Not Mine, Never Mine, Usual Disclaimers.

A/N: This is a classic case of what was I thinking?

Dating a half Vulcan was not the easiest thing in the world, in fact sometimes James Tiberius Kirk wondered if he even loved Spock at all. Gone were the days of chasing skirts and the occasional chess match with his first officer, replaced with chess match after chess match and the occasional night of passion with his first officer. Somehow the bond between them didn't stop Spock from being an ass in their personal life at times. They had yet again disagreed, with Kirk withholding sex, even though he knew it was petty and hurting more him that it hurt Spock. It didn't help matters when Spock pointed this out to him. Jim hadn't spoken to Spock all morning and with the next planet exploration scheduled for that afternoon, it wasn't likely to change any time soon. The planet in question turned out to be boring, in Kirk's opinion. There were nothing but hills in every direction, small hills, perfectly green, not even a breeze to break the monotony. Still the plant life was "fascinating" – seriously it was only grass. Kirk wondered over to the next hill, and watched the scientists run about like kids on Christmas. He didn't even hear the footsteps as his first officer and sometimes lover came to join him.

'Captain,' Spock acknowledged.

'Spock,' Kirk responded.

'Captain, I did not wish to offend you in any way, my suggestion that we move in together was the logical progression of our relationship, as we seem to spend most of our evenings together.'

'Did you ever consider that was the problem?' Kirk answered, finding himself irrationally irritated, 'that you asked out of logic.'

'I did, however I cannot see as to why you would feel this way.'

'Maybe because logic has nothing to do with it?'

'I think our union was a mistake.'

Kirk blinked in surprise, Vulcans don't lie, flittered across his mind, 'fine, consider it over then.'

Kirk walked away from Spock, knowing that it wasn't just going to be that easy. He may not know all of the inner workings of pon farr, but he was fairly certain that the bond between them wouldn't just go away because he wanted it to. Nor would Spock's feelings, as for his own? Well he wasn't entirely convinced that what he felt for Spock was love at all. He liked Spock, he was loyal and a good chess player, but he wasn't so sure it had ever developed into anything more. Come to think of it, Spock had never told him that he loved him, so maybe this was a relationship of convenience rather than mutual attraction. Either way, Kirk was too pissed off to care at the moment, even if he hadn't been; there was small chance that he would have felt the first warning tremor.

He certainly felt the second one, as he was pitched forward as the ground shuddered in its throes of agony. As quickly as it had started, it ended. Thinking it was over, Kirk headed back to where the rest of the crew were disentangling themselves from their equipment. Wishful thinking ever rarely resulted in productivity. The third tremor was like no earth quake ever recorded in any history. The ground had become their virtual trampoline, bouncing them higher and higher with every quake. Kirk wondered if this wasn't karma's way of telling him that he shouldn't have snapped at Spock before everything when rushing past in a wave of air and blackness.