Eleusinian Mystery

This part will earn the M rating. So, if that disturbs you…move on after Lois and Clark's date.

Disclaimer: I own none of the Smallville characters. They are all property of DC Comics, the WB and The CW.

A/N: Again…thank you to all of you who have been so supportive to this story. I know I have been terrible about sending out PM's to reviews, but in my defense…I have been reworking some of my chapters for another story here—'Burn' and I have been editing 'Mystery' to send to Jen for beta reading. My muse has been on overdrive and I even have almost 6000 words to a very hot Clois one shot done! I'm telling you, I'm on a roll and I am afraid to halt the process. So, please understand and just accept all my thanks for the amazing reviews and comments. They *do* mean a lot.


******************************************Clois*** **********************************

Now…on with the show.

Taking off exactly where the last part ended.

Part 5

Kent Farm:

Later, after their doctor's appointment, Clark and Lois were sitting on the sofa in the living room at the farm, cans of soda and an empty pizza box on the coffee table. Lois had insisted she was craving pizza (despite their lunch) and Clark, wanting to indulge her, had picked them up a 'Large with everything, but anchovies', from a little Italian place in Metropolis.

They were supposed to be watching a movie, but Clark kept picking up the ultrasound photo and gazing at it in wonder. "I can't believe that tiny little…"

"Blob," Lois supplied with a smirk.

"It's not a blob, Lois," Clark said, shooting her a reproachful look, before his eyes went back to the picture. "It's a baby." His fingers traced the photo. "Look there's the nose, his eyes and fingers…it's our son and it's incredible."

"People have been having babies for a million years, Smallville," Lois returned, rolling her eyes at him.

Clark understood that, but… "I'm not like other people," he replied solemnly.

It dawned on Lois suddenly that (with his alien heritage) Clark had probably thought he might not ever have a child and her sympathies went out to him. However, in true Lois fashion, she didn't cut him much slack when it looked like he might sink into a sulk.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, Champ," she chirped, snatching the picture out of his hand, and waving it under his nose, "but apparently you're more like 'regular' people than you thought, and this picture here is proof of it! You managed to knock me up in just one try. Yay you, and your alien super swimmers!"

It was the perfect thing to say, because even as he rolled his eyes at her remarks, his features brightened significantly, and he snagged the photo back. "I suppose you're right," he said, a slow smile spreading across his handsome features as he stared down at the picture again.

"Of course I am. When are you going to learn…? I'm always right!"

He made a face and Lois nudged him with her shoulder playfully. "This is the part where you're supposed to say 'Yes Dear'," she teased.

Clark snorted at that, but when their eyes met, something imperceptible shifted between them. Clark glanced back down at the sonogram picture and then back to Lois. He felt lightheaded. Lois was going to be the mother of his child. They were now tied to each other for life. It was a stunning revelation—one that had somehow escaped him…until now.

The enormity of his thoughts washed over his face and Lois's teasing smile faded. "Jeez Smallville, I was kidding. Don't look so panicked."

Clark just kept staring at her and Lois started to fidget. "What?" she finally asked, picking up her soda to take a sip; if only for something to do in her nervousness at his intense gaze.

"Lois, maybe we should get married?" he blurted out, shocking them both with his impromptu proposal.

Lois choked, soda spurting out her mouth and nose. She started to cough and Clark immediately started patting her on the back, telling her to "raise her arms". Lois glared, but did as he instructed, and her coughing fit slowly subsided.

"Whoa!" she wheezed when she could speak again. "Put the brakes on that runaway tractor farm-boy! Married?!" Lois shook her head, utterly shocked, "Where the hell did that come from?!"

"Well, it's generally something people do when having a baby together," he replied with a small pout, defending himself.

"'People' maybe, but not 'you and me'! What are you trying to do—give me a heart attack?!"

Clark bristled at her response and his jaw clenched. "Thanks Lois. You can have a baby with me, but the idea of marrying me nearly kills you."

Lois was just as prickly in her retort. "Hey, don't sit there and act like I don't have a reason to be surprised. Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean you've handed in your charter membership to the 'Lana Lang Fan Club'!"

Clark felt heat rise to his cheeks. He really had made an idiot of himself over Lana he realized. "Lois…"

"We haven't even made it to our first date yet, but you're popping 'the question' like it's something we've discussed before! What the hell, Smallville!"


"Not to mention we just found out today that I can even have your baby without exploding or something!"

