Forgot this one!

Imagine person A of your OTP working in a library, and person B sees them and falls in love instantly, and from there, they keep coming back to see person A during their work hours, and check out obscenely large amounts of books just to talk to them.

It was the fifth time that month. Dani looked up and smiled as the older woman carried a stack of books over to the counter. "Hi Santana."

"Hey," Santana said, panting slightly under the weight of the books. "Uh… all these. Thanks."

"What are you taking this year?"

"Uh…Econ, Irish Literature, Common Statistics, and Art History."

"Hmmm….that's an interesting schedule. So…why do you need The Joys of Lesbian Sex?"

Santana cringed. She'd gone into the sociology section and just started grabbing stuff. "Uh…it's for a friend?"

Dani smiled. "Nice try."

"It's…for a project?"

"Try again."

"I just…okay, I just started grabbing books. I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you something."

"Yeah?" Dani asked, giving her a winning smile.

"Do you want to grab coffee with me sometime?"

Dani grinned and printed Santana's library receipt. On the back of it, she wrote her phone number. "Sure. Call me when you're free."