Kate's P.o.v

I can't even believe what I just heard. I can't even move from the shock all I can successfully do is start crying. I've had a crush on Humphrey since we were pup but during alpha training I realized he would never be happy with me with the rank of alpha. I never knew he had loved me though. I thought he was just trying to be nice during the trip because we were friend and we haven't seen each other in a long time before the trip. Right then a twig snapped out side the den I was hoping it was Humphrey coming back. I was wrong, it was my mother. She went from perfectly fine to a vicious killing machine once she saw the tears on my face and the small puddle below me.

"Who the hell did this to you?" she asked growing

"Mom Humphrey.." I choked out before crying from the thought of him

"Humphrey? I'm going to kill him, and make it nice and slow with tons of pain" she barked

I was somewhat aggravated about what she had just said about him "Good luck finding him, he just came told me that he loves me and he cant see me marry some one else then he took off. So if you can find him I would love you to so I can tell him that I love him too" I barked at her in a pissed off tone

she just sat there stunned from what I just said.

"how long have you felt like this?" she asked softly

"since we were pups" this is when my mom really shocked me. She came up and just started hugging me and I could tell she was even a bit upset.

"I'm so sorry Kate, no one should be in your position, and honestly I saw the spark in between you two for a long time I was hoping that you two would be the ones to end the separation of ranks law." she said softly

"You did?"

"Yes Humphrey was a nice guy who I knew was going to take care of you anyway he could and never give up on you or leave when things get hard." she said pulling me closer

"mom what should I do?"

"that is a good question, if you leave we will end this in war and I don't think anyone wants that to happen. But that means you'll have to marry Garth, but you could always just be with him and that is all, and maybe Humphrey will come back and we can go from there." she suggested

"what do you mean by that?"

"you marry Garth but never do anything with him let him have one kiss in front of anyone a tell him he will never get anything more then that and if Humphrey comes back we can figure something out from there"

"that sounds like a good plan" she pulls me even tighter

" I hope this works. Well ill go you might want to start getting ready for the worst few minutes of your life but the best of the packs." she said

"Okay" I answered back already going back into thought 'I hope this plan works, I don't want to be with this idiot and I hope Humphrey is okay and not out there hurt or worse.'