Lea Scott was known as the tender-hearted diva of the WWE. Though she was aggressive in the ring, she did not like seeing someone attacked outside of the ring.

Usually this resulted in her trying to pretext her boyfriend, Drew McIntyre. Along with his partners Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater. They were usually targeted by other teams. Drew was would lecture her backstage. He worried that she would be injured one day.

In fact, she had almost been triple powerbombed by The Shield almost a month ago. After beating Jinder and Heath outside the ring, they had focused their attention on Drew still inside the ring. As they lifted Drew up to deliver their signature move, Lea had jumped onto Roman's back. Locking in a sleeper. Dean had ripped her off Roman's back. They had thrown Drew out of the ring and set her up for the devastating slam. Thankfully Jinder had been quick enough to save her.

Now a month later, 3MB was finally getting the chance to exact revenge. Drew had pleaded for Lea to stay in the back, but she had refused. She wanted to support her guys. She had promised to run away if things got out of control.

Unfortunately, Lea's tender-heart couldn't allow her to stand back as Drew ruthlessly attacked Dean Ambrose. He had Dean on the mat outside relentlessly kicking the fallen man in the head. He backed up several feet and sprinted forward.

Lea was appalled at her boyfriend's actions. The very fact he was doing this in front of her made it even worse. Not caring about the consequences, she threw her body in front of Dean. Covering the unconscious man with her own body.

Drew stopped just in time. He began screaming at her. He was furious that she was protecting the same man who had tried to hurt her.

"What are you doing, Lea?"

"Stop it Drew. Look at him. He's not even moving.

"After what he tried to do to you, he deserves this. Maybe next time he puts his hands on a woman, he'll remember this beating."

Disgusted by his attitude, she refused to move. Sensing someone behind her, she turned her head and saw Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

They were just as confused as Drew. They were on high alert. If she tried to hurt Dean, they were ready to attack.

Drew was beyond pissed. He grabbed Lea by the arm and jerked her up. Dragging her off to the back yelling at her the entire time.

Once they reached 3MB's locker room, he began to scream at her. When she refused to apologize for her actions, he lost it.

He began accusing her of having feelings for Ambrose. Even though she denied it, he refused to believe her. Finally he broke up with her and kicked her out of 3MB.

Tears were streaming down her face as she ran from the arena. She just wanted to go back to the hotel and be alone.

That Friday on Smackdown, Miz decided to have her as his guest on Miz TV. Everyone wanted answers. She didn't want to talk about it but she was left without a choice.

Sitting in one of the chairs, she waited for Miz to start peppering her with questions. He could be relentless when he wanted answers.

Before she could even speak, Drew came out and interrupted. Jinder and Heath cornered Miz while Drew confronted Lea.

Once he grabbed her arm, The Shield's music hit. As usual, they surrounded the ring. Drew still had a firm grip on her arm. Squeezing it hard.

Seeing the look of pain on Lea's face, Dean jumped into the ring. As he got closer, Drew pulled Lea in front of him. Creating a human shield.

Lea could feel the tension in the air. She was not amused at Drew's actions. He was mocking her.

Dean began mouthing off. Calling Drew a pussy. Trying to incite his temper. Knowing the Scotsman would release Lea in order to fight.

Having ran Jinder and Heath out of the ring, Roman and Seth moved to block Drew in the corner. They wouldn't attack until Dean gave the signal.

They slowly began closing in. Leaving little room for escape.

Lea was nervous. The Shield didn't seem to want to hurt her. But eventually they were going to get tired of this little game Drew was playing.

She met Dean's icy stare. She hoped to end this stand off and get the hell out of the ring.

Finally Vickie Guerrero and several referees came out to ringside. Trying to break up the fight before it happened.

Seeing his chance to escape, Drew shoved Lea into Dean and slid under the ropes.

Dean grabbed Lea, steadying her. Roman and Seth moved in front of her. They were letting Drew know that she was now under The Shield's protection.

Dean pulled her out of the ring, over the barricade, and led her up the steps. Back to their locker room.

Whether she had intended it or not, she had gained the respect of all three men Monday night on Raw. Now the Hounds of Justice would serve as her personal security force.

Especially Dean Ambrose. He hated feeling indebted to anyone. So he would protect her until she no longer needed his protection.

As they reached the backstage area, she tried to leave. She was sick of men right now. She wanted to be alone. Where no one would put their hands on her.

Unfortunately, Dean had other plans. He explained how her kindness had essentially became her prison sentence. Rather she liked it or not, she would have shadows with her at all times now.

The Shield protected each other. They also protected those who would risk protecting them.