Clark gave up on getting a word in, and instead, squirmed under the logic of her reasoning. She was right. Up until a couple weeks ago, he'd still been obsessed with Lana, and he hadn't, in no way shape or form, even considered a future with Lois…but still…it just rubbed that she thought it *so* ridiculous, she'd put his proposal in the same category as "trying to give her a heart attack".

Lois ran out of steam and Clark was finally able to speak.

"I understand why you're surprised, and honestly…I hadn't meant to propose like that either, but if you think about it…we *are* having a baby together. We're already living together and *actually* getting along." He flashed Lois the Kent grin, and she couldn't stop herself from responding to that oh-so-sexy, yet boyish smile. "Plus," he added, still smiling, "you have to admit…we have chemistry together."

It was obvious he was referring to the kiss they'd shared a few days earlier and while Lois agreed, still… "One kiss isn't a reason to get married."

"It's not just about the kiss, Lois. Though it was great," he confirmed, blushing. "We're having a baby together, too. A little boy…or are you conveniently forgetting about that?"

"As if I could," she shot back, "considering all the little gifts I've been getting ever since you knocked me up with your super-powered offspring!" Clark reared back as if she'd physically slapped him and Lois was instantly remorseful for her words. "I didn't mean it like that."

She tried to touch him, but he flinched away. "Clark, I'm sorry I said that. I'm not sorry I'm having this baby."

"It sure sounds like it."

"I'm not," Lois reiterated, "I just think it might be a little too soon to be talking marriage and white picket fences, is all." When he mulishly refused to look at her or accept her attempt at an apology, Lois started getting steamed again. "Fine! Pout if you want, but you never did answer my question about Lana. Can you honestly sit there and tell me you're just over her?"

"It *is* over," he insisted, crossing his arms and glaring at her just like he used to when they were teenagers and living under the same roof.

"Yeah right!" she scoffed, easily falling into her role as protagonist. "I think you forget…I've been here for most of the Clark and Lana show. You guys whine and moan about how neither of you will be honest with each other, but then—just when you get someone else involved in your drama—you miraculously find your way back to each other!"

Clark started to reply, but Lois held up her hand. "Save it, Smallville. I have no intention of being the latest collateral damage in the epic drama that is Clark and Lana!"

Clark could understand her worries, but he wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet. "Lo-is," he said patiently, "I guess you haven't noticed, but the 'Clark and Lana Show', as you put it, is over; she's married to someone else. What else do you want?"

"What I want is to *not* be a 'consolation prize' because you couldn't have your high-school sweetheart!"

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Oh…I don't know, but let's start with this…" Lois said holding up the ultrasound picture, "Until you found out about Jr. here, weren't you still plotting ways to get her out of that dastardly deed?" Clark squirmed a bit and Lois went in for the kill shot, drilling him like he was a hostile witness on cross examination. "And, what if Lana hadn't married Lex? Would you still be proposing?" she asked, clearly challenging him to deny her charges, "Or would you be trying to find a way for me and Lana to get along while I had your illegitimate child? Think about that first, before you accuse me of being unfair."

His anger deflated like a hot air balloon with a hole in it. "You're right," he admitted. "Up until she actually married Lex, I hadn't let Lana go." He ran a hand through his hair, exhaling loudly through his mouth. "I'm sorry, Lois. I know it's way too soon for me to be saying things like getting married, and honestly, I don't know where it came from. It's just…"

Clark wasn't the kind of guy to have a baby with someone out of wedlock. He wasn't raised that way, so the question had just popped out, because it seemed like the right thing to do.

Lois patted his hand. "I get it, Smallville. I do. You're not really the type to be anyone's 'Baby Daddy'," she teased, trying to get him out of his funk. "But, let's just take it a little slower. How about…instead of rushing us to the altar…we take our time? Take me out on that date Friday and we can go from there, hmmm?"

Relief flooded him. He'd pushed her tonight, but Lois still seemed to 'get' him. He nodded. "Sounds like a good idea."

Lois nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. "Of course it is, because I thought of it." She grinned unrepentantly when he gave her a mock glare. "Now, how about 'you' go and get us some popcorn, Smallville? We can't have movie night without it."

Clark shook his head at her antics; however, as he got up to follow his marching orders, he wanted one thing clear after tonight. "Oh and Lois…?" She glanced up a questioning brow cocked. "You can consider tonight my 'official' withdrawal from 'The Lana Lang Fan Club'. When I said it's over-I meant it. And if you want proof…I'll give it to you."

