"STEVEN!" Loki and Steve both heard Thor shouting from his room.

"WHAT IS IT THOR?!" Steve called back feeling to tired to get up from the couch.


Steve sighed turning his head slightly to look at Loki. "What is he so excited about?"

Loki shrugged not knowing either why Thor seem's so excited.


"I'M COMING THOR!" Steve shouted louder then Thor interrupting him as he got up from the couch and started to make his way to Thor's room with Loki following close behind him.

"STEVEN!" Thor shouted in Steve's face the second Loki and Steve came into his room.

"What do you want Thor." Steve asked as calmly as possible.

"Look at what Anthony did!"Thor screeched in excitement while pointing down at the little puppy Tony who is sitting on the floor in front of letters that spelled out 'I'm Tony.' In dog biscuits.

"Oh my gosh!" Steve gasped covering his mouth.

"How did you teach him to spell his name Steven?" Thor asked hopelessly clueless earning a 'Are you kidding me right now.' glare from Tony.

"No Thor. That is Tony." Steve whispered taking his hand away from his mouth bending down next to Tony. "I'm so sorry Tony." Steve apologized feeling guilty about this. Tony just shook his head as if to say that it wasn't his fault which earned a sad smile from Steve.

"But i thought you said Anthony-" Thor stopped himself from talking anymore when he finally caught on to the situation. "Loki." Thor sighed in disappointment.

"Yes Brother?" Loki finally spoke up trying to act innocent.

"Don't 'Yes Brother.' Me. Remove your enchantment from friend Anthony immediately." Thor demanded.

"What makes you think i know how to remove it?" Loki questioned.

"Loki, you know how to do all sorts of magic... You've done this trick before on Sif. You know how to remove it." Thor insisted.

"Fine." Loki sighed turning his attention over to Tony turning him back into himself.

The End.

I am so sorry this chapter is so short. I just really wanted to end it already cause i wasn't to sure if you guys liked it or not and i didn't want to keep writing a story no one was reading or liked. But if you really did like it i am super sorry about the lousy ending:(