Chapter 4

Okay so if you read my story Austin Moon you'll have read the little update for my chapter writing and stuff and you'll know that things have been crazy for me and Kimm, mainly Kimm but things are calming down so we should be updating more frequently than we did this time, also because of the craziness I just wrote all of this chapter(normally I'd write Austin's POV and Kimm would write for Ally) so...yeah I think that's it. Again we apologise for the wait and hope you'll stick with us.

Austin's POV

My eyes stay glued on her beautiful face which turns from peaceful to horrified within seconds. I look away from her to see the vampires looking as if they're ready to attack. I clear my throat wordlessly telling Ethan to say something.

"Everybody back off, they're not the enemy." He says firmly. "We'll technically they are but right now they aren't." He says confusing everyone including himself.

"Wait what do you mean the enemy? I know naturally vampires and angels are enemies. So really I mean what do you mean 'right now we aren't'? What are you doing in the human side?" Ally asks frantically, almost shying away from me.

"It's a long story..." I say quietly.

"I want to know." She says firmly, determination but also concern in her eyes.

" see...ehh...I-"

"Spit it out already!" Dez shouts impatiently.

"I should probably start from the beginning. You see when a boy vampire or a girl vampire from a highly respected family, turns 15- or around then- he or she 'connects' with another vampire. This is the one who they are meant to marry and have a child with, they're like soul mates. Well that didn't happen with me...and it still hasn't. Because my family is...umm...highly father decided I was a 'black-spot' on the family. So he disowned me so to prove I was better than what he thought I came here..." I trail off at the end, I don't think Ally has moved from the start of my explanation, listening intently.

"To do what?" She asks close to a whisper.

I stay silent, I can't tell her, I can't it'll scare her off. I just got her.

"Ally. Can I talk to you alone? We can test out your ankle supports." I look her straight in the eyes, silently pleading her to say yes.

"What ankle supports?" She asks looking at her ankles. "What on earth?"

"You went over on your ankle when you fell then after a while you passed out." Dez explains, coming over to help her stand up along with me. Once she's on her feet I see her cringe in pain.

"Use me as to balance." I say quickly as I move closer to her. "Can we walk?" I ask cautiously.

"I-uh-sure." She says nervously, probably from the thought of going a walk alone with a vampire in the middle of the night or the fact that the vampire in question is me. I know she recognises me from the gate, I hope she does. She has her arm linked around mines and is leaning slightly on it, as we walked out of the cave we walk straight ahead-towards the clearing.

We are about halfway to the clearing, when she starts to talk.

"Why did you want to talk to me alone?" She says quietly. Shit. I'm not ready for this.

"I-um-I-uh. I should probably start from the beginning." Why am I so fucking nervous around her? I mean I know why but it's so frustrating I can barely say a word to her.

"That's normally where you start." She says and I can hear the smile on her face.

"We should probably find somewhere to sit. My story's pretty long and fucked up." I sigh and I hear Ally scoff.

"Join the club. I guess we have more in common than I thought."

"How's your ankle holding up?" I ask, suddenly getting an idea of where we can talk.

"It's not too bad actually." She says as I look around to find the perfect place.

"Good because we're going up." I smirk at the look of shock on her face. "Don't tell me the angel's scared of heights." I tease.

"I'm not scared." Ally digs her elbow into my side and I laugh at her with a friendly grin on my face.

"Good, hop on then." I motion to my back and she looks at me with disbelief. "Come on Ally, how else are you going to get up there?"

"How do I know you're not just going to lead my up there to push me to my death." She challenges, a proud smirk on her face.

"Because I just saved your ass from a dozen vampires." I raise my voice slightly.

"And why did you do that? Huh? Why would you save an angel like me from your own kind?" She matches my tone and volume and tries to make herself look 'intimidating', frankly it's cute how far away from intimating she is considering she barely reaches my shoulder and looks so innocent.

"Because I need your help." I continue still half shouting. "That's why I wanted to talk to you by yourself." I sigh.

Ally sighs. "At least tell me your name before I hop on your back and you take me up a tree."

"Shit, Austin." I'm an idiot and it's not helping that the feeling is coming back and it's stronger, like a magnet.

"Okay Shit Austin, let's go climb a tree." She teases while jumping on my back.

"Watch it, Ally. I don't need to play the nice guy." I put on a menacing voice. "Hold on tight angel." I tell her with a smirk.

I start running easily with Ally on my back and I hear her squeal as I pick up speed, my eyes focused on a specific tree not to far ahead.

Ally's POV

This is crazy. We're running full speed directly towards a tree. I'm going to die. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact...which doesn't come because Austin's not that stupid. I feel weightless, like I'm flying, and somehow with Austin next to me I feel as if this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. Suddenly we stop moving and I slowly open my eyes to see Austin facing me with a sparkle in his dark eyes.

"I thought you said you weren't scared." He teases.

"I'm not, you were going really fucking fast." God forgive me. Austin gasps in mock surprise.

"Never heard of an angel swearing before. Mind you I've never heard if an angel who socialises with vampires before either."

"Shut up and tell me what you want me to help you with." I sigh, the sooner I get this business finished the quicker I can go home but the strange thing is I'm not sure if I want to go back to my normal life. And that scares me.

"Wait a minute till I come sit next to you. You can stay next to the trunk I'll climb over you." It's only now I notice that I'm sitting on a branch and Austin's holding onto the trunk. He pulls himself up slightly so his foot can sit on the branch and I can't help but notice the way his biceps ripple as he easily pulls his body up the tree. Catching me in my trance he smirks down at me as he easily walks past me and sits next to me.

"Right, you've tried to tiptoe around it and avoid it for long enough. What do you need my help for?" I question suddenly turning serious, much to the surprise of Austin.

"Before I tell you I totally understand if you don't want to, if we were in opposite positions I probably wouldn't want to. I know it's a big ask and everything."

"Just tell me. My word, it takes about 100 years to get a sentence out of you." I groan half jokingly and half serious.

"Okay, again I totally understand if you don't want to do it." I roll my eyes at him. "Well you know the story with my dad, so to prove myself was going totakeovertheworld." Did I hear him right? He's going to take over the world? He must see the look on my face and he blushes slightly.

"I know it sounds crazy but you don't know my dad. All I'm asking is you help us train then when the time comes you can go back to the angels. We just need an angel or two to help us prepare, most of us are completely unprepared. So um yeah, that's what I need your help for." This is exactly what god wants, me to find out: why they're here then I leave, but why do I feel like I'd be betraying Austin if I did. I've known him for less than a day but somehow I feel this connection to him, I had that feeling before we even exchanged words.

"We'll help you: me and Dez, we'll help you and the rest of them." I say trying to contain my excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him.

Austin's POV

The butterflies in my stomach start fluttering uncontrollably once Ally has agreed that she'll help. This can't end well but why does it feel so right?