Chapter 1:
Harry was shocked that Hermione had been given a time turner in order to attend her classes. The look on Hermione's face had told him it was a big secret and he had no intention of revealing it.
Harry had been surprised to see Hermione in his class when she had just left the Great Hall for her other class. He thought it was odd and knew she had 2 classes at the same time again. This time he was going to find out how. He grabbed his invisibility cloak. He went to the class room Hermione said she was going to and saw her there. He furrowed his brow and walked away figuring he was just confused. As he turned the corner he saw a different room glow slightly and then Hermione walked out of it.
Harry ripped off the cloak, pulled his wand out and glowered, "Who are you? How are you imitating my best friend?"
Hermione blinked, "What are you talking about Harry?" She rolled her eyes, "I was just checking something on my way to my next class."
Harry was not convinced, "I just saw you in your class. Who are you?"
Hermione's eyes shifted and she took a deep breath, "I'm Hermione... but I'm the other Hermione in the future. Dumbledore... gave me a time turner." She pulled it out from under her shirt and showed him what it was.
"A time what?" Harry looked baffled and only half convinced.
Hermione grabbed him by his hand and walked over to an empty classroom about 30 feet away. She pulled him in the classroom and turned the time turner back 3 minutes. After the time turner took effect she walked him around the corner. Sure enough, Harry saw himself and Hermione arguing. They ducked behind the wall and waited until the 3 minutes had pass and they had caught up to themselves.
She then looked him in the eyes, "Its a time turner and it is highly restricted. Please don't tell Ronald, he never knows when to keep his mouth shut."
Harry's mouth felt dry as he swallowed the severity of what he had just found out. He looked at her befuddled, "Wizard's can time travel?"
Hermione smacked him upside the head, "Of course they can time travel, you imbecile. We can transfigure objects into animals, why would time travel be hard?"
*End Flashback*
Yet, beyond the fact that Hermione could time travel, Harry had a deep desire to simply test the time turner out. It had been a week since he had discovered how she was getting to class and his desire to try it on his own, just once, was burning within him. Harry knew that until he tried it, the desire would not dissipate. He was going to need a plan.
Harry knew from his years at the Dursley's that it was possible to steal something and return it before the owner even noticed. The item in question being a time turner made that concept even easier. Harry knew his plan needed to go flawlessly or he would upset Hermione. So, he waited until Hermione had decided to spend a long night studying. That night, as had happened so many nights before, Hermione fell asleep in the Gryffindor common room. Harry smiled and moved quietly towards Hermione.
As he approached her she stirred slight, yet, he ignored it knowing that she was sound asleep. He then used his wand to slowly slip the time turner off her neck. Finally, it was in his hands.
He had to suppress the desire to jump for joy. He ran out of the common room quietly, but, quickly. Upon getting to a dark quiet room he stared at the beautiful time turner in his hands.
Suddenly he heard the meow of Mrs. Norris. In his startled state he dropped the time turner and it shattered. The dust flew everywhere and in shock, Harry Potter breathed in some of the time dust as he tried to grab and put back together the time turner. He buckled over in pain and then suddenly, to the meowing of Mrs. Norris, Harry Potter was gone from Hogwarts as was the time turner.
Harry blacked out as the pain overcame him. When he finally woke up he was lying in the middle of a giant cave like place. The ground was rocky and looked to have cracks leading to a green fog all over it. He instinctively moved to an area without the green fog, which screamed danger. Harry pulled his wand out, "Lumos." The tip of his wand glowed faintly and helped light up the cave. That was when he saw there were dead bodies all over the cave. Men and women with guns and armor all dead. The cave looked to have been a battle zone.
Harry breathed out, "Where the hell am I?"
A voice behind him replied, "The real question is, who are you and why are you still alive?"
Author's Note:
Anyone want to take a shot in the dark at what happened? Where is he? I will be writing about 2 or 3 chapters more and then I'll post them. I would love to hear from you guys what you think is going on.
Corvus Nyx