Lois nodded, but couldn't help needling him. It was *their* thing, after all. "Yeah, well how about we start with you getting me that popcorn, Smallville," she grinned. "I'd hate for you to hurt yourself with all this thinking you've been doing lately!"

"Cute," he said, but headed into the kitchen to get her popcorn just the same, rolling his eyes when he heard her add a "chop-chop" to her demand.

She was bossy, but if he was truthful…he'd actually always liked that about her. At least she was honest and he never had to try and read between the lines with her.

"Oh and don't forget the extra butter, Smallville…coz you know I'll just send it back if you do," she called out to him.

He stopped at the kitchen entryway and turned, only to be confronted with a tantalizing view of Lois's curvy ass lifted high in the air as she rummaged through the DVD drawer on the wall unit, looking for a movie. He stared, forgetting all about her demanding and bossy ways. His body responded and Clark must have made a sound, because Lois spun about and caught him ogling her butt like it was the last glass of water before a desert hike.

"Were you waiting for my rear end to respond, Smallville?" she taunted.

For the first time, Clark didn't bother to hide his attraction. She was having his baby—it seemed a mute-point to be still discussing whether or not he was attracted to her!

"Nope," he replied, letting his eyes slide along her curves again, before rising to her face. "Just enjoying the view," he said, and with that, he left Lois standing there speechless for once.

As he headed into the kitchen, Clark finally realized what had been right in front of his face for two years…an amazing woman who had the capacity to make him crazy, yes, but she was also able to make him laugh; she soothed the sadness inside him like no other before her.

Like a weight had been lifted off him, Clark whistled softly to himself as he prepared the popcorn. When it was done, he dumped it into a bowl, added lots of melted butter and then went back to the couch where Lois was waiting. She immediately took the bowl from his hands and he sighed, sitting next to her as she turned the movie back on. She scooted closer to him, leaning against his side and Clark tentatively put his arm along the back of the couch behind her. Lois glanced over her shoulder at his arm, and Clark was about to remove it, but then she did something he hadn't expected.

She laid her head on his chest. "Leave it, Smallville," she said lightly, curling herself into his embrace.

Clark smiled again. Yes, he could definitely get used to life with Lois—even when she drove him just this side of crazy…at least she would never be dull or predictable.


Friday night: Kent Farm:

Lois was putting the finishing touches on her makeup when Martha knocked on the bathroom door. Lois's smile was hesitant when she let the other woman in.

She motioned to the form fitting little black dress, black stockings and peep styled black stiletto heels. "What do you think—too much?"

Lois's dress was sexy, but not too provocative. Her face glowed and her eyes sparkling with excitement. Martha shook her head. "You look beautiful. Clark isn't going to know what hit him."

Lois appreciated Martha's encouragement. "You know, Mrs. K—"

"Lois, I think you should just call me Martha, don't you?"

Lois gave a tiny nod and smiled. "Okay…um…Martha. So…I know this has all come out of left field and you probably never imagined me and Clark…well…like this. I know I didn't," she added softly. "But, I wanted you to know how much I appreciate how you've taken it all in stride…asking me to live here and just everything." Lois started to get teary eyed again. Her hormones were always so out of control nowadays. "It just means so much to me and I want you to know that."

"You don't have to thank me, Lois. Jonathan and I both loved you like family since we met you. Now you are. I couldn't be happier. I should be thanking you. I know sharing Clark's secret isn't easy, but to be having his child…and all the responsibilities that come with that…" Martha sighed. "It could be intimidating to say the least, and yet, you've handled it so well. You're good for him. I'm happy for you and Clark and I know Jonathan would be too."

Lois was overwhelmed, so she simply hugged the older woman quickly. "Martha if you keep that up…my makeup will be ruined and Clark will be sitting down there for another hour, before I'm ready," she teased to lighten the emotional intensity of their conversation.

"Well, we can't have that," Martha said, smiling. "I'll just tell Clark you're going to be another moment then…"

Lois nodded, watching the older woman in the mirror as she left the room. She glanced back to her reflection and sighed as her tummy flip-flopped. Her hair was done and her makeup perfect—she was nervous, but it added a sparkle to her eyes and a flush to her cheeks. Truthfully, Lois knew she'd never looked better—then why did she feel like she couldn't leave this bathroom?

