AN: So I slightly changed this prompt a little, it has the same basic idea I just took a few liberties. Enjoy.

"Momma says if you want to wear a dress you have to wear these," Arizona held up a pair of black tights as Sofia shook her head.

The little girl continued to hobble around her room half dressed as Arizona sat on the floor.

"Yes I know, personally I think your taste in fashion is right on. Wear whatever makes you happy, right? But Momma is the boss and what she says goes," Arizona picked Sofia up and sat her in her lap, "Don't tell her I said that okay?"

Sofia continued to be memorized by the toy she was holding as Arizona slowly dressed her in the tights.

"Besides, do you really want boys at the daycare looking at under your dress? No, at least not at this age right?" Arizona scrunched her face as Sofia looked at her and let out a giggle, "Thank God we aren't there yet."

Arizona waved her hands in the air after successfully putting the tights on the little girl. She hopped up on her feet and started dancing as Sofia joined her.

"And THAT'S how good cop does it!" Arizona picked Sofia up and turned towards the doorway. Callie was standing there laughing as Arizona gave her a satisfied smile and walked past her.

"And just in time," Callie said, following her two girls to the front door.

The knock came and Callie opened the door to see Derek standing there with Zola ready to take them both into daycare. Arizona zipped up Sofia's coat, handed the bag to Derek and kissed Sofia goodbye. She closed the door, leaning against it as she let out a sigh, her gaze focusing on Callie who was grinning in her direction.

Arizona walked over to the kitchen, filling the kettle with water and turning it on. She could feel Callie's gaze and she sighed knowing exactly what her wife was thinking.

"How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to hear you call me the boss,"

"Don't let it get to your head,"

"Too late," Callie walked over towards Arizona, pressing her body against her wife's. Her hands reached behind Arizona and she gave the blonde's ass a firm squeeze.

Arizona cupped Callie's cheek with her hand and pulled her into a kiss. Their lips parted and Callie tried deepening the kiss before Arizona pulled away.

"I have to get ready for work,"


"Yes Calliope," Arizona closed her eyes as Callie's lips found her pulse point, "We both have to get ready for work."

"Well I'm the boss and I say we don't have to get ready for work,"

"Oh really?"

"Really..." Callie placed her hands under Arizona's legs and lifted her up on the countertop.

Arizona wrapped her legs around Callie's waist as the brunette's hands made their way up Arizona's shirt.


"And I'll show you how bad cop gets things done,"

"Oh I know how bad cop gets things done," Arizona smirked as she watched Callie's eyes move across her body.

"Yeah?" Callie smirked, as the excitement of what was about to happen washed over her.

Arizona hopped off the counter and grabbed her jacket and her keys.

"Where are you going?" Callie asked with a pout.

"I'm going to work, that's how bad cop gets things done," Arizona laughed as Callie's jaw dropped.

"Oh you think you're clever,"

"I love you, see you at work," Arizona kissed Callie goodbye and opened the door, walking down the hallway.

"You think you've won?" Callie called down the hall as Arizona waited for the elevator.

"I don't think Calliope, I know," Arizona watched the elevator doors part and she stepped inside.

"This isn't over!"

"It never is!"

Callie was left standing alone in the hallway, frustrated and determined to get some payback.