Below the deck of the Kestrel, Max McDaniel woke.It was a beautiful morning. Sunlight poured though the window. Max sat up and looked across the room. He smiled. Across the room was a bed with Cooper asleep.

The bedroom door slowly creaked open, and Mina slowly slid in. She glanced at Cooper, who was still asleep. Mina turned to face Max with a grimace on her face. Max knew then that something was wrong. Mina motioned for Max to follow her into the hallway. Taking extra care not to wake Cooper they slowly walk into the hallway. Suddenly a familiar, but yet not a recognizable voice entered Max's mind. "Cooper has risked everything for you, but yet you would let him die today?"

Max was stunned. "You hear it to?" Mina asked. "What was that?" Max asked, bewildered. "We don't know. Everyone is hearing it." Max nodded slowly and looked back at his and Copper's bedroom. When Max looked back at Mina, his face was in a grimace.

Just then, a door down the hall opened. Out walked Ms. Boon and Scathach. They walked towards Max and Mina. Their faces were grim. Another door down the hall creaked open. Out came David. His face was tight with worry. Before anyone could think of what to say, the door to Max's bedroom opened. Max turned. Cooper was pushing all of his wisps of blond hair in to his black ski cape. He seemed to have no idea what was happening. Nobody could look at him, nerveless tell him that today might be his death date. Instead everyone looked at their own shoes. Max noticed that the sole of his shoes was wearing out. Cooper eyed them weirdly. Max suddenly realized that Cooper might already know about it. That made Max ashamed. After several minutes of silence, Mina spoke. "Let's go aboard the deck!" While looking at their shoes they all nodded.

Around lunch time they came across the Isle of Man. Max and the rest of them were now trudging through large clumps of tall grass in a clearing. Max and Ms. Boon never let Cooper out of their sight once. To Max it seemed as if he and Ms. Boon were little children clinging to Cooper as if he was their father. Cooper had taken notice of this very soon, especially when Mina, David, and Scathach made a little circle around him. Soon Cooper was in the middle of a huge circle. Max, Cooper, and everyone else were near a nice black cavern when it happened.

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