face. He buried me in a hug and whispered, "I love you." in my ear. I smiled and whispered, "I love you, too." back. He sighed into my hair and then turned opening his hand out to take. I took it and we walked back to the others.

They all smiled happily when we finally got back. Thalia and Annabeth shot me smiles noticing our hands. Austin smiled too and Luke smiled at him back. We all decided to take three cars, so we didn't leave any behind. I kissed Luke goodbye for now until we got to our usual restaurant. Nico and Thalia went with me, but climbed into the back, probably to make out, gross. Percy and Annabeth went with Austin and Luke went to his car saying he would meet us there. Once at the restaurant, we spent most of our night there talking, laughing, and having fun.