Ok...i tried again...it's a reply to an anon prompt on tumblr. It's what flooded to my head at 1 am...sorry if it is choppy. This goes out to crooked cock blocker and Lady Jizz... Haha. I love your nicknames :-)" I don't own these characters but darn it I did they would be doing more than housekeeping and butlering. ( is that a word?)
"I am not letting you leave until you tell me why you have been miserable with me and with Anna of all people, I'm used to your cold shoulder when I have upset you but what could Anna have possibly done to deserve this sort of behavior from you?" He exclaimed sternly. She tried to push pass him she wasn't going to have this conversation with him. She felt if Charles pressured her enough she may tell him about what had happened to Anna and she couldn't let that happen, she had promised to keep this dark secret hidden. Elsie tried to walk to the door to leave but Charles put his body in front of it. "No, we are going to air things out right now whether you like it or not." He said with authority. Elsie was losing her patience and becoming so angry she was seeing red. Her anger was more than she could handle, it was beginning to bubble over and clenching her hands she began hitting Charles with her fists on his chest as tears escaped her eyes. Her body was shaking with anger and fury. She was sad and helpless. Her words were incoherent. Charles was in a bit of shock as to what was happening. He knew in that instant that something was terribly wrong. "Don't you remember I'm on your side whatever it is we are in this together please tell me what is wrong? He pleaded with her while he grabbed a hold of her wrists. Her pounding was beginning to hurt. She tried to struggle to break free. Charles was afraid to let her go. He knew desperate people sometimes do desperate things and he didn't want Elsie to regret not confessing her problem. She was keeping Anna's secret from everyone. She mumbled something about keeping her word.
"Whom did you promise that you would keep your word to Mrs. Hughes? Whatever you are keeping to yourself that has you this upset can not be a secret anymore. You have to tell, look at yourself it's consuming you!" Her tears were still flowing. Mr Carson let go of her wrists and turned her to face the mirror in the room. Looking in the mirror she could see Charles standing behind her with his hands firmly on her shoulders. Staring at their reflections in the mirror Charles eyes met Elsies' as he asked her "Don't you trust me? I'm on your side I have always been on your side." His body was pressed up against her back he felt so warm. His hands on her shoulders were comforting and she found his touch a source of strength.
Mrs. Hughes knew she had to say something to Charles or he would lock her in there until she told him something. She pulled away from Charles, his touch was causing too many walls to collapse and more feelings than she could handle. She made her way over to the edge of the bed with her head in her hands sobbing. Her thoughts were rushing around and she became overwhelmed with emotions again. Mr. Carson watched as her shoulders shook and her composure was deteriorating by the second. Charles was desperate to know what was it that he had done or said. He was becoming upset by the sight in front if him " Mrs. Hughes, whatever Is the matter. What has you so distraught? " She would not look up at him she just continued to cry. He was thinking the worst, is she ill? "Oh dear Lord, please, please I pray she is not Ill" he thought to himself. His voice was filled with concern for her he wanted to make her stop he wanted her to feel better. He felt so powerless and out of control watching her in her despair. Mr. Charles Carson butler of Downton Abbey felt himself losing his composer. He slowly walked over to her and placed his hand around her wrist. Mrs. Hughes still sobbing slowly lowered her hands from her face. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed. Even in this moment of despair she was still a beautiful vision to him. He gently moved his hand from her wrist to her warm damp hand. He gently began running his fingers up and down her fingers hoping this light touch would calm her. Pleading for an answer he asked "Mrs. Hughes, what has you so upset, have you received bad news?" She took her eyes away from their fingers and looked up at Charles. He waited a bit, hoping she would give him a clue as to what was making her so sad. "Are you ill Mrs. Hughes? " She held his gaze and she faintly said "No". He stopped caressing her fingers and held her hand solidly as if to say "Thank Goodness" Mrs. Hughes still had tears falling down her face but her sobs had subsided. "I do trust you Mr. Carson, I hope you know this." She said still holding his hand in hers. "I wasn't so sure anymore , I don't understand what all this is about, if you trust me as you say you do won't you please tell me what's wrong?"
" I can't, I kept my word." "But Mrs. Hughes if this secret is someone else's and it has such a great affect on you that it is causing you so much grief, what do you think this person you are protecting must be feeling...shouldn't we try to help them?" " I want nothing more than to help, but this isn't fixable... there really isn't anything I can do to help this person except to keep quiet Mr. Carson." Charles took a bold step and gently sat down next to her on the edge of the bed. Looking down at her hand still in his he quietly said "Won't you let me share this burden with you then?" Elsie thought to herself that she just couldn't keep it in any longer. Maybe if she made him promise not to tell as well then at least she could free herself a little bit. They were sitting so close now and Elsie had placed her forehead on his shoulder. Her tears had stopped and Charles felt he was making progress helping her to confide in him. He loved this woman dearly and he couldn't bare to know she was unhappy. "Not tonight Mr. Carson, I'm not ready to tell you tonight, but I will, when I've enough courage to tell you, I will." Charles wasn't completely disappointed, he learned that although she couldn't tell him now that she trusted him to tell him when she was ready and that was enough for him. She lifted her head off his shoulder and caught his gaze whispering to him " please be patient with me Charles." He faintly smiled and said while pressing his lips to her forehead... "of course my love, when you are ready I will be here for you as I always am."
let me know what you think good or bad. :-)