Vanellope: Hi D.

Me: Oh hi regular Vanellope.

Vanellope: Can I ask you a question?

Me: Sure, ask away.

Vanellope: Do you like me as much as the version of me you created?

Me: Oh course I do. That's because you'll do something like she does sometime later in my one of my stories.

Vanellope: Really?

Me: Yeah.

Vanellope: Oh yeah, what happens when I'm here, but she is too?

Me: Her name is changed to S.F.

Vanellope: Oh, what does S.F. stand for?

Me: Sweet Fighter.

Vanellope: Oh. Thanks for answering my question.

Me: You're welcome. Wanna go see Ralph?

Vanellope: Why wouldn't I?

Vanellope exits the room.

Me: While we go see Ralph, you guys read the first chapter of my new Halloween series. Bye!

{A/N: Hey guys, I know this fic is totally out of season, but I thought I'd rewrite it a little. }

Chap. 1: The Odd Beginning

Vanellope was walking around an empty Grand Central Station. "Ralph?" said Vanellope before cupping her hands and shouting, "Hey Stinkbrain, where are you?!" "That's weird, where did everybody go?" thought Vanellope as she looked around the empty, dark station. It actually looked greyer as if the energy was being sucked out of it. "Maybe he's in Tappers," Vanellope quietly said to herself as she walked towards Tappers' outlet.

When she entered the game's outlet, the Surge Protector didn't appear like he normally did. "Hey Surge, are you there?" said Vanellope as she tried to set off the alarm. After realizing he wasn't coming, Vanellope continued on her way down the outlet tunnel and thought, "I wonder we everyone is?" She got on the tram and sat quietly, humming Sugar Rush's theme song as it traveled down the cord.

Once the tram was out of sight, the lights flickered for a few seconds, and the Surge Protector fell from the ceiling. Holographic blood splattered when his limp, life-less body made contact with the floor. A figure cloaked in a dark hoodie walked by the dead Surge Protector's body. "Hmph, I remember him," said the figure as it stared at the dead Surge Protector and smiled darkly, "He was the first to fall." The figure then looked at Tappers' outlet. "Stupid child, you can't run away from your fear," said the figure before turning into black dust that flew into Tapper's outlet, "Or my revenge."

In the cord leading to Tappers…

"Something's seriously wrong here. First, there was no one in my game, in the arcade, and everything is grey-colored," thought Vanellope before a realization hit her, "Wait, I don't even remember anything from last night!" "What the heck is going on here?" Vanellope said to herself.

"Yes, what's going on here indeed?" asked a mysterious voice.

"Who said that?" asked Vanellope as she looked around frantically.

"Why that was me, Glitch," the mysterious voice said.

Vanellope froze. She only knew of one person who would still call her a Glitch, and especially with that tone and voice. She slowly turned her head to the left and saw the one person she never wanted to even see or think about in her mind. "Turbo…" Vanellope whispered to no one.

"Hello again Princess, are you having a fine evening as I am?" asked Turbo.

Vanellope backed away to the point where her back was against the corner of the tram. "No…" Vanellope quietly said to herself.

"What was that dear? I couldn't hear you clearly," Turbo said as he smiled, showing off all of his yellow teeth.

"Y-You-You should be dead," stammered Vanellope.

"What makes you think I'm dead?" asked Turbo.

"We saw you fly into the lava!" said Vanellope.

"Oh, I did, but I've been played as King Candy by some kids that weren't that good and got me killed sometimes. Now what does that tell you?" said Turbo.

"That you got angry at the kids that played you?" guessed Vanellope.

"True, but wrong answer. What that should've told you is that I've died in Sugar Rush," said turbo.

"So?" asked Vanellope.

"That means that I was able to regenerate because I coded myself and did in your game," explained Turbo.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why we're the only ones in the whole arcade," said Vanellope.

"We can discuss that if you survive the attack," said Turbo.

"Attack?" asked Vanellope.

"Yes, attack. Now here," Turbo said with an annoyed tone as he handed Vanellope a white pistol, "Trust me, you'll need this kid."

Vanellope looked at the gun that Turbo, her mortal enemy, handed her. "Why are you giving me this?" asked Vanellope as she looked back at Turbo's direction, but only found nothing.

"Because I made a horrible mistake that day and you're the only one who can end it," Turbo's voice rang out in a sadden voice in a way that you would imagine him hanging his head, "I'm sorry Vanellope, if you ever survive this, I swear, I'll try to explain everything."

"Wait, explain what?!" said Vanellope as she tried to find his voice.

"You'll see. He's coming, so good luck, 'cause trust me-this definitely won't be Turbotastic at all," Turbo's voice rang out.

"Who's coming?" asked Vanellope.

"That would be me, child," said an unknown voice.

Vanellope gasped and turned around to see a thin cloud of black dust fly towards the tram and form a kid. The kid wore a black hoodie & red pants. "So you must be Vanellope Von Schweetz," said the hooded figure as he looked at the space around him a couple of times before his right arm turned into a disfigured sword, "And this must be where you've chosen to die."