Chapter : 00
Dean Winchester had dealt with enough of the supernatural in his life to know when something wasn't right.
His footsteps echoed eerily in the empty halls of a very familiar hospital and the hairs at the nape of his neck were standing in a strict salute alongside the fine hairs on his arms. He reached for the handgun he usually kept tucked away in one of his coats many convenient pockets and frowned as his finger brushed over bare fabric; he knew the weapon was there in reality, but it was odd that he hadn't carried it with him to dream-land like usual.
A flicker of movement at the end of the corridor drew Dean's attention away from his thoughts, and he frowned as he stiffened where he was standing; he felt exposed, open to attack as he glanced up and down the hall for somewhere to hide. Where were the nurses, the doctors? The elderly man from the third floor he made his daily round and greeted Dean with a toothless smile?
No hospital should be this quiet.
"Hello?" He called out, starting at the sound of his own echo as he took a cautious step forward.
"Dean," The voice came from everywhere at the same time it came from nowhere. Dean's head spun with the force of it, his vision blurring dangerously at the edges as he stumbled into the wall, the cool surface smooth against his cheek.
"Dean," The sound came from inside his own skull, his body and mind vibrating with the raw power in the sound. There was something dangerous in the gentle caress of the words and the electricity pulling low in Dean's gut.
He forced himself to look down the hall, where the movement that had drawn his attention had now solidified into a figure. Pale and bleeding, an open wound on the side of his head; dark hair plastered to his skull with blood, his lips pursed in a tight line and a hospital gown hanging off his emaciated form.
Blue eyes – so blue – pleading him. Begging him.
. N . N . M .
Hello, darlings! You all begged me, and since tonight is the premiere of Season 9 - and I hate putting you all in so much pain - I figured I'd give you a gift!
Here is the prologue to Novak No More, the sequel to Winchester Winter. If you haven't read WW, it might be a good idea; you will be much more likely to understand NNM.
Hope you all have a wonderful evening- enjoy Season 9! I know I will!