
I'm rewriting Rise of the Eclipse, some things didn't work out the way that I wanted. So I'm revamping. I'm so sorry to all that have read so far. I promise that I'm not changing the whole story but I didn't want people to get lost. Again, I'm so sorry.


Chloe Grace Moretz as Crystal Brewer
Maia Mitchell as Lucy Brewer
Pua Magasiva as Shane Clarke
Glenn McMillian as Dustin Brooks
Sally Martin as Tori Hanson
Adam Tuominen as Hunter Bradley
Jorgito Vargas Jr as Blake Bradley
Jason Chan as Cameron Watanabe

Summary: Everyone thought that Eclipse Academy wasn't real, a legend passed down. But when two ninjas appear in Blue Bay Harbor, wielding the Powers of the Eclipse Academy, the Power Rangers will have to choose to trust them to take them down along with Lothor. What will they choose? Hunter Bradley/ OC, Tori Hanson/Blake Bradley

The Brewer sisters are the most powerful ninjas known to the whole Ninja world. Being apart of the Eclipse Academy means that the ninjas are told as legends; unknown to the other academies. When Lothor finds the mysterious Ninja school, he attacks without hesitation, bring the power school to an end… so he thought.

" Let's go." 17-year-old Lucy Brewer yelled to her older sister, Crystal. The 18-year-old girl was taking longer than Lucy had expected. They were already going to be late and Lucy didn't want to do extra laps around the academy. " Sensei will yell at us for this." She grumbled. She shifted her weight to the other foot and started to tap the top of the banister.

" Fine," Crystal muttered. The blonde jogged lightly down the steps. She reached for her keys, leading her younger sister to her jeep. " Anything happen at school this year?" Lucy was ending her junior year while Crystal had a few more weeks until she graduated.

Lucy looked over at her sister and studied her quietly before she answered. They were completely different. Polar opposites. Lucy had milky brown hair and mixed hazel eyes. She stood around 5'5. Crystal had dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes. The older Brew stood at 5'4.

" Brian decided that he was going to be a butt and start hanging out with Connor McKnight." Brian Albright was Lucy's ex-boyfriend. He dumped the poor girl to be apart of the cool gang and hook up with other girls that weren't Lucy. The young Brewer was okay with that. She knew from the start that it wasn't going to last.

" Oh, he wasn't a good boyfriend anyway." Crystal chuckled. She turned down the dirt path in the forest.

Lucy smiled at her sister. She leaned against the window of the car. After a few minutes of just watching the trees whip by, Lucy was jolted from the daydream she was in. She watched Crystal stop the car and slide out of the seat. Lucy quickly unbuckled and slid out of the car as well.

Crystal was the first to reach the large rock formation that sat in the woods. it was engraved with a gold and white sun that was pattered to match the white and silver moon on the other side. Underneath the swirled sun and moon were the words 'We live by the sun. We feel by the moon.'

Both girls grabbed their clothing and pulled them off to expose ninja suits. Crystal's ninja suit was black with the top hanging a little lower than the waist. The lining of the suit was gold color and there was a patch on the left side below her collarbone. The patch was outlined in orange and in the middle was a sun with a white middle and dark gold tips.

Lucy's ninja suit was also black with the top hanging over the pants. The lining of the suit was a silver color and had a patch under her left collarbone. The patch was outlined in black with a silver crescent moon in the middle. Behind the moon was a white color.

After stashing their clothes in the car, the two sisters walked into the formation. As soon as they walked in, they were hit with the smell of smoke. The beautiful deep brown oak was scorched, the paper-thin walls were scattered though out the ground and torn open. Gold and silver banners burned with the thick flames that engulfed them. Lucy snapped her head towards the movement she saw. She dashed over, finding only a pile of rocks.

After searching and scanning their academy, Crystal and Lucy headed into the main building. The blonde led her sister to Sensei Hamato's office. Crystal pulled down on a torch that was bolted to the wall. The bookcase covered door slid open and exposed the dimly lit hallway with steps winding down to the bottomless pit of darkness.

" Are we going down there?" Lucy asked. Crystal smirked. " I know I am supposed to be the ninja of the moon but still." Crystal lifted her hand, a flashlight gripped in it. " Welcome to the Chambers of the Eclipse." She pushed the stone door open, revealing a medium-sized room decorated with hues of silver and gold.

Two flags hung on the opposite wall from the door, symbolizing the two academies that were there. In between of the two flags was a flag that had the same carving as the rock formation. In the middle of the room, two deep cherry brown polished cases sat on a small table with a note sitting in the middle. Crystal and Lucy both looked at each other before they slowly walked to the cases. Crystal picked up the note and map in between the two cases and read:

To my students,

Within each case, there is a special wrist band called a morpher. Each morpher has a power disk that allows the user full access to the powers of the Eclipse academy. The chosen two must not take the power of the morphers lightly. Since you are reading this, that means that something drastic has happened. Find the Wind Academy in Blue Bay Harbor, they can help,

Sensei Hamato.

At the same time, the sister opened the cases. Crystal slowly picked up her morpher. It was a black and gold slim rectangle with a grey wrist band. A gold disk sat on the top with an orange sun. The head of a swan sat at the top, near the wrist.

Lucy's morpher was also a black and gold slim rectangle with a grey wrist band. A silver disk sat on top with a white moon. The head of a coyote sat near the top of the morpher, near the wrist.

