I do not own anything.

Okay I finished This is Home and I was reading through it and I thought how nice it would be to have a story about Jak and Keira without all the pain and drama and things so I thought of this.

Basically it starts just after Jak defeats Gol and Maia and tells the story from their first kiss to when Jak goes through the rift. Hope you enjoy.


Jak sat on a huge rock over looking Sentinal Beach. He watched as the residents celebrated the defeat of Gol and Maia. Everyone was there. The four sages, Samos the green sage of course but alongside him were the others, red, blue and yellow. The residents from the surrounding villages. The geologist, gambler and warrior from Rock Village, Gordy and Willard from the Volcanic Crater even Boggy Billy had arrived surrounded by a swarm of flies. The residents of Sandover Village happily celebrated, the mayor boasted how a boy from his village had saved them, while the bird lady told stories of how Jak and Daxter would get themselves into all sorts of trouble. The sculptor chased his muse around fearing she'd run away again and the fisherman told how his boat was used to get Jak to Misty Island. The farmer sat drunk next to his beer barrel leaving it completely unguarded against young teenage hands or paws.

He looked at the small group of teenagers gathered around Daxter as he told his story and his glance wandered to small figure stood just behind them warming her small hands in front of the bonfire.

Daxter looked up and noticed Jak smiling "Hey Jak...what you doing up there?" Daxter yelled

"I'm just resting Dax...had quite a hard few weeks" Jak called back

Daxter walked through someones legs and moved closer to Jak "You know Jak...this being an ottsel thing isn't so bad...for one thing I'm allowed to drink alcohol" he grinned holding up the mug of beer up.

"Does Samos know you've got that?" Jak enquired

Daxter shook his head "What can he do...I'm one hundred and five...not as old as him but still" he chuckled

Jak laughed and shook his head "How did you work your age out at one hundred and five?" he asked

"Simple...like a croco-dog" he said "Looks like you've got company" Daxter smirked and nodded behind Jak.

Jak smiled and looked around as he heard the soft foot steps on the grass behind him. He looked up and smiled "Hey"

"Hey" she said "Mind if I join you, Daxter's getting a little...well you know?"

He shuffled up a little and smiled "Not at all Keira" he waited for her to sit "So tell me how he worked out his age at one hundred and five?"

Keira giggled and looked down at Daxter swaying around on the beach as he told the same story once again "Someone asked him if ottsel's age like croca-dogs...you know like for every year we have they have like seven" Jak nodded "So Daxter decided they did and he worked out that if he was a croca-dog he'd be one hundred and five...and that made him old enough to drink"

"Well that sounds perfectly logical I suppose" Jak said, Keira looked at him with an eye brow raised "I mean for Daxter's logic obviously" he chuckled

Keira giggled "He'll be passed out before he knows it...I don't think he's figured out he's a lot smaller than he used to be, that he won't be able to drink as much"

Jak nodded "Keira...I never got chance to thank you for what you did"

"I didn't really do anything Jak" Keira blushed pushing some hair behind her ear.

Jak chuckled "Of course you did...how would I even of got to Gol and Maia's citadel without your A-Grav"

Keira shrugged "You would have managed...you're a hero now Jak, all the girls will be throwing themselves at you" she smiled

"Is that what you think Keira that I want all them girls throwing themselves at me?" Jak asked looking at her sadly

She looked at him and shrugged "I don't know Jak...I mean when we were on top of that citadel...we almost...well..."

"Hey Jak" Some one shouted interrupting Keira "Daxter needs to go home"

Jak looked up and sighed at the sight of Daxter curled up snoring "I better get him home...I'll see ya tomorrow Keira" he smiled getting up

Keira nodded "Yes you will" she said.

An hour later Jak had put Daxter in to his bed and he sat on his own looking out the window up in to the stars and noticed how quiet it was before his gaze landed on the aqua haired girl leaving her room underneath her father's hut and heading for the beach. He quickly and quietly left his room and hut and followed her down to the beach.

He found her sat in front of the glowing embers that was the bonfire. Party remains scattered everywhere. He plonked himself down next to her and smiled "You shouldn't be wandering around here at night Keira" he said

"I couldn't sleep...seems my father is more of a party animal than we thought...all the sages are up in his lab" she said

Jak nodded "You know earlier when you said about the top of the citadel?" Jak asked Keira nodded "Well what did you mean?"