The answer was simple really. She was terrified. In the last week her world had been flipped upside down. She was pregnant with Smallville's baby! (As crazy as that was) And now they were going on a date! Yep. Life had taken a bizarre turn and she was scared out of her mind, or maybe, she was just out of it altogether—Lois wasn't sure which!

"Lois…?" Martha called up from the stairs. "Clark has the truck ready…are you done yet?"

Taking a deep breath, Lois let go of her fears. "On my way, Mrs. K," she yelled back, flipping out the light in the bathroom, before heading back into Clark's room to grab her purse and shawl.

***************************Clois****************** *********


Clark was a nervous wreck. Lois was taking forever to get ready and he was starting to pace at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her.

Ever since that damned kiss in the alley, Clark had started having…feelings for Lois. He'd accepted the idea that he was attracted to her after Valentine's Day. But now, things were different. Lois was carrying his baby, and somehow, that knowledge made the desire he'd already accepted grow exponentially. He was becoming more and more attracted to her, and now, Clark couldn't even look at her without thinking what it had been like to *be* with her—and even naughtier—to be *inside* her.

His body stirred with arousal and (for the thousandth time) Clark wished he could remember!

The sound of heels on the stairs drew him from his reverie. He glanced up to where Lois was rounding the corner from upstairs, and…Clark felt his mouth water at the first sight of her in an amazing dress that hugged all her curves and displayed her cleavage in a way that maximized her assets, yet still left enough to the imagination. It was classy, yet still provocative as hell and Clark suddenly felt like one of those cartoon characters where the wolf's tongue rolls out of his mouth after his jaw hits the floor, and he lets out a howl at seeing a beautiful woman.

Lois looked stunning! And, he simply couldn't take his eyes off her as she made her descent to the bottom of the stairs.

He was tongue tied at first, and to make it worse, so was the notoriously mouthy Lois. She barely gave him a glance, much less any of her normal lip. Clark began to panic. Where was their normal banter? He'd settle for bickering even. He started to think the night might be over before they even left, but his mother's beaming smile pushed him along, and somehow, they awkwardly got through leaving on their first official date.

On the long drive to Metropolis, Clark could barely concentrate on the road. It was too quiet and Lois was distracting him. He kept taking surreptitious glances at her, noticing how the black dress emphasized how full her breasts were…Clark had never thought of himself as a breast man-or any feature kind of guy, actually. Lana's chest had been on the small side and that had never bothered him, but (even while dating Lana) he had to admit, Lois's breasts were a sight to behold. Clark could easily recall how his eyes had about popped from his head that time when she'd opened her bathroom door naked or when he'd seen her in that American flag bikini at that strip club.

He'd had some seriously vivid dreams of her in that outfit as a matter of fact.

He shivered with rising lust and Clark gave Lois another sideways look. His mouth went dry at the sight that greeted him. She was leaning forward and the front of her dress was stretched tight over her cleavage giving him a spectacular view of the curve of her right breast. He licked his lips, unable to tear his gaze away.

A blaring horn and Lois's shout of "Smallville! Watch the road!" had him twisting the wheel violently so that he was in his own lane again.

Lois chuckled knowingly and Clark flushed, gritting his teeth as he tried to 'will' the 'not so nice' thoughts he was having about her out of his head.

Lois patted his thigh. "Maybe if you kept your eyes on the road and not my chest—we might make it to dinner in one piece, Smallville."

He ignored her comment, but for the rest of the trip into the city, Clark managed to keep his eyes firmly glued to the road in front of him. If only to show Lois that he could!

***************************************Clois****** ******************************


Clark had wanted to surprise Lois with where he was taking her, but knowing how she hated surprises, he finally ended up telling her as they were pulling into the city.

When Lois heard the name of the restaurant, her eyes widened. "It takes months to get a reservation there. How'd you manage to scare one up in less than a week?"

Clark hemmed and hawed, his face turning red as he admitted. "I…um…kind of used my super speed to get in, write our names down and then get out before anyone saw me."

"Kind of? Either you did or you didn't, Smallville," Lois teased.

He let out a sigh. "Okay, so I did." Lois let out a little laugh and Clark felt the need to defend himself. "I don't usually use my powers to get restaurant reservations, Lois, but…" His words trailed off and his eyes darted away from her hazel orbs.