" We have to get out of here." Crystal breathed. They strapped the morphers on. They jogged up the stairs, both taking two at a time to get out. Rushing out of the buildings, they dashed through the courtyard and training arenas to the entrance. In a flash, the sisters left, never forgetting the destruction that laid beyond the rock formation.

Once out of the Eclipse Academy, the girls quickly changed, with Lucy putting her shirt on backward and Crystal laughing about it, they started their trip to Blue Bay Harbor. They didn't look back, not wanting to be reminded of the empty academy. No student was found, which worried both sisters.

They reached Blue Bay Harbor in hours. Heading out to the forest, Crystal and Lucy followed the map that their sensei had left for them. Lucy was the one to find the Wind Academy rock formation as she had quite literally run into it. Muttering the password that was written in the corner of the map, the sisters were granted access to the academy.

They walked in to see the academy in the same shape like theirs. They looked out into the gravel lot to see small flames still burning. Thought the flames, they found a silver chain attached to an opened door. Crystal led first, keeping quiet. Lucy followed her. They found three ninja students standing in front of a boy dressed in green and a guinea pig.

The guinea pig flipped on the monitor and said " This Lothor, once a great ninja. He was banished from the Earth when his hunger for power turned him to the dark side." He explained. "When our energy fields collided, I was transformed into what you see now, now that he is back and has an army and will do anything to take our planet. Unless they are stopped in the first place.

" Who's going be dumb enough to stop them?" The shaggy-haired boy in yellow asked. Everyone glanced at him then turned to the guinea pig and the boy in green.

" Excellent question Dustin." The guinea pig answered. " The morphers Cam." Lucy tugged Crystal out of the underground car while everyone was distracted. She felt that their position was going to be given away sooner rather than later.

" What do we do?" Lucy asked when they reached the grounds. Crystal grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the trees. The three ninja students from the cave rushed out of the door and past their hiding spots. The sisters came out of the trees and quietly followed them. " Oh." She whispered.

Ninja Storm, Ranger Form.

Crystal dodged behind trees and other large rocks to get a good look at the attack. The red ranger wore a red uniform. Markings of the hawk were evident in the sides of the helmet. Fish-netted arms meet the red gloves. Red pants matched the red boots. His helmet was red that matched with the suit.

" Air." She muttered. Lucy raised an eyebrow at her sister's words. She watched the girl with the two boys. She wore a blue uniform. Markings of the dolphin were evident on the sides of the helmet. Fish-netted arms and legs met the blue skirt and blue boots. Her helmet was blue that matched the suit.

" Water," Lucy mumbled. Crystal nodded to agree with her. " We need to get down there." The two sisters looked at each other before they nodded and stood up.

Eclipse Storm, Ranger Form!

Crystal spun her power disk and was then was surrounded by a light yellow and orange twister. Her ninja outfit shattered to reveal a gold uniform. Markings of the swan were evident in the sides of the helmet. Fish-netted arms and legs met the gold skirt and gold boots. Her helmet was gold, matching the suit. Swan wing was on the chest and the head of the swan was on the gold disk above the visor. A rapier appeared attached to her back.

Guardian of the Sun.

Lucy spun power disk and was then surrounded by a purple and black twister. Her ninja outfit shattered to reveal a silver uniform. Markings of the coyote were evident on the sides of the helmet. Fish-netted arms and legs met the silver skirt and silver boots. Her helmet was silver, matching the suit. A coyote paw was on her chest while the head was on the gold disk above the visor. A rapier appeared attached to her back.

Guardian of the Moon.

The two sisters nodded to each other. They jumped off the cliff, in front of the three. The two landed in the couching position between the Rangers and the monster. They stood and pulled out their rapier. They attacked the monster with their ninja streak.

" Who are they?" The Blue Ranger asked her team. Crystal watched from the corner of her eye. The two guys shrugged. " Did you guys ever hear of Gold and Silver Rangers?"

Crystal slid in front of the three with her rapier level. " Don't you have special weapons?" She snapped. The three nodded, pulling out the weapons.

" Cut it blue, dude." The Yellow Ranger called out, banging his hammer against the rocks. He lifted it up and slammed it down once more.

" Time for a little work out." The Blue Ranger lifted her megaphone to where her lips would be. " And one and two, and work those abs and work it."

" Is it me or are you hot?" Red asked, raising his air gun up. He pushed the trigger and shot the currents of air at the monster. The monster landed on his back with a hard thud.

Crystal charged the monster once he stood. Her blade grew gold. She slashed down on the monster. She flipped back as the creature tried to attack. She landed in a couching position as Lucy jumped up.

Lucy's feet landed on Crystal's back. She flipped and slammed her blade against the monster. He growled while Lucy's blade turned silver. She swiped across the monster's stomach, causing sparks to fly. The monster fell to the ground in a flurry of sparks before he exploded with Lucy facing the rangers.

" Identify yourselves," Red ordered. Crystal glared at him under her helmet. " Now." He demanded. Lucy turned her helmeted head over to Crystal, who quickly nodded. They turned around and walked away before streaking out of the quarry.

" Who are you?!" Yellow yelled.

Crystal stopped at the top of the cliff. She turned her helmeted head to glance at the three rangers over her shoulder. She rolled her wrist and shoved her blade in the sheath on her back.

" We're friends."