"Snap out of it!"



"Come on, it's ten o'clock."


Wow. She'd become so engrossed in dream after dream that she hadn't been able to wake up. But she didn't really have much of a choice, as the Dorm Mistress would probably barge into the room and snap her neck again. She was like SCP-173 (sorry, thought I'd stopped making SCP references), that woman.

"Five more minutes."

As Kuroko buried herself deeper into the covers, she suddenly felt some form of cold, damp sensation just above her. As she got back out to investigate, Misaka managed to get her straight in the face.

"AHH! Sissy, why would you do that?!"

"Because you need to get up. Come on."

Within a few minutes, Kuroko was dressed and ready to go. On the way down to the dining room, something was beginning to gnaw at her.


"Yeah, Kuroko?"

"How do you…feel towards me?"

"We've been through this before…"

"Are you in a relationship with that troglodyte?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"


"THAT IDIOT?! I wouldn't be caught dead with him!"

"Well, that's good to know."

"Why are you asking me this now?"

"I had dreams last night. Dreams of absolute perfection…"

So guys, that's it! Sorry the chapters were so short, but I didn't have much time on my hands. Per freaking usual. But more fanfics will come soon, hopefully I'll have more time in future. Goodbye my friends!