That was true. Clark had never used his powers to better himself. And, he didn't really think he had this time either, but he suddenly felt embarrassed. "I just wanted—"

"You wanted tonight to be special?" Lois supplied hopefully.

Clark nodded, relieved she was saying it. "Something like that."

"Well, I think it's sweet," Lois told him and Clark suddenly felt much better. "I mean, you didn't break any legs to get the reservations, right?" Clark gave an emphatic "no!" and Lois nodded. "Then no harm, no foul and I appreciate the effort," she told him softly, leaning over and brushing a quick kiss on his cheek.

The kiss got his mind to racing again and Clark ended up making a wrong turn. After driving around in a circle for a few minutes, he finally asked Lois to use her GPS on her phone and they barely made their reservations with only minutes to spare.

Later, after they'd been seated and had ordered, Clark was still worrying over how the night was going, when Lois reached across the table and grabbed his hand.

He nearly leapt from his chair and she chuckled softly.

"Calm down, Smallville. I know it's weird—you and me—on a date, but you look like someone who's getting ready to face the firing squad!"

"It's not that…" He exhaled roughly and readjusted his tie as he tried to tell her what he wanted.

"Clark…?" Lois prompted.

Clark had been staring down at the flatware as if they held the answers, but at Lois's voice, he raised his eyes and gave her a small smile. "It's just that I wanted this night to go well, and I almost got us in an accident first and then we got lost…" He shrugged. "I'm nervous," he finally admitted. "I'm afraid I'm going to blow it and then you'll say you just want to stay friends."

For a second, Lois's mouth dropped, but then, as his words sunk in, her answering smile was huge, lighting up her face. "Oh thank God you finally said it," she sighed, "I'm nervous too." Just then the waiter brought their drinks and Lois took a sip of her iced tea before getting back to what they'd been discussing. "Look, how about we just relax and stop trying to impress each other tonight? I think we both feel something here. Let's stop trying to put a label on it and just see where it goes. Okay?"

Clark's entire body sagged with relief. "Sounds like a good idea to me," he said and his shoulders relaxed for the first time that evening.

After they'd admitted being nervous, it was like the awkwardness faded away and they fell back into their pattern of easy bantering and playful teasing.

After their dinner, but before coffee and dessert, Lois mentioned she'd talked to Chloe that day.

Clark's head snapped up. "Really?"

"Yeah, she kind of apologized for her lack of support, but she still sounds a little angry."

Clark shrugged and his features turned a bit morose. "I wouldn't know. She still won't talk to me."

"I know. She told me." She wanted to take him in her arms, he looked so sad. Lois laid her hand on top of his. "Give her some more time, Clark. She's feeling a little betrayed by both of us."

Before he could stop the words, they were popping from his mouth. "Why am I the only one she blames? She's talking to you obviously!"

"Only because she had to," Lois sighed, "Apparently my Dad called the apartment at the Talon today."

Clark suddenly looked sick; his problems with Chloe forgotten at the mention of the General. "Your Dad…" He set down his fork and wiped his mouth, laying his napkin down on the table afterwards. "We need to tell him."

"Yeah…about that…I think that conversation might go better if it was just me…"

Clark was surprised she thought he'd abandon her to do this alone. "Lois, I'm not letting you go talk to your father about this by yourself. I want to be there."

"While I admire your gumption…" she said with a smirk, "trust me Smallville…you don't want to be face to face with the General when he finds hears you got his little girl pregnant. Just stay out of it and let me spill the beans."

"No," he insisted adamantly. "I'm not having your father think I'm a coward. Lois, my parents didn't raise me to disregard responsibility for my actions. This is my baby too, and either we tell him together, or I'll go down there tonight and tell him myself. Either way, I *will* be there when your father finds out we're having a baby together."

He had his determined face on and after a moment, Lois gave in. "Fine Smallville," she said crossing her arms as she leaned back in her seat. "But, don't be surprised if he wants to do an old fashioned shot-gun wedding on you… Except in this case it'd be M-16's aimed your way!" she added with a smirk.

Clark's smile was just as sly. "First off, that wouldn't hurt me. Second, if he asks me why I haven't made an honest woman out of you…then I'll just tell him I asked you to marry me and you turned me down flat." Clark wriggled his brows at her. "I think that'll take some of the fire power off me for a while. What do you think?"

Lois sat up straight and her eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't dare…"

"But I would."