"I don't know...I guess I was just wondering if you would have kissed me if Daxter hadn't interrupted us" she shrugged looking in to the fire

Jak turned to her and gently turned her face to look at him "Do you still want to know?" he asked, Keira nodded "Well Keira, yes I would have kissed you and no I do not want every girl in the village throwing themselves at me because every other girl is not you" Jak said surprising himself with how confident he was being.

Keira's face broke in to a huge grin "You know Jak...Daxter's not here now, in fact no one is here...just us"

"Just us...sounds kind of nice" Jak whispered

She nodded "So if maybe you wanted to try again"

Jak grinned and cupped her face "Do you know how long I've wanted to do this?"

"Probably as long as I've wanted you to" Keira smiled before her's and Jak's lip's met in a slow gentle at first kiss, becoming more and more passionate with each movement.

Eventually Jak pulled away "Wow" he panted

Keira giggled as Jak rested his forehead on hers "So was it worth the wait?" she asked shyly

"You know on top of that silo...you know I channelled light eco?" Keira nodded softly "Well that was an amazing experiance...it felt so light and pure and magical...but that kiss...was even better than that" he said as his face broke out in to a wide grin.

"Wow really" Keira asked Jak nodded "So am I your girlfriend now?" she asked

Jak pulled his head away from Keira's and frowned "Well, you're a girl and you're a friend...my best non-furry friend that is" he grinned

"Oh" Keira said looking away and back at the fire

Jak chuckled quietly and turned her face to his again "Keira Hagai, will you be my girlfriend and I don't just mean a girl that is my friend"

"Oh Jak" Keira squealed launching herself at Jak and pushing his body to the sand as hers landed on top of him and their lips met once again this time in a more heat filled passionate kiss.

The next morning Jak threw a pillow at Daxter as he led snoring. Daxter shot up and opened his eyes wide before holding his head and falling back down in to the pillow "What the hell happened?" he groaned

"You decided you were old enough to drink so you got drunk...and now you have a hang over and it serves you right" Jak smirked getting up and heading for the door.

Daxter opened one eye and looked at him "Where are you going...aren't you under instructions to rest?" he said

"I feel fine and I promised Keira I'd help clean up from the party last night" Jak explained

Daxter rolled his eyes "And I suppose if Keira asks you can't say no"

"Why would I say no to my girlfriend?" Jak smirked leaving the bedroom and the hut.

Daxter jumped up "WHAT!" he yelled "Wait..." he went to follow Jak but his head hurt and he only made it as far as Jak's bed and he jumped up on it and snuggled under the covers.

Jak wandered along the beach and found Keira picking up litter. She spotted him and dropped the bag running over to him and flinging her arms around his neck before kissing him deeply. She pulled away and smiled "Morning handsome" she smiled.

Jak wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him "Good morning babe...please can you greet me like that every morning?" he asked cheekily.

"Only if my father isn't around" she giggled

Jak kissed her softly and whispered "Deal" before letting her go "So what do you need me to do?" he asked

"Could you clean up the remains of the fire please?" she asked walking back over to the litter bag she'd dropped and picked it up again "So how was old drunky this morning?" she asked

Jak chuckled "Confused about what happened and with the fact I told him I was coming to help my girlfriend clean up" he said

"I'm surprised he hasn't chased you down here to get all the info out of you" Keira giggled

Jak crouched down to scoop some ash and cinders up "I think he would have done had it not been for the marching band in his head right now" he laughed.

"Serves him right" Keira laughed

Jak stood back up and grinned at Keira "And it'll keep him out of our hair for most of the day"

Keira smiled and walked over to Jak, she handed him the rubbish bag and then wrapped her hands around his neck again "And just what do you want to do with all this time we have together ?" she teased

"Please don't call me a hero Keira...I don't want you to see me as anything other than Jak...just the Jak you know, just your Jak" Jak asked putting one arm around her waist.

Keira nodded and smiled "I like that you're my Jak"

"And I like being your Jak and I like you being my Keira" he smiled rubbing his nose against hers

Keira giggled before her lips once again found his.

"What the hell do you mean she's your girlfriend...when did that happen?" Daxter wailed as Jak got changed in to some clean clothes

He shrugged as he fastened his belt around his waist "Last night when you were passed out"

"So that means I've lost my best friend" Daxter said sadly

Jak frowned and looked at him "Why would it mean that?" he asked

"Because you'll be all for spending time with her smooching or whatever" he moaned

Jak laughed "Come on Dax...you know how long I've liked Keira...how long I've wanted to be with her...can you not just be happy for me?"

