This story was inspired by Blade II, the movie. I thought, with all the crap that's happening in LA and Sunnydale, we need a new turn of events. As you read, you'll see some changes in characters that I didn't exactly plan in the beginning, but what can I say, I got creative. Hope you enjoy and feedback is ALWAYS a plus!!!!!!!!!!
Rating: R
"Summary: Buffy and Dawn move to Europe when Buffy is offered the opportunity and identity of a lifetime!!!!!!! Years later, she teams up with the old crew to save a certain Vampire's son.......uh oh!!!!!!
Disclaimer: nobody belongs to me!!!!! NONE of the characters except Morpheus!!!!! Don't send
me money or anything!!!!!
Present Day~2002
"Dawny? Are you ready yet. Giles' will be here in a minute." Buffy Summers yelled up the stairs. It was settled. She was moving. Away from Sunnydale, away from the pain and away from her mistakes. She had gotten the call a few day after the ordeal with Willow. A warrior, by the name of Blade wanted a partner. One he could trust. Someone with equal skill. He explained that he was half man, half vampire and that Whistler had referred her. At first, she sat there flabbergasted and shocked. She initially thought it a joke. She was Buffy Summers. A plain regular ...slayer...who had screwed vampires and dusted them for nearly seven years. So she would never be normal and living in Europe for a while seemed right up her alley. She had discussed it with Giles to make sure he was legit and gotten his support. She and Dawn needed change. They had suffered their mother's death, Buffy's death, Willow's self destruction, Tara's death and Giles' leaving. They needed a break. Where they could heal and focus on strengthening their bond as blood, sisters. Dawn flopped down the stairs, almost stomping and huffed.
"I really don't know if I want to go." She moaned.
"Think of it Dawny, we can shop in the french stores, have french food and did I mention the french boys?" Buffy smiled.
"Well, since you put it like that, Oh La La." She laughed.
"Go get the rest of your bags kid. We gotta plane to catch." She grinned. Turning, Willow and Xander stood behind her, smiling, sadly.
"We're gonna miss you two, Buff. We've been together since High school."
"Yea, and I can't help feeling that this is all my fault. I mean, if I wouldn't have gone all 'Miss Black Magic' and tried to kill everyone, you'd be ok. I gave Angelus a bad name, even." Willow babbled, tears sliding down her face. Buffy cringed at the name of the demon that wore her lover's face. 'Damnit, Buffy. He's not your lover anymore. He WAS your best lover, but he's not anymore.' She chastised.
"Look Will, it's not your fault I'm leaving. I just need a break and this opportunity is close to none. Besides, if I hadn't been so caught up in myself, I would have put an end to Warren, before he.....I'm sorry, Willow." Tears slid down her cheeks.
"Hey, and we'll visit often. We can fly out, chill, eat french toast and some times, Dawn can come here and visit whenever. Your home will always be here, too. No matter where you go. We love you. We're your family."
"Hello??" Buffy called out, stepping into the warehouse. It was amazing. The set up was so advanced, it almost hurt her head to think of what each machine did.
"Slayer, I presume?" A hard black man dressed in leather stated, walking from the shadows.
"Blade, I presume." She mocked back.
"Quick study. Welcome and I'm glad you could make it. Please, come in. I don't bite." Again, she cringed. Angel had said the same thing when they first met.
"Not worried about that one, Razor." He growled.
"Blade." He corrected. "I have a lot to show you and a lot to teach you. We will become assets to one another. You back me, I back you. This compound is top secret. As for your popularity among your human friends, I see you find secrets hard to keep."
"Who asked you?" She sneered.
Feisty! I like that. We have a lot to do Ms. Summers."