After a moment Lois nodded, "Fine Smallville, you can come, but one mention of weddings or turned down proposals…and I'll just have to tell Daddy that you took advantage of me while I was infected with some kind of meteor drug." Her grin was pure evil.

Clark visibly paled. "Lois! You can't tell him that!"

"Watch me," she said playfully. "Did I ever tell you the story of what my father did to the one of his soldiers when they tried to sneak a kiss on me?"

Clark knew when to raise the white flag. "Fine," he sighed, "but can we at least tell your Dad I tried to propose?"

"And, why would I do that?"

"Because, it's important to me that your father not think I'm some kind of creep. My dad would roll over in his grave if I ever treated a woman like that, and I don't want your dad to think that's who I am, Lois," Clark replied honestly.

Her humor at his expense faded and Lois shook her head, studying him again. "You really are *that* guy, aren't you?"

"What guy?" Clark asked, confused.

"That really nice guy that does what's right…no matter what the consequences are."

Clark wasn't sure how to take that. Lois's barbs could be thinly veiled at times, and normally, Clark would take her statement as a compliment, because that *was* how he saw himself, however, he knew well enough that in todays' vocabulary for women 'nice-guys' equaled dull and boring.

Did Lois really see him like that?

"Are you calling me a dork or a geek again?" Lois's answer was a husky chuckle and his face flushed. "Thanks Lois," he muttered. "I think we're done here." He grabbed his wallet and threw down some money before getting to his feet. "I should have known you'd never see me as anything other than some 'dorky farm-boy'!" he muttered, angry with her and himself for even thinking she'd want things to work with them.

Lois grabbed his wrist, halting his retreat. "Clark, don't. I'm sorry," she said quickly, hating her runaway mouth for hurting his feelings. "I wasn't saying that. I—it just amazes me sometimes that someone with all your powers can be so…sweet and kind. You're honorable." Clark's body started to relax and he sank back to his seat, a slow smile etching its way across his handsome features at her next words. "I have to give Mr. and Mrs. K. props. They could have made you into a monster, but they raised a good man. I'm sorry if I get all 'Lois' on you and make you think I don't see you like that, because I do. You're amazing, and, I just hope we can be half the parents that yours were…"

And just like that, the night turned around again. Lois's words gave him a giddy feeling he didn't care to examine too closely at the moment, but the results were the same, Clark was on cloud nine; happier than he could remember being in a very long time.

They ended up staying for dessert after all…

***********************Clois********************** **

Later that night at the Kent Farm:

It was past midnight when Lois and Clark snuck in the house, giggling like kids, but trying to keep quiet so that they didn't wake up Mrs. Kent.

"You really put the 'H' in hero, Smallville," Lois said quietly, her grin spreading across her face. "Did you see that guy's face when you wrapped him up in that metal tubing?" She turned to face him when he quietly shut the door behind him. "You totally stopped him. That was amazing!"

Clark grinned, still a little high on the adrenaline rush of actually foiling a real life criminal before they could commit the act. Yeah, he'd saved people that he cared about here in Smallville, but this was the first time he'd actually saved a stranger from a random crime that could have hurt, or worse, left them for dead.

It was one hell of a thrill.

"Yeah, but you're the one who spotted him first," he told her softly, setting his keys on the table beside the door. "If it wasn't for you I would have never noticed he was following that girl."

"That's only because I know a creep when I see one," Lois returned. "I knew that guy was up to no good as soon as he stepped in behind her…but you're the one who sped over there and stopped him from dragging her off in that alley." Lois's eyes sparkled in the dim light of the room. "Clark, you saved that woman from, at the very least, a mugging…but more than likely, you saved her from something a lot worse."

Lois placed her hand on his chest. "I am so impressed right now," she breathed, smiling up at him in a worshipful kind of way that had Clark fluctuating between humble embarrassment, and wanting to puff his chest out and play the 'super-man' for her more often.

Their eyes met and held. The tension lengthened, drawing out, until it was almost a living, breathing thing inside the room with them.

Clark swallowed thickly when Lois's palm flattened against his chest and slid upwards to cover his heart-which was thumping rapidly at this point. His body responded, getting hard and tense. He took hold of her wrist to keep it where it was. "So…" he said, trying to break the silence that had suddenly surrounded them, "does the hero get a kiss from his crime fighting date tonight?"

Lois's breath came out in a soft rush. "Does he want one?"

Clark took a step closer, invading her personal space. "Yes," his eyes wandering to her lips and fixating there.