"No because I liked her too" Daxter huffed

Jak laughed again "Daxter you like every girl in the village"

"So are you in love or something?" Daxter asked

Jak shrugged "How the hell do I know what love feels like...but if it makes me feel as happy as what I do when I'm around her and as miserable as I do when I'm not then yes I'm in love with her...and my heart doesn't half beat a hell of a lot faster when she's around"

"What happened to Jak the hero who kicked ass on top of that silo?" Daxter asked grumpily

Jak smiled "He got the girl he wanted...now are you coming or not?" he asked

"I've still got a headache and I better go check in with the parents" Daxter said getting up.

Jak nodded "Okay...I'll see you tomorrow"

Jak sat cross-legged in front of Keira on the old ruins on Sentinal Beach. He grinned at Keira and reached across to take her hand "So where does your father think you are?" he asked

"Just out with you" She smiled back

Jak nodded "He knows about us then?"

Keira giggled and reached up to stroke his cheek "We've been best friends our whole lives Jak, why shouldn't we be out together?"

"But normally Daxter is tagging along" Jak smiled lazily getting lost in the feel of Keira's skin on his.

Keira smiled at the lazy look on his face "Who'd have thought all it took was getting Daxter drunk to get us together"

"I guess I should thank him" Jak whispered shuffling forward

Keira wrapped her legs around Jak's waist and he pulled her on to his lap "But then again if it wasn't for him we could have got together a lot sooner" she smiled resting her forehead against Jak's.

"Maybe we should get him drunk more often" he suggested

Keira nodded "So what would you like to do with this time we have?" she giggled

"I very much want to kiss you" Jak smirked

Keira smiled and pressed her body into Jak's "Well if you really want to"

Jak smiled and pressed his lips to hers. Keira kissed him back passionately her body pressing in to his.

Jak pulled away and panted "You're going to have to stop doing that babe"

"Why?" Keira asked playfully frowning at him

Jak laughed "Because if you don't you're going to end me"

Keira laughed and kissed him again "That's the plan" she mumbled into his mouth.

Jak grinned and kissed her back just as Samos' voice echoed through the village and Jak pulled back from her.

"Looks like thats my cue...walk me home?" she asked unwrapping her legs from around Jak and getting up.

Jak stood up and took her hand "Of course".

Jak and Keira strolled up the ramps to the hut Keira shared with her father. She turned around and was just about to wrap her arms around his neck when they heard the unmistakable sound of Samos' walking stick. Keira sighed and turned around smiling "Hi daddy"

"Where have you two been?" Samos frowned

Keira shrugged "Just down the beach"

"And where's Daxter?" he asked looking around

Jak shrugged "He wasn't feeling well"

"I bet I can guess why...now Jak we have a busy day tomorrow thank you for walking Keira home but she will be fine now" Samos said watching the couple intently.

Jak nodded "Okay...I'll see you tomorrow Keira...Samos" he said turning and walking back down the ramp

Keira watched him leave before turning to her father and frowning "You are unbelievable daddy" she huffed putting her hands on her hips

"What do you mean my girl, did you and Jak have something to do?" he asked

Keira huffed again and threw her arms in the air before marching back down the ramps and to her room.

Samos chuckled and went back to his lab.

Jak walked slowly to his hut. He turned around slightly and watched as Keira stamped down to her room and Samos walked in to his. He grinned and quietly ran over to Keira's window tapping slightly on it. Keira pulled the curtain back and smiled before opening the window.

"What are you doing Jak?" she beamed

Jak grinned "I wanted one last kiss before bed...and your father kind of wanted rid of me" he chuckled

"I know...god he treats me like such a child" Keira sighed sitting on her window ledge

Jak reached up and gently cupped her face "I shouldn't stay long" Keira nodded "But one last kiss"

Keira leaned in and pressed her lips to his in slow passion filled kiss "I'll miss you" she whispered as she pulled away.

"Me too" Jak breathed before kissing her hand and turning to leave. He stopped and turned back "I'll see you in the morning babe"

Keira blew him and kiss and watched as he ran to his own hut.

Okay end of first chapter what do you think? Please let me know. X X X X