Lois bit her bottom lip, but tilted her head in acquiesce to his request; Clark's breathing sped up. They were so close. Their mouths were only inches away…

Later, neither could be sure who moved first, but one second they were hovering in each other's orbit and the next, they were crashing together like two meteors on the same flight path.

Clark groaned into her mouth as her arms looped around his neck and her tongue thrust between his lips, invading his mouth to meet and dance with his own in a mating ritual as old as time. His fingers thrust into Lois's hair, gripping her head and tilting it so that he could deepen their kiss. They both moaned softly, breathing hard as the kiss got hotter and hotter.

Lois ripped her mouth away, inhaling hard, as her hands went to Clark's jacket. She shoved it down his shoulders. "Off now!" she demanded.

Lost in the heat of the moment too, Clark immediately complied. He lowered his arms and the jacket dropped to the floor in a soft swish of fabric. Lois's industrious fingers went to his shirt next and she unbuttoned it quickly, pushing it off his shoulders and down his arms, to expose his glorious chest to her hungry gaze. "God I want you," she panted, while intermittently indulging herself by peppering Clark's face and neck with soft butterfly kisses.

Clark's hands weren't idle during this exchange either. "Want you too," he gritted out as his palms slid up and down Lois's back, settling on her hips and pulling her closer to him, so that their lower bodies were pressed intimately against one another. He took a moment to savor the feeling of her pressed up against him, before he made his way back up her spine to where her dress fastened. With a finesse that he hadn't known he possessed, he flicked open the catch holding the zipper in place and one-handedly unzipped Lois's dress past her waist.

Lois caught the dress to her chest momentarily, before letting it slide down her body to pool at her feet. Clark stepped back, wanting a better look at her. His intense gaze took in her figure dressed only in a lacy black bra and panties set and those drop-dead heels. His heart rate skyrocketed and he felt the answering heat uncoil south of his belt buckle. She was a goddess. His erection pressed against the fly of his pants and he didn't waste another moment before snaking an arm around her tiny waist and yanking her back to him. He groaned low and deep as her nipples poked through the thin lace of her bra and into the steely muscles of his pectorals.

"Lois…I need you…but I-I want you to be sure," he said, giving her an out if she wanted.

Lois was having her own internal debate, but she didn't want it to stop. "I am. I want this too," she groaned, ending the dispute when she quickly undid his belt and unzipped his pants. "I'm sure, Clark," she assured as she slipped her hand inside…and just like that, the last bit of will power Clark possessed snapped.

He surged forward. One hand wrapped itself around the back of her neck, while the other unerringly found its way between her legs. He lifted her, his thumb pressed against her clit as he angled a muscled leg between her thighs. Lois widened her legs for him, crying out when he stepped between them and raised his leg higher, rubbing Lois along the jean clad friction there, and giving her what she needed. She keened roughly and Clark helped her ride him even harder, pressing his muscular thigh against her sensitive button and pressing up against her harder until she started to tremble, getting close to her release.

She buried her face in his neck and held on; moaning his name while Clark gripped her hips tight and grinded her down against him. He was huffing loudly, his own breaths erratic while he placed hot wet kisses along her neck.

"Cl-Clark...yes!" Lois panted, getting closer and closer to climaxing…

Clark kept hold of her thighs, continuing the pressure for her. He ignored the fact that he was so hard, it hurt; he wanted to watch her come apart in his arms. Her pleasure spurred his on.

Lois's nails dug into his shoulders and she moaned softly, biting her lip, her legs tightening around his hips. "Oh God!" she gasped, "Clark, I'm so close…"

Clark lifted her off him just a bit and slipped his hand in between them. He moved her panties aside and dipped his fingers into the dripping wet folds of her sex. Lois threw her head back, holding on to him tight as she cried out softly. Clark pressed his lips to hers, kissing her to silence her sounds as he thrust two fingers inside her and gave her what she needed to come.

Lois's body went stiff and just as she fell apart, crashing into oblivion, the hall light upstairs turned on and Martha Kent's voice floated down, startling them both. "Lois…? Clark…? Is that you?"

Hearing his mother's voice shocked Clark right out of the sexual fog he'd been in. Wide eyed and petrified at getting caught in such a compromising situation with Lois, Clark gazed at his companion blankly. Lois still had her legs wrapped around him and his fingers were deep inside her.

Clark's mind went completely numb at how to explain what his mother was about to walk in on, so instead, he raced out of the house at super speed and headed for his loft.

The cold air racing across her flesh shocked Lois from her blissful state. "What the hell are you doing?" she hissed when he came to a sudden stop at the top of the stairs in the loft.

"She was going to walk in on us!" he defended, chest heaving.

"And now she's going to come downstairs and find our clothes laying there. Good job, Smallville!" she muttered. "Do you really think she won't know exactly what was going on?"

Clark's eyes bulged comically at that. It was obvious that thought hadn't occurred to him when he was making his quick get-away.

"Take us back and make it snappy."

"But Lois—"

Lois climbed off him and readjusted what little clothing she was still wearing. "Hurry up, Clark!" she exclaimed, glancing towards the house, "and try and make it *before* she gets down those stairs. Okay?" He turned to rush back the way they came and Lois put her arms around his neck. "Trust me, I have an idea."

They were back in the house in less than a second. Martha was still calling their names from the top of the stairs when he set her back on her feet.

"Get up those stairs and answer her," she instructed in a heated whisper. "Act like we just got in."

Clark super sped into his shirt and met his Mom on the stairs. "Hey Mom, what's up?"

Downstairs, Lois quickly pulled her dress back on.

"Is everything alright?" Martha was saying as she and Clark came down the stairs. "I thought I heard someone crying…"

Lois put Clark's black jacket on to hide how her dress was partially unzipped and met them in the kitchen. "Sorry, Mrs. K." she said, "We were laughing. We didn't mean to wake you up, but now that you are…would you like a cup of coffee or cocoa?"

Smiling at Lois and her son, Martha shook her head. "No, I think I'll just go back to bed. I'm glad you two are home," she said, kissing Clark on the cheek and smiling warmly at Lois. "I'll see you in the morning."

Clark and Lois watched Martha head back up the stairs. Both heard her door close softly, before they sagged with relief.

Clark turned to Lois and ran a weary hand down his face, letting out the breath he'd been holding. "Well…that wasn't awkward at all."

Lois chuckled. "Hey count your blessings, Smallville. She could have come downstairs earlier, and that *really* would have been awkward. Trust me!"

Clark was somewhat surprised to find he was leaning towards wishing his mother would have just kept on sleeping and hadn't gotten up at all. He'd always been a good boy and having sex against the front door, with his mother upstairs, did not fit that image. However, he had never figured into that equation how badly he could want someone. And right now, he wanted Lois more than he had ever wanted anyone—even Lana. And that was the biggest surprise of the night. He'd never gotten that carried away with his ex. Many times over the last year, Lana had tried to get him to resume their sexual relationship, and he had resisted, but one date with Lois, and he was ready to take her in the entryway of his parent's house!

It seemed Lois brought out a side of him that he didn't show to anyone, *but* her. The idea both excited and terrified him.

The silence hung in the room again. Lois finally broke it by clearing her throat. "Okay, so we obviously have chemistry," she said, trying to laugh it off as a fluke. "But really…what does that mean? The whole situation could be chalked it up to –"

"To what Lois?" Clark interrupted, he was unwilling to let her brush what just happened under the rug. "We haven't been drinking tonight or and we weren't drugged up on meteor rock."

"But there's still extenuating circumstances, Clark. We're kind of on a high after your very heroic save tonight," she said. "Plus," she added, "We've been thrown into this…" she air quoted, "relationship, because of what happened while we *were* drugged up on meteor rock. If that hadn't happened…we wouldn't be here right now."

Clark shook his head. "I don't know if that's true," he told her, deciding to take his mother's advice and be more honest with how he felt about her. "Ever since that kiss in the alley I've been thinking—"

"Whoa, rewind that. What kiss in the—?" Lois's eyes got as big as saucers as she connected the dots. "Oh-My-God!" she all but shouted, causing Clark to hush her. Lois's eyes narrowed as she pinned him against the door. "It was you! You're Green Arrow!"

***************************************Clois****** *******************************

Okay guys…yes, Clark gets to explain that all over again. Poor guy. ;) Hope everyone liked where their dated headed… Yes, they are *finally* starting to see the heat between them. :)

Sneak peek for next week: Chloe finally comes around, Lois and Clark go and see the General and Lex finds out about the baby… uh-oh…

Thank you for all the support this is getting. Reviews are like morsels of goodness to the